Videos for Babies and Toddlers – Animal Sounds, First Words, Toddler Speech Learning Exercises

Our videos for babies and toddlers teach animal sounds, first words and encourage baby and toddler speech and language development learning. We use techniques recommended by speech therapists. Join us as we learn about pets and animal sounds in this fun “Talking Time” video! After pets, you will see some of our farm animal video and then some slow speech exercises. We hope you find the toddler speech learning exercises, activities and techniques helpful.

If you think your child may have a speech delay, talk to your pediatrician. You may qualify for free speech therapy through early intervention. You can also get an assessment from a speech therapist. The sooner you get help, the better!

Just to be clear, we ourselves are not speech therapists. Rachel has a masters in music education and teaches preschool music. She has also taught many toddler classes. If you are in New York City and are seeking a speech therapist, check out The brilliant speech therapists at Chatterbox are highly recommended and helped with our “Speech Techniques for Toddlers” video.

We also include toddler songs and baby songs in our toddler speech learning videos. Simple songs can help the development of language and gestures! Gestures and imitation are building blocks that help with language development. We also include some sign language and pretend play. Baby sign language can help with the development of language and will not impede the development of language and speech. We also model pretend play. Pretend play is an important toddler skill.

In this video we will go over the following animal sounds: Dog, cat, bunny rabbit and farm animals, cow, duck, pig, sheep and horse. Animal sounds are a great way to encourage your child to make sounds and experiment with their voice. A fun toy that may encourage language is a toy barn with toy farm animals. You can get right down on the floor at your child’s level and make the animal sounds. It may help to hold a toy by your mouth so they look at the way your mouth produces the sounds.

This video may also be helpful to children with apraxia, autism, down syndrome and other developmental delays and special needs. We hope the speech activities, exercises, lessons and training are helpful! This video is great for a baby, 1 year old, 2 year old, 3 year old, 4 year old and even older!

On our channel, we have many more speech practice videos (see our speech playlist) and we also have free preschool class videos (see our preschool class playlist) and full music classes! We have videos for babies, videos for toddlers and videos for kids. Our videos for toddlers are in English. In our videos we work on speech and language, milestones, gestures, pretend play, social emotional learning, dramatic play, art, music, math, science, circle time, finger plays, sensory play and many more activities! We’d love for you to become part of our Songs for Littles family!

If you are looking for videos for babies, 1 year olds, 2 year olds, 3 year olds, 4 year olds or even 5 year olds, our videos will be excellent choices.

#videosforbabies #videosfortoddlers #firstwords #animalsounds #toddlerspeech #animalsoundsfortoddlers #petsounds #farmanimalsounds #animalsoundsforbabies #speechdelay #speechfortoddlers #speechdevelopment #firstwords #farmanimals #babysignlanguage #animalsoundssong #apraxia #learningvideos

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master’s in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher and has a sweet 2-year-old boy who inspired her online baby music classes and learning videos!

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Peekaboo What was that Peekaboo Did you see that What’s that sound Yeah A dog makes that sound i wonder where The dog is do you see it Where Ah Ah Oh the doggy was on my Head This is a cute little doggie i think It’s a baby that’s called a puppy Can you say that Puppy Hi puppy Can you say hi to the puppy hi puppy Hi Hi Let’s pretend that we’re dogs can you Bark with me woof woof Ruff Woof [Music] Dog in the house [Music] Two more dogs Wow Can you Help me Take care of the pets today You can

Thank you Thank you [Music] Meow do you hear that sound What animal makes that sound Yeah A cat there must be a cat we need to Take care of maybe if we meow the cat Will come out meow with me Meow Meow Ah You meowed and the kitty came out Yay The cat in the yard says meow meow meow Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow the Cat in the house says meow meow meow Meow all day long Hi [Music] Oh the cat is purring that means she’s Happy Look huh Comb Let’s comb the kitty’s hair Hmm have you seen the kitty Hmm Where’s the kitty Oh She’s on my shoulder Oh thank you Hi kitty Let’s comb the kitty’s hair Or we can call it brush

