Baby Learning With Ms Rachel – First Words, Songs and Nursery Rhymes for Babies – Toddler Videos

Have your baby or toddler learn with a real teacher, Ms Rachel! In this video Ms Rachel will teach key milestones and model activities that promote your baby’s brain growth and development. Babies can watch and learn while caregivers also learn the best ways to play, interact and promote learning throughout the day. 
Ms Rachel is a master at encouraging speech, language development, imaginative play, social emotional development and is always sneaking in important learning concepts! Ms Rachel’s methods and curriculum are backed by experts and research in the early childhood development field.

If your child is not meeting milestones, let your pediatrician know and call early intervention for your state. Your child may qualify for free or low cost therapies such as speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy. You can also contact a private speech therapist (speech language pathologist) for an evaluation. It’s best to act early and get your child help as soon as possible. 

In this video Ms Rachel models: 

First words such as mama, dada, uh-oh, ball, animal sounds, and car sound effects 

First sentences such as “What’s that?” “I did it” and “I want toys!” 

Gestures, which are shown to promote language development (Babies who use more gestures 9-16 months use more verbal language two years later) You can try for 16 gestures by 16 months old. 

Milestones such as clapping, waving, copying gestures, blow a kiss, point to one or more body parts, shaking head “no,” nodding “yes,” pointing with index finger, hold a toy and shake it, give a high five, quiet sign, smile at people, copy facial expressions like smiling and frowning, find hidden things easily, knows what things are for such as a telephone, brush and spoon. 

Fun games to play with baby such as Peek-A-Boo, Pat-A-Cake, This Little Piggy, Blowing bubbles, rolling a ball, with baby, stacking blocks, using shape sorters, puzzles and more! 

Fun songs that promote learning and language such as 

Wheels on The Bus
Peek A Boo Song 
Open Shut Them 
If You’re Happy And You Know It Clap Your Hands 
If You Should Meet An Elephant
We’re Waving
ABCs (The Alphabet Song)
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Walking Walking 
The More We Get Together 
London Bridges
Row Row Row Your Boat
Baby Put Your Pants On
The More We Get Together 
Shake Your Shaker 
Tick Tock, Tick Tock, I’m A Little Cuckoo Clock 
Round and Round the Garden 
Put Your Stuffy on Your Heart
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Icky Sticky Bubble Gum
Hop Little Bunnies
5 Littles Fishies Swimming in the Sea
Hurry Hurry Drive The Fire Truck

Bain development tips such as 

Read, sing and talk to your baby
Sing songs with simple gestures 
Label parts of body with child 
Give age appropriate toys to explore 
Talk and play with baby during dressing, feeding, bathing
Respond to what baby points to and talk about it 
Play on floor with baby 
Narrate your day like a sportscaster 
Respond to baby’s cries, soothe them 
Give child lots of hugs and kisses 
Play with blocks and shape sorters so child uses their hands 

Nursery Rhymes, Finger Plays and Tickles such as: 
These Are Babies Fingers
The Moon Is Round As Round Can Be 
Toast In The Toaster
How Big Is Baby? So big! 
Garden Snail and Quick Mouse 
You Be The Ice Cream 
Pizza Baby 
Trot Trot To Boston 
Aka Backa Soda Cracker 
5 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed
A Quiet Little Mouse

Visit our “Songs for Littles” YouTube Channel for many more baby learning videos, toddler learning videos, preschool learning videos, educational videos for toddlers, baby sign videos, learning videos for toddlers, Baby Learning Videos for babies to watch, Learn To Talk videos, Talking Time, Talking Toddler, videos for 1 year olds, 2 year olds, baby sensory video, 3 year olds, 4 year olds and 5 year olds! We have the best educational videos for toddlers and learning videos for kids. 

Teacher Rachel loves you and is so proud of you! 

