Toddler Music Class 2 – Baby Music Class Toddler Learning Video Songs

Here is our second full toddler music class! This is what we teach live in NYC! Includes fun songs, baby language learning, and milestones like pointing, clapping, waving, animal sounds, and body part identification. Participate in this toddler learning video with songs you love from the comfort of your own home ! I have a masters in music education and have taught music in both private and public schools. A baby music class you can do from the comfort of your own home! Ideas for toddler music class songs, curriculum Thanks for watching our music class!

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master’s in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher and has a sweet 2-year-old boy who inspired her online baby music classes and learning videos!

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Hi everyone welcome to music Let’s start with the itsy bitsy spider Get out your spider [Music] Spider went up the water spout Down came the rain and washed the spider Out Out came the sun and dried up all the Rain and the itsy bitsy spider went the Spout again that was fun i wonder if we Could do a different tempo tempo is how Fast or slow music is hmm let’s try a Faster tempo and a faster spider The itsy bitsy spider went up the water Down came the rain and washed the spider Out Out came the sun and dried up all the Rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up The spout again good job i wonder if we Could try an even faster tempo The itsy bitsy spider went up the water Spout down came the rain and washed the Spider out out came the sun and dried up All the rain and the itsy bitsy spider Went up the spout again that was so much Fun Next let’s do my favorite song It’s called open shut them for that we Need our two hands One Two are you ready [Music] [Music] Creep them grow them creep them crawl

Them right up to your chin chin Open wide your little mouth But do not let them in That was so fun next let’s get into our Boats Get out your paddles Row row row your boat gently down the Stream Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is But a dream That was so much fun This time let’s pretend we see a Crocodile Are you ready here we go Row row row your boat gently down the Stream If you see a crocodile don’t forget to Scream [Music] Maybe we should try a faster tempo Because we want to get away from that Crocodile you ready Here we go Row row row your boat gently down the Stream If you see your crocodile don’t forget To scream ah Let’s do the wheels on the bus can you Get out your wheels good job the wheels On the bus go round and round round and Round round and round the wheels on the Bus go round and round all through the Town The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep

Beep beep beep beep beep the horn on the Bus goes [Music] Through the beep The wipers on the bus go swish swish Swish swish swish swish swish swish Swish swipers on the bus go swish swish Swish All through the town The doors on the bus go open and shut Open and shut open and shut the doors on The bus go open and shut All through the town The babies on the bus go where where [Music] On the bus goes [Music] The daddies on the bus say i love you i Love you i love you the mommies on the Bus say [Music] The money on the bus [Music] The goes the driver on the bus says move On back move on back move on back the Driver on the bus says move on back all Through the town The people on the bus go up and down Up and down up and down the people on The bus go up and down All through the town Let’s go back to the wheels can you do The wheels again Great job

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round round and round the Wheels on the bus go round and round all Through the town All [Music] Can you clap that was great guess what It’s time for rachel what is the time For jewels The word of the day that’s my favorite Part The word of the day is loud Wow great i know loud things like Feathers And sleeping babies right Yeah Those things are quiet can you help Herbie think of some things that are Loud What do you think jules like a siren [Applause] Fire engines are really loud or like an Elephant watch this Wow that was great wow that sounded like Wow elephant Can i sing a loud song Sure that would be great okay A B C Kirby That’s quiet singing we want to sing Loud oh okay Oh right i forgot can you help her be


Sing loud oops okay let’s do it A b c d e f g H i j k l m n o p Q r s T u v W x Y and z Now i know my Abcs Next time won’t you sing with me I love singing loud Great job herbie that was fun Okay bye now Bye Bye Bye I’m so happy because you’re here with me Singing Let’s sing if you’re happy and you know It clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands [Music] [Music] If you’re happy and you know it stomp Your feet stomp stomp if you’re happy And you know it and you really want to Show it if you’re happy and you know it Stomp your feet If you’re happy and you know it shout Hooray hooray [Music]

