Videos for Toddlers – Songs, Speech and Learning – Baby or Toddler Speech Delay – First Words

Our videos for toddlers with songs, speech, and learning encourage first words. If your child has a speech delay, consult your pediatrician and a speech therapist. This video includes tips from Chatterbox NYC speech therapists. Rachel is not a speech therapist. This video is for toddlers, babies and has information for parents, grandparents, caregivers, and special grow-ups in children’s lives. It focuses on speech and language development and practice. Gestures and imitation are very important in the development of speech and language. This toddler speech video also uses simple songs to help practice gestures and imitation. In our educational videos for toddlers and babies, gestures, speech, and creative play are practiced. We hope your toddler or baby enjoys this video.

You can find Chatterbox at They are brilliant speech language pathologists (SLPS) that offer virtual sessions.

We do not use much background music or animation because we want to keep the language very clear and the program simple. We try to make our show similar to a Zoom meeting with a teacher where you can learn at home. We make is slow paced on purpose.

Other things you may find helpful:

Speak and sing slowly to your child. Talk louder.

Get down on the floor with them on their level so they can see your face well.

Hold a toy that turns on, pops up, lights up etc away from the child. Say, “Ready, set…” and then if they make any sound, make the toy work. Then say, “YAY! You said “GO” If they cannot make any sounds, make the toy work when they look at you. This teaches them the power of their voice and communication. Don’t say, “No, say, Go” if they say “eh” or “ah” You want them to know that using their voice helps them get things!

If your child is late on the milestone of pointing, you can help shape their hand into a point and have them point at something they want. Then give them the item the want.

To teach the sign for more, you can give the child a little of their favorite food. Then say, “Do you want MORE” and do the sign for more. Help them (hand over hand) do the sign for more. Then give them a little more of the food. Repeat many times.

You can put a toy in a clear container with a cover so they have to ask for help getting it.

You can put toys on tall shelves so they need to point and ask for the toy.

You can sing songs with gestures and dance moves and encourage them to imitate.

You can practice taking turns by doing things like stacking blocks and saying “YOUR TURN” then saying “MY TURN” and putting on a block

You can slow down and simplify your words. Talk louder.

You can also practice hand over hand with the gestures like doing the gestures of the wheels on the bus.

#videosfortoddlers #videosfortoddlerssongs #speechdelay #toddlerspeech #toddlerlearning #firstwords #toddlerspeechdelay #speechtherapy

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master’s in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher and has a sweet 2-year-old boy who inspired her online baby music classes and learning videos!

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Let’s play Ring Around the Rosie you can Play with your mama or Dada or your Grown-up Ring Around the Rosie a pocket full of Posies ashes ashes We All Fall Down Yay Let’s do it faster Ring Around the Rosie A pocket full of Posey ashes ashes We All Fall Down down good job Let’s do it slow Ring Around the Rosie a Pocket full of Posey Ashes Ashes We All Fall Down Yay Yay I love your singing I’m so proud of You you did it Dao Hmm Down Herbie let’s sing Old MacDonald had a Farm okay and you fill in the animals And e-i-e-i you filling oh okay okay Old MacDonald Had a Farm e-i-e-i [Music] Oh good job and on that farm he had a Pig e-i-e-i [Music] Oh with an oink oink here and an oink Oink there here anoint their anoint Everywhere an oink oink Old MacDonald Had a Farm e-i-e-i Oh good job

Oink oink oink oink oink oink oink Oink oink Old MacDonald Had a Farm E-i-e-i Oh and on that farm he had a oh oh oh Of course First E-i-e-i-o with a Nae Nae here and a name There here [Music] Old MacDonald Had a Farm e-i-e-i -oh good job e-i-e-i-oh Nay nah Nah Nay Nay the tractors on the farm go from From from from from The tractors on the farm go vroom vroom Vroom all day long old MacDonald had a Farm E-i-e-i-o and on that farm he had a [Music] Old MacDonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o quack quack quack quack quack Quack quack quack quack peekaboo Yeah do you know I don’t know what it is Did you see peekaboo Old MacDonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o and on that farm he had a Moo Um It’s a green tractor wow should we put The girl on the tractor So she can ride it yeah yeah Put her on put her on put her on