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”Georgie” puppet Copyright 2016 – David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

[Music] Hi Hello Can you say mama Mama Mama Let’s sing it Mama Let’s clap it Mama Let’s sign it Mama Good job Clapping This is clapping Momma Can you say da da Da da Da da Let’s sing it Let’s clap it Da da Let’s sign it Da da [Music] Da Da job Can you do this Do this and a bus will come out A bus Good job Can you say beep beep Say beep beep and maybe the bus will Beep

Beep beep beep beep The bus beeped Let’s sing the wheels on the bus Together The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round round and round the Wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep Beep beep beep beep beep beep the horn On the bus goes beep beep beep all Through the town the wipers on the bus Go swish swish swish swish swish swish Swish swish swish the wipers on the bus Go swish swish swish All through the town The doors on the bus go open and shut Open and shut open and shut the doors on The bus go open and shut All through the town And [Music] The mommies on the bus go shhh [Music] The daddies on the bus say i love you i Love you i love you the daddies on the Bus say i love you all through the town The people on the bus go up and down up And down up and down people on the bus Go up and down All through the town The driver on the bus says move on back Move on back move on back the driver on The bus says move on back

All through the town The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round round and round the Wheels on the bus go round and [Music] Through the round All through the town [Music] Peek-a-boo [Music] Peek-a-boo [Music] Where did i go Peekaboo i was under the scarf Blue scarf Where is rachel where is rachel Pikavu i see you [Music] I see you I see you i see your button nose i see Your tiny toes [Music] Can you blow a kiss Blow a kiss [Music] Maybe if we blow a kiss to the teddy Bear he’ll give us a kiss back Let’s try it blow a kiss to the teddy Bear and see what happens Blow a kiss to the teddy bear [Music] He gave us a kiss he gave us a kiss back Good job blowing a kiss Can you get out your two hands

One Two Open shut them open shut them give a Little clap clap clap Open shut them open shut them put them In your lap Creep them crawl them creep them crawl Them right up to your Chin Open wide your little mouth But do not let them in Great job That was so much fun These are baby’s fingers These are baby’s toes This is baby’s belly button round and Round it goes These are baby’s knees And this is baby’s nose And this is baby’s belly button where Mommy blows It’s so silly [Music] The moon is round as round can be two Eyes a nose and a mouth like me Where are your eyes There they are Good job Where’s your Nose boop and there it is Beep Oink We found our noses Where is your mouth

[Music] Right here good job mouth where are your Ears Yeah these are your ears ears good job Where’s your hair Yeah this is our hair Hair If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hand If you’re happy and you know it stomp Your feet If you’re happy and you know it stomp Your feet If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it stomp your feet If you’re happy and you know it shout Hooray hooray if you’re happy [Music] If you’re happy and you know it to all Three [Music] And you know it [Music] Can you point to the dog Good job What does a dog say Let’s pretend to be dogs [Laughter]

See also  Learning with Ms Rachel | Learn Words and Colors for Toddlers | Educational Kids Videos | Animals

Good job Can you point to the cat Pointing to the cat Pointing to the cat What does a cat say Yeah Meow let’s pretend to be cats meow Meow [Music] Good job If you should need an elephant upon a Summer’s day What would you do And what would you say Say good morning elephant How do you do Lovely morning elephant now may i dance With you Trot [Music] [Music] [Music] Can you say go Go Say go And some cars will come out Ready Set Go Wow Wow Cars Let’s do more Let’s do more

Ready Set Go More cars More Cars yay Can you wave This is waving Wave hello Hi Hello We’re waving Waving We’re waving we’re waving we’re waving Waving waving we’re waving we’re waving We’re waving now we stop Did you stop good job let’s try clapping We’re clapping we’re clapping we’re Clapping clapping clapping we’re Clapping we’re clapping we’re clapping Now we stop Let’s try twisting We’re twisting we’re twisting we’re Twisting twisting twisting we’re Twisting we’re twisting we’re twisting Now we stop Good job hmm should we try jumping Let’s do it We’re jumping we’re jumping we’re Jumping jumping jumping we’re jumping We’re jumping we’re jumping now we saw That was so much fun great job Does a shoe go on my head No

No no no [Music] Can you shake your head no No No A shoe doesn’t Oh Does puppy Want the ball Yes Yes Can you not yes Puppy wants the ball Yes Yes yes yes Yes I want the ball Yes Yes [Music] How big is baby So big Can you put your arms up Arms up Arms up How big is baby So big Good job C abcd e f g H i j k l m n o p Q r s T u v W X