Brush the kitty’s hair Fresh the kitty’s hair thank you so much For brushing my hair I love it we need to be gentle with our Pets We’re gentle with our pets we’re gentle With our pets we’re nice and we’re Gentle we’re gentle with our pets We’re gentle with our pets we’re gentle With our pets we’re nice and we’re Gentle we’re gentle with our pets [Music] This doggie is hungry And thirsty He needs something to eat And he needs something to drink He needs water to drink Can you help Yeah Say yeah Yeah Yay You say eat and the food will come out For that let’s do our e talking sound Eeee You said eat and his food came out Let’s say open and it will come out of The case For open we need our round lips The dog food came out good job Open Oh Pen Eat

[Music] Oh he’s eating He loves this food we have Thank you so much for the food it’s so Yummy Can you say that Yummy Later let’s take this doggie for a walk Dogs need lots of exercise and to play Outside [Music] This dog was playing outside in the mud And got so Dirty what should we do Give her a bath Yeah Should we give this dog a bath Yeah Okay What do i need for the bath What do we put in the bathtub Water good job i’ll go get some water i Don’t want a birth taking a bath Is fun You can play In the bath okay Um That sounds like fun Let’s do our d sound And we can give the doggie this duck to Play with in the bath we’ll put our Tongue like this You said duck and now the doggy has the Duck to play with in the bath

So happy Good job I got some water for the little Dog’s tub Bathtub You say in and we’ll put the dog in Put him in put him in put him In you said in And now the doggy’s in the bath Splash Splash Here’s your duck This is so fun I love the water What can we use to get the dog so clean Yeah Soap Put the soap on the doggy bloop bloop Wash the doggy Get the doggie so clean Playing in the bath is so much fun So much fun so much fun playing in the Bath is so much fun it’s fun to play in The bath yay The doggy is getting so clean So clean What can we use to dry up the dog Yeah A towel Let’s wrap the dog in a towel so he’s Nice and warm Wrapping the doggy in a towel Wrapping the doggy up in a towel oh Now let’s blow dry the doggy’s hair

All dry Next we’ll brush the doggy’s fur Brush Brush Oh All our pets are looking so nice we’re Taking such good care of the pets [Music] Should we put this puppy in her carrier Yeah Say yeah Okay You say in and she’ll go in Put her in put her in put her In You said in and she went in good job Let’s close it now Close Close the door Thank you so much for putting me in my Carrier i like being in here Ah The puppy blew you a kiss Can you blow the puppy a kiss mwah good Job Wow Let’s turn the carrier on you say on and It will turn on Turn it on turn it on turn it On Wow [Music] These animals need help getting out of Their house

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Can you help Help Help We need the keys to open the door You say keys and the keys will come out Keys Keys Say it again louder keys The keys came out good job this door is Blue Can you say blue blue So let’s get the blue key to open the Door What do you think’s going to be inside Hmm Can you say that Okay Put the key in Turn the key And Open It’s a Black Cat Thank you so much for opening the door So i could come out and say hello Do you see any other pets peeking Through the door You do This door Okay i’ll open the orange door Which key do you think we should use Which one matches which one’s the same Oh

The orange key Is the same as the orange door let’s try It Ruff ruff I hear a dog that wants to get out Put in the key Turn it Open the door Oh it’s the doggie Thank you so Much You got me out He’s licking you So silly [Music] Sometimes dogs do this Can you do that Pretend to be a doggy So silly Dog Dog [Music] Can you help me find my ball I can’t find it Say ball And my ball will come out Can you help the dog find his ball Let’s say ball and the ball will come Out Let’s do our b We put our lips together Ball Ball You said ball and his ball came out

