Kids Learning | Vowels | ABC Phonics | LOTTY LEARNS

This easy to follow kids learning video is perfect for learning vowels, consonants and abc phonics. This lesson even includes 3 letter blending lessons to give your child a simple introduction to reading concepts.

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Learn Shapes for kids: Vowels and consonants Hi there my name is lottie today we’re Going to eat some ice cream while we Learn about vowels and consonants in the Alphabet there are two different types Of letters vowels and consonants a e i o And u Are called vowels [Music] They are very special letters that can Make more than one sound consonants are What you call all of the other letters In the alphabet Let’s look at the alphabet with chip hi There do you remember which of the Letters are vowels That’s right A E I O And u Now let’s take out the vowels and see What’s left Great These letters are called consonants You’re doing awesome Gold star Learning vowel sounds Do you remember the vowels from our last Lesson That’s right a e I o u

Well today we’re at the circus and we Want to show you how these vowels can Make short and long sounds here we go The short a sound says Ah like an apple the long a sounds like Its own name A like in the word ape The short e sound says E like a nest The long e sounds like its own name E like in the word feet The short i sound says if like an igloo The long eye sounds like its own name i Like in the word five The short o sound says o like in top The long o sounds like its own name O like in the word rope The short u sound says Uh like an up The long u sounds like its own name You like in the word cute Gold star Whoa That was awesome I love the circus don’t forget these Vowel sounds they’re very important to Remember so watch this lesson whenever You have trouble remembering what sounds They make remember to practice Everything you learned today with your Parents goodbye Special blends one Hi there my name is lottie and this is

Fuzz did you know that some letters like To be best friends with each other when They’re together they make new special Sounds let me show you When you see a c and h next to each Other they make this sound Like in the word cherries The t and h make the sound Like in the words thunder [Music] Make the sound in like a ring And when the q and u are together they Make the sound Like in the word quack Great now let’s help chip find the Special sounds Do you remember which letters say Perfect Which letters say [Music] You’re doing great [Music] How about Excellent How about [Music] Cool Which letters say [Music] You’re doing great and how about [Music] Amazing that was pretty cool Gold star You should try the next lesson and

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Collect even more stars thanks for Learning with us we had such a fun time With you hope you visit us again soon Three-letter blending with the short a I’m lottie and this is fuzz hang out at The beach with us we’re going to blend Three letters together using the short a Sound ah First we’ll put two letters together Like we’ve done before but this time We’ll add one more letter to the Beginning Try and do your very best so you could Win a gold star and even get to see fuzz Do something silly here we go This says [Music] Now that we know a and t Say add let’s try and put a few other Letters at the beginning [Music] Set [Music] Matt Awesome job This says [Music] Now that we know a and d say add let’s Try and put other letters at the Beginning [Music] Dad Add pad

Add mad Great This says [Music] Now that we know a and p say app Let’s try and put other letters at the Beginning [Music] Tap App [Music] Amazing Gold star You should try the next lesson and Collect even more stars the more stars You collect the more fun you can have Remember to subscribe see you next time [Music] Baby brother spider The itsy bitsy spider went up the water [Music] Baby sister spider the itsy bitsy spider Went up the water [Music] three-letter blending With a short e Hi i’m lottie and this is fuzz today We’re gonna blend three letters together Using the short e sound e First we’ll put two letters together Like we’ve done before But this time we’ll add one more letter To the beginning Try and do your very best so you could

Win a gold star and even get to see fuzz Go surfing Here we go This Says now that we know e and n say n Let’s try and put other letters at the Beginning N Hen N ten Awesome job this says Now that we know e and t say at let’s Try and put other letters at the Beginning [Music] [Music] Now that we know e and d say ed let’s Try and put other letters at the Beginning Ed Bed Ed Bed Ed red [Music] You’re doing so well let’s see what fuzz Is up to Nap Great job Hat [Music] Cat Super smart Pad

Map Nice job Bad [Music] That was awesome Gold star Fuzz is totally cool you should try the Next lesson and collect even more stars The more stars you collect the more fun You can have [Music] Uppercase A b c d e f g H i j k l m n o p Q r s T u v w X Y and z Now i know my abcs Next time won’t you sing with me Lower case A b c d e f g H i j k l m n o p Q r s T u v W X Y and z Now i know my abc’s Next time won’t you sing with me Gold star That was all of the upper and lower case Letters great job if you ever forget

