First Sentences for Toddlers | Learn to Talk | Toddler Speech Delay | Speech Practice Video English

This educational video teaches the most common and useful first sentences and phrases for toddlers! Have your child learn to talk with a real teacher, Ms Rachel!

When Ms Rachel was teaching her little boy first sentences, she couldn’t find a video that showed sentences she wanted him to learn, such as “Up, mama! and “I want juice, please!” She ended up making him his own personal video of first sentences that worked wonderfully for him! Now she’s made this video for you and your child to practice first sentences!

This video may be helpful for children with a speech delays, but if your child has a speech delay, take these steps to ensure that they get the help they need to thrive!

1. Talk to your pediatrician about your concerns
2. Call your state’s early intervention program and request an evaluation (your child may qualify for free speech therapy and other therapies if needed)
3. You could also seek out a private speech therapist for an evaluation and speech therapy if needed!

A great first sentence to practice is “I want milk” (or something your child really likes! For example TV, iPad, juice, toy) Here’s how you can help your child, gently prompting their signs hand over hand and having them say the word (if they can speak single words) 

1. You can help them point to themselves for “I” as you or they say ”I”
2. Help them do the sign for “want” as you or they say “want”
3. Help them do the sign for “milk” as you or they say “milk” 

Then give them the milk right away and say,
“Great job asking for milk!” For children who have special needs, it may also may be helpful to show a visual for each word such as a PECS system.

”Georgie” puppet Copyright 2016 – David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

Ms Rachel has a masters degree in music education from NYU. She studies early childhood education and leadership through courses and trainings at Harvard and Bank Street College. She has also been a toddler teacher at a school for children with special needs including autism, apraxia, speech delays, developmental delays, down syndrome and cerebral palsy. She has worked in homes to support families with children with special needs. She believes all children are gifted, precious and are our teachers as well! 

We have many toddler learning videos, baby learning videos, preschool learning videos, speech practice videos and early intervention skills practice videos. We have videos with speech cues and close ups of the mouth that may be helpful for children with childhood apraxia of speech or a motor speech delay. They may also be helpful for kids with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) We hope you’ll come to our homepage and check out more videos to help your little one learn and thrive! If you have a baby, 1 year old, 2 year old, 3 year old, 4 year old or 5 year old, you can find a video to suit your needs on our YouTube page. We put your baby first and not entertainment value. We are very seriously about making high quality, educational interactive videos backed by research. On our team we have a speech therapist, occupational therapist, reading specialist, early chilhood curriculum expert and a child and family therapist. No matter what you are looking for, we have the best educational video for your toddler.

#firstsentences #firstphrases #firstsentencesfortoddlers #speechdelay #videosfortoddlers #toddlerlearningvideo #learntotalk #English #speech #toddlershows #toddlerlearning #songsforlittles

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[Music] Hi friends i’m so excited to learn first Sentences with you and pick surprises From my magic bag What’s that It’s a yellow car We’re going to have so much fun Let’s start with i Want I Want Mama I Want Mommy I Want Dada I Want Daddy [Music] Let’s pick a surprise From the magic bag Wow it’s a Cake With candles on it let’s pretend to blow Them out One [Music] Two Three We blew out the candles yay [Music]

I Want to Eat I Want To Eat I Want Yogurt I Want Yogurt Time to pick something out Whoa Whoa It’s one of my favorite things it’s Kinetic sand Wow Let’s make a castle Ready Set Go Wow It’s a castle That is so neat [Music] Going to the beach [Applause] With our water and fruits and our Sunscreen and suits we’ll feel the sand And our feet as we play in the heat We’ll write our names in the sand on This beautiful edge of sketch land

We’re going to the beach I Want A drink i Want A drink I Want Water I Want Water I Want Juice I Want Juice You did such a great job let’s pick a Surprise from my magic bag You get a Silly ball That ball has a silly face on it can you Make a silly face So it’s silly [Music] I Want To play I Want To play I Want

Toys I Want Toys you got A surprise egg wow let’s open it Say open please Open please Wow It’s a little Bunny so cute Let’s wind it up and see what happens [Music] Let’s do i See I See Trees I See Trees I See Cars I See Cars I See A playground I [Music] See A playground I