Now we can give him his ball Thank you for Helping i’m so happy to have my ball Thank you for helping You said ball [Music] Thank you so much for helping me take Care of the pets you’re doing such a Great job This kitten needs some milk Can you do that Milk say milk for milk we need the m Sound Put your lips together Milk good job You said milk and the milk came out Let’s give this little kitten some milk Thank you so much for the milk I loved it Great job giving the kitten milk now Let’s give her a little food from this Bowl say eat Eat She loves it good job feeding the kitten Can you do the sign for water Water You put three fingers and then go like This Water You said water and the water came out Now we can give the dog his water He’s thirsty Can you pretend to be a sad doggie It’s okay doggy

Oh No This little dog got an owie He hurt his arm or his paw He got an owie We need to take him to the vet the Veterinarian that’s the animal doctor The animal doctor can help we can Pretend to be the animal doctor and help The doggy can you pretend with me I don’t want to go to the vet i’m scared You don’t have to be scared the vet is Nice and we’ll help you it’s good to go To the vet Okay I’ll try it inside this bag are some Things that can help the doggy feel Better Let’s open it say open Open [Music] First let’s put on the stethoscope and Listen to the doggy’s heart Does that sound good Yeah It sounds good your heart sounds good Doggy Next we have to give you a shot it will Hurt just a little bit but it will go Away very fast and you’ll feel so much Better okay See it’s okay doggy it’s okay doggy Oh really quick Did i get the shot yeah it’s all done

Doggy all done oh okay Okay doggy one more shot All done Okay i need to look in your mouth say ah Ah Can you help the doggy say ah Thank you for helping i looked in his Mouth and it looks good let’s put a Little lotion on the doggy say squeeze Squeeze Squeeze Squeeze oh he likes the lotion Now let’s look in the doggy’s ears to Make sure they look healthy Looking in the doggy’s ears That looks good let’s look in the other Ear That looks good too Nice and healthy Now let’s take the doggy’s temperature Good job doggy Oh good his temperature looks normal Next let’s put a few eye drops in his Eyes Okay Now we need to put this bandage on his Paw can you help You save on and we’ll put it on put it On put it on put it On Good job you’re helping the doggy and We’re putting on the bandage Oh I feel better with the bandage on

Oh i’m so happy that you feel better Thank you for helping Let’s put a few more bandages on his Other owies put it on put it on put it On Putting a little bandage on his tummy Next let’s put one on his leg put it on Put it on put it On good job you’re helping so much Now his leg feels better Thank you so much i feel all Better And you did such a great job we’re going To give you a treat Thank you that was delicious What’s that sound What animal makes that sound You’re right a dog Oh Hi it’s our friend bingo hmm Bingo what’s wrong you look sad I’m sad because i forgot how to spell my Name Oh We can help you do you guys at home Think you can help bingo remember how to Spell his name can you help Yeah i bet if we sing the song bingo You’ll remember okay There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo [Music] This time let’s clap for the b There was a farmer who had a dog and

Bingo was his name-o I-n-g-o I-n-g-o I-n-g-o and bingo was his name-o Now we clap for the bee and the eye There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o N-g-o N-g-o N-g-o and bingo was his name-o Now for the b-i-n you ready There was a farmer had a dog and bingo Was his name-o [Music] There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o Oh Oh and bingo was his name-o Now we’re gonna do it for all the Letters it’s gonna be so tricky do you Think you can do it i know you can There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o And bingo was his name-o And bingo was his name-o Yay You guys did an amazing Job thank you thank you so much do you Remember how to spell your name now i Know Yay Thank you Thank you so much thank you Now we have to take this puppy out of

The carrier to go outside can you help You say out and she’ll come out Take her out take her out take her Out Good job Yay Thank you so much for getting me out i Can’t wait to go outside [Music] Let’s play a game we’re gonna open some Surprise eggs and see if there are pets Inside or not Do you think there’s a pet in this Yellow egg Hmm Let’s open it say open open Oh It’s a black dog Yeah it’s a pet good job Hmm Do you think this pink egg has a pet Inside Yes or no Let’s open it Whoa It’s a bunch of silly worms that was so Silly That’s not a pet no no no Do you think there’s a pet in this green Egg Okay say open Open This is a mama Can you say mama

