Kids Dance Songs with Movement – Whip Your Tail Like A Dinosaur – Brain Breaks – Join the challenge

A mix of kids dance songs with movement featuring “Whip Your Tail Like a Dinosaur” and the #whipyourtailchallenge. Great brain breaks at school! We would love to see how you whip your tail like a dinosaur to this awesome hip hop song! Share your videos with this hashtag and we may feature you on a Songs for Littles Preschool episode! (With your permission of course!) We hope you enjoy dancing to these fun movement songs for kids and action songs for kids with fun actions! The movements and actions are fun and promote excercise, language and fun! We hope you enjoy stomping like a dinosaur and seeing how loud you can stomp to the music and dance-a-long with us! You can even dress up like a dinosaur!

”Georgie” puppet Copyright 2016 – David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

“Whip You Tail (Like A Dinosaur)
Now available on all streaming platforms!
Composer: IG @ReekRhythm
A Rhythm By ReekRhythm, LLC
Lyrics by Rachel Griffin Accurso and ReekRhythm


Can you whip you your tail like a dinosaur

Whip, whip
Can you whip you your tail like a dinosaur

Whip, whip
Come on everybody get on the floor
And let me hear that ferocious roar
Can you whip your tail like a dinosaur

Can you reach up to the sky
Grab a leaf in the tree so high
Jump, jump, jump, jump
Reach, reach, reach, reach

Can you stomp, stomp, stomp
on the ground, on the group so loud
on the ground so loud
Stomp, stomp, stomp
On the ground so loud
Can you stomp so loud, can you stomp on the ground

These dance songs are wonderful for babies, toddlers, children in preschool and even older kids and adults! Preschoolers love moving to music and learning through music! Kids love to dance-a-long with groups of friends and their teachers!

Kids songs with movement are great for brain breaks, exercise, circle time and music classes!

Below is a list of children’s dance songs included in this video in order for you to refer to!

On our preschool learning channel you will also find full preschool classes, music classes and speech practice videos!

Here is a list of other songs seen in this video for your reference

Whip Your Tail (Like A Dinosaur)
Icky Sticky Bubble Gum
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom We’re Going To The Moon
Hokey Poky
Hurry, Hurry Drive The Fire Truck
Hop Little Bunnies
Train Song by Jules
If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands
Crabby Crab
Wind the Bobbin Up
Pop Goes The Weasel
Once I Caught A Fish Alive
The Fish In The Sea Go Swim, Swim, Swim
Apple Tree Song – Way Up High In The Tree
Itsy Bitsy Spider
1, 2 Buckle My Shoe
The Wheels On The Bus
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Bubble, Bubble Pop
Mary Had A Little Lamb
5 Little Ducks
Hickory Dickory Dock
The More We Get Together
Bumping Up And Down in My Little Red Wagon
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Turn Around
5 Little Fishies Swimming In The Sear
Open Shut Them
1-20 Numbers Song and Dance
Animal Finger Family
The Ants Go Marching One by One
I’m A Little Teapot
Jump Like A Froggy
This Little Light of Mine, I’m Gonna Let It Shine
Rain, Rain, Go Away
I’m Bringing Home A Baby Bumble Bee
Here We Go Looby Loo
I Had A Little Turtle, His Name Was Tiny Tim
5 Little Monkeys Swinging on a Tree
Miss Polly Had A Dolly
Fly, Fly Like A Butterfly
Good-Bye Song

#kidsdancesongs #kidssongswithmovement #brainbreaks #kidssongs #actionsongs #dancealong

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master’s in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher and has a sweet 2-year-old boy who inspired her online baby music classes and learning videos!