[Music] Thank you for Put I’m going to go do my farm work bye Bye see you later bye bye good job Helping the girl get on the tractor old MacDonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o and on that farm he had a Chicken E-i-e-i-o with mock mock here and a box There hear about their Buck everywhere Old MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o Oh good job Turn It On Turn It On Turn It On Whoa Again Wow that’s so great ah On it’s our last animal can you guess What it is Oh I didn’t see it peekaboo what is it Pika Boo oh Pika Boo old MacDonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o and on that farm he had a Sheep sheep e-i-e-i-o we didn’t know This with a Baba here and Baba there here I thought There but everywhere Baba old MacDonald Had a sheep [Laughter] Say bye with me Peek-a-boo did you see that Pika

Boo Pick up boo it’s Elmo Can you say hi Elmo hi Elmo Elmo’s giving you a Hug oh hug Elmo kiss Elmo mwah mwah Hug Elmo peacock Boom Boom yay yay Elmo let’s sing his song This is the song Elmo song [Music] [Music] He loves to sing La La La La Elmo song [Music] He wrote the music he wrote the words Yay you did such a great job Almost giving you a kiss can you blow a Kiss to Elmo Blow a kiss Good job do you know what this is It’s a little red Car red car bye bye car do you know what This is It’s a toy Phone turn it on Turn It On Turn It On Hi hello Pretending to talk on the phone can you Pretend to talk on the phone hello is Elmo there Hi Elmo how are you today That’s good bye bye Elmo let’s sing row Row row your boat can you get out your Paddles got em

Row row row your boat gently down the Stream merrily merrily merrily merrily Life is but a dream this time you fill In the words yeah Row row row your Boat yeah gently down this Stream Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is Butter [Applause] This time let’s pretend we see a Crocodile Row row row your boat gently down the Stream if you see a crocodile don’t Forget to scream ah Ah can you do that No No oh no it’s a crocodile crocodile I wonder what’s inside here should we Open it should we open yeah okay let’s Open it Wow Choo choo chugga chugga chugga chugga Choo choo it’s a green Train bye bye train Oh pet Open Do you know what this is Yeah it’s a Bus a blue bus let’s sing and see if the Door opens the door on the bus goes open And shut open and shut open and shut the Door on the bus goes open and shut All through the town these are the

Wheels the wheels on the bus go round And round round and round round and Round the wheels on the But Good job bus go round and round it beat All through the town can you say bye bye Bus Bye bye bus bye bye bye bye Buzz good Job wow should we see what this chicken Does let’s turn it on Turn It On Turn It On Turn It Ah Wow it lights up So cool so many colors ah On on Stop Ping Herbie good listening thank you Let’s try it again okay here we go ready Do do Stop Good stopping should I give Herbie this Corn Yeah yeah yes say yeah yeah okay me give Me corn here you go Thank you Mama mama Eating yummy Herbie’s so silly he went Um Um um show them with your mouth Herbie pretend to eat corn Eating corn oh Mom Mom Yummy Eat Can you walk around skip around

Oh Rick a chick chicken away we go away We go away we go Away we go [Music] As I was walking down the street down The street down the street a very good Friend by chance to meet Up high and we came back down came back Down came back down we went up high and We came back down hi ho hi ho hi ho yay Now can you fill in the words we jumped Up high and came back down came back Down came back down we jumped up high And came back [Music] Go away we go away we Go our Riga jiggling and away we go hi Ho hi ho hi ho can you sing it A rig a chick chick and away we Go away we go away we [Music] As I was walking down the street down The street down the street a very good Friend a chance to Meet hi ho hi ho hi ho we went up high And we came back down came back down Came back down we went up high and we Came back Yay you did great I like this no Herbie Stop we need to be Gentle oh Yes gentle we’re gentle with our friends We’re gentle with our friends we’re nice And we’re gentle we’re gentle with our