Y and z Now i know my abcs Next time won’t you sing with me [Music] Hmm Where is the bird Can you say i don’t know I don’t know Can you do that I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know Let’s call him to come out say bird with Me Bird Where are you Bird Oh The bird was in the tree Now he came out He was in the tree Slowly slowly very slowly creeps the Guard and Snail Slowly slowly very slowly up the wooden Rail Quickly quickly very quickly runs a Little mouse quickly quickly very Quickly into his little house And that was fun Let’s do it again Slowly slowly very slowly creeps the Garden snail Slowly slowly very slowly up the wooden

Rail Quickly quickly very quickly runs a Little mouse quickly quickly very Quickly into his little house That was fun We were quick like a mouse can you be Quick Quick quick and slow like a snail quick Quick like the mouse and slow like the Snail good Job The itsy bitsy spider went up the water Spout Down came the rain and washed the spider Out Out came the sun and dried up all the Rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up The spout again Let’s do more let’s do that again Itsy bitsy spider went up the water Spout Down came the rain and washed the spider Out Out came the sun and dried up all the Rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up The spout again Great job with your spider Can you pretend to be toast with me I’m toast in the toaster i’m getting Very hot Tick tock tick tock up i pop Let’s do that again that was fun I’m toast in the toaster i’m getting Very hot

Tick tock tick tock up i pop Did you pop up like toast Job You did it say i did it i did it Walking walking walking walking Running running running running running Running now we stop Now we stop Yeah that’s it Okay let’s try to tiptoe are you ready Tip toe tip toe tip toe tip toe hop hop Hop Hop hop hop Running running running running running Running now we stop Now we stop Wow y’all are so good at this Okay Let’s try marching are you ready Marching marching marching marching hop Hop hop Hop hop hop Running running running running running Running now we stop Now we stop Y’all did so good Do you think we could go a little bit Faster Okay let’s try it Marching marching marching marching hop Hop hop hop hop pop running running Running running running now we stop now We stop Wow

Y’all did so good Awesome job at following directions okay Bye-bye Look Bubbles can you say bubble Bubble Bubble Let’s blow some bubbles Ready Set Go Wow Pop Pop I’m popping the bubbles We do more bubbles Should we do More should we do [Music] More Okay Let’s do More bubbles more bubbles Beautiful bubbles Let’s do more [Music] Beautiful [Music] Pop can you say pop Pop Pop Pop the bubbles Pop Good job

[Music] The more we get together together Together the more we get together the Happier we’ll be Cause your friends are my friends and my Friends are your friends the more we get Together the happier we’ll be The more we get together together Together the more we get together the Happier we’ll be cause your friends are My friends and my friends are your Friends the more we get together the Happier we’ll be [Music] What’s that What is that It’s a ball Ball can you say ball Ball Throw the ball catch the ball Throw the ball catch the ball Yay Throw the ball catch the ball throw the Ball Oh Can you say that Uh oh I dropped the ball Oh no Oh I’ll pick it up Here it is i found it I found the ball Uh oh

Uh Oh Roll the ball Catch the ball Now let’s roll it roll Roll the ball Roll the ball catch the ball Let’s roll it Roll yay This little piggy went to market this Little piggy stayed home This little piggy had froze beef and This little piggy had none And this little piggy went All the way home [Music] Let’s sing london bridges London bridge is falling down falling Down falling down london bridge is Falling down my sweet baby So come and take a walk with me walk With me walk with me come take a walk With me my sweet baby [Music] Bridge is falling down falling down Falling down london bridge is falling Down my sweet baby [Music] Can you give a high five high five Yay Let’s give a high five high five Can you give a high five to the little Boy High five

High five So fun High five Yay Giving a high five High five High five Let’s stack some blocks These are blocks can you say blocks Blocks Up Up [Music] Up Up [Music] [Laughter] The blocks fell down Cup Boom Oh [Music] Can you smile Smiling We smile when we’re happy Can you frown This is frowning We frown when we’re Sad But now i’m happy again I’m happy again Yay Let’s sing row row row your boat get out Your paddles