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Hello friends i’m rico nice to meet you Do you want to learn my dinosaur song Come dance with me Can you whip your tail like a dinosaur D is for dino can you whip your tail Like a dinosaur Whip Whip Can you whip your tail like a dinosaur Whip Whip come on everybody get on the floor And let me hear that ferocious roar can You whip [Music] Can you reach up to the sky grab a leaf In the tree so high jump jump jump jump Reach Reach reach can you whip your tail like A dinosaur Whip Whip can you whip your tail like a Dinosaur With Come on everybody get on the floor and Let me hear that ferocious [Music] Can you whip your tail like a dinosaur Whip Whip can you whip your tail like a Dinosaur Whip Whip come on everybody get on the floor And let me hear that ferocious [Music]

Can you [Music] We’re gonna get up some pretend bubble Gum okay so get out some pretend bubble Gum What color is yours Mine’s pink Put it in your mouth And we’re gonna chew it Are you chewing your gum Okay now we’re gonna blow a really big Bubble Are you ready Wow Pop Oh no our bubble popped and the sticky Bubblegum is all over our hands [Music] Stick to your head And you pull them And you pull them And you pull them away [Music] And you pull them and you pull [Music] Stick to your tummy [Music] And you pull them away [Music] Stick to your ears [Music] Are they on your knees and you pull them And you pull them and you pull them away [Music]

Oh [Music] [Music] Put him on your grown-up and you pull Him and you pull him And you pull him away That was so fun One more time [Music] Yay That was so much fun this next song We’re gonna pretend to be astronauts and When we do the countdown you can get Into a little ball and then really blast Off it’s gonna be so much fun are you Ready Let’s put on her space helmet And put on our spacesuit Zoom zoom zoom we’re going to the moon Zoom zoom zoom we’re going to the moon If you want to take a trip climb aboard My rocket ship zoom zoom zoom we’re Going to the moon Ten nine Eight Seven Six Five four Three Two One blast up [Music] [Applause] [Music]

I’m aboard my rocket ship This song is called the hokey pokey i Bet you already know it Are y’all ready Okay let’s go you can follow along with Me right here [Music] That’s what it’s all about You put your right foot in you put your Right foot out you put your right foot In and you shake it all about you do the Hokey pokey and you turn yourself along That’s what it’s all about [Music] [Applause] [Music] Should we put in this circle How about our elbows yeah Put your right elbow in you put your Right elbow out you put your right up a Win and you shake it all about you do The hokey pokey and you turn That’s what it’s all about Let’s do the left elbow ready You put your left elbow in you put your Left dog you put your left double in and You shake it all out [Music] All right let’s do our hands [Applause] [Music] You put your left hand in put your left Hand out you put [Music]

[Applause] [Music] That’s what it’s all about [Music] Okay let’s get into our fire truck are You ready Hurry hurry drive the fire truck hurry Hurry drive the fire truck hurry hurry Drive the fire truck ding ding ding ding Ding [Music] Now it’s time to climb the ladder hurry Hurry climb the ladder hurry hurry climb The ladder hurry hurry climb the ladder Ding ding ding ding ding Get out the hose we gotta squirt the Water are you ready Hurry [Music] We did it we put out the fire great job Now we’re gonna go back to the station Slowly Slowly slowly back to the station slowly Slowly back to the station slowly slowly Back to the station ding ding ding ding Great job fire fighters high five [Music] Shall [Music] [Music] Wake [Music] Now we’re gonna be quiet again See the bunny sleeping till it’s nearly

Noon Shall we [Music] They’re so still [Music] That’s the alarm clock wake up little Bunnies Skip little bunnies [Music] Should we hop again let’s do it Are you ready Time Little bunnies huh [Music] Great job I’m in a very bad mood I’m feeling like a crab A crabby crab I’m in a terrible mood I don’t know what to do I’m such a crab A crabby crab So i’ll put one hand back One leg back Do it again now i’m walking like a Crabby crab one Hand back One leg back Do it again now i’m walking like the Crabby crabs do In my kratty crab mode I have to walk it through And breathe I know i’ll feel better soon