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Friends can you practice being gentle With the teddy bear yeah Gentle good the teddy bear is my friend Yeah it’s a word we’re gentle yeah and Nice and gentle you’re my friend too Huh Let’s get out one little blue fish are You ready One little blue fish swimming in the Water one little blue fish swimming in The water one little blue fish swimming In the water bubble bubble bubble bubble Pop that was fun let’s get out two Little red fish Two little red fish swimming in the Water two little red fish swimming in The water two little red fish swimming In the water bubble Pop Wow Let’s Get three yellow fish Three little yellow fish swimming in the Water three little yellow fish swimming In the water three little yellow fish Swimming in the water bubble bubble Bubble bubble pop how about four green Fish I’m excited four little green fish Swimming in the water poor little green Fish swimming in the water four little Green fish swimming in the water bubble Bubble bubble bubble pop Let’s do five rainbow fish Five little rainbow fish swimming in the Water five little rainbow fish swimming In the water five little rainbow fish Swimming in the water bubble bubble

Bubble bubble pop Wow great job what color fish would you Like to do You could even do something like a Spiderman fish or a Batman fish or an Elsa fish or an on a fish or a really Sparkly striped polka dot fish I’d love To hear what you chose great job can you Help me with this puzzle What do you think it’s going to be you Say in and I’ll put in the pieces and We’ll figure out what it is put it in Put it in put it And good job put it in put it in put it And Put it and put it in put it in put it in Put it in put it in put it And what is it it’s a car puzzle wow can You help with this puzzle Put it In you did it you did the puzzle wow I Have one green Ball good job I have many balls Can you do this up and down up and down This is a green Tractor good job should we press the Button say yeah Yeah Okay turn it On That was loud turn it on Turn it on Beep beep

I love you you love me we’re a happy Family with a great big hug and a kiss From me to you won’t you say you love me Too let’s sing the I Love You song I Love you you love Me we’re a happy family with a great big Hug and a kiss from me to you won’t you Say you love me too Yay I love You you love Me we’re best friends like friends Should be with a great big hug and a Kiss from me to you won’t you say you Love me Two Yay good singing I love you you love me we’re best Friends like friends should be with the Great big hug and a kiss from me to you Won’t you say you love me too I love you you love Me we’re the happy family with a great Big Hug and a kiss from me to you won’t you Say you love me Me Too Yay that was awesome oh Siri Ah wait Herbie you need to wait We need to wait because I need to wash The strawberry Okay I want it now good waiting now you can Have it

Let’s sing The Noble Duke of York can You march Yeah good job The Noble Duke of York he Had ten thousand Men He marched them to The top of the hill and he marched them Down again And when they were up they were up and When they were down they were down and When they were only halfway up they were Neither up nor down that was so silly I Went all the way down good job The Noble Duke of York he had ten thousand Men He Marched them to the top of the hill and He marched them down again and when they Were up they were Ah good job and when they were down they Were Down and when they were only halfway Up they were knee they’re up north Down yay you did it good job nice Singing Ball Ball This is a Ball I like to throw the ball I like to Throw the ball I like to throw the Ball throw the ball all day it’s so fun To throw a ball do you like to throw a Ball do you like to throw a ball do you Like to throw a Ball throw a ball all day All Ball Woof

What’s that sound woof What animal makes that sound You’re right a dog oh hi it’s our friend Bingo hi Bingo what’s wrong you look sad I’m sad Because I forgot how to spell my name oh Help you do you guys have Guys that can help Bingo remember how to Spell his name can you help Yeah I bet if we sing the song Bingo You’ll remember okay There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o me i-n-g-o me i n g O b i n g o and Bingo was his name-o This time let’s clap for the B There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o I-n-g-o I-n-g-o I-n-g-o and Bingo was his name-o now he Clap for the B and the I there was a Farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his Name-o NGO NGO NGO and Bingo was his name-o now for the B-i-n you ready There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o Geo and Bingo was his name-o now for the B-i-n-g There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o oh Oh