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What the letters look like just watch This video again thanks for learning With us we had such a fun time with you Hope you visit us again soon Three letter blending with a short eye Hi there i’m chuck and this is my friend Chip what’s up today we’re going to Blend three letters together using the Short i sound First we’ll put two letters together Like we’ve done before but this time We’ll add one more letter to the Beginning Try and do your very best so you could Win a sticker and even get to see Something silly here we go This says Now that we know i and n say in Let’s try and put other letters at the Beginning [Music] [Music] It Now that we know i and t say it let’s Try and put other letters at the Beginning It Sit It [Music] Great This says [Music] Now that we know i and p say

Ip let’s try and put other letters at The beginning [Music] If lip Amazing Gold star You should try the next lesson and Collect even more stars the more stars You collect the more fun you can have Remember to subscribe see you next time [Music] Old macdonald [Music] Old macdonald [Music] [Music] Old macdonald had [Music] [Music] And on [Music] Old macdonald [Music] He had a sheep [Music] Old macdonald had a farm [Music] three letter blending With a short o Hi i’m lottie today we’re going to blend Three letters together using the short o Sound ah First we’ll put two letters together Like we’ve done before but this time

We’ll add one more letter to the Beginning Try and do your very best so you could Win a gold star and even get to see fuzz Do something silly here we go This says Oh [Music] Now that we know o and p say op let’s Try and put other letters at the Beginning Up Top Up pop Up pop Up [Music] Awesome job This says off On now that we know o and n say on let’s Try and put other letters at the Beginning Er On run [Music] Great This says [Music] Now that we know o and t say ot let’s Try and put other letters at the Beginning [Music] Taught hot hot Amazing

Gold star You should try the next lesson and Collect even more stars the more stars You collect the more fun you can have Remember to subscribe see you next time [Music] Bingo was his name-o There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o [Music] There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o N-g-o N-g-o [Music] Bingo was his name-o [Music] There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o [Music] There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o [Music] Bingo was his name-o three-letter blending With the short u Hi there you’ve been doing such a great Job today we’re going to blend three Letters together using the short u sound Uh First we’ll put two letters together Like we’ve done before but this time We’ll add one more letter to the Beginning try and do your very best so

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You can win something amazing and even Get to see me do something silly here we Go This says Now that we know u and t say ut Let’s try and put other letters at the Beginning [Music] Let’s try and put other letters at the Beginning On Sun On fun On pun [Music] Now that we know you and g say ugh Let’s try and put other letters at the Beginning Doug [Music] Amazing Gold star You should try the next lesson and Collect even more stars the more stars You collect the more fun you can have Remember to subscribe see you next time Phonics a to z [Music] A is for Apple B Bear B is for Bear

[Music] Cake [Music] C is for Cake D D is for Dog Elephant E is for Elephant Frog F is for Frog G G Gift G is for Gift [Music] H House Hs4 House [Music] Iguana Is for Iguana [Music] Jay Jellyfish J is for Jellyfish [Music]

Okay Kite Ls4 Lion M M Monster M is for monster [Music] N [Music] Nose N is for Nose [Music] O [Music] Octopus O is for Octopus P Pizza P is for Pizza Queen Q is for Queen R Robot Rs4 Robot S Spider S is for

Spider [Music] T A turtle [Music] T is for Turtle [Music] You Uh Umbrella U is for Umbrella V Hmm These for Vegetables W Wizard W is for Wizard X Fox X is for Fox Y [Music] Yellow [Music] Y is for Yellow Z Zebra Hello friend i’m lottie and these are my

Friends fuzz chuck and chip hello today We’re going to learn some new words all You have to do is remember how these Words look and how they sound Say them with me This first word is at A T At This word is Did D I d Did This is the word my M Y My This word is Four F O R Four And the last word is up U P Up Gold star It’s time to review is there anything in My backpack that can help us Hmm What should we use Awesome pick

Let’s play a game Which word says Did Great How about four [Music] Yep can you find at Nice job Which word says My Yep and how about Up [Music] Amazing Nice job you just won a sticker We had such a fun time with you if you Forget any of these words just watch the Video again to practice See you soon Visit for more free Videos apps games and more Click here to watch the next video And don’t forget to subscribe to our Channel [Music] Oh

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.