My Name is Cool | Funny Hispanic Heritage Month for Kids

My Name is Cool | Funny Hispanic Heritage Month for Kids… This cool story is about the incredibly LOOOONG names that some Latino kids have. But what happens when one kid’s name is TOO long for his teacher?! KidTime StoryTime is taking a deep breath – and you will, too – to say it all out loud and see how COOL it is to have a name that’s different and a reflection of your culture, your family and all the love you inspire. And you’ll even learn a sprinkling of Spanish in the story!

From Familius Publishing and written by acclaimed Cuban American storyteller Antonio Sacre, who based this Hispanic Heritage story on his own impressively long name! Illustrated by Filipino American artist & designer Sarah Demonteverde. Her last name means ”from the green mountain” in Spanish!




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Hey Kid! If there is one thing that Latin and 
Hispanic people are kind of famous for it’s— Speaking Spanish! I— well— not what I was gonna say,   But yes, Ferra Fox.
Hoo-Hoo! I love being right! Okay, so if there’s another thing that 
Hispanic and Latin people are famous for it’s— The tango!
I was gonna say the Cha Cha Cha! Ooh that’s a good one, too.
And don’t forget the Romantic boleros.  Oh yeah so romantic… Okay yes, ALSO the music. Okay,   So there is a THIRD thing that Hispanic 
and Latin people are known for. It’s— Our delicioso food!
Okay yes, also technically correct. But what I’m wanting to say here is that one thing 
that we are famous for is having super long names! Wait a minute!
Green Bear! We don’t have any long names around 
here. What are you talking about?  Oh don’t we now? Wait, my name’s just Green 
Bear. There’s only two words.  I know but perhaps you should 
ask Collie her full name. Collie, you have a long name?
(COLLIE SAYS SHE SURE DOES) It’s not just Collie?
(COLLIE SAYS NO) What? Wait? What’s the full name 
StoryTeller? You gotta tell me! It is Melon Collie Flower Crockett De Los Rios.
Wow! That’s such a beautiful and long name But wait! There’s an even longer name among us.
(TwoTone MEOWS in) But your name is TwoTone. Like, literally one 
word. It’s actually two words put together.   Right. Like what’s the rest of the name. Well I hope you’re sitting down for this one.
I totally am. Okay, it is TwoTone Chief 
Crooked Whisker Broken Tail   Cloudy Eye Meowzers McBowsers Keeler Peepopatumus. That name is like basically bigger than you are! So without any further ado, are we ready 
to go exploring the extra long world of Latin names?   Here we go! My Name is Cool. 
Which is pretty short if you think about it. But this is just the beginning. Here we goooooo! My Name is Cool.

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I’ve got a bunch of names – a bunch! ELEVEN?!
ELEVEN?! Eleven! How did I get them all? Inquiring minds want to know. When I was born, I kept my eye 
squeezed shut so tightly that my   Mom called me Mr.. Magoo from a cartoon she loved. My Papá said I was gonna be bilingual 
like him, so he called me El Señor Magoo. Ah yes. so we have Mr. Magoo and El Señor Magoo, 
which is basically the same name but en Español. When my Tío Tito visited me in the hospital 
he said that el Señor Magoo is too long,   So he shortened it too El Goo. El Goo. How about that? They couldn’t put El Goo on my birth certificate,   So they called me Antonio Bernardo Sacre. Antonio like my papá and my Abuelo and my Bisabuelo. That’s right – like his dad, like his 
grandfather, and his great grandfather! And Bernardo after my papá’s best friend 
from Cuba who could never leave the island ever.   And Sacre, my last name. 
Three days of Life – Six names. Not a bad start. Let’s review! Three days old – six names. Mr. Magoo El Señor 
Magoo El Goo Antonio Bernardo Sacre. But that is just the beginning When we arrived home, my Abuela grabbed 
me in her arms and called me Papito,   A name Cuban grandmothers call their nietos. Oh that is very true!
And she would know. When my Prima Barbara – my cousin Barbara – 
saw me, she hugged and squeezed me a bunch. She rubbed my head and said Coquito 
– or little coconut head – because   My head was small and round and brown like a coco. When I learned to walk, I walked fast— really fast. SO fast that I bumped into lots and lots of things. I always 
had little scratches and bruises on my body. One day my Tio Miguel – that’s Uncle Michael – 
noticed my bumps and bruises and he said   Hola Futinquito! Or old beat up, run-down jalopy 
that has more dents than you could count. One year old – nine names. Let’s 
review! One-year-old – nine names. ONE! Mr. Magoo. TWO! El Señor Magoo. 
THREE! El Goo. FOUR! Antonio. FIVE! Bernardo. SIX! Sacre – or Sacre 
– if you want to roll your R. SEVEN! Papito EIGHT! Coquito NINE! 
Futinquito. And they kind of rhyme. Soon I was all grown up – five years old. He was a man.