Want to play [Music] Let’s pick a prize from the magic bag [Music] It’s Binoculars with a butterfly on them I can see so many things I see A squirrel Wow I see a squirrel in a tree Next Let’s do i Hear I Hear Birds I Hear Cars [Applause] [Music] [Music] Here A cat It’s a cat meowing The cat in the yard says meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow the Cat in the house says meow meow meow all Day long [Music] I Hear Music

I Love Music Time to pick a surprise Wow [Music] Look How many balls How many balls One Two Three What colors are the balls These are the three primary colors Red Yellow And Blue Wow Love You I Love You I love you I love you too I love you I love you too Giving mousey a kiss I’m giving mousey a kiss [Music] I love you mousy I Love

You Too Mousy is clapping Yay mousy [Music] Let’s pick a surprise you’re doing so Great Wow It’s a spider-man car Wow that was cool [Music] Hi Mommy Hi Daddy Hi Grandma Hi Grandpa you’re doing such a great job With your first sentences it’s time to Pick a surprise Yay I’m proud of you [Music] It’s a little Pink Box Let’s open it It’s a gold Coin It’s treasure [Music] I Smell

Flowers I smell Flowers I Smell Food I Smell Food It smells good [Music] I want more cars I’ll say More Please More Please Thank you Wow Yay I like cars do you like cars Look I see a bird Look I see Clouds Wow Look Stars Look mommy It’s a cat Look Grandpa [Music]

It’s a dog Look grandma A Look Mama Birds [Music] You get another surprise Wow Look what you got It’s a fun Squishy Ball He is so fun Squish squish i like it I Like it I Feel Happy I Feel Happy I Feel Sad I [Music] Feel Sad I Feel Mad I

See also  Learn to Talk with Ms Rachel | Baby Learning Videos | Toddler Speech | Christmas | First Words

Feel Mad I feel Excited If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it stomp Your feet If you’re happy and you know it stomp Your feet If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it stomp your feet If you’re happy and you know it shout Hooray hooray if you’re happy and you Know it shout hooray hooray if you’re Happy and you know it and you really Want to show it if you’re happy and you Know it shout hooray hooray Do you think we could do all three If you’re happy and you know it do all Three All right if you’re happy and you know It do all three Hooray if you’re happy and you know it And you really want to show it if you’re Happy and you know it do all three Hooray Now let’s pretend to fly like a

Butterfly If you’re happy and you know it flies Like a butterfly Good flying If you’re happy and you know it fly like A [Music] Oh butterfly If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it flies like a butterfly So pretty Good flying wow That was so much fun Great job If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hands Yay Wow you did such a great job Wow Yellow car Go Cars Go Mommy Go [Music] Daddy Go

[Music] Come here mommy Come over here I Like Cookies Yummy I Like to play I Like School I Like Preschool [Music] I Like Cars whoa It’s batman So fast Can you make a car go fast can you get Out a car And make it go Fast can you make a car go slow Going slow [Music] The car is going slow Should we make it go fast Yeah That was so fast oh my goodness That was so fast i didn’t even see it Wow You get a

Fire Truck how fun It has a Ladder Whoa What does a fire truck say Let’s make it go fast because the fire Truck is going to help people Let’s make it go fast That was fast okay let’s get into our Fire truck are you ready Hurry hurry drive the fire truck hurry Hurry drive the fire [Music] Now it’s time to climb the ladder Hurry hurry climb the ladder hurry hurry Climb the ladder hurry hurry climb the Ladder ding ding ding ding ding Get out [Music] We did it we put out the fire great job Now we’re gonna go back to the station Slowly Slowly slowly back to the station slowly Slowly back to the station slowly slowly Back to the station ding ding ding ding Ding Great job fire fighters high five Let’s go outside Let’s go outside Let’s go outside Let’s go outside [Applause] Can i please have the ball

Can i please Have the ball Thank you Blow Bubbles Blow Bubbles She Is blowing Bubbles I Want To Swing Yay I’m swinging I’m swinging Push me Push me please Push Me Please That was fun do you want to go on the Swings Yeah Okay Say i Want Swings I Want Swings Good job let’s go I like swinging with you

It’s so much fun [Music] Do you like to climb Me too Climbing Climbing is fun Climb climb up I like climbing Let’s climb Up [Music] So Can you say I did it I Did it I did it All by myself I did it All by myself I can do it I Can do it I’ll do it I’ll do it all by myself I can do it I can do it Let’s pick a surprise Because you’re doing so great [Music] Wow it’s a little Pink Pretend ice cream So yummy