Pretending i’m a crab In the ocean blue Yes i’ll put one hand back One leg back Do it again now i’m walking like a Crabby crab one hand back One leg back Do it again now i’m walking like the Crabby crabs do Wow i feel so much better Let’s keep walking One hand back One leg back Do it again now we’re walking like the Crabby crabs one hand back One leg back Do it again now we’re walking like the Crabby crabs do [Applause] I feel so much better If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hands if You’re happy and you know it stomp your Feet If you’re happy and you know it stomp Your feet If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it stomp your feet

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If you’re happy and you know it shout Hooray hooray if you’re happy and you Know it shout all right all right if You’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it shout hooray hooray Do you think we could do all three If you’re happy and you know it do all Three All right if you’re happy and you know It do all three All right if you’re happy and you know It and you really want to show it if You’re happy and you know it do all Three Hooray Now let’s pretend to fly like a Butterfly If you’re happy and you know it flies Like a butterfly Good flying If you’re happy and you know it fly like A butterfly Oh beautiful If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it flies like a butterfly So pretty Good flying wow That was so much fun Great job If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap

Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hands Yay Wow you did such a great job [Music] Wind the bobbin Up and up pull Pull [Music] Point to the ceiling point to the floor Point to the window point to the door Put your hands together one two three Put your hands upon your knees [Music] Point to the ceiling point to the floor Point to the window point to the door Put your hands together one two three Put your hands upon your knees [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Great job I heard you like trains I like trains too Do you want to pretend to be a train With me All right what sound does a train make That’s right So we’re gonna pretend to be trains We’re gonna walk in a circle with our

Arms like this and whenever i say the Word stop we’re gonna freeze And wait for the train to start back up Again You can just follow along right up here Are you ready All aboard [Music] Let’s go a little bit faster Okay let’s do it a little bit faster are You ready All right we’re gonna go really really Fast this time are you ready I think we can go faster That was fun thanks for pretending to be A train with me What’s that sound What animal makes that sound You’re right a dog Oh Hi it’s our friend bingo hmm Bingo what’s wrong you look sad I’m sad because i forgot how to spell my Name Oh We can help you do you guys at home Think you can help bingo remember how to Spell his name can you help Yeah i bet if we sing the song bingo You’ll remember okay There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o b-i-n-g-o [Music] Bingo was his name-o this time let’s

Clap for the bee There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o I-n-g-o I-n-g-o I-n-g-o and bingo was his name-o Now we clap for the b and the i There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o N-g-o N-g-o N-g-o and bingo was his name-o Now for the b-i-n you ready There was a farmer had a dog and bingo Was his name-o G-o G-o G-o and bingo was his name-o Now for the b-i-n-g There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his Name-o oh Oh and bingo was his name-o Now we’re gonna do it for all the Letters it’s gonna be so tricky do you Think you can do it i know you can There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o And bingo was his name-o [Music] And bingo was his name-o Yay you guys did an amazing job Thank you thank you so much do you Remember how to spell your name now i

Know Yay thank you Thank you so much thank you let’s sing Pop goes the weasel Can you skip around All around the cobbler’s bench the Monkey chased the weasel the monkey Thought it was all in fun pop goes the Weasel let’s do it again that was so Much fun All around the cobbler’s bench the Monkey chased the weasel the monkey Thought it was all in fun pop goes the Weasel yay Awesome One two three four five once i caught a Fish alive six seven eight nine ten then I let it go again why did you let it go Because it bit my finger so Which finger did it bite this little Finger on my right Let’s sing it again let me hear you sing In your nice loud voice One two three four five once i caught a Fish alive six seven eight nine ten then I let it go again why did you let it go Because it bit my finger so which finger Did it bite this little finger on my Right great job Let’s put a band-aid on our finger let’s Pretend Now it feels better Let’s get a steady beat going One