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Mama Mama Mama is not a pet Shake your head no no no No no no No Let’s sing mama finger Momma finger momma finger where are you Here i am here i am how do you do Say open Open Hmm Is this a pet No It’s a pea pod peekaboo is so silly Pika Peekaboo Let’s try the purple egg Open [Music] What do you think about this one Meow Meow Yeah we learned about that today a cat Is a pet What about this blue egg open Oh so cute it’s so bunny Bunny rabbits can be pets so we say yeah Yes you can be a pet Let’s make it hop say hop Hop Hop Hop Hop hey let’s sing hop little bunnies

[Music] Wake up soon This is the loud part wake up little Bunnies Hospital bunnies [Music] Now we’re gonna be quiet [Music] Shall we [Music] Wake up little bunnies Skip little money skip skip skip skip Little bunny skip skip skip skip little Bunny skip skip skip skip skip skip Should we hop again let’s do it Are you ready Time to hop Hop little bunnies huh [Music] Great job let’s try this blue egg say Open open Oh It’s not a pet it’s a dada can you say Dada you put your tongue up Da da Da da Good job Dada finger dadda finger where are you Here i am here i am how do you do Hey Let’s try this orange egg and see if we Can find a pet open Ah It’s a little doggie it’s another doggie

Yes a doggy can be a pet He’s licking you he’s giving you a big Kiss hmm let’s try this egg say open Open Oh Is this a pet No so silly It’s a truck a dump [Music] It’s our last egg do you think there’s a Pet in there Say open Open Oh It’s another Bunny Let’s make this one hop Hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop should We make it go fast Ready Set Go So fast Ready Set Go [Laughter] You made it go so fast good job Yay you did such a good job playing the Game What did we learn today Pets need food to eat They need water to drink They need love

They need to go outside for exercise and To play and to go potty Don’t pet someone else’s dog without Asking can i pet your dog Make sure to ask first An animal doctor is called a Veterinarian You can call it a vet for short Do you have a pet Miss rachel does not have a pet but That’s okay because i can pretend with The stuffed animals [Music] Wow hi mr goat hi mr goat Do you like pumpkins Do you like ice cream Banana splits I’m gonna get a banana split after this You like grass Bye-bye bye mr goat Can you show me your round lips Oh Oh You did it You get a surprise Egg Good job Say open Open Wow It’s Cow Aw Can you say hi cow

Hi cow Hey look It’s a [Music] That’s right it’s a cow Cow This cow is eating Um What does a cow say [Music] [Music] The cow on the farm says moo moo moo Moo moo moo moo moo the cow on the farm Says moo moo moo All day long [Music] You put your lips together and then They’re round [Music] C is for cow Cow This cow is with his mama Mama Mama Shh This cow is sleeping Good night cow I’m tired i want to go to sleep oh the Cow wants to go to sleep good night cow Let’s put the cow back in the egg and The cow’s gonna go to sleep Bye bye cow Bye bye Put your lips together

Bye Bye good job you did it Let’s sing old macdonald had a farm Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a horse E-i-e-i-o With a neigh neigh here and a neigh Neigh there here a neigh there nay Everywhere a neigh neigh old macdonald Had a farm e-i-e-i-o I wonder what animal will be next Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a cow e-i-e-i-o With a moo moo here and a moo moo there Here a moo there a moo everywhere a moo What’s next It’s a pig Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a pig e-i-e-i-o With an oink oink here and an anoint Going there here annoying fahrenheit Everywhere an oink oink old macdonald Had a farm e-i-e-i-o I hear a chicken Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a chicken E-i-e-i-o With a clock here and a quack cluck There here a cluck [Music] Oh how cute a little sheep Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o [Music] Oh

[Music] There here a quack there quack Everywhere a quack quack old macdonald Had a farm [Music] Yay great job singing old macdonald Let’s see what’s inside this pink egg Open It’s a little duck I see uh Duck yes great job you said duck Duck This duck is swimming Swim swim Swim Swim Can you swim like a duck Swim What does a duck say Quack quack quack quack quack quack Quack quack quack quack quack quack Quack The duck on the farm says quack quack Quack quack quack quack quack quack the Duck on the farm says quack quack quack All day long Quack quack quack quack quack can you do That quack [Music] Quack D Is for duck Duck I see three ducks