Ice cream [Music] I scream you scream we all scream for Ice cream Can you say that Ice cream you scream we all scream for Ice cream What’s your favorite kind of ice cream Oh Wow I love cookie dough that’s good i like Sherbet oh wow That’s Orange Yummy We’re gonna get up some pretend bubble Gum okay so get out some pretend bubble Gum What color is yours Mine’s pink Put it in your mouth And we’re gonna chew it Are you chewing your gum Okay now we’re gonna blow a really big Bubble Are you ready Wow Oh no Our bubble popped and the sticky Bubblegum is all over our [Applause] [Music] Stick to your head And you pull them

And you pull them And you pull them away [Music] Stick to your elbows And you pull them and you pull them and You pull them away [Music] Away [Music] Stick to your ears [Music] Stick to your knees Are they on your knees and you pull them And you pull them and you pull them away [Music] [Music] It [Music] Away [Music] Yay That was so much fun Drink Milk He is drinking Milk All done All done [Music] She is all done Milk Please Milk Please

Juice Please Juice Please water Please Water Please Thank you Can you say thank you Thank you Yay I’m hungry I want to eat Can i have an orange please Here you go Thank you Can i Have a strawberry please Sure Here you go Thank you aaron [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Do you know where the bus is i don’t Know I don’t know Do you know where my cat is I don’t know Hmm I don’t know [Music] What’s that I don’t know

What’s that bunk bunk i don’t know Pick me up Pick me Up up Mommy Up Daddy Let’s go Let’s go [Music] Come with me Come with me Come with me Wow you get a purple egg say open please Open please [Music] It’s a beautiful shiny Ring Wow It’s so shiny Let’s put it on my finger Putting it on putting the ring on Wow it’s so beautiful Mommy Read To me Daddy read to me Grandma Read to me Grandpa Read to me My mommy My daddy My grandma

My grandpa I Love You Working Mommy’s working Daddy’s working Daddy’s working Shh Sleeping Shh Daddy’s sleeping We need to be quiet [Music] See the bunny sleeping till it’s nearly Noon Shall we wake them with a merry tune They’re so still Are they ill Wake up soon Wake up little bunnies Hot little bunnies hop hop hop hop Little bunnies hop hop hop hop [Music] Oh let’s go back to sleep See the bunny sleeping till it’s nearly Noon shall we wake them with a merry Tune They’re so still Are they ill Wake up soon Wake up little bunnies skip little bunny Skip skip skip skip little bunny skip Skip skip skip little bunny skip skip

See also  Pout Pout Fish Song

Skip skip skip skip and stop hop little Bunnies hop hop hop hop little bunnies Hop hop hop hop little bunnies Hop and stop Yay Great job Where’s rachel i got an owie you got an Owie yeah where On my toe Are you okay Yeah I’m okay owie Boo boo [Music] I have a boo-boo My head hurts I have a boo-boo on my elbow Boo-boo Owie I have an owie on my finger Miss rachel yes herbie i need a hug Oh Here you go bud [Music] Again let’s do it again So much fun Let’s do it again Again Again Yay I Like Cars Can you do that

I Like Cars [Music] I need a break I Need a break It’s too loud It’s too loud I need quiet I need quiet I need help I need help you got a Teddy bear [Music] So cute Hello I’m a teddy bear He’s giving you a kiss [Music] Do you have a teddy bear Wow If you want you can get out your teddy Bear for this rhyme Teddy bear teddy bear turn around teddy Bear teddy bear touch the ground Teddy bear teddy bear reach up high Teddy bear teddy bear touch the sky Teddy bear teddy bear bend down low Teddy bear teddy bear touch your toes Teddy bear teddy bear Go to bed oh Teddy bear teddy bear rest your head Teddy bear teddy bear turn off the light

Click Teddy bear teddy bear say good night Oh the teddy bear so tired pretend to go To sleep or put your teddy bear to bed Ding ding ding ding That’s our alarm clock we have to get up And sing more songs Teddy bear teddy bear find your nose Boink Teddy bear teddy bear touch your toes oh Touch your toes Teddy bear teddy bear touch your knees Are you touching your knees Teddy bear teddy bear sit down please Are you sitting down Good job How old are you Wow you’re getting to be so big I like to play With my friends That’s yucky Ew That’s yucky Potty Potty I Need the potty I have to go to the bathroom I have to go to the bathroom Hmm What do i need to eat my cereal I Need a spoon Here you go thank you