When Bingo was his name-o now we’re Gonna do it for all the letters it’s Gonna be so tricky do you think you can Do it I know you can there was a farmer Who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o And Bingo was his name-o And Bingo was his name-o Yay you guys did an amazing job Thank you thank you so much do you Remember how to spell your name now I Know yay thank you thank you so much Thank you look what I found Ready Set Go Sh okay let’s get into our fire truck Are you ready Hurry Hurry Drive the fire truck Hurry Hurry Drive the fire truck Hurry Hurry Drive the fire truck ding ding ding ding Ding now it’s time to turn the corner Hurry hurry turn the corner hurry hurry Turn the corner hurry hurry turn the Corner ding ding ding ding ding now it’s Time to climb the ladder hurry hurry Climb the ladder hurry hurry climb the Ladder hurry hurry climb the ladder ding Ding ding ding ding get out the holes we Gonna squirt the water are you ready Hurry hurry squirt the water hurry hurry Hurry hurry sport the water ding ding Ding ding ding we did it we put out the Fire great job now we’re gonna go back To the station slowly Slowly slowly back to the station slowly

Slowly back to the station slowly slowly Back to the station ding ding ding ding Ding Great job firefighters high five Look what I found it’s a surprise Egg should we open it say open and we’ll See what’s inside Open it’s opening ah it’s a fire Truck what does a fire truck say Maybe if you do the siren the fire truck Will go really fast Try it louder and it will go even faster Wow good job Thank you for doing the siren I can Drive really fast when you do the siren Good job A train whistle ready Set Go Chugga chugga chugga chugga Can you do that choo choo chugga chugga Chugga chugga choo choo Can you pretend your little thumb is a Mouse and then your other hand’s gonna Be the house A quiet little mouse What a silly mouse let’s try that again That was so silly That was so silly the little mouse Surprised us good job Ready Set Go That’s cool I have a little stuffed animal do you Know what this is

It’s a lamb Can you get a stuffed animal or an Action figure to dance with and then We’ll do a dance together Mary had a little lamb little lamb Little Lamb whose fleece was white as snow That was so fun do you know what this is It’s an airplane and it’s a whistle Wow Let’s see what it does Ready Set Go Wow that’s a cool sound Five little Hot Dogs Frying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went bam how many Are left one two three four four little Hot Dogs Frying in a pan the grease got Hot and one went bam how many are left One two three three little Hot Dogs Frying in a van the grease got hot and One went bam how many left one two two Little Hot Dogs Frying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went bam How many left just one little hot dog One little hot dog frying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went [Music] How many are left there’s no hot dogs Left and I’m so hungry okay so this time We’re gonna do it with the pan going bam And it’s gonna be the biggest and yet No little Hot Dogs Frying in a pan the Pan got hot and it went Bam great job Ready Set

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Go It is so silly hey hey is a letter a is The sound that it makes a is [Music] Purple Ah Ah B is a letter but is the sound that it Makes B is a letter B for ball C c Is a letter is the sound that it makes C Is the letter goes the C cars [Music] D is a letter D is the sound that it Makes D is The d d for dog Duh duh E E is a letter e is the sound that it Makes e is a letter F goes to E Egg F Is a letter Is the sound that it makes f is a letter Goes the f Frog G G is a letter is the sound that it makes G is a letter goes the G Guitar ga ga H H is a letter is the sound that it makes H is a letter

Goes the H hat Hi Hi is the letter e is the sound that it Makes I is The I ice Eh Eh J for J I want you to jump around cause J is for jump I’m gonna make this little Guy jump J is a letter J is the sound That it makes J is a letter J goes the J J four jump [Music] Jump Okay K is a letter is the sound that it makes K is a letter Goes the K kitten Now Hell L is the letter O is the sound that it Makes L is the letter O goes the L Lamb lamb Oh Oh M m Is The sound that it makes m is [Music] Hmm N is a letter Um is the sound that it makes n is The n and for nose Um