Two Buckle my shoe three Four shut the door Five six pick up sticks seven Eight Lay them straight nine ten Do it again yay let’s do it again One two Buckle my shoe three Four shut the door Five six Pick up six seven Eight lay them straight Nine ten a big red hand Great job I have a little stuffed animal Do you know what this is [Music] It’s a lamb Can you get a stuffed animal Or an action figure to dance with and Then we’ll do a dance together Mary had a little lamb little lamb Little man Mary had a little lip whose face was White as snow That was so fun Are you ready [Music] Way up high In the tree One red apple smile down at me so i Shook that tree as hard as i could down Came the apple um

Good Great job Can you get out your two hands one Two Great job Open shut them open shut them give a Little clap clap clap Open shut them open shut them put them In your lap lap lap Creep them crawl them creep them crawl Them right up to your chin Chin Open wide your little mouth But do not let them in That was so silly No It’s still raining because we sang the Rain song What can we sing to make it go away I know Rain rain go away come again another day Rachel wants to play rain rain go away Now let’s put your name in because it’s Still raining and we need that rain to Go away let’s try it with your name Rain rain go away come again another day Wants to play rain rain go away It worked with your name the rain went Away Great job Do you have a teddy bear Wow if you want you can get out your Teddy bear for this rhyme Teddy bear teddy bear turn around teddy

Bear teddy bear touch the ground teddy Bear teddy bear reach up high Teddy bear teddy bear touch the sky Teddy bear teddy bear bend down low Teddy bear teddy bear touch your toes Teddy bear teddy bear Go to bed oh Teddy bear teddy bear rest your head Teddy bear teddy bear turn off the light Click Teddy bear teddy bear say Good night Oh the teddy bear is so tired pretend to Go to sleep or put your teddy bear to Bed Ding ding ding ding That’s our alarm clock we have to get up And sing more songs Teddy bear teddy bear find your nose Boink Teddy bear teddy bear touch your toes oh Touch your toes Teddy bear teddy bear touch your knees Are you touching your knees teddy bear Teddy bear sit down please are you Sitting down Good job Can you get out five little fishies Good Job five little fishy swimming in the Sea Teasing mr sharkey can’t catch me Along comes mr sharky quiet as Convenient snap that fishy right out of

The sea how many are left one Two Three Four good counting [Music] Four little fishy swimming in the sea Teasing mr sharkey can’t catch me along Comes mr sharkey quiet as can be and Snaps that fishy right out of this c How many are left count with me one two Three good job Three little fishies swimming in the sea Teasing mr sharky can’t catch me Along comes mr sharkey quiet as can be And snaps that fishy ride out of the sea Good singing How many are left one Two Two little fishies swimming in the sea Teasing mr sharkey can’t catch me Along comes mr sharky quiet as can be And snaps that fishy right out of the c How many are left just One One little fishy swimming in the sea Teasing mr shark he can’t catch me Oh comes mr sharky quiet as can be and Snaps that fishy right out of the sea And that was so good Great job friends The more we get together together Together the more we get together the Happier we’ll be Cause your friends are my friends and my

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Friends are your friends the more we get Together the happier we’ll be Can you try the sign for more More Good job now let’s try bumping up and Down in my little red wagon Let’s start with a nice Bumpy [Music] Red [Music] You only tried a little bit faster Okay [Music] Okay let’s try it really fast Nice job guys next let’s get out our Itsy bitsy spider The itsy bitsy spider went up the water Spout Down came the rain and washed the spider Out Out came the sun and dried up all the Rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up The spout again yay That was so much fun [Music] Let’s do the wheels on the bus can you Get out your wheels good job the wheels On the bus go round and round round and Round round and round the wheels on the Bus go round and round all through the Town [Music] The wipers on the bus go swish swish