And you know it [Music] If you’re [Music] [Applause] If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it turn around If you’re happy and you know it touch Your nose If you’re happy and you know it touch Your nose If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it touch your nose That was so much fun Now it’s our last time let’s clap our Hands again If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hands [Music] Great job Okay let’s get out one little blue fish Are you ready One little blue fish swimming in the Water one little blue fish swimming in The water one little blue fish swimming In the water Let’s get out two

Red fish Two little red fish swimming in the Water two little red fish swimming in The water two little red fish swimming In That was fun Let’s do three yellow fish Three little yellow fish swimming in the Water three little yellow fish swimming [Music] Great job Hey rachel Guess what it’s time for what is the Time for jules instrument of the day That’s right on their favorite part hi Herbie hi The instrument of the day is the flute Oh great fruit i like fruit bananas and Apples kiwi mangoes herbie raspberries Flute Flute oh okay it’s an instrument in the Woodwind family would you like to hear It That’s so high And pretty Can it Be higher i can go even higher if i Change my embouchure that’s the position Of my mouth well i’m by sure i’m gonna Like it That was really high yeah i loved it Okay see you later bye herbie can you Wait by the way Bye bye

When you wake up in the morning [Music] When you wake up in the morning And you want to find something to do you Brush your teeth When you wake up in the morning And your mind starts humming Your brush [Music] You brush your teeth You wake up in the morning Great job brushing your teeth friends Hey look there’s the duck Quack Quack What’s wrong little duckling i can’t Find my mother Have you tried quacking quack Quack hmm Maybe if we help the duck quack louder He’ll be able to find his mother can you Help us help the duck quack louder one Two three Quack quack quack quack quack quack Quack There she is Thank you so much Five little ducks went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But only four little ducks came back One two three four Four little ducks went up one day Over the hill and far away

Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But only three little ducks came back One two three Three little ducks went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack but only Two little ducks came back One two Two little ducks went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack But only one little dog came back One One little duck went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack But none of the five little ducks came Back Sad mother duck went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck Quack quack quack quack And all of the five little ducks came Back yay When we quack loud all of the ducks came Back Hey let’s sing head shoulders knees and Toes are you ready Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes head shoulders knees and toes knees And toes and eyes and ears and mouth and Nose head shoulders knees and toes knees And toes Great singing

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Let’s do it with the potato head Shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes and eyes and ears and mouth and Nose Knees and toes knees and toes That was so fun [Music] I’ve gotta shake shake shake my sillies Out shake shake shake my sillies out Shake shake shake my sillies out and Wiggle my wackles away I’ve gotta clap clap clap my crazies up Clap Clap clap clap clap my crazy [Music] [Music] I’ve got a yacht [Music] Away Shake shake my sillies out shake shake Shake my ceilings [Music] Hey jules look what i found is that a Farm yeah it’s a farm Have you ever been to a farm can you Help us sing old macdonald had a farm Then maybe the animals will come out of The farm maybe if we moo a cow will come Out let’s try it Old macdonald [Applause] Old macdonald had Hey maybe if we do another animal sound

Another animal will come out let’s try Oink Oink Who says oink You’re right it’s a pig oink oink call Out the pig as loud as you can oink oink Oink He came out Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o [Music] [Applause] [Music] Old macdonald had a farm I wonder if we cluck as loud as we can If we could call it a chicken clap clap Clap clip clap clap clap There he Is a farm E-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a chicken E-i-e-i-o With a clock clock here and a clock There here a I wonder if we call a dog if a dog would Come Woof woof ruff ruff louder [Music] E-i-e-i-o [Music] Let’s rib it and see if we can get a Frog to come out rip it rip it can you Do it with me ribbit ribbit Old macdonald had a frog E-i-e-i-o

And on that farm he had a frog Let’s try and quack and see if our duck Friend comes out can you quack loud with Me quack quack quack quack He didn’t come out maybe we have to Quack louder again quack quack quack [Music] [Music] Can you do the sign for more This means more The more we get together together Together the more we get together the Happier we’ll be Cause your friends are my friends and my Friends are your friends the more we get Together the happier we’ll be Can you try the sign for more More Good job For this next song we’re going to sing Part of it quiet [Music] Music we call quiet piano The next part we’re gonna sing loud and Music we call that forte And we’re gonna pretend to be bunnies It’s gonna be so much fun See the bunny [Music] Are they ill Wake up soon This is the loud part wake up little Bunnies Bunnies

[Music] Hop hop hop hop little bunnies Now we’re gonna be quiet again [Music] [Music] [Music] That’s the alarm clock wake up little Bunnies Skip little money skip skip skip skip Little bunny skip skip skip skip little Bunny skip skip skip skip skip skip Should we hop again let’s do it Are you ready Time to hop Hop little bunnies [Music] Great job one two three four Hello everyone We’re gonna have so much fun i’m so glad You came today are you ready to sing are You ready to play all right it’s time For songs for littles Songs for littles it’s time for Can you clap along like this do you know How to blow a kiss can you say yes can You say no reach up high so big and down Low It’s time for songs for littles Songs for littles it’s time for songs For littles Songs for Littles Can you give a friend a high five or Pretend you’re in a car are you old

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Enough to drive can you say milk can you Sing more can you say all done before You throw your boot on the floor It’s time for songs for littles Songs for Littles it’s time for songs for littles Songs for little That was so fun This is big big big this is a small Small small this is short short short This is tall tall tall this is fast fast Fast this is slow slow slow This is yes yes yes this is no no no Next let’s sing five little monkeys Swinging in a tree and when we snap that Monkey let’s be loud for day Five little monkeys swinging in a tree Teasing mr alligator can’t catch me Along comes mr alligator quiet as can be And snaps that monkey right out of the Cheek Four little monkeys swinging in a tree Teasing mr alligator can’t catch me [Music] And it’s not that monkey right out of The tree Three little monkeys swinging in a tree Teasing mr alligator can’t catch me My mom comes mr alligator [Music] Monkey right out of the tree Two little monkeys swinging in a tree Teasing mr alligator can’t catch me And snap that monkey right out of the

Tree One little monkey swinging in a tree Teasing mr alligator can’t catch me Along comes mister how i feel quiet as Can be and smash that monkey right out Of the tree I’m a little teapot short and stout Here is my handle here is my spout When i get all steamed up hear me shout Tip Me over and pour me out Now let’s do it with a toy teapot i’m a Little teapot short and stout Here is my handle and here is my spout When i get all steamed up hear me shout Tip me over and pour me out [Music] You want to see the magic It’s magic tea This next song we’re gonna march to the Beat marching to the beat is one of the Best ways to feel the steady beat in Your body it’s one of the first things You learn in music education let’s try It Here we go Here we go Here we go On a saturday night try marching in a Circle around your house Here we go Here we go Here we go On a saturday night you did such a good

Job i put my right hand in i take my Right hand out i give my hand a shake Shake shake and turn myself about Here we go Here we go Here we go All on a saturday night i put my left Hand in i take my left hand out i give My hand a shake shake shake and turn Myself about Here we go looby loo Here we go Here we go all on a saturday night I put my right foot in i take my right Foot out i give my foot a shake shake Shake and turn myself about Here we go loopy loop Here we go Here we go Let’s do our whole body I put my whole self in i take my whole Self out i give myself a shake shake Shake and turn myself about yay Can you clap that was cool five little Monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head mama Called the doctor and the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed how Many are left one two three Four Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor Said

No more monkeys jumping on the bed how Many are left count with me one two Three Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor Said No more monkeys jumping on the bed how Many are left one two Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor Said No more monkeys jumping on the bed how Many are left just one little monkey one Little monkey jumping on the bed he fell Off and bumped his head mama called the Doctor and the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed Great job telling me to get those Monkeys to stop jumping on the bed say No monkeys no Don’t jump on the bed shake your head no No no no How do you say goodbye in spanish we say It like this adios can i try yeah Adios [Applause] Bye friends can you wave bye bye bye bye Adios thanks for waving goodbye to us We’ll see you again soon

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.