Hmm Oh oh Is The sound that it makes O is a letter A Goes the O Orange Ah ah Pee P Is a letter is the sound that it makes p Is a letter goes the p P for pig [Music] Two Q is a letter is the sound that it makes You is a letter Says the Q Wow Q4 quilt Qua R r [Music] Is a letter is the sound that it makes R Is The r Rabbit ER ER S s is a letter s is the sound that it Makes s is a letter s goes the s Suck T is a letter T is the sound that it Makes T is the letter T goes the T Train You The letter U is the sound that it makes You is The U [Music]

Umbrella [Music] Ah Ah V v Is a letter e is the sound that makes me Vegetables W is the letter what is the sound that Makes W is the letter what goes the W Wheel What What X x is the letter X is the sound that it Makes X is a letter X goes the X Box Why Why is the letter yeah it’s the sound That it makes Y is a letter yeah goes The Y Yo yo Yeah Yeah Zebra [Applause] Z Z z z You did an amazing job Open shut them open shut them give a Little clap clap clap open shut them Open shut them put them in your laptop Creep them crawl them creep them crawl Them right up to your chin chin chin Open wide your little mouth But do not let them in that was so silly How many blocks do you think we can

Stack let’s see one Two Three four Five Count with me six [Music] Seven Eight Uh oh the blocks fell down I guess it’s time to clean them up next Let’s get out our Itsy Bitsy Spider The itsy bitsy spider went up the water South down came the rain and washed the Spider out out Came the Sun and dried up all the rain And the itsy bitsy spider went up the Spout again yay that was so much fun [Music] Okay You say open and then we’ll see what’s Inside this cool toy do you know who That is it’s big bird okay say open Open it’s opening wow oh I love this guy this is Cookie Monster It’s blue okay say open Open it’s opening oh my goodness guess Who’s next It’s Oscar the Grouch he’s so grouchy Okay that’s green and that’s gray let’s Say open again and see who’s One two three open we opened it and the Last one is our friend Elmo yay that was So fun open open Open open

We’re gonna get out some pretend bubble Gum okay so get out some pretend bubble Gum What color is yours Mine’s pink Put it in your mouth We’re gonna chew it Are you chewing your gum Okay now we’re gonna blow a really big Bubble are you ready Wow Oh no our bubble popped and the sticky Bubble gum is all over our hair hands [Music] Stick to your head And you pull them and you pull them and You pull them away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Makes your hands stick to your knees are They on your knees and you pull them and You pull up and you pull them away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Grown up and you pull up and you pull up And you follow away That was so fun

One more time Makes your hands stick to your yay Yay that was so much fun [Music] A b c d e f g H i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and Z Now I know my ABC’s next time won’t you Sing with me [Music] A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t U v w x y and z Now I know my ABCs next time won’t you Sing with me Ha Ha [Music] Do you know what this is Yeah it’s a toy airplane I’m going to Make the airplane fly through the sky Flying through the air We see the bunny sleeping till it’s me Shall we wake him Wake up soon this is Wake up little bunnies Hospital bunnies [Music] Now we’re gonna be quiet again We’ll see the bunny sleeping till it’s Nearly Noob shall we wake them [Music] They’re so still Wake UPS Ding ding ding ding ding that’s the Alarm clock wake up little bunnies skip

Little money Skip Skip Skip Skip little Bunny Skip Skip Skip Skip little bunny [Music] Should we hop again let’s do it are you Ready Time to hop hop little bunnies [Music] Great job patty cake patty cake baker’s Man bake me a cake as fast as you can Pat it roll it and Mark it with the B And put it in the oven for baby and me Can you clap clap Wow this is clapping clap Good job I’m pointing to the car I’m pointing to The car I’m pointing to the thing I want I’m pointing to the car Can you point good job pointing to the Car I want give Me Good job do you know what this is It’s a Far Yeah and it’s a barn and a silo let’s See if the doors open say open Open it opened let’s close this door Close Let’s see what happens when we press This Turn It On Turn It On Turn It On oh did You see the little chicks came up they Want to play peekaboo pika Boom so cute Oh no the Chicken is going up up up up up