Now i can eat my cereal I’m thirsty I need A drink Here you go Thank you You’re welcome Want Cookie Thank you Want Orange Thank you [Music] This is yummy This is yummy Yummy strawberry Fresh teeth Brush teeth He is brushing his teeth Hey do you want to help me sing a song About brushing our teeth Okay let’s practice You got it Let’s go When you wake up in the morning it’s a Quarter to one and you want to have a Little fun you brush your teeth You brush your teeth When you wake up in the morning it’s a Quarter to two and you want to find Something to do you brush your teeth You brush your teeth When you wake up in the morning it’s a

Quarter to three and your mind starts Humming tweedle deed you brush your Teeth You brush your teeth [Music] When you wake up in the morning out of Court at a four and you think you hear a Knock at the door you brush your teeth [Music] And you just can’t wait to come alive You brush your teeth I want to play with my cars Where are my cars I don’t know Hmm I don’t know either I don’t know Where’s my teapot [Music] Here it is Can i have the monster truck Thank you [Music] Thank you My turn My turn [Music] Your turn Your turn It’s your turn I want to play with my dinosaur Where’s my dinosaur Here it is Thank you

[Music] Some of them preferred to fly They’d spread their dino wings and fly Away Let’s pretend that we’re tiny dinos Eating leaves off the ground twigs on The ground and pines and seeds now Pretend you’re a bigger dino who likes Running around charging around at super Speeds now [Music] They jump and jump and chew their plants And pray No play [Music] Let’s pretend that we’re tiny dinos Eating leaves off the ground twigs on The Now pretend you’re a bigger dino who Likes running around charging around [Music] [Music] Play [Music] Miss rachel yes i got an owie are you Okay Actually yeah i’m okay oh okay herby Stop I don’t like that stop I don’t like that No Stop No Stop

No way I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like that I don’t like that You did such a great job let’s pick a Surprise from my magic bag Wow It’s a rainbow Popper Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop So much fun You stepped on my tail by accident I’m sorry I’m so sorry I’m Sorry Who’s that Go home I want to go Home Go home Time to pick a surprise Whoa It’s a little pretend monster Should we feed him Yeah Let’s feed him [Music] I’m feeding him beans

Let’s stomp like monsters [Music] Good job The monsters stomp around the house Hurrah hurrah the monsters stomp around The house hurrah hurrah the monsters Stomp around the house their brothers And sisters kick them out so they stomp Some more outside Oh yeah Around the house Now let’s dance around the house you Ready Here we go The monsters dance around the house [Music] The monsters dance around the house Their brothers and sisters kick them out So they dance no more outside oh yeah Around [Music] Now let’s pretend to be eating what Would you eat The monsters eat around the house hurrah Hurrah the monsters eat around the house Hurrah hurrah the monsters eat around The house their brothers and sisters Kick them out so they eat some more Outside oh yeah Around the house [Music] I’m getting so tired from all that Stomping and dancing i think i need to Go to sleep how about you

Yeah let’s go to sleep would that be Quiet or loud Yeah sleeping’s quiet we call that piano In music we call quiet piano let’s go to Sleep The monsters sleep around the The house Sleep around the house [Music] The monsters sleep around the house they Sleep as quietly as a mouse And they sleep all [Music] That’s our alarm clock we have to get up And stomp more The monsters stomp around the house Hurrah hurrah the monsters jump around The house hurrah hurrah the monsters Stop around the house their brothers and Sisters kicked them out so they stomped Some more outside oh yeah Around the house You did it good job I’m going to put this monkey on the Swing I need help Can you help me Yes Thank you It’s time to clean up bye bye yellow Ball Bye bye car Bye bye cookie See you next time

See also  Virtual Preschool- Preschool & Kindergarten Lessons - Learn at Home - Circle Time with Ms. Monica