Row row row your boat gently down the Stream merrily merrily merrily merrily Life is but a dream This time let’s pretend we see a Crocodile Row row row your boat gently down the Stream If you see a crocodile don’t forget to Scream Ah Look it’s a little pink bunny Let’s say go and see what happens Ready Set Go Whoa [Music] [Music] Round and round the garden like a teddy Bear One step two step tickle you under there Round and round the garden the little Bunny goes hippity hop hippity hop he’s Gonna get your nose Round and round the garden goes the Little mouse Scurry scurry scary scary into his Little house Round and round the garden looking for a Hair Where are we going to find it right up There Yeah Right up there

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[Music] Baby put your pants on pants on pants on Baby put your pants on one two three Baby put your pants on pants on pants on Baby put your pants on one two three Leg to the left leg to the right wiggle And jiggle and pull them up tight Leg to the left leg to the right wiggle And jiggle and pull them up tight Baby put your pants on pants on pants on Baby put your pants on one two three Baby put your pants on pants on pants on Baby put your pants on one two three Trot trot to boston truck trot to lynn Watch out baby or you might fall in Trout chalk to boston trot trot dover Watch out baby or you might fall over So silly Wow Can you say wow Wow it’s a shape sorter Let’s put the shapes in Star Star In I did it can you say i did it I did it Triangle Triangle In You say n Put it in put it in put it In You did it

You did it Circle Circle No No Does it go here No No You say n and we’ll put it in Put it in put it in put it In We did it We did it Can you pretend to be a clock with me Tick tock tick tock i’m a little cuckoo Cluck tick tock tick tock now i’m Striking one o’clock [Music] Tick tock tick tock i’m a little cuckoo Cluck tick tock tick tock now i’m Striking two o’clock Cuckoo Cuckoo [Music] Tick tock tick tock i’m a little cuckoo Clock tick tock tick tock now i’m Striking three o’clock [Music] Great job Can you say on On On On [Music]

Put it on put it on put it On You did it Put it on put it on put it On Yay Put it on put it on we’re putting the Rings on Put the rings on the stacker yay that Was fun Let’s do the colors Red Orange [Music] Yellow Green Blue Yay We did it Shh Can you do that Shh We have to be quiet Be quiet the baby is sleeping Good job being quiet Let’s sing twinkle twinkle Will you sing with me [Music] Twinkle twinkle little star How i wonder what you are up above the World so high Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle twinkle little star How i wonder what you are

Can you do those twinkle fingers with me All right Here we go Twinkle twinkle little star How i wonder what you are Up above a world so high Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle twinkle little star How i wonder what you Are Where is the apple Where is the apple Hmm [Music] Do you think it’s under the blanket Let’s check Oh wow The apple was under the blanket Hmm Where is the car Hmm Where is it Under the blanket Let’s check [Music] The car was under the blanket we found It We found the car I Like Cars [Music] Look It’s a toy car

Car Can you say car Car Car Car Save room from and the car will come out Vroom vroom vroom Here it is [Music] Going fast So fast fast [Music] Now it’s going slow Slow Car Slow car Bye bye car Say bye bye to the car bye bye car [Applause] Can you say beep beep Beep beep Here comes the car beep beep Beep beep beep beep driving away Hey Do you see who i have with me Yeah it’s my stuffy Their name is patches Hi We’re gonna be doing a song with our Stuffies Can you go get your stuffy so that we Can sing along Okay awesome You can follow along with the jewels

Right up here Okay let’s go Put your stuffy on your heart on your Heart Put your stuffy on your heart on your Heart Put your stuffy on your heart what a Lovely way to start put your stuffy on Your heart on your heart Put your stuffy on your knees on your Knees Put your stuffy on your knees on your Knees Put your stuffy on your knees and you’ll Both be filled with glee put your stuffy On your knees on your knees Put your stuffy on your nose on your Nose Put your stuffy on your nose on your Nose Put your stuffy on your nose then move It to your toes put your stuffy on your Nose on your nose Put your stuffy on your head on your Head Put your stuffy on your head on your Head Put your stuffy on your head then put Them straight to bed put your stuffy on Your head on your head Give your stuffy a big big hug Give your stuffy a big big hug Give your stuffy a big big hug make them Feel so safe and loved