The barn uh oh The chicken’s going inside are you okay Uh oh Okay I just wanted to fly up the barn Okay Up up up up up up up up So high the chicken is on top of the Barn Whoa can you help me yeah we can help Let’s get the chicken Down can you say down Down Come on we got the chicken down you save The chicken good job Turn It On Turn It On Turn It On good job you say on and the chicken Will press the button Turn It On Turn It On Turn It Oh And she takes a little rest oh it said The mama has a little Nest where she can Rest so let’s put her in you say n put Her in put her in put her And And good job she sent her now yeah Yeah put it in put it in put it In good job get out your five little Ducks good job Five little ducks went out one day over The hill and Far Away mother duck said Quack quack quack quack but only four Little ducks came back one two three Four four little ducks went out one day Over the hill and Far Away mother duck

Said quack quack quack quack but only Three little ducks came back one two Three three little ducks went out one Day over the hill and Far Away mother Duck said quack quack quack quack but Only two little ducks came back one Two Two little ducks went out one day over The hell and Far Away mother duck said Quack quack quack quack but only one Little duck came back can you show me One just one one finger One little duck went out one day over The hill and Far Away mother duck said Quack quack quack quack but none of the Five little ducks came back mother duck Is feeling very sad Sad mother duck went out one day Over the hill and Far Away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack And all of the five little ducks came Back yay The duck found its Mama thank You found my Yeah Yeah Give you a kiss Oh no the horse wants to go up the barn Up Up up up up Open I want to go inside wow Are you okay hi moku I want to go in my Pen okay go inside bye bye horse what is This animal it’s a

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Cow Moo moo moo says the cow I’m tired I Want to go to sleep the cow’s so tired She wants to go to sleep please put me To bed I’m so tired we can put the cow In here and put on the blanket let me Show you put the blanket on the cow ah Thank you so much that was so nice good Job I found another animal what is this Animal it’s uh Okay good job what does a pig say Pig Oh no No the pig is going up up And now the pig is on my Head Oh no she fell off my head Uh oh I dropped my toy can you say uh-oh Uh Oh let’s sing the uh oh song uh oh I Dropped my toy this is the uh oh song Oh I dropped my toy this is the uh oh Song oh Oh no the pig is going up up up up up And on top of Rachel’s head That’s so silly so silly Ah ah Shoe Oh no the pig fell down oh The pig likes it up up up up Up Oh no the pig is on my head so silly Ready Set

Oh the pig fell down mwah give the pig a Kiss can you blow a kiss Blow a kiss [Music] Wow look at these cool Eggs you say open and we’ll see what’s Inside Oh Pin you said open and they opened you’re So awesome And they’re all different Colors do you know what these are called They’re called Eggs Eggs good job let’s see what other Colors there are ah So beautiful the eggs are all different Colors Wow Let’s play with some more Toys I love toys do you know what this Is it’s uh Uh Now let’s stay up and we’ll see what Surprises are in the train can you say Up you say up Up good job I’m proud of you say up Up good job it’s a So cute say up Up it’s a kitty wow say up Up it’s a ducky Hooray they all came to say hi to you hi Let’s see what this toy does Turn It On Turn It On Turn It I found you Where are you