Swish swish swish swish swish the wipers On the bus go swish swish swish All through the town The doors on the bus go open and shut Open and shut open and shut the doors on The bus go open and shut All through the town The babies on the bus go where where Where where where where where where the Babies on the bus go where where where All through the town Mommies on the bus [Music] Through goes town The daddies on the bus say i love you i Love you i love you the mommies on the Bus say i love you too All through the town The money on the bus goes clink clink Clink clink clink clink clink clink Clink clink clink clink the money on the Bus goes clink clink clink All through the town The driver on the bus says move on back The people on the bus go up and down up And down up and down the people on the Bus go up and down all through the town Let’s go back to the wheels can you do The wheels again Great job The wheels on the bus go round and round And round round and round the wheels on The bus go round and round all through The town

All through the town All through the town Yay Can you clap that was great Let’s get out one little blue fish are You ready One little blue fish swimming in the Water one little blue fist swimming in The water one little blue fish swimming In the water bubble bubble bubble bubble Pop that was fun let’s get out two Little red fish Two little red fish swimming in the Water two little red fish swimming in The water two little red fish swimming In the water bubble bubble bubble Wow let’s get three yellow fish Three little yellow fish swimming in the Water three little yellow fish swimming In the water three little yellow fish Swimming in the water Bubble bubble bubble pop how about four Green fish i’m excited Four little green fish swimming in the Water four little green fish swimming in The water four little green fish Swimming in the water Bubble bubble pop Now let’s do five rainbow fish Five little rainbow fish swimming in the Water five little rainbow fish swimming In the water five little rainbow fish Swimming in the water bubble bubble Bubble bubble pop

Wow great job Next we’re gonna get into our boat so We’re gonna get out our paddles let’s Pretend we’re in a boat did you get out Your paddles And we’re gonna row so nicely and we’re In a nice calm stream what a beautiful Day Row row row your boat gently down the Stream Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is But a dream that was so nice and fun This time we’re gonna get in our boats Again but we’re gonna pretend that we See A crocodile are you ready Row row row your boat gently down the Street If you see a crocodile don’t forget to Scream That was so fun maybe we should do a Fast food tempo Because we want to get away from that Crocodile you ready Oh no This little duck can’t find its mama Maybe if we sing five little ducks the Duck will hear its mama quack can you Help can you help me find my mama Can you help the duck Let’s sing five little ducks Get out your five little ducks good Job five little ducks went out one day Over the hill and far away

Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But only four little ducks came back One Two three Four Four little ducks went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But only three little ducks came back One Two three Three little ducks went up one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But only two little ducks came back One Two Two little ducks went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But only one little duck came back Can you show me one just one one finger One little duck went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack but None of the five little ducks came back Mother duck is feeling very Sad Sad mother duck went out One day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack And all of the five little ducks came Back

Yay The duck found its mama Thank you so much i found my mama Yay thank you Give you a kiss Let’s sing hickory dickory dock Yay Hickory dickory dock the mouse went up The clock the clock struck one the mouse Went down hickory dickory dock let’s do It again that was so much fun Let me hear you sing hickory dickory Dock the mouse went up the clock the Clock struck one the mouse went down Hickory dickory dock Great job for the next song let’s Pretend to be little ants hi i’m an aunt Can you march with me to the steady beat Marching to the beat is something we Teach in music education The ants go marching one by one hurrah Hurrah the ants go marching one by one Hurrah The ants go marching one by one the Little one stops to soak islam And they all go marching down to the Ground to get out of the rain boom [Music] The ants go marching two by two the Little one stops to tie her shoe tie Your shoe And they all go marching down to the Ground to get out of the ring [Music]

The ants go marching three by three Hurrah hurrah Ants go marching three by three hurrah Hurrah the ants go marching three by Three the little one stops to climb a Tree [Music] And they all go marching down to the Ground to get out of the rain The ants go marching four by four hurrah Hurrah the ants go marching four by four Hurrah hurrah the ants go marching four By four the little one stops to shut the Door And they all go marching down to the Ground to get out of the rainbow [Music] The ants go marching five by five the Little [Music] Now let’s do six The ants go marching six by six hurrah Hurrah the ants go marching six by six Hurrah the ants go marching six by six The little one stops to pick up sticks Pick up all those sticks and they all go Marching down to the ground to get out Of the rain [Music] The ants go marching seven by seven Hurrah hurrah the ants go marching seven By seven hurrah hurrah the ants go Marching seven by seven the little one Stops to eat a lemon