Give your stuffy a big big hug Yeah Oh thanks for doing that song with me Bye stuffy Bye friend Acrobatica soda cracker akka back-a-boo Soda cracker up goes you Act back a soda cracker acrobatica boo Act back a soda cracker i love you Yay Patty cake patty cake baker’s man Bake me a cake as fast as you can pat it Roll it mark it with a bee and put it in The oven for baby and me Yay What do we do with a brush Or a comb Yeah we brush our hair When our hair is messy we brush it Good job What do we do with a phone Yeah we talk on the phone hello Hi mommy How are you Bye bye [Music] What do we do with a fork Yeah We eat with a fork [Music] Eat with a fork we eat with a fork what Do we do with a spoon We eat with a spoon [Music]

Maybe cereal or soup Good job [Music] You beat the ice cream and i’ll be the Freezer You be the lemon and i’ll be the Squeezer You be the hot dog and i’ll beat the bun You be the baby and we’ll have so much Fun shake shake shake Can you shake a toy shake shake shake Shake shake shake shake shake shake i’m Shaking a toy Yay Shake your shaker in the air shake it Here shake it there shake your shaker in The air shake your shaker Shake it high and shake it low shake it Yes shake it now shake it high and shake It low shake your shaker Shake it here and shake it bar drive Your shaker like a car shake it near and Shake it bar shake your shaker Shake it faster shake it slow shake it Stop shake it go shake it fast and shake It slow shake your shaker Great job shaking your shaker Let’s see how many rings we have One Two Three Four Five Six

Seven [Music] Eight We have eight rings on the stacker Good job First we need the dough pizza baby pizza Baby pizza baby pizza baby Then we spread the sauce pizza baby Pizza baby pizza baby pizza baby Then we sprinkle the cheese pizza baby Pizza baby pizza baby pizza baby Then we eat it up Yummy [Music] I Want Toys Can you do that I Want Toys Let’s play with the toys toys Toys Let’s play with this toy you say pop and We’ll see what happens Oh wow A lion popped up A lion popped up Can you pretend to be a lion Can you roar like a lion Roar I’m a lion Let’s see who’s next say pop Pop

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It’s an Elephant [Music] Can you pretend to be an elephant with Me Elephant with a big trunk [Music] We’re elephants stop stomp stomp can you Stomp like a big elephant Stop stop stop Stop stop stop good job Who’s next let’s see say pop Pop We have to say it louder Pop It worked it’s a Bear I see a bear Hi bear Roar let’s pretend to be bears can you Pretend to be a bear I’m a bear Say pop and we’ll see what the last one Is Pop Let’s say it louder Pop It worked oh It’s a little doggy Hi doggie It’s a black and white doggy So cute Let’s be doggies together [Laughter]

Now let’s eat our food Eating our food out of our bowl Now let’s drink our water Drinking our water out of our bowl Pretending to be dogs Good job [Music] Dog in the house [Music] Nesting cups let’s stack them dark blue [Music] Light blue on [Music] Pink On [Music] Yellow on [Music] Purple On [Music] Yellow again Yellow on [Music] Green on [Music] Orange on [Music] Let’s count them One Two Three Four Five six

Seven eight We have eight cups Wow Wow [Applause] [Music] They fell down That was fun [Music] Three Four Five Six [Music] Seven 8 9 10 11 12 13. 14 15 16 17 18 [Music] Little bear in a tree sitting so still Will he come out Yes he will He looks to the left He looks to the right He looks straight ahead And pops out of sight

I think he’s sleeping [Music] I think he’s sleeping Should we wake him up to say hello Say wake up bear Wake up bear We have to say it louder Wake up bear [Applause] He woke up Hello Hi bear He’s clapping He’s happy to see you Can you clap I’m tired i need to go back to sleep he Needs to go back to sleep he’s Hibernating let’s say good night there Good night bear oh Can you yawn Oh Bear’s so tired good night Wake up Let’s go back to sleep oh we’re so tired Good night Wake up Yay That was fun good night bear i love you How many monkeys do i have One Two Three Four Five