I love you The elephant is playing peekaboo with Her Ears that’s so cute I’m going to pretend That this is a cookie Eat Um You say eat Um He loves it good job should we give Elmo A cookie yeah Um He’s so happy we gave him a cookie do You have a teddy bear Wow if you want you can get out your Teddy bear for this rhyme Teddy bear teddy bear turn around teddy Bear teddy bear touch the ground teddy Bear teddy bear reach up high teddy bear Teddy bear touch the sky teddy bear Teddy bear bend down low teddy bear Teddy bear touch your toes teddy bear Teddy bear go to bed oh teddy bear teddy Bear rest your head teddy bear teddy Bear turn off the light click teddy bear Teddy bear say good night oh the teddy Bear’s so tired pretend to go to sleep Or put your teddy bear to bed Ding ding ding ding ding that’s our Alarm clock we have to get up and sing More songs teddy bear teddy bear find Your nose oink Teddy bear teddy bear touch your toes oh Touch your toes

Teddy bear teddy bear touch your knees Are you touching your knees Teddy bear teddy bear sit down please Are you sitting down good job no it’s Starting to rain can you help me sing Mr Golden Sun so the sun will come back out If you have a Shaker at home it’s time To get out your shaker Oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine Down on me oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun Hiding behind a tree these little Children are asking you to please come Out so we can play with you oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine down on Me Wow the sun is coming out but it’s still A little cloudy let’s sing it again and See if the sun comes out are you ready Okay get your Shaker oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine down on me I’ll Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun hiding Behind a tree these little children are Asking you please come out so we can Play with you oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine down on me yay Sun came out oh it’s so warm now thank You so much WoW let’s see if we can figure out where The different animals go What’s this animal Yeah it’s an elephant does it go here no That’s silly does it go here no where Does it go it goes right here it matches Let’s put it in putting it in let’s see

What else we have Where does this fish go Does it go here no that’s so silly hmm Where does it match Here yay the fish goes in the fish Pocket let’s see what we have next A square a squirrel Squirrels like to eat nuts can you Pretend to eat nuts Eating the nuts okay let’s put the Squirrel with the squirrel up here yeah That’s also a squirrel wonder what’s Gonna be next I’m so excited A bird what color is this bird Good job it’s blue Does it go here with the yellow duck no Does it go with a green frog no So silly it goes with the blue bird Yeah [Music] Wow guess what’s next What animal makes that sound Quack quack You’re invited a little yellow Duck you’re so smart let’s put it right Here with the duck Almost done we did such a good job Oh this is the tallest animal what’s the Tallest animal Uh-huh a giraffe giraffe begins with G Ooh it goes with that giraffe yay just a Few more This one’s purple do you see anything Purple

A butterfly yeah what does a butterfly Start as A caterpillar wow let’s put it right in The middle with the purple butterfly I Wonder how many are left I think two are Left What’s this A lady Bug a ladybug it’s red and black where Does it go does it go with the blue bird No does it go with the butterfly no does It go here does that match Yeah that matches wow so fun it’s our Last one we did such a good job good job So proud of us It’s a green Frog what letter does frog begin with Sounds like an F to me let’s put it in The Frog pocket how many animals did we Put in those Pockets or insects let’s Check Count with me one two three four five Six Seven eight nine we did nine wow Wow look at this cool ramp I’m Gonna Save ready set and you say go and then The car will go down the ramp Ready Set Go Wow oh he got stuck uh oh can you say Uh-oh uh oh oh now now he’s going down Wow that was fun should we put him in Put it in put it in put it in put them In the door wow take it out take it out

Take it out I took him out okay let’s Try it again you say go ready Sad Go the car Oh that was fun put it in put it in put It in oh the car’s going to sleep in the Garage good night car oh the car needs Some gas let’s get some gas over here Glug glug glug say glug glug glug glug Glug glug glug we’re giving the car some Gas glug glug glug now it’s ready to go Again Ready set go So fun that was fast Car went down down down down down Great job today wow Wow good job so proud of you that was Fun again today yeah soon Definitely this is tomorrow okay Hugs hugs and a kiss Blow a kiss No thank you it’s time for me to go can You wave bye bye bye bye Bye bye see you later bye bye Ba ba Ba Bye Bye Bye Bye [Music]

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.