The night before my first day of kindergarten,   I didn’t want to go to school 
at all. My papá had an idea. We made a boat of cushions and pillows 
and went on a sailing adventure. Ahoy Mateys!  Papá called himself El 
Comandante, and I chose to be El Capitán. Commander and Captain. We sailed all 
around the world over the sea of words,   Past the islands of numbers, 
near the country of shapes Which I hear is lovely at this time of year My papá told me I would visit those and 
even more wonderful places in kindergarten,   And now I couldn’t wait to go. 
There’s adventure ahead, landlubbers! As we sailed the waves, a mosquito – 
oh no – landed on my papá’s rear end! HEHEHEHEH! There’s a bug on his butt!
There’s a bug on his butt! There’s a bug on his butt. As Captain, I had to act 
fast. I smacked it SMACK!.. hard,   And my papá whooped! I showed 
him the squashed bug on my hand. He laughed and called me El Capitán de los Mosquitos!
Captain of the mosquitoes! Five years old, ten names. Let’s review! Five years old, ten names. ONE! 
Mr. Magoo. TWO! El Señor Magoo.   THREE! El Goo. FOUR! Antonio. FIVE! Bernardo – or 
let’s roll the r – Berrrnardo. SIX! Sacre. SEVEN! Papito EIGHT! Coquito NINE! 
Futinquito. TEN! El Capitán de los Mosquitos! I hope you’re getting all that. There’s 
gonna be a test after this okay? Okay? Yeah, I’m gonna expect you to jump in with me. The next morning, I walked to 
kindergarten all by myself. Uh… hold on a second All by myself! Never mind those people who 
might happen to be on another page who happen   To be walking in the same direction 
who happened to be related to me. Strange coincidence. Mrs. Green smiled at me and pointed 
towards an open desk. I sat down. She called off names from a fancy 
book. She’s taking attendance. Mary Smith! A girl said HERE! Daryl 
Washington! HERE! Then she called   Antonio Sacre! Everyone looked around the room. Antonio? I looked, too. Antonio Sacre? We all kept searching. She looked at me: Honey, are you Antonio Sacre?  

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I don’t really think that’s my name, 
I said. I’m pretty sure this is you. Aren’t you Antonio Sacre, she squinted at me. Well… You must be Antonio because I 
found a name for everyone else. Well I think my name is Mr. Magoo El Señor Magoo   El Goo Antonio Bernardo Papito El Capitán 
de los Mosquitos, I said. The class giggled. Don’t be silly, dear. What 
is your name? My name is All together now Mr. Magoo El Señor Magoo El Goo 
Antonio Bernardo Sacre Papito   Coquito Futinquito El Capitán de los Mosquitos. And the class giggled louder Please don’t cause a fuss on 
the first day of school. Your name is Antonio Sacre. Well actually, I 
think my name is more than that. It’s— But BUT?! before I could explain, one 
student in the back of the room said   “hey it’s Goo-Goo!” and another one said “Potato!” Potato?! What?! Everyone laughed out loud. I I kind of laughed, too, but I didn’t like the nicknames they called me so much. I know why. Because they’re kind of 
laughing at him. They’re not really   Making up names out of love 
like all the other 10 names. Is it ten? I’m losing track. The teacher looked at me sternly: Please 
walk to the office, talk to the principal,   And come back here with a normal name. Well… that’s not how I expected it to go. I walked into the office. A lady sat in a cozy 
chair and she pointed to a chair across from her. I understand there’s been a 
ruckus in Mrs. Green’s room.   I nodded. Look at those eyes 
full of tears, arms crossed. This is NOT the way that this kid was 
expecting the first day of school to go. What’s your name? I took a deep breath- Because he’s going to need a 
lot of air to say this, okay, So take your deep breath because 
I expect you to do this with me. I remembered who I was, and I said BIG INHALE

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My name is Mr. Magoo El Señor Magoo El Goo Antonio Bernardo Sacre Papito Coquito Futinquito 
El Capitán de los Mosquitos That was pretty good She looked right at me. Young man, can you please tell me the story of your names? Oh well, glad you asked. I told her about my whole bunch of 
names – all 10 of them. Look! He’s   He’s telling her – the principal – about 
how the dad gave him a name and then the   Mom gave a name & then the uncle gave him a name & then abuela gave him a name  Like there’s a whole 
story and it’s a really good story She smiled and her eyes crinkled at the corners. Oh! That’s a good sign. You, my friend, have a wonderful name, one 
that you should be proud of. Go back to the classroom and tell Mrs. Green that 
is your name and add this one from me. We’re adding a name?!?! 11 names!!! She leaned over the desk and whispered it in my ear. I smiled. 11 names. Look at that. So the story of the names & the water & the Palms from Cuba & the coconut because the Coquito And the sailboat and the mosquito captain and all the names are adding up and now there’s 11 names and off he goes And let’s see how this is gonna go. I raced back to my kindergarten classroom. 
There’s Mrs. Green, arms on her waist.   And I bet she’s wondering if we’ve gotten this 
all straightened out. Oh we’re gonna see. Did you clear up the problem about your 
name, Mrs. Green asked. YES! I said. My name is— BIG INHALE! Ready??? Mr. Magoo El Señor Magoo El Goo 
Antonio Bernardo Sacre Papito Coquito   Futinquito El Capitán de los Mosquitos, 
and the principal says my name is… Cool. Mrs. Green smiled and said…. Cool. I think I’m going to really like school. Oh I’m feeling so inspired!
Are you, Ferra Fox? Yes, I’m going to add to my name. From now on,   I will be known as Ferra Fawcett Fox of 
the Forest Fiddle-Dee-Dee Fiddle Faddle.

Oh that’s kind of impressive.
Thank you! Oh! I should say “gracias!” And I too have decided that I 
deserve a name as long as my neck!  Oh have you, Olivia the Ostrich? Yes! From now on, I shall be known as Dame 
Olivia the Ostrich of the Theatrical World   And the Great Adaptations of 
Plays turned into Blockbusters This is starting to sound more like a resumé And I shall be called this throughout the land! That’s a really long name And henceforth ~ Fuchsia Fish ~ I will be known as 
Social Butterfly Fuchsia Fish of the Seven Seas.   And I reserve the right to add additional 
oceans, Bays, coves, inlets, etc etc etc Oh boy. You see, StoryTeller? You have started something!
I have started something.   But you know what’s the most important thing 
that we’ve learned here today, Abuela Bear? What is it?
That no matter what your name is – no matter   How long it is or how short it is or how normal 
and average it is or how unusual and unique it is The most important thing is that you were 
given that name or all those names with what? With love BOOM

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.