Count with me One Two Three Three Ducks Ducks are flying Fly Fly Hey Let’s fly like ducks Fly Flying through the air This is fun These ducks are silly They’re upside down Can you go upside down like a duck [Applause] Oh no This little duck can’t find its mama Maybe if we sing five little ducks the Duck will hear its mama quack can you Help can you help me find my mama Can you help the duck Let’s sing five little ducks Get out your five little ducks good job Five little ducks went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But only four little ducks came back One Two Three Four

Four little ducks went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But only three little ducks came back One two three Three little ducks went up one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack Quack but only two little ducks came Back One Two Two little ducks went out one day Over the hill and far away mother duck Said quack quack quack quack but only One little duck came back Can you show me one just one one finger One little duck went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But none of the five little ducks came Back Mother duck is feeling very Sad [Music] Sad mother duck Went out One day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack And all of the five little ducks came Back yay The duck found its mama Thank you so much i found my mama

Yay thank you Give you a Kiss you get another Egg Shake shake shake shake shake shake i Wonder what’s inside should we open it Open Okay let’s do a round mouth Oh open Okay let’s open it great job It’s a sheep Can you say hi to the gray sheep hi Sheep Hi sheep oh Wow I see a That’s right It’s a sheep Sheep This sheep is eating What does a sheep say [Laughter] The sheep on the farm says The sheep on the farm says ba ba ba All day long A sheep says We put our lips together You did it great job Shh This little lamb is sleeping This lamb is sleeping next to a tree This limb is sleeping with his mama [Music] How silly

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This little lamb is on top of his mama Later he’s going to play with his dad Say da da Da da Da da I have a little stuffed animal Do you know what this is [Music] It’s a lamb [Music] Can you get a stuffed animal or an Action figure to dance with and then We’ll do a dance together [Applause] Mary had a little [Music] Whose fleece was white as snow That was so fun Okay say Can you do that You did it You did it now we can open it good job It’s a Mama Mama Hello I’m so happy to see you I’m a mama Mama finger mama finger where are you Here i am here i am how do you do Good job Look another egg an orange egg Can you say Da

Okay let’s open it and see what’s inside It’s a dada Hi mama hi tata How are you today i’m good Dad finger dadda finger where are you Here i am here i am how do you Do that was awesome Look a blue egg Can you point to the egg Pointing to the egg let’s go up and get It go up go up go Up let’s go Wow Should we open the egg Yes Okay Let’s open it say open It’s opening oh And it’s a Pig Ah oink oink oink oink oink oink it’s a Little Pig Good job Oh look It’s a [Music] Yes pig Pig Hello pig can you wave to the pig hi pig These pigs are eating Pretend to eat like a piggy Yummy Mmm this is so yummy

What does a pig say Yeah Oink oink Oink oink Oink oink oink The pig on the farm says oink oink oink Oink oink Oink oink oink the pig on the farm says Oink oink going all day long P Is for pig Pig Pig This pig is in the green grass Night night pig Oh This pig is sleeping on his mama Goodnight pigs wow look It’s Horse you said horse great job Horse This is a brown horse What does a horse say Wow I see two horses One Two I see a white horse And a brown and white horse The horse on the farm says The horse on the farm says nay-nay nay All day long H Is for horse

Horse These horses are running can you run Like a horse They’re galloping gallop like a horse [Music] This horse is with her mama Bye bye horse wave bye bye to the horse Bye bye [Music] I found another one of our treats in a Tunnel Wow should we open it Open Let’s see what’s inside oh It’s a bunny Hop hop hop can you say hop Hop Hop Good job Do you see anything on the windowsill Yeah Yes It’s an egg let’s open it It’s a kitty cat i’m dressed as a kitty Today What does a kitty cat say Meow Meow can you meow like a kitty Meow Meow meow good job Look it’s a yellow surprise egg should We go up to get it Okay you stay up and we’ll go get it Go up go up go