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[Music] And they all go marching [Music] Marching eight by eight hurrah The ants go marching eight by eight the Little one stops to shut the gate [Music] The little one stops to check [Music] The ants go marching ten by [Music] And they all go marching down to the Ground to get out of the rain [Music] That was so much fun One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten [Music] Eleven 12 13 14 15 16 17. 18

19 20. [Music] Let’s sing five little monkeys swinging In a tree and when we snap that monkey Let’s be loud for day Five little monkeys swinging in a tree Teasing mr alligator can’t catch me Along comes mr alligator [Applause] Four little monkeys swinging in a tree Teasing mr alligator can’t catch me [Music] [Applause] Three little monkeys swinging in a tree Teasing mr alligator can’t catch me [Music] [Applause] Two little monkeys swinging in a tree Teasing mr alligator can’t catch me [Music] Right out of the tree One little monkey swinging in a tree Teasing mr alligator can’t catch me How long comes mister i’ll keep her Quiet as can be and smash that monkey Right out of the tree I’m a little teapot short and stout Here is my handle here is my spout When i get all steamed up hear me shout Tip Me over and pour me out Now let’s do it with a toy teapot i’m a Little teapot short and stout

Here is my handle and here is my spout When i get all steamed up hear me shout Tick me over and pour me out [Music] You want to see the magic It’s magic tea Here we go [Music] Here we go Here we go I’m on a saturday night try marching in A circle around your house Here we go Here we go Here we go On a saturday night you did such a good Job i put my right hand in i take [Music] My left hand in i take my left hand out I give my hand a shake shake shake and Turn myself about Here we go looby loo Here we go Here we go loopy loo All on a saturday night i put my right Foot in i take my right foot out i give My foot a shake shake shake and turn Myself about Here we go looby loo Here we go Here we go i’m on a saturday night i put My left foot in i take my left foot up i Give my foot a shake shoot shake and Turn myself about

Here here we go [Music] I put my whole self in i take my whole Self out I give myself a shake shake shake and Turn myself about yay Let’s play ring around the rosie you can Play with your mama or dada or your Grown-up Ring around the rosie a pocket full of Posie Ashes ashes we all fall Down yay you did it Let’s do it faster Ring around the rosie a vodka full of Posey ashes ashes we all fall Down good job This little light on mine i’m gonna let It shine this little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine This little light of mine I’m gonna let it Shine let it shine [Music] I’m gonna let it shine let it shine Let it shine All around the world I’m gonna let it shine All around the world I’m gonna let it shine All around the world i’m gonna let it Shine Let it shine let it shine Yeah you get down on one knee for the

Big ending great job Jump like a froggy jump jump [Music] [Music] Jump jump good job fly like a birdie fly Fly wow fly like a birdie fly fly fly A little birdie in the sky [Music] Da [Music] A big green dinosaur [Music] Can you fall asleep Sleep like a baby sleep sleep sleep Sleep like a baby sleep sleep sleep An itty bitty baby in a crib Sleep like a baby sleep sleep sleep Swim like a fishy swim swim swim let me See you swim swim like a fish [Music] [Music] [Music] Like a dancer [Music] [Music] Let’s pretend to be butterflies can you Fly around with me Good job fly fly like a butterfly fly Fly like a butterfly fly fly like a Butterfly fly around the yard Now let’s pretend we land on a flower Did you know that butterflies taste with Their feet yum yum yum this flower Tastes yummy

