Word Families for Kids (-ING Words, -ACK Words, -AM Words) | Toddler Learning Videos

#learningtimefun #learningvideosfortoddlers #wordfamilies
Learn the word families for kids with tons of word endings including -ING words, -ACK words, -AM words, -IT words, and more! This learning video for children is great for preschoolers, kindergarten students, first graders, and second graders who need to learn popular word families in a simple and easy to understand way. Through phonics and easy to understand videos your child or classroom will learn 14 word families in total. We hope you enjoy learning the word families with us!

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Learning Time Fun creates awesome kid’s educational videos for preschool age children up to 3rd grade. We specialize in educational subjects such as sight words, the opposites, telling the time, word families, and feelings and emotions, just to name a few. Learning Time Fun was created by a former stay-at-home dad who loves education in all its forms. For more information about Learning Time Fun’s story and free educational resources for kids, check out our website at

[Music] Let’s learn word families with a words A words make the sound A A Let’s practice a words together [Music] A day Day Ger A Ger A Gray Gray [Music] May [Music] Awesome job Let’s learn word families with ack words Backwards make the sound Ack Ack Let’s practice some ack words together [Music] [Music] [Music] Crack Crack [Music] Act Hack Hack [Music]

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Jack Jack Oh [Music] Act [Music] Quack Quack [Music] Rack [Music] Rack [Music] Act [Music] Hack Great job Let’s learn word families with ing words In words make the sound [Music] Let’s practice inwards together [Music] [Music] King King [Music] Ring Ring Ing [Music] Spring [Music] St [Music]

Sting Sting Sua [Music] In [Music] Great job Let’s learn word families with ale words Ale words make the sound Ale Ale Ale Let’s practice some ale words together Ale Ale Fail Jail Jail [Music] Ale [Music] Nail Nail [Music] Ale Pail Tail Er Ale Ale Sail Sail [Music] Ale

Snail Snail Snail Ale Tail Tail What Hail Ale Whale Whale Awesome job let’s learn word families With at words At words make the sound at [Music] Bat Bat At [Music] Cat Cat [Music] At [Music] Chat Chat At [Music] At Fat Fat At [Music] [Music]

At [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Great job let’s learn word families with It words It words make the sound it Let’s practice it words together [Music] It fit Fit Gur It Gir It [Music] Grit Grit [Music] It [Music] It Hit Hit [Music] It It [Music] Kit Kit [Music] It [Music]

Knit [Music] Knit [Music] It Oh It [Music] Lit lit [Music] It [Music] Mitt Mitt [Music] It [Music] It Pit Hit [Music] Quack [Music] Quit Quit It [Music] Sit Sit [Music] It What It Went

Went Awesome job Let’s learn word families with o words O words make the sound O O let’s practice o words together Bow Bow [Music] [Music] Grow [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Slow Slow [Music] [Music] Fur Toe Toe Great job Let’s learn word families with ache Words Eight words make the sound Egg Ache Ache Let’s practice some ache words together Ache [Music] Ache Bake

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Bake Ache Egg Cake Cake Ja Jake Jake Oh Egg Oh Lake Flake Egg [Music] Ache Make Make [Music] Er Ache Shake Shake [Music] Ache Ache Take Take What Ache Ache Wake Wake Well done

Let’s learn word families with ick words Ick words make the sound Ick Ick Let’s practice ick words together Fur Ick Fur ick Brick Rick [Music] Ick Ick Chick Chick Ick Ick Kick Kick Oh [Music] Ick Ick Kick Kick [Music] Kick Quack Ick Quick Quick [Music] Ick Sick

Sick St Ick Stuff Ick Stick [Music] Stick Ick Ick Thick Thick Tur Ick Turf Ick Trick Trick Well done Let’s learn word families with and words And words make the sound And [Music] And Let’s practice and words together And [Music] Fan Fan And [Music] Ann Can Can

D Ann Duff And Dan Dan Ann And Fan Fan [Music] Ann Ann Japan Japan Anne And man Man And [Music] Pan Pan [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] And And Tan Tan And

[Music] Van Van Awesome job Let’s learn word families with aut words Ought words make the sound Ought Art Let’s practice art words together Ought Bought [Music] [Music] Ott Ferg Ought Forgot Forgot [Music] Ought [Music] Not Hot Hot Er [Music] Shot Shot [Music] Art Spot Spot Well done Let’s learn word families with all words

All words make the sound All All Let’s practice all words together But All All Ball Ball All All Call Call All All Fall Fall All All Hall Hall Inst All Inst All Install Install All All Mall [Music] Stall Stall Tall

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[Music] Tall [Music] Oh Wall Wall Well done Let’s learn word families with am words Am words make the sound Am Am Let’s practice am words together Cool Am Cool Am [Music] Jam Er [Music] Sam sam Am Sp Am Spam Spam What [Music] Yam yam Great job Let’s learn word families with ogg words Ogg words make the sound Og Let’s practice ogg words together

Bull Og Bull Og Blog Blog [Music] Dog Dog Og Fog Fog [Music] Fur Og Fur Og Frog Frog Og [Music] Hog [Music] Oh [Music] Smog Smog Awesome job

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.