Kids Music Class Online YouTube

Ms Traxler’s YouTube which I mention in this video (an amazing music teacher!)
This is a kids music class online video that is great for kids, toddlers and babies! Lessons include tempo, dynamics, making musical instruments and fun songs that promote language, speech, gestures, creativity, learning and pretend play. All of our kids music class online videos are real music lessons with a real music teacher! If you are looking for YouTube kids music videos online, we have them! Check out our page and please subscribe to our kids music class online YouTube. Also find us on Facebook, Instagram, and on our website

#KidsMusicClass #SongsForLittles

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master’s in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher and has a sweet 2-year-old boy who inspired her online baby music classes and learning videos!

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Hi friends hi everybody Hi herbie hi rachel welcome to music Class we’re so happy you’re here today We’re going to do something really fun We are going to look around our houses And try and find things that we can use As musical instruments Wow That’s a great idea yeah i can’t wait to See what you find me too Hey guys jules here let’s try head Shoulders knees and toes Are you ready Let’s start at a slow tempo Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head Shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Yo we’re awesome let’s do it again but a Little bit faster let’s try a faster Tempo are you ready Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes head shoulders knees and toes knees And toes eyes and ears and mouth and Nose Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Awesome job Okay Let’s try it really really fast are you Ready Head shoulders knees and toes knees and

Toes Shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Eyes and ears and mouth and nose head Shoulders knees and toes and easy toes That was fast Let’s try it as fast as we can are you Ready That was so fast but you all did so good Give yourself a high five The idea for this music lesson came from My friend miss traxler she’s also a Music teacher and i’ll link so you can See her really cool youtube page too Do you remember when we tapped a steady Beat to the muffin man I don’t remember Do you remember One two three four Do you know the muffin man [Music] So now we’re going to go around our Houses and try and find things that we Can tap Make sure to get a grown-up’s help for This project We’re back from our treasure hunt for Musical instruments and we can’t wait to Show you what we found we also can’t Wait to hear about what you found look What i found Wow herbie Oh thank you that’s awesome i love it Yeah wow what can we tap this with hmm I didn’t think that far ahead

Okay um well i found a brush should we Try that Okay know the muffin man that works well I also found A spoon Do you know the muffins oh wait wait Wait wait i have something too How about this carrot Wow Awesome let’s try it do you know the Muffin man wow what did you notice when I played the carrot compared to the Spoon The carrot’s yummier The carrot is much yummier it’s also Orange [Laughter] And it’s quieter oh yeah so if we were Going to play quiet which in music we Call piano we could use the carrot do You know the muffin man now let’s do Loud with the spoon do you know the Muffin man the muffin man the muffin man Yeah we call that forte in music oh Hi erin hi rachel hi friends Could you play the muffin man on the Piano while we tap our instruments we Found around the house Sure i’d be happy to Now i’m gonna change to something else i Found I found a box and a brush Yes i know the muffin Man the muffin man

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Oh and i have another box of tissues Let’s see how this sounds it’s full of Tissues and that box was empty [Applause] Wow that was great I heard you like trains I like trains too Do you want to pretend to be a train With me All right What sound does a train make That’s right So we’re gonna pretend to be trains We’re gonna walk in a circle with our Arms like this and whenever i say the Word stop we’re gonna freeze And wait for the train to start back up Again You can just follow along right up here Are you ready All aboard [Music] Salon Let’s go a little bit faster Okay let’s do it a little bit faster you Ready All right we’re gonna go really really Fast this time are you ready I think we can go faster That was fun thanks for pretending to be A train with me Do you remember when we sang mr golden Sun and we used a shaker yeah Oh mr sun

Sun [Music] [Applause] These little children are asking you to Please come out so we can play with you Oh mr sun Sun Mr golden sun please shine down on me Next let’s go around our house and try And find things that we can shake are You ready Let’s go let’s go musical treasure hunt What did you find around the house to Say kirby Kale A diaper Oh and A sippy cup with rice in it That’s a great idea this one really Works I love how it sounds great so what i did Is i took a plastic egg put a little Rice in it normally i’d put a spoon and Another spoon and some tape but i only Had a fork and a spoon so i just made That work it’s like a little shaker yeah How about we sing mr golden sun with Aaron and use our homemade shakers okay Great [Music] [Music] These little children are asking you to Please come out so they can play with You oh mr sun

Sun Mr golden sun Please shine down on won’t you shine Down on [Applause] Now let’s try bumping up and down in my Little red wagon Let’s start with a nice Bumpy Tempo [Music] [Music] You only tried a little bit faster Okay Okay let’s try it really fast It’s gonna be a bumpy ride here we Nice job guys Next we look for things we can blow into This is what we found let’s try it [Music] Wow that makes a low sound Next we’re looking for things we can Scrape or rub we found a cheese grater And a spoon That sounds cool what did you find Let’s try using our scraper to row row Row your boat [Music] [Music] That was so much fun I have a little stuffed animal Do you know what this is [Music] It’s a lamb