Do you want to play Yeah Let’s go [Music] Should we go up the stairs Up up up Yeah okay you say up and we’ll go up the Stairs go up go up go Up good job let’s go [Music] Now we’re at the top of the stairs Wow Should we go Down the slide Go down Let’s do it Ready Set [Music] Go [Music] Whoa that was fun [Music] Should we do More Slide Tell me with your lips [Music] More Slide More slide let’s go [Music] You did it Good job

[Music] Should we climb up this rock wall Up up up Let’s do it yeah we should climb up say Yes Yes [Music] We’re at the top Good job we climbed up To the top Up Up Climbing up [Music] Look a treasure map Pointing to the treasure map [Music] We found the treasure yay Should we go Down the slide Yeah Let’s do it Ready Set Go you said go good job Now you come down Ready Set Go [Music] Where did i go Peekaboo I was inside here i was in here Wow

A big Red Slide Do you see it A big Red slide Let’s go Down the slide come on Ready Set Go [Music] Let’s play a game i spy I spy with my little eye Something red Do you see anything red Good job it was the red slide I spy with my little eye Something Yellow You did it it was the yellow slide I spy with my little eye Something orange Yeah it was the orange fish can you make A fish face Silly Can you kiss like a fish Good job Great job playing i spy Do you want to play Yeah Come on Go up Go up go up go

Up You did it Say i did it I did it I did it Good job climbing I’m proud of you Should we play more Yeah let’s play More let’s play More yeah let’s go Wow This slide is so Big And so High Should we go down the slide Say Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah let’s do it ready Set Go [Music] You come down [Music] Where’s miss rachel Peek-a-boo I’m going to hide can you find me i’m Hiding Where do you think i am Here i am peek-a-boo So silly

Now let’s pretend we’re on a Big ship That’s a big boat And we have to turn the ship And we have to turn the other way We’re on a big ship Wow This is the way we steer the ship Steer the ship Steer the ship this is the way we steer The ship we’re steering a big ship So Big Let’s sing the itsy bitsy spider The itsy bitsy spider went up the water Spout Down came the rain and washed the spider Out Out came the sun and dried up all the Rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up The spout again Now let’s pretend we’re the spider and We’ll go up the stairs the itsy bitsy Spider went up the water spout Down came the rain and washed the spider Out Out came the sun and dried up all the Rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up The spout again We pretended to be the spider Good job [Music] Look a friend I’m going to ask him to play

Hi I’m rachel can i play Sure you can play Great What’s your name My name is rachel My name is david dogg Hi david dog Should i help the doggy go down the Slide yeah Ready set Go Push please Push Please Oh okay i can give you a push Ready Set Go [Music] David dog is going down the slide I have to stop And wait It’s not my turn yet i need to stop And wait One two Three There goes david dog he had fun Now it’s my turn I Want slide Here i go [Music] That was fun i’ll say one two three and

Then we’ll go to the slide again One Two Three Look i’m on the alligator Now i’m Off Go on go on go On Get out your paddles Row row row your vote gently down the Stream if you see an alligator don’t Forget to scream Ah Can you do that Ah Good job Is this the head of the elephant No This is a bunny Let’s see if we can find the elephant Here it is yay you did it Let’s pretend to drive Room room Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep Beep beep broom from [Music] This is the way we drive the car drive The car drive the car this is the way we Drive the car every single day Should we go faster fast this is the way We drive the car drive the car drive the Car this is the way we drive the car Every single day and that was so much

Fun good job driving I love playing at the playground with You Let’s Run Stop Did you stop Good job stop Run And stop run fast And stop Now let’s jump Jump Can you jump We’re like little bunnies jumping Can you jump high Jump high Yay [Music] Doggy is looking In the binoculars I want to turn It’s doggy’s turn now so i need to wait Now it’s my turn i did a good job Waiting [Music] Oh no David dog needs help He can’t get up the stairs he can ask For help like this Help Help Help Or he can say

Help me Help me please It’s always nice to say please Please I’ll help you Helping david dog go up Helping david dog Yay We did it together now he can go down The slide Let’s play tag Tag you’re it chase me Oh you caught me Now i’m going to chase after you [Music] I caught you I got you but you were really fast Peekaboo So silly peekaboo i see you [Music] Hello Oh Bye bye [Music] Closing the window bye bye Bye bye You did an amazing job working on your First sentences i’m so proud of you i’ll See you next time Bye bye friends Bye bye friends Bye bye friends We’ll see you again real soon [Music]

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.