Hi hmm i have an idea let’s get ready For preschool have pencil cases pouches Bags with zippers let your child Practice unzipping and zipping their own Bags and they can practice putting Supplies in their bags as well like Pencils Is it lunch time Have a lunch box or a lunch bag let your Child practice opening and closing their Very own lunchbox or lunch bag It’s time for pasting let your child Practice opening and closing their glue Of choice roll it up roll it down and Close Sealable bags are perfect for some School supplies like play foam Make sure your child knows how to open Clothes and even put their own materials Back in their syllable bag Time to hang up the jacket let your Child practice hanging up their own Jacket or sweater on hooks whether Virtual or in person encourage your Child to practice preparing their own Materials for class happy learning
Let’s Get Ready for Preschool with Monica J Sutton