Can you get a stuffed animal or an Action figure to dance with and then We’ll do a dance together [Music] [Applause] Whose fleece was white as snow That was so fun You know we can change the lyrics lyrics Are the words of the song So If your name is michael you could say Michael had a little and then you could Fill in whatever pet you want Let’s try it with my name [Music] Rachel had a little cat a little cat a Little cat rachel had a little cat whose Fur was yellow as corn I would love to hear What pet you chose And what you said for the fur what color Is it Now we’re gonna do a song about one of My favorite whales named baby beluga do You know him too All right let’s sing Baby In the deep blue sea you swim so wild [Music] Is [Music] See the water squirting out your spout Baby Sing your little song

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Sing for all your friends Is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Good singing everybody Hey everyone guess what it’s time for Word of the Word of the day that’s my other favorite Part hi herbie hi rachel the word of the Day is tempo i’ll take venmo or paypal Herbie not the app venmo just kidding i Don’t have money Tempo is how fast Or slow Music is So if you were a firefighter and you had To get a fire to put it out would you go Fast or slow fast yeah you’d want to get There fast now after you put out the Fire and everything was good and you’re Tired and you’re going back to the Station would you go slow or fast I forgot i think slow because you’re Tired and the fire’s out Let’s sing a song and we’ll use both Tempos yes Okay so get on your fire hat And your fire coat okay And your boots Okay And slide down the pole

[Music] Okay let’s get into our fire truck are You ready Hurry hurry drive the fire truck hurry Hurry drive the fire truck hurry hurry Drive the fire truck ding ding ding ding Ding now it’s time to turn the corner Hurry hurry turn the corner hurry hurry Turn the corner hurry hurry Now it’s time to climb the ladder Hurry hurry climb the ladder hurry hurry Climb the ladder hurry hurry climb the Ladder ding ding ding [Music] [Music] We did it we put out the fire great job Now we’re gonna go back to the station Slowly Slowly slowly back to the station slowly Slowly back to the station slowly slowly Back to the station ding ding ding ding Ding Great job fire fighters high five Next we’re gonna sing the bear went over The mountain The bear went over the mountain the bear Went over the mountain the bear went Over the mountain To see what he could see to see what he Could see To see what he could see [Applause] [Music] See what he could see

And all that he could see All that he could see was the other side Of the mountain The other [Music] Good job everyone hey everyone guess What it’s time for instrument of the day That’s my favorite part Hi herbie hi rachel what’s the Instrument the instrument of the day is The piano ooh i love the piano me too What do you do to make the piano go You press the keys with your fingers Yeah Do all of these make noise uh-huh And this side we have some low notes Like an elephant Like an elephant On this side we have high notes like a Little squeaking mouse squeak squeak Squeak High notes how many keys are there i’ll Count One Herby it would take too long to count All the keys on the piano there are 88 Keys on the piano whoa Yeah should we sing a song with the Piano oh okay how about twinkle twinkle Little star oh i love that okay great Hey sing along with us okay Twinkle twinkle little star How i wonder what you are Up

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Above so high Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle twinkle little star How i wonder what you are Let’s try our musical scale on the piano Okay [Applause] [Music] Do you think you can do something really Tricky We’re gonna sing it going down Oh it’s gonna be really tricky okay Oh Cookie dough play-doh It’s not cookie dough play-doh It’s not play-doh you silly [Music] This is the way we drive the car drive The car drive the car this is the way we Drive the car every single day Let’s do it really fast This is the way we drive the car drive The car drive the car this is the way we Drive the car every single day That was so fast now let’s drive the car Slow This is the way we drive the car Drive the car Drive the car this is the way we drive The car Every single day That was so slow Great job driving the car with me Let’s do this land as your land with our

Hand motions are you ready This land Is my land from California to the new york island from The redwood forest to the gulf stream Waters this land was made for you and me [Applause] Yay [Music] What age were you when you started the Piano well i started group lessons when I was five years old wow how old are you Do you play an instrument Now where do you play the piano well i Play at home and i play on broadway and I play for friends Wow Do you practice the piano all the time It takes a lot of practice to learn how To play the piano but it’s a lot of fun Wow we’d love to hear what instruments You all play Rachel Check this out I don’t think i even need to practice [Music] E E is a letter e is the sound that it Makes e is the letter Goes the e And on that farm he had a Pig good job Pig E-i-e-i-o with an oink oink here and an

Oink oink there here an oink there and Wink everywhere an oink oink old Macdonald had a Pig e-i-e-i-o Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a what is that Doc good job e-i-e-i-o With a quack quack here and a quack Quack there here a quack there a quack Everywhere quack quack old macdonald had A farm e-i-e-i-o Let’s see who comes out next Old macdonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o And on his farm he had a Sheep good job E-i-e-i-o With a baa baa here and a baa baa there Here a baa there a baa everywhere a baa Baa old macdonald had a [Music] Now i’m gonna have you fill in all the Animals Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on his farm he had a [Music] E e-i-e-i-o Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a E-i-e-i-o with a black box here and a Black block there here a block there Old macdonald had a chicken E-i-e-i-o Great job filling in the animals i’m

Proud of you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] P for Pig Let’s turn it on Wow [Music]

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.