Up Good job Up Up Up The stairs to get the egg Should we open it Yeah Okay say open Open [Laughter] Can you make that sound bog bog Good job Oh Wow i came down the slide and found an Egg should i open it Yeah say open Open Wow It’s a Cow What does a cow say Um [Music] Can you get out your two hands one two Great job Open shut them open shut them give a Little Clap clap clap Open shut them open shut them put them In your lap lap lap Creep them crawl them creep them crawl Them right up to your chin Open wide your little mouth

But do not let them in That was so silly Found another egg should we open it Open Yeah let’s open it Guess what it is it says quack quack Quack quack quack quack It’s a little duck can you quack like a Duck quack quack quack quack quack quack Good job Next let’s get out our itsy bitsy spider The itsy bitsy spider went up the water Spout Down came the rain and washed the spider Out Out came the sun and dried up all the Rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up The spout again yay That was so much fun [Music] Look behind me There’s an egg behind me let’s get it Let’s open it and see what’s inside Let’s see what’s in the egg Ah This animal says What animal is that Yeah it’s a little sheep Hi little sheep Say ba Ba [Music] Lips together Ba

Good job Let’s put the sheep back in the egg so We can play more put it in put it in put It In Good job Bye bye sheep can you say that bye bye Sheep Bye bye Good job let’s sing hickory dickory dock Yay Hickory dickory dock the mouse went up The clock the clock struck one the mouse Went down hickory dickory dock let’s do It again that was so much fun Let me hear you sing Hickory dickory dock the mouse went up The clock the clock struck one the mouse Went down hickory dickory dock Great job Can you pretend your little thumb is a Mouse and then your other hand’s gonna Be the house A quiet little mouse in a quiet little House When all was quiet as quiet What a silly mouse let’s try that again That was so silly A quiet little mouse In a quiet little house When wall was quiet As quiet That was so silly The little mouse surprised us good job

Herbie let’s sing old macdonald had a Farm Okay and you fill in the animals and E-i-e-i-u filling oh okay okay Old macdonald Had a farm [Music] Good job And on that farm he had a Pig E i e [Music] I Oh Good job Old macdonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a Oh oh oh oh oh oh of course Horse e-i-e-i-o With a neigh here and a neigh there here A No [Music] Tractors on the farm go vroom vroom Vroom All day long Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a [Music] Old macdonald had a farm Do you know i don’t know what it is did You see peekaboo Old macdonald had a farm

Um It’s a green Tractor wow Should we put the girl on the tractor So she can ride it Yeah Yeah Put her on put her on put her On Thank you for putting me in the tractor I’m going to go do my farm work bye bye See you later bye bye Good job helping the girl get on the Tractor Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a chicken E-i-e-i-o With bok pok here and a bok bok bear Oh Good job turn it on turn it on turn it On Whoa Again [Applause] Wow that’s so great Ah Hmm On It’s our last animal can you guess what It is oh wait peekaboo oh i didn’t see It peekaboo what is it pika And on that farm he had [Music] Old macdonald had a

[Music] Let’s sing row row row your boat can you Get out your paddles got em Row row your boat gently down the stream Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is But a dream This time you fill in the words yeah Row Row your Boat yeah gently down the s stream Merrily merrily merrily merrily [Music] [Applause] Wow This time let’s pretend we see a Crocodile Row row row your boat gently down the Stream If you see a crocodile don’t forget to Scream Can you do that ah Oh no Oh no it’s a crocodile [Music] Go [Music] Hi Eat Eat Go Go Go [Music] Up

Up Up Up I I Uh [Music] Me Me [Music] Me More [Music] [Music] [Music] No No Me [Music] Me I want I Up Go Go Go Open Oh Pen Oh Help Help Eat Eat

Eat Keys Keys [Music]

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.