Little monkeys jumping on the bed one Fell off and bumped his head mama called The doctor and the doctor said no more Monkeys jumping on the bed How many are left One Two Three Four Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head mama Called the doctor and the doctor Said no more monkeys jumping on the bed How many are left now One Two Three Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head mama Called the doctor and the doctor said no More monkeys jumping on the bed How many are left now One Two Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor Said no more monkeys jumping on the Bed Good job How many are left now Just one little monkey One little monkey jumping on the bed he Fell off and bumped his head mama called

The doctor and the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the Bed Let’s say it nice and loud No more monkeys jumping on the Bed You did great good job Let’s put the monkeys to sleep Night night monkeys no more jumping on The bed say night night Night night monkeys I love you Night night starlight star bright First star i see tonight I wish i may I wish i might have the wish i wish Tonight We’re gonna get up some pretend bubble Gum okay so get out some pretend bubble Gum What color is yours Mine’s pink Put it in your mouth And we’re gonna chew it Are you chewing your gum Okay now we’re gonna blow a really big Bubble are you ready Wow Oh no Our bubble popped and the sticky Bubblegum is all over our hands [Music] Stick to your head And you pull them

And you pull them and you pull them away [Music] [Music] Your tummy [Music] Stick to your ears [Music] Are they on your knees and you pull them And you pull them and you pull them away [Music] [Music] That was so fun One more time Stick to your Yay That was so much fun For this next song we’re gonna sing part Of it quiet Music we call quiet piano The next part we’re gonna sing loud and Music we call that forte And we’re gonna pretend to be bunnies It’s gonna be so much fun See the bunny sleeping till it’s nearly Noon Shall we wake them with a merry tune [Music] Wake up little bunnies [Music] Till it’s near the noon [Music] Ding ding ding ding ding that’s the Alarm clock wake up little bunnies Skip little money skip skip skip skip

Little bunny skip skip skip skip little Bunnies Should we hop again let’s do it Are you ready Time to hop Hop little Bunnies hop hop hop hop little bunnies [Music] Great job can you pretend your little Thumb is a mouse Then your other hand’s gonna be the House A quiet little mouse In a quiet little house When all was quiet as quiet What a silly mouse let’s try that again That was so silly A quiet little mouse In a quiet little house When wall was quiet That was so silly The little mouse surprised us good job Okay let’s get into our fire truck are You ready Hurry hurry drive the fire truck hurry Hurry drive the fire truck hurry hurry Drive the fire truck ding ding ding ding Ding now it’s time to turn [Music] [Music] Hurry hurry climb the ladder hurry hurry Climb the ladder hurry hurry climb the Ladder ding ding ding ding ding Get out the hose we gotta squirt the

Water are you ready Hurry hurry squirt [Music] We did it we put out the fire great job Now we’re gonna go back to the station Slowly slowly slowly back to the station Slowly slowly back to the station slowly Slowly back to the station ding ding Ding Great job firefighters high five Can you get out five little fishies Good job Five little fishy swimming in the sea Teasing mr sharkey can’t catch me How long comes mr sharky quiet as can be And snap that fishy right out of the sea How many are left one Two Three Four good counting Four little fishy swimming in the sea Teasing mr shark he can’t catch me Along comes mr sharkey quiet as can be And snaps that fishy rat out of the sea How many are left count with me one two Three good job Three little fishies swimming in the sea Teasing mr sharky can’t catch me Along comes mr sharkey quiet as can be And snaps that fishy right out of the Sea good singing How many are left one Two Two little fishies swimming in the sea

Teasing mr sharkey can’t catch me Along comes mr sharky quiet as can be And snaps that fishy right out of the Sea How many are left just One One little fishy swimming in the sea Teasing mr shark he can’t catch me Oh comes mr sharky quiet as can be and Snaps that fishy right out of the sea And that was so good Great job friends Yay [Music] Us [Music]

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.