Then they drink the nectar like this Land on a flower and drink the nectar up Land on a flower and drink the mixture Up land on a flower and drink the nectar Up the nectar tastes so yummy good job Now let’s fly around a little more Are you getting tired Let’s take a rest on a leaf butterflies Don’t sleep but they rest let’s rest on A leaf Land on a leaf and take a rest land on a Leaf and take a rest land on a leaf and Take a rest because we are so tired Oh let’s rest on this leaf So nice to take a rest Let’s get up and fly again are you ready Fly fly like a butterfly fly fly like a Butterfly fly by like a butterfly fly Around the yard Great job wow You did a wonderful job being a Butterfly Let’s sing about animals and insects we See outside Are you ready Here we go Caterpillar caterpillar Where are you Here i am here i am how do you do Butterfly butterfly where are you Here i am here i am how do you do Jumping froggy jumping froggy where are You Here i am here i am how do you do

Sleeping owl sleeping owl where are you Here i am here i am how do you do That was so much fun what do you think This is It’s a bird little bird little bird Where are you Here i am here i am how do you do That was so much fun great job Pretending to be animals and insects That we see outside i love your Beautiful voice Today we’re going to pretend that we Have a little tiny cute pet turtle So get out your hand and go like this And just have the little thumb as the Head hi Hi Now give him a little shell with your Other hand And he’s our cute little pet turtle Now we need to give him a bath because He’s kind of dirty so let’s put him in The bathtub Oh He loves the water right Oh no He’s drinking up the water and he’s Eating the soap Stop little turtle that’s not good for You you’re gonna get sick Let’s sing about it I had a little turtle his name was tiny Tim i put him in the bathtub to see if He could swim he drank up all the water

He ate up all the soap And now he’s home sick in bed with Bubbles in his throat Bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble pop Bubble bubble bubble Bubble bubble pop Should we sing it again great job I had a little turtle his name was tiny Tim i put him in the bathtub to see if He could swim he drank up all the water He ate up all the soap And now he’s home sick in bed with Bubbles in his throat Bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bop Bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble pop Let’s see if he’s feeling better now Hi Hi Are you feeling better tiny tim Yeah I feel better now Oh He’s all better let’s pretend we’re Walking home And We see a bunch of bumblebees buzzing Around [Music] Hey do you think we could catch one Let’s try [Music] I got one did you get one I’m bringing home a baby bumblebee Won’t my mommy be so proud of me i’m

Bringing home a baby Bumblebee Ouch It stung me I’m squishing up the baby bumblebee Won’t my mommy be so proud of me i’m Squishing up the baby bumblebee Ew It’s yucky I’m wiping off the baby bumblebee Won’t my mommy be so proud of me i’m Wiping off the baby bumblebee Look mommy All clean Should we try it again Okay we’re walking home I see a bunch of bumble bees do you see Them Do you think we can catch one Oh i didn’t catch it [Music] I had to jump but i caught one I’m bringing home a baby bumblebee Won’t my mommy be so proud of me i’m Bringing home a baby bumblebee Ouch It’s stung me I’m squishing up the baby bumblebee My mommy be so proud of me i’m squishing Up the baby bumble bee Eww It’s yucky I’m wiping off the baby bumble bee Won’t my mommy be so proud of me i’m

Wiping off the baby bumblebee Look mommy all clean Yay [Music] [Applause] I’m gonna use my imagination [Music] Is [Music] Shake shake like a rattle can you shake Shake can’t play [Music] Believe that you’re a dragon protector [Music] I’m gonna use my imagination [Music] Oh I’m gonna use my imagination [Music] I Yeah I’m gonna use my imagination [Music] A dancer [Music] Imagination [Music] By saving [Music] It’s time to say goodbye can you wave Bye bye but we’ll see you again real Soon Bye bye friends bye bye friends Bye bye friends we’ll see you again real

Soon Bye bye Thanks for singing with me you sounded Beautiful You

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.