Back to School – Preschool Writing & Tracing Review – Letters A -G

Circle Time with Ms. Monica – Back to School – Preschool Writing & Tracing Review – Letters A -G

It’s Back to School Season! Ms. Monica put together writing lessons from Circle Time with Ms. Monica episodes. In this video you’ll find review of letters A -G. If your child is not writing then you can write the letters and then allow your child to trace .

Ms. Monica has letter worksheets available for purchase here:

Materials Needed for this video:

Writing Tools (pencil, marker or crayon)
Paper or Notebook
Letter Tracing Worksheets (optional for those children not writing)

More Preschool Learning From Ms. Monica:
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1. Ms. Monica’s Preschool Worksheets –

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[Music] Hi I’m miss monica what’s your name Well i’m so happy you’re here today Today we’re going to practice tracing or Writing I put together a few letters from my Circle time videos for you to practice With If you’re ready to write you practice Writing and if you’re ready to trace you Practice tracing Have fun happy learning Bye Letter a uppercase and lowercase Remember families if children are not Ready for writing write the letter for Them and let them trace on top Let’s practice uppercase a first Everyone ready Great we’re always going to start at the Top when we’re writing or tracing so Starting at the top watch first and then We’ll do it together so i’m going to Start at the top line here And make a diagonal line down this way Go back to the top Diagonal line down this way Then go to the middle And straight line Across for uppercase a Let’s try together okay my friends find A space starting at the top And diagonal line down this way

And go back to the top Diagonal line down this way Go to the middle and straight line Across Wow And try it one more time i’m going to Trace it with my finger you try it at Home starting at the top diagonal line Down this way Go back to the top Diagonal line down this way Go to the middle straight line across Uppercase a Keep on practicing Now Let’s try lowercase a Lowercase a we start in the middle so You can start at the middle line if you Have lines on your paper And watch first and then we’ll try it Together start in the middle straight Line down to the bottom Go back to the top and curve around to The bottom for upper excuse me lowercase A that’s right let’s try it again try it With me Okay start in the middle straight line Down Now go to the top of that line and make A big curve curve around to the bottom For lowercase a yes give it a try again One more time start in the middle i’ll Try again with you Straight line down

Now go back to the top of that line And curve around to the bottom Oops mine is leaning forward oh that’s Because i’m writing Sideways but that’s okay you do the best That you can you keep on practicing and You’ll continue to get better And now it’s time for us to practice Tracing or writing whatever your child Is ready for that’s what they can do We’re going to practice letter b Uppercase and lowercase so let’s start With uppercase watch me first okay watch Me first and then we’ll try it together Uppercase b i start at the top we always Start at the top start at the top draw a Straight line down straight line down Go back to the top And curve around to the middle and curve Around to the bottom Uppercase b let’s try together Find a space Start at the top Straight line down Go back to the top Curve around to the middle curve around To the bottom One more time uppercase b Start at the top Straight line down Go back to the top And curve around to the middle curve Around to the bottom For uppercase b uppercase b has a

Straight line and two curved lines Now let’s try Lowercase b Lowercase b watch my friends it has one Straight line down And when you go to the middle it has a Curve to the bottom for lowercase b Let’s try it together Find a space Start at the top And straight line down Go to the middle and curve around to the Bottom for lowercase b There it is you can keep on going keep On practicing your uppercase and Lowercase b is our writing today we are Going to practice writing letter C Letter c uppercase c and lowercase c Are you ready Great Here we go We’re here at the drawing and writing Board we’re practicing writing today if You don’t have anything to write with It’s okay you can use your pointer Finger in the air and practice tracing The letter c okay And for those of you who do have paper And you are going to be practicing Writing well you can get ready I’m going to use my red marker for our Letter c And let me open it

First we’ll start with uppercase c Now the uppercase c Uppercase c And the lowercase c Lowercase c They look the same they look the same Except the uppercase c is big And the lowercase c is small so we’re Going to practice writing it big and Practice writing it small Okay Great so let’s start By watching me first watch me the first Time and then you can start So we’re going to start at the top we’ll Go to the top but we’ll also move over To the corner a little bit And then i’ll start right here And i’ll curve up and down To the other corner It’s a curved line Letter c is a curved line Remember some letters have straight Lines and some letters have curved lines Letter c has a Curved line all right let’s do it Together okay start at the top And now find the corner which is on the Side a little bit And curve up and down to the other Corner Let’s do it again Go to the top now find the corner it’s On the side a little bit

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And curve up and down to the other Corner Let’s keep going Remember go back to the top Find that corner Curve up And down to the other corner Now parents some children may need a Little assistance if they need help you Can just do what we call a hand over Hand assist that means you put your hand On top of theirs and you help them with The writing okay Let’s try again keep going Go back to the top Find that Corner and curve up and down to the Other corner Again Go to the top Find that corner Curve up and down to the other corner Let’s do it again Go to the top Find that corner Curve up and down to the other corner Two more All right go to the top find that little Corner Curve up and down to the other corner One more Go to the top Find that corner Curve up

Down to the other corner There you have it Uppercase c Now let’s try the lowercase c which is The same c except it’s small I’ll erase my board you find some more Room to write And then we’ll practice We’re ready to practice lowercase c Remember we need to make lowercase c a Little smaller Uppercase c is big and lowercase c is Small here we go Okay we’ll go to the top again find the Little corner And curve up Down And find the other corner See it’s a little smaller Again Find the little corner Curve up Down into the other corner Let’s do it again Go to the top find the little corner Curve up down into the other corner And it’s okay if you’re making it a Little larger that’s okay You do your best you keep on practicing Let’s try again Okay go to the top find the little Corner Curve up down into the corner Again

Start at the top move over to the corner Curve up down into the corner Start at the top find the little corner Curve up down into the corner Again Start at the top find the little corner Curve up down into the corner And Start at the top find the little corner Curve up down Into the corner Lowercase c Great practicing everyone you keep on Practicing keep on trying and every time You practice you’ll continue to get Better We did uppercase c and lowercase c today Great work I’m very proud of all of you for the The D is our letter of the week We have uppercase d Lowercase d Let’s practice our uppercase d and Lowercase d We will practice writing it now remember Every letter makes a sound and d says d D Can you make that sound D for dinosaur Dinosaur d for duck D Duck D for donkey

Donkey d for donuts the Donuts letter d now let’s practice Writing the letter d but before we write It today Let’s go over The lines that letter d has Letter d Uppercase has a straight line and a Curved line Lowercase d has a straight line and A curved line But they look different so we will have To write them a little different Are you ready to practice Great Meet me over at the drawing and writing Board I will use my blue marker to practice Writing letter d Now watch me first i’m going to start With uppercase d first watch first then You’re going to try Here we go Start at the top Line down Go back to the top And curve to the bottom That’s uppercase d Now you give it a try we’ll do it Together Are you ready Oh and remember if you don’t have Anything to write with it’s okay you can Practice in the air

Alright let’s go start at the top Everyone And go down Go back to the top And curve to the bottom Let’s try it again Start at the top Go down Go back to the top Curve to the bottom Let’s keep going try it again Start at the top Go down Go back to the top And curve to the bottom Let’s try again Start at the top Go down Go back to the top and curve to the Bottom Oh one more time Start at the top Go down Go back to the top And curve to the bottom Uppercase d You just practice uppercase d Now let’s do lowercase d Okay get ready for lowercase d i’ll Still use my blue marker Watch first i’ll do one first and then We’ll do it together Here we go Start at the top

Go down Go to the middle And curve to the bottom Lowercase d Now you give it a try let’s do it Together Start at the top Go Down go to the middle Curve to the bottom Let’s do it again Start at the top Go down Go to the middle Curve to the bottom Let’s do it again Start at the top Go down Go to the middle Curve to the bottom Let’s go again Another one start at the top Go down Go to the middle and curve to the bottom One more Start at the top Go down Go to the middle Curve to the bottom Lowercase d You did it Now you just keep on practicing and Every time you practice you’ll continue To get better we practice writing

Uppercase d and lowercase d this is Uppercase e if you said uppercase e You’re correct let’s do it again This is Lowercase e If you said lowercase e you’re correct Oh you all have been doing wonderful all Week with the letter e now let’s put Letter e on the board and then we can Practice writing And now it’s time for us to practice Writing the letter e we’ll practice Uppercase e and we’ll practice lowercase E so if you need to stop the video or Pause you can you can do it now to go Get paper or notebook or anything to Write with but if you don’t have those Things it’s okay you can just practice With your pointer finger in the air Are you ready great i’ll meet you at our Drawing and writing board Now we’re going to practice writing it I’m going to show you first so watch First and then you can practice with me I’ll use my blue marker Here we go watch first looking eyes Uppercase e Start at the top Go down Go back to the top Across on the top Then go to the middle Across in the middle And go to the bottom

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Across on the bottom Wow Uppercase e Now you try let’s do it together Let’s start at the top Go down Go back to the top Across on the top Go to the middle Across in the middle Go to the bottom Across on the bottom Let’s do another you’re doing great keep On going Go to the top we’ll start at the top And go down Go back to the top Across on the top Go to the middle Across in the middle Go to the bottom Across on the bottom uppercase e let’s Keep going Again Start at the top Go down Go back to the top Across on the top Go to the middle Across in the middle And go to the bottom Across on the bottom let’s keep going Two more Start at the top

Go down Go back to the top Across on the top Go to the middle Across in the middle And then go to the bottom across on the Bottom One more Start at the top Go down Go back to the top Cross on the top Go to the middle Across in the middle Go to the bottom Across on the bottom Wow Uppercase e you did it great work Keep on trying and keep on practicing The more you practice the better you’ll Get All right it’s time to practice Lowercase e i’ll erase my board and then We’ll do it together Okay now it’s time to practice our Lowercase e now let’s look at this Lowercase e Lowercase e is a little different from The uppercase e you see Lowercase e has a straight line and it Has a curved line so let’s try pointer Fingers in the air Now let me show you really quickly When you start with lowercase e you

Start kind of towards the bottom you Pick a spot and then you go out to the Side your straight line and then you Curve all the way around Let’s try it in the air with our pointer Finger ready okay point your finger up Pick a spot In the middle right here now let’s go Out to the side And then Curve all the way around Let’s try it again point the finger up Pick a little spot Now Go out to the side curve all the way Around you did it now let’s try it with Writing on paper and i’ll write on my Board if you don’t have anything again Try it in the air Okay let me put this back Here we go I’m going to use my blue marker again Lowercase e let me show you first watch First with your looking eyes and then We’ll try it together okay Pick a spot Go out to the side And curve all the way around Lowercase e Now you try let’s do it together Pick a spot Go out to the side And curve all the way around Lowercase e let’s keep trying if you

Need help it’s okay Let someone help you and you keep on Practicing and you’ll get better Every time you practice let’s keep going I’m going to do one here Pick a spot Go out to the side And curve all the way around Do it again pick a spot Out to the side And curve all the way around Let’s do some more Pick a spot Go out to the side and curve all the way Around Again Pick a spot Go out to the side and curve all the way Around Lowercase e You’re doing it And guess what the more you practice the Better you’ll get keep on practicing Let’s practice writing letter f Are you ready Great meet me over at our drawing and Writing board i’m going to use a green Marker today so that we can practice Writing letter f we’ll start with Uppercase f first watch me first i’ll Show you how to write it and then we’ll Do it together all right here i go Uppercase f Now we start at the top

Start at the top And we’re going to draw a straight line Down And then go back to the top And draw a line out to the side Now go to the middle and draw another Line out to the side There you go Uppercase f Now let’s try it together Here we go Start at the top Start at the top and draw a straight Line down Now go back to the top And draw another straight line out to The side And go to the middle and draw another Straight line out to the side There you go uppercase f Let’s keep going let’s try another Start at the top Draw a straight line down Now go back to the top And draw a straight line out to the side And go to the middle and draw another Straight line out to the side Let’s do another Start at the top And go down Now go back to the top And draw a straight line out to the side Oh and go to the middle and draw another Straight line out to the side

Letter f uppercase f let’s do two more Start at the top Draw a straight line down Go back to the top Draw a straight line out to the side Go to the middle and draw a straight Line out to the side One more uppercase f I’ll do mine