Preschool Videos – Halloween Songs for Kids – Circle Time for Preschoolers – Learning, Movement

Our Preschool videos include circle time songs and activities for preschoolers. In this Halloween special, we sing Halloween songs for kids and explore fun Halloween activities and traditions while learning preschool lessons and skills. This preschool learning video is wonderful for preschoolers, toddlers, kindergarteners and even school age children! Our preschool learning videos in English include music, dance, movement, phonics, math, social emotional learning and so much more! We talk about picking out a pumpkin at a pumpkin patch, making a jack-o-lantern, trick-or-treating and crafts like tissue paper ghosts and apple printing. We also go on a Halloween scavenger hunt for candy and treats!

Halloween Songs include:

Who Stole The Candy from the Trick-or-Treat Bag?
Pumpkin Patch (I’m Looking for A Pumpkin in a Pumpkin Patch)
I Dropped My Pumpkin
The Leaves Are Falling Down
The Itsy Bitsy Spider and The Spooky Little Spider
Halloween Finger Family
The Ghost of John
5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on A Gate
I Hear An Owl
1, 2, 3 Little Witches
Pumpkin Chant
Trick Or Treat
Boiling Hot, What Will We Put in The Witches Pot
The Monsters Stomp Around The House, Hurray
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom Climb onto My Broom (Halloween Version)
The Cuppy Cake Song (You’re My Honeybunch)
Apple Tree Song
Icky Sticky Bubble Gum
Addams Family Theme Song – Days of The Week
If All The Raindrops Were Lemondrops and Gumdrops

”Georgie” puppet Copyright 2016 – David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

Our preschool videos are great for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners, 2 year olds, 3 year olds, 4 year olds, 5 year olds and even older children! We have many more videos on our channel. We even have videos for babies. We have speech practice videos, first words in English videos, preschool videos for preschoolers, and music classes for children in kindergarten through 4th grade. Our videos are great preschool prep and kindergarten prep. We hope your child enjoys our learning videos for kids.

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master’s in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher and has a sweet 2-year-old boy who inspired her online baby music classes and learning videos!

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[Music] Happy halloween Welcome to class we’re so happy you’re Here yeah we get to dress up on Halloween uh-huh Guess what i am meow Meow i’m a cat and guess what i am Yeah i’m a pumpkin you know why Why because pumpkin pie is delicious And i’m orange We’re going to have so much fun we’re Going to sing we’re going to dance yeah And i brought candy yay Oh no the candy’s gone Oh no What happened to the candy Who took the candy from the Trick-or-treat bag miss rachel took the Candy from the trick-or-treat bag who me Yes you couldn’t be Who took the candy from the trick or Treat bag Herpe took the candy from the Trick-or-treat bag Yes you couldn’t be then who Was it you at home Who took the candy from the Trick-or-treat bag my friend took the Candy from the trigger treat bag Yes you Then [Music] If none of us took it where could it be Do you think you could help us find the

Missing candy Yeah It’s a mystery [Music] Let’s pretend we’re in a pumpkin patch Looking for our pumpkin Can you walk with me to the bead Good job and when you find the pumpkin You could dance with your grown-up or Someone in your family or a stuffed Animal are you ready Pumpkin patch pumpkin patch i’m looking For a pumpkin in a pumpkin patch Here is one one for me Turn into a jack-o’-lantern for Halloween that was so much fun should we Do it again Should we do it again Okay Pumpkin patch pumpkin patch i’m looking For a pumpkin in a pumpkin patch here is One One for me Turn into a jack-o’-lantern for Halloween yay You did a great job Since we’re pretending we’re at a Pumpkin patch let’s do five little Pumpkins sitting on a gate Get out your arm and we’ll pretend it’s A gate and then get out five little Pumpkins good job Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate The first one said oh my it’s getting

Late the second one said there are Witches in the air the third one said But we don’t care the fourth one said Let’s run and run and run the fifth one Said i’m ready for some fun who went the Win and out went the light and the five Little pumpkins rolled out of sight good Job Let’s sing the ghostbusters song can you Walk with me to the beat and dance with Me Good And when we yell ghostbusters we have to Yell forte that means loud can you help Me yell loud ghostbusters [Music] If there’s something strange In your neighborhood [Music] I ain’t afraid of no ghosts I ain’t afraid of no ghosts Who are you gonna [Music] Call alone [Music] I ain’t afraid of no ghosts I ain’t afraid of no ghosts [Music] Who are you gonna call [Music] I ain’t afraid no ghosts I’m afraid of no ghosts [Music] [Music]

Hey guys it’s jules here We’re gonna do a song about the bones in Our body and we’re going to do a Skeleton dance Do you want to try it with me All right Here we go The foot bones connected to the leg bone [Music] My bones connected to the hip bone the Hip bones connected to the back bone the Back bone’s connected to the neck bone Doing the skeleton dance All right here we go Shake your hands to the left Shake your hands to the right Shake your hands Everywhere cause we’re doing the Skeleton dance What body part should we do now Shake your head to the left Shake your head to the right Shake your head Y’all are so silly Let’s try our legs kick your legs to the Left Kick your legs to the right Kick your legs everywhere The skeleton dance oh i hope you didn’t Hit anyone Shake your hips to the left [Music] Let me see your skeleton dance [Music]

Great job guys Y’all did so good [Music] Oh i found a clue oh miss rachel I found a clue you did mm-hmm Oh great herpe found a clue take a look Great let’s read the clue yeah let’s Read it for missing candy go to the t It’s a word that begins with this sound What letter makes that sound Yeah a t t Go to the and then it’s a t word hmm Oh there’s another clue It’s green and brown and grows in the Ground yeah hmm what starts with t And is green and brown and grows in the Ground Can you help What do you think Oh yeah it’s a tree a tree So to find the next clue we need to go Find a tree yeah and look at the map Oh there’s a map yeah there’s a treasure Map Oh okay I see where that tree is Let’s go let’s go It’s not in this tree [Music] Which bowl of candy is the biggest That’s right this one’s the biggest Which bowl of candy is the smallest Yeah this one’s the smallest Good job

For the next song get out some scarves Or dish towels or even clothes and we’ll Pretend they’re leaves The leaves are falling down the leaves Are falling down down down to the ground The leaves are falling down good job now Let’s pretend they’re blowing around Okay They’re blowing in the wind the leaves Are blowing all around they’re blowing All around blowing up and blowing down And blowing all around [Music] Wow good job Now let’s rate them we’re going to rake Them in a pile we’ll rake them in a pile Break the leaves or make the leaves We’ll rake them into a pile i’ll rake Your leaves into a big pile What should we do now that the leaves Are in a pile We’re gonna jump into the leaves we’re Gonna jump into the leaves when i count To three we’re gonna jump into the Leaves One Two Three [Music] We jumped into the leaves Yay Good job When i was a little girl i used to like To rake our leaves in my yard into a

Pile and then i jump in them and play in Them it was so much fun great job Time for a magic movie Let’s learn about halloween Halloween is a fun holiday it’s Celebrated every year on october 31st On halloween we can dress in fun Costumes I see a hot dog A princess and a swimmer Even the dog is dressed up like a Bumblebee Now i see a witch a fairy another witch And an astronaut Some people paint their faces on Halloween with face paint what’s your Halloween costume going to be Some years we can go trick-or-treating First we walk down the street with a Grown-up we knock on the door knock Knock knock Then we say trick or treat and we get a Treat Can you say that trick or treat Good job We can do fun halloween art projects Like painting pumpkins using glue to Paste pumpkins on paper and drawing Pumpkins Halloween is a fun holiday [Music] It’s the halloween finger family Pumpkin finger pumpkin finger where are You

Here i am here i am how do you do Ghost finger goes finger where are you Here i am here i am how do you do Which finger which finger where are you Here i am here i am how do you do Vampire finger vampire finger where are You Here i am here i am how do you do Frankenstein finger frankenstein finger Where are you Here i am here i am how do you do Good job Hi friends does georgie look happy Or sad Yeah i think he looks sad too i’m gonna See if i can help I’m gonna ask him what’s wrong Georgie what’s wrong oh hi miss rachel i Don’t have a costume and i can’t go Trick-or-treating this year so halloween Won’t be any fun and what if it rains oh That’s a lot of things to worry about Let’s take one thing at a time what Would you like to talk about first How about i don’t have a costume and i Can’t buy one Well georgie some people buy their Costumes but a lot of people every year Make their costume we could make you a Superhero and make a cape we could make A crown and make you a king we could Make you a ghost we could a ghost Yeah would you how can i be a ghost well We could take a old sheet or some

Material and cut nose Eyes and a mouth Would you like that that sounds great Yeah Okay what’s the next thing i can’t go Trick-or-treating this year so halloween Won’t be any fun hmm Can you think of any other ways Halloween could still be fun Well i it will be fun wearing a ghost Costume yeah It’ll be fun to wear a ghost costume and We can sing halloween songs and we can Dance and we can watch a halloween movie Yeah and you could trick or treat in our Class you could knock on the door and I’ll open it and you could say trick or Treat and i’ll give you a treat yeah That’s a good idea And then you can knock on the door and I’ll open it oh that would be fun yeah So halloween will still be fun even if We can’t trick or treat in the usual way Yeah halloween’s gonna be so much fun Yeah Can you help me make the ghost costume Uh-huh and if it rains we’ll be inside So it won’t matter yeah Definitely I feel much better i think it helps to Talk about your problems yeah it helps To talk about your problems and not keep Them inside it helps to talk about them Yeah

It’s hug time you want a hug yeah can i Have a hug yeah definitely Thank you hug i feel better now good I’m so glad Let’s stomp like monsters [Music] Good job The monsters stomp around the house Hurrah hurrah the monsters stomp around The house The monsters stomp around the house Their brothers and sisters kick them out So they stomp some more outside oh yeah Around the house Now let’s dance around the house you Ready Here we go The monsters dance around the house Hurrah hurrah the monsters dance around The house hurrah hurrah the monsters Dance around the house [Music] Now let’s pretend to be eating what Would you eat the monsters eat around The house The monsters eat around the house hurrah Hurrah the monsters eat around the house Their brothers and sisters kick them out So they eat some more outside Oh yeah Around the house [Music] I’m getting so tired from all that Stomping and dancing i think i need to

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Go to sleep how about you Yeah let’s go to sleep would that be Quiet or loud Yeah sleeping’s quiet we call that piano In music we call quiet piano let’s go to Sleep The monsters sleep around the house The monsters sleep around the house The monsters sleep around the house they Sleep as quietly as a mouse And they sleep all night inside oh yeah Inside the house [Music] That’s our alarm clock we have to get up And stomp more The monsters stomp around the house Hurrah hurrah [Music] The monsters stomp around the house Their brothers and sisters kick them out So they stomp some more outside oh yeah Around the house You did it good job What a great costume thanks is that you Georgie Yeah I made it myself you did a great job Thanks i know you like jokes so i Learned a ghost joke wanna hear it yeah Okay what’s a ghost favorite food what Blueberries Blueberries yeah blueberries Go say boo So i said boo berries instead of

Blueberries boo berries that’s so funny Great job thanks For this next song let’s pretend that we Keep dropping our pumpkin you can play Along and use a stuffed animal are you Ready I dropped my pumpkin pick it up pick it Up i dropped my pumpkin pick it up pick It up i dropped my pumpkin pick it up Pick it up and put it on my head Can you balance it on your head I dropped my pumpkin pick it up pick it Up why drop my pumpkin pick it up pick It up i dropped my pumpkin pick it up Pick it up and put it on my shoulder can You do that it’s hard to balance I dropped my pumpkin pick it up pick it Up i dropped my pumpkin pick it up pick It up i dropped my pumpkin pick it up Pick it up and put it on my hand I drop my pumpkin again I drop my pumpkin pick it up pick it up I drop my pumpkin pick it up pick it up I drop my pumpkin pick it up pick it up And put it on my back Can you do that So silly Can you try it on your tummy Whoa Whoa Can you try it on your knee Can you balance it on your foot try that Good job Let’s sing it one more time i drop my

Pumpkin pick it up pick it up i drop my Pumpkin pick it up pick it up i drop my Pumpkin pick it up pick it up and hold It with two hands [Music] Which pumpkin is green That’s right This is the green pumpkin Which pumpkin is purple Yeah that’s the purple pumpkin Which pumpkin is orange That’s right this is the orange pumpkin Good job [Music] Do you see the clue it should be in the Tree It’s over there okay i’ll look Oh you’re right it’s up here there’s the Clue it says clue Let’s read it thank you for helping me Find it yeah Hmm it says What letter makes that sound Oh h It says a word that begins with h Took the candy from the trick-or-treat Bag A word that begins with h took the candy From the trick-or-treat bag I don’t think it was miss rachel then no Miss rachel does not start with h What about georgie Georgie is that the h sound No

It wasn’t georgie oh miss rachel Yeah i solved the mystery oh herpes Solved the mystery I took the candy from the trick-or-treat Bag You took our candy yeah i took it and i Hit it and now we can have fun finding It that’s a good idea I thought because we don’t have Trick-or-treating we could do a Scavenger hunt instead that’s such a Good idea and you know miss rachel love Scavenger hunts and i hid some goodies Too What did you hide some of our class toys Oh herpe hit some of our class toys That’s such a good idea too it’s gonna Be so fun yeah can you help us find the Treats hey georgie come help us find the Candy [Music] Let’s open this one together stay open And i’ll open it Open Look what it is it’s a yellow car From room beefy So fun [Music] Should we see what’s inside Yeah Yes Okay let’s look Ooh This says choo choo what do you think it

Is chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo What would say that Yeah you’re right It’s a toy Train good job choo choo chugga chugga Chugga chugga choo choo Bye bye train bye bye Wow georgie found chocolate and herpe Found candy Wow our halloween book was in the tree This is the best halloween ever One little two little three little Witches fly over haystacks fly over Ditches slide down the moon without any Hitches hi ho halloween’s here Let’s sing that again that was so fun Can you put out your fingers Good job One little two little three little Witches fly over haystacks fly over Ditches slide down the moon without any Hitches hi ho halloween’s here [Music] It’s time for a magic movie Look we’re at the pumpkin patch I see lots and lots of orange Pumpkins So Many pumpkins Hey look it’s a green tractor There are people riding on the back of The green tractor this is called a Hayride Ah

I see two happy babies sitting on the Pumpkins Now the babies are riding in a green Wagon The babies found a pumpkin to take home It’s fun to go to the pumpkin patch and Find a special pumpkin to take home Now it’s time to make the pumpkin into a Jack-o-lantern for halloween first you Have to cut open the pumpkin that’s only For grown-ups then you scoop out the Pulp and the seeds Next you carve a face into the pumpkin This little girl is carving a pumpkin With her grandpa Finally we can make the jack-o-lantern Light up It’s so fun to make jack-o-lanterns for Halloween How do ghosts wash their hair With shampoo Shampoo boo get it Some of us can’t go trick-or-treating This year but we can pretend to Trick-or-treat do you want to pretend With me Yeah let’s pretend in a song Let’s pretend to put on our costume you Ready I’m gonna put On my costume Put it on I’m gonna walk down the street Walk walk walk

I’m gonna knock on your door Knock knock knock I’m gonna say trick or treat trick or Treat Trick or treat give me something good to Eat Trick or treat Give me something sweet please Now let’s pretend to hide behind a tree Gonna hide behind a tree You can’t find me I’m gonna pop out and say boo Boo Walk home and count my candy One two three four five i’m gonna share Some with you Trick or treat Give me something good to eat trick or Treat Give me something sweet please trick or Treat Give me something good to eat Trick or treat Give me something sweet [Music] Trick please treat Yay Great job singing the trick or treat Song i wrote that song that means i’m a Composer can you compose a song Good wow Hey guys I’m still here out in the woods And i found some leaves i really want to

Show you Do you want to see these beautiful Leaves i found Okay Aren’t these awesome Can you help me name their colors All right What color is this leaf Yeah it’s kind of green still it’s like Green and yellow What about this one right here Orange It’s such a beautiful orange Okay what about this one right here this Little one That’s right it’s red It’s such a beautiful color red And then we have Light brown Yellow And dark brown So many beautiful colors are falling From the trees Maybe we could sing a song about these Leaves and count them All right let’s try it One little two little three little Leaves fell four little five little six Little leaves fell one little two little Three little leaves fell fall is in the Air One little two little three little Leaves fell four little five little six Little leaves fell one little two little

Three little leaves fell Fall is in the air yeah And a lot of stories which is fly on Brooms broomsticks yeah can you pretend That you have a broom and you’re gonna Get on it and fly Let’s go [Music] Tonight to give a spook and give a Fright zoom zoom zoom climb onto my prom In five Four Three Two One Boom Good job Which broomstick is the longest Hmm Yeah that one’s the longest Now which broomstick is the Shortest hmm Yeah That one’s the shortest Good job Let’s play a game Where do you think the witch is hiding Under the b The w or the a the Witch where do you think the witch is Hiding Is the witch under the bee No Is the witch under the a

No Do you think it’s under the w Oh You found the little good job she Was under the w Let’s play again Okay Where do you think the witch is hiding Hmm Which Which starts with w She’s not behind the a Is she behind the b what do you think No good job she behind the w Huh yay You found her good job What do you call a witch who goes to the Beach A Sandwich Hey guys it’s jules Do you see where i am That’s right i’m out in the woods And it’s fall here Do you know what fall is It’s a season And it’s when all of the leaves Fall off of the trees So that they can make new leaves Fall is one of my favorite times of year Because the colors of the trees changing Is so beautiful But it also means that we’re close to Halloween

Which is one of my favorite traditions So I wrote a song about a pumpkin named Fred Do you want to hear it Alright let’s go I get to choose out of pumpkin I think i’ll name him fred I get to choose out a pumpkin Should i carve him up instead Jacqueline’s lined my street Which means it’s close to halloween I really want to see him glow But fred I love i can’t let go I get to choose out a pumpkin I think i’ll name him fred I get to choose out a pumpkin Should i carve him up instead Jacqueline is lined my street Which means it’s close to halloween [Music] He lives on my steps I think i’ll leave him just as is cause I love my pumpkin friend I hope you have a great day Can you go find some fall leaves outside And you can pick them up And make them fall Have a great day bye guys do you know What this is It’s a spider ring yeah for halloween Let’s sing the itsy bitsy spider get out Your spider

The itsy bitsy spider went up the water Spout Down came the rain and washed the spider Out Out came the sun and dried up all the Rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up The spout again Hmm Since it’s halloween let’s do the spooky Little spider are you ready The spooky little spider went up the Haunted house Down flew a witch and scared him with a Mouse Out came a mummy which scared the mouse Away and the spooky little spider went Along his way Yay Let’s do the itsy bitsy spider again But with a fast tempo and a fast fighter The itsy bitsy spider went up the water Spout down came the rain and washed the Spider out out came the sun and dried up All the rain and the itsy bitsy spider Went up the spout again [Music] You did such a great job I have some pretend spiderwebs Just pretend Can you help me put the pretend spiders On the spider web Thank you We have one pretend spider You stay on and i’ll put it on put it on

Put it on put it On Put it on put it on put it On Now there’s two spiders oh It’s looking really good thank you for Your help Put it on put it on put it On Good job We put the third spider on one two three Spiders on our web thanks for helping me Decorate let’s pretend we’re witches and We’re making a yucky witch’s brew yeah Yucky yeah Let’s think about what we would put in The witch’s brew and let’s stir it Together can you pretend to stir yeah Pretend to stir Boiling hot boiling hot what will we put In the witch’s pot boiling hot boiling Hot what will we put in the witch’s pot We’ll put some spider webs and the Witch’s pot boiling hot boiling hot what Will we put in the witch’s pot boiling Hot boiling hot what will we put in the Which is pot We’ll put some Mud that’s really yucky ew Mud in the witch is pop Boiling hot boiling hot what will we put In the witch’s pot boiling hot boiling Hot what will we put in the How about my shoe

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That’s so funny oh thank you Okay we’ll put herbie shoe That’s so yucky A shoe In the witch’s pot boiling hot boiling Hot what will we put in the Pie boiling hot boiling hot what will we Put in the winter’s pot What do you think Here you put something in Yucky Yucky ew In the witch’s spot We say hot in that song the sign for hot Is this hot yeah you use that if Something is hot this is a pot and we Said boiling hot but we’re just Pretending yeah remember never to use The stove that’s for a grown-up yeah That’s for a grown-up like miss rachel Yeah Not for herbie Did you know that we can make up for 10 Ghosts out of tissue Wow Okay so we take out let’s do two tissues And we ball it up Put it in a ball good job then we take One more Put it over Now we take one of these twist ties or Maybe a piece of yarn or a rubber band And we put it on So the ghost is cinched right here now

We’re gonna give the ghost a face with a Marker Eyes And a little Smile Maybe a little Nose We did it we made a little ghost set of Tissues that was fun next we’re gonna do A really cool pumpkin chant by jane Willis johnston so we’re gonna tap our Legs twice and then clap our hands twice Pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin bread Pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin head Pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pie Pumpkin Pumpkin I Pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin cake Pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin shake Pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin Stew Pumpkin pumpkin Pumpkin poo Yay that was so fun This song is in a minor key Listen to the song and then tell me After how it sounds to you what does it Sound like Are you ready let’s sing it Have you seen the ghost of john Long white bones with the skin all gone How does that sound to you Okay

That song’s in a minor key It might sound different to you than a Song that’s in a major key like if You’re happy and you know it clap your Hands Let’s Sing the first line of that and then the First line of if you’re happy and you Know what clap your hands and see how They sound different Have you seen the ghost of john Now let’s try if you’re happy and you Know it clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hands Can you hear how that sounds different Good job Have you seen the ghost of john [Music] Do you know what this is It’s a Pumpkin good job Let’s turn it into a jack-o-lantern by Making a face The pumpkin needs these What are these we have two Eyes good job one Two two eyes Then we have one

Nose good job one nose And we have one Mouth good job oh yay And the jack-o-lantern is smiling Can you make a happy face Happy If we turn the mouth upside down It’s just showed pumpkin and a sad face Can you make a sad face We could also make the pumpkin look Surprised Oh wow If we want to make the pumpkin look mad We could put some kind of mad eyebrows Does the pumpkin look mad Mad face Let’s make the jack-o-lantern happy Again because i’m so happy to be Learning with you This is our big jack-o’-lantern let’s Make a small one Big And small Big and small Okay Let’s put two eyes on our little one There you go The little one The small one [Music] Two eyes one nose and one mouth yeah The big jack-o-lantern and the small Jack-o-lantern good job Do you know what an owl says

Yeah that’s what an apple says this song Is also in a minor key And it’s about an owl in a tree I hear an owl and the owl hears me deep In the woods of the hickory tree Hoot says the owl and hoot says me Now it’s halloween as you can See Good job That was also in a minor key How did it sound to you Wow Now our ghost needs a face do you Remember how many eyes Yeah two One two Two eyes Miss rachel made these out of felt Yeah i made these out of felt And then how many noses just one one Nose and how many mouths just one Oh it’s a happy ghost good job making a Happy ghost with me [Music] You’re my honey bunch sugar plum pumpy I’m pumpkin you’re my sweetie pie You’re my cuppy cake gumdrop stuccoums Bookums you’re the apple of my eye And i love you so and i want you to know That i’ll always be right here And i love to sing sweet songs to you Because you are So [Music]

Dear you don’t have to be scared of any Mask or costume because it’s always a Person underneath Yeah it’s miss rachel and then if i put On A lion mask Roar i’m a lion it’s still miss rachel Underneath see So we don’t have to be scared of any Mask because it’s a nice person Underneath Now miss rachel wants to be a piggy Here’s the pig mask see it’s miss rachel And then i put it on Oink oink I’m a pig oink oink oink And when i take it off it’s still miss Rachel This is another kind of mask that we Wear Put it on And we wear this to keep ourselves safe And healthy and to keep others safe and Healthy I wear a mask for you You wear a mask for me it’s easy as one Two three And it keeps the world healthy Good job wearing a mask superhero [Music] Oh wow i wonder what’s in here Oh It’s a little dinosaur Wow

It’s a little dinosaur And our next preschool episode is going To be d for dinosaur Awesome let me show you how it works We can pat his little head So funny and if you blow on him he makes A sound That’s so funny What a cute little dinosaur What are you dressed up as for halloween Yeah what are you dressed up as Wow Awesome this is the best halloween ever And you were here with us yeah Happy halloween happy halloween Do you know what season halloween is in Some places it’s where the leaves fall And it starts to get a little cold Yeah it’s fall And we also call it autumn In the fall we can also pick Apples yeah I love apple picking Can you help me sort these apples we Have red and Green good job Where would this apple go Yeah with the red good job Where would this green apple go Would it go here no Here we go with the green where would This green apple go Yeah with the green How about this green apple

Yeah we also put it with the green since We’re sorting by color how about this Red apple does it go with the green No Shake your head no It goes with the red Good job sorting apples with me Which apple is big and which apple is Small Yeah this one’s big and this one’s small Good job What instrument does a skeleton play A trombone I remember when i first learned about The trombone Rachel guess what it’s time for what is It time for instrument of the day Let me get your middle of the day that’s My other favorite part oh hey herbie are You excited for the instrument of the Day i’m so excited It’s a trombone oh a dog bone i love Those um um trombone herbie oh a Telephone iphone or android um it’s a Trombone herbie Oh trombone Do you want to hear how it sounds it’s Part of the brass family wow so it has a Nice deep rich tone like this [Music] Bow [Music] Was great now what what is this what are You moving there this is the slide this

Helps change the pitch of the song do You want to give it a try grab one Now wait where does the sound come out Right Here okay i’ll try this side ready [Music] That was fun Let’s do it again one more time all Right [Music] That was great good job i love that That’s our instrument of the day the John bone all right i think i’m gonna go Dream about trombones now Bye bye Bye See you later next we’ll sing our days Of the week do you know your days of the Week i think so Okay great can you snap your fingers Let’s try Wow good job Let’s sing and snap our fingers okay Days of the week Days of the week Days of the week days of the week days Of the week There’s sunday and there’s monday There’s tuesday and there’s wednesday There’s thursday and there’s friday and Then there’s saturday days of the week Yay You did such a great job singing your Days of the week let’s see how many

Gumballs are in our gumball machine Today One Two Three Three gumballs let’s pretend we got some Pretend gum for halloween and sing icky Sticky bubble gum We’re gonna get up some pretend Bubblegum okay so get out some pretend Bubblegum What color is yours Mine’s pink Put it in your mouth And we’re gonna chew it Are you chewing your gum Okay now we’re gonna blow a really big Bubble Are you ready Wow Oh no Our bubble popped and the sticky Bubblegum is all over our hands [Music] Stick to your head [Music] Makes your hands stick to your elbows [Music] And you pull them away [Music] Stick to your ears [Music] Are they on your knees and you pull them And you pull them and you pull them away

[Music] [Music] That was so fun [Music] Yay That was so much fun Are you ready Way up high In the tree One red apple smile down at me so i Shook that tree as hard as i could Down came the apple Good Great job Apples are a fruit do you know where Apples come from Trees that’s right they grow on trees Called apple trees and we have to pick Them Pick the apples can you pretend to pick An apple off a tree Pick the apple Pick the apples off trees good job Pretending Let’s learn more about apples from our Magic movie Here is an apple growing on a tree Wow there are many apples on this tree The man is picking apples Pick the apple Reach for the apple tree She is reaching for the apple tree Look at all the apple trees A place with many apple trees is called

An apple orchard can you say orchard Orchard The little girl is putting apples in the Bag In Some apples go to the store and we can Buy them the daddy is looking for apples With his son Apples are a fruit that we can eat yum Eating the apple We can eat apples plain they’re so yummy There’s other things we can make out of Apples too do you know any of them There’s apple What is this Apple Sauce yeah you can make applesauce you Have to smush the apples to make Applesauce and cook them too Let’s pretend we’re cooking some apples And making applesauce stir the Applesauce can you stir the applesauce Stir the applesauce good job There’s also apple juice yeah apple Juice And apple cider You can make apple donuts and apple Butter you can make so many things out Of apples wow hey since we’re talking About apples why don’t we pretend to Make an apple Pie Yeah Apple pies are yummy apple pies are

Yummy okay so let’s get out of pretend Bowl do you have a bowl good job and Let’s put in the apple slices And let’s put in some sugar Put in the sugar And you know it’s really yummy cinnamon Let’s put in the cinnamon did you put Yours in good job and a pinch of salt That means just a tiny bit of salt pinch Yeah good job now let’s add a cup of Flour scoop the flour And put it in Now let’s put in some butter Butter put in the butter Now we need to mix it do you know how to Mix Mix Mixing this is the way we mix the food Mix the food mix the food this is the Way we mix the food when we’re making Pie we’re done mixing so let’s put it in The pie crust we gotta pour it in pour The filling into the pie Did your spill oh No Mine spilled ah Oh Can you say uh oh uh oh Just clean it up with a little cloth Tick tock tick tock i wonder if our Pie’s going to be ready soon tick tock Tick tock Listen Do you hear that ding ding ding ding the

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Pie is ready Oh it’s nice and hot let’s let it cool Down now we get to eat the pie Let’s take a bite and see if it’s good It’s so yummy Eating the pie I’m gonna put some ice cream on my pie Do you like ice cream what kind of ice Cream do you like Oh i’m gonna put some vanilla ice cream On I’m gonna take a big bite Mmm so yummy thanks for making pie with Me that was really fun It’s time for our art lesson apple Prints So we take an apple and you have a Grown-up help you cut it in half And then we’re going to make a print so We’re going to dip it in paint Did you know some apples are yellow so i Dip this in yellow paint now i’m going To stamp it on can you say stamp Stamp let’s see how it looks i’m so Excited oh it looks pretty i like it Maybe i should hold it down a little Longer and push Wow that looks good i even see the stem I’m gonna try another color paint What’s the color of the day do you Remember Yeah it’s red good job Next i’m gonna dip it in red paint wow i Dipped it in red paint now let’s stamp

It say stamp Stamp Let’s see what happens Push Pretty Oh my goodness i love it Do another one Oh that one has a lot of spaces but i Like how it looks Wow i’m gonna mix the yellow And the red together a little bit Wow i like printing them on top of each Other it looks nice i even see the seed Prints a little bit that’s so cool I really like my picture You know we learned also that apples can Be green so i’m gonna try green and see How that looks let’s see how the green Looks i dipped it in green paint Push Printing with apples whoa Whoa it’s pretty messy That’s okay i can wash my hands after That one looks like a lot of colors i Like it Push again Oh it’s slippery We did it we made the apple print Picture I’m proud of myself and i’m proud of you It always feels good to make something Doesn’t it you like play-doh i love Play-doh do you have play-doh at home Cool you can even make play-doh hey

Since we’re learning about apples let’s Make an apple out of play-doh Open Okay we gotta take some out pull it out Oh good job I’m gonna take a lot of play-doh out Okay now i’m gonna roll it into a ball Roll roll roll the play-doh roll roll Roll the play-doh roll roll roll the Play-doh we are rolling play-doh Oh it’s kind of starting to look like an Apple hooray Okay let’s see what color this is Oh i made some brown play-doh here so i Can do a stem remember we learned about The stem Put on the stem Wow it’s starting to look like an apple That is cool Oh yay here’s some green for the leaf Sometimes a leaf comes off the tree when You pick the apple so put the leaf right By the stem We made an apple that was so much fun What do you like to make out of play-doh Awesome One thing i like to make out of play-doh Is a bowl i’ll show you It’s so much fun to make a bowl out of Play-doh Making a bowl Making a bowl And then i like to make little balls and Pretend that it’s cereal

Cereal Making pretend cereal do you like cereal I like cereal Making a bowl out of play-doh is fun now I’m going to make a spoon Gotta use a spoon Wow Here’s a little spoon I love playing with play-doh Oh Picking up the cereal with a spoon So [Music] Fun two Three Four Five Six [Music] Seven Eight Nine Ten [Music] Eleven Twelve Thirteen 14 15 16 17 18 19 [Music]

Now i’m going to put the apples in my Refrigerator into two groups Green apples i have one green apple And red apples i have three red apples One two Three good counting Do i have more green apples or more red Apples There’s more red apples More red apples Less green apples Only one green apple Three red apples wow Good job Our friend georgie’s doing an art Project with red puffballs Let’s fill up the truck and bring the Puffballs to georgie he needs red puff Balls because he’s making an apple Project Should this one go in yeah it’s red Does this go in No We want the red puff balls does this go In Yeah This is red This is red Does this go in No it’s blue Does this go in No it’s green Ah We filled up the truck with red puff

Balls yay awesome job now we can bring Them to georgie can you help me dump out The puffballs Say out and i’ll dump them out one two Three out Yay Oh we dumped them out great job so many Puff balls for georgie’s apple project Next Let’s talk about the parts of an apple If you have a grown-up to help you you Can cut open an apple i cut open this Apple This part’s the skin of the apple This part is called the flesh of the Apple This little part is called the stem The stem is where the apple was hanging From the tree Wow This part is called the core of the Apple Good listening yeah So we have the skin The flesh the white part The core The stem Sometimes there’s a leaf hanging off This apple does not have leaf hanging Off And then i almost forgot Inside the apple this is really special There’s apple Seeds

Wow Yeah let’s see if we can get one out Wow here’s one of the apple seeds that Was inside the apple It’s a brown tiny seed do you know what Would happen if we planted this seed in The ground and gave it sunlight and Water and soil when i was a little girl We planted an apple tree in my front Yard it was so fun guess how many seeds Were in my apple One Two Three Four Five five seeds were in the apple how Many seeds were in your apple if you Looked inside Wow It’s so fun learning about the parts of An apple great job i’m so proud of you Let’s explore the apple with our five Senses do you have an apple at home you Can use if not you could try another Fruit or any food We can smell the apple with our nose It smells Fresh and Sweet We can feel or touch the apple with our Hands This apple feels smooth A nice smooth apple How does your apple feel

Wow I can listen to the apple with my Good job ear There’s no sound but if i bite the apple It makes a sound listen Do you hear the chewing I can taste the apple with my Mouth good job The apple tastes really yummy and it’s Very juicy and sweet it was crunchy I can look at the apple with my Eyes good job can you look at your apple My apple looks red and a little bit Brown And it looks shiny how does your apple Look It’s so fun to explore an apple with our Five senses we looked at the apple we Tasted the apple we smelled the apple we Listen to the apple and we touch the Apple wow good job High five I found some puzzles can you help me With them Thank you So here’s an apple what letter does Apple start with Apple Yeah hey so let’s see if this fits It fits good job Oh my goodness this puzzle looks hard Can you help me What do you think it’s going to be Hmm

Let’s see Wow i see a lot of letters Let’s sound them out and see what it Spells the t says The r says er and the e’s say e T Tree I think it might be a tree let’s see Put it in put it in put it in It’s coming together Put it in put it in put it in Wow I think we were right You got it It’s a Tree Cool Er e tree An apple That’s tree i found in our music bag I found a shaker That’s an apple a red apple Apples are what we’re learning about Today and it’s red and it’s musical Let’s shake it and sing a song with it Hmm remember how we were doing a beat to The muffin man let’s try that do you Know the muffin man the muffin man the Muffin man you you know the muffin man Who lives on to reading Wow an apple shaker so fun Because i think i’ll draw an apple do You want to draw an apple with me Yay

Okay here’s the apple shape oh hello Apple I’m using a red crayon I color it in Sometimes it goes outside the lines and That’s okay It doesn’t have to be perfect it’s Wonderful because i made it It doesn’t have to be perfect It’s okay to make mistakes wow look at That apple it almost looks like a heart Now i’m gonna do a stem i have a brown Marker There’s my stem color it in color it in Color it In Now for the leave I think i’ll use a green crayon Here’s the leaf And that’s my apple Maybe i’ll put it on a table Just draw a little table Yay I drew a yummy apple did you draw an Apple that was so much fun This is a large apple maybe next to it I’ll draw a small apple oh i’m just a Little tiny apple There are apples that are very small Called crab apples and a lot of people Like to use them for jelly I’m the tiniest little apple Well Actually maybe we can make one even

Smaller do you think we could do it I’m even smaller So small Teeny weeny apple Oh that’s fun Now this one’s large this one’s medium And this one’s small That was so fun Thanks for drawing apples with me if all The raindrops were lemon drops and gum Drops oh what a rain that would be Standing outside with my mouth open wide [Music] Rachel i got an idea what’s your idea What if it was raining candy bars and Milkshakes such a great idea we’ll do Snowflakes with that okay great yeah if All the snowflakes were candy bars and Milkshakes oh what [Music] [Music] Milkshakes oh what a snow that would be I love your idea You know what next let’s do Bubble gum and ice cream those are two Of my favorite things okay [Music] [Music] Great job if you could choose to make it Rain any food what would you choose I would choose i think blueberries and Strawberries if all the raindrops were Blueberries and strawberries oh what a Rain that would be

I’d love to hear what you would choose Yummy I like raspberries Those are good too this was the best Halloween ever it was let’s sing our Goodbye song we had so much fun with you Yeah Goodbye friends goodbye friends Goodbye friends we’ll see you again real Soon Bye bye bye bye [Music] If there’s something strange In your neighborhood Who are you gonna call Something weird And it don’t look good [Music] I ain’t craving no ghosts I ain’t afraid of no ghosts Who you gonna Call alone [Music] I ain’t afraid of no ghosts [Music] I ain’t afraid of no ghosts [Music] Who are you gonna call ghostbusters I ain’t afraid no ghosts I’m afraid of no ghosts I’m [Music] If yeah had a dose of a freaky ghost Baby you better call

Ghostbusters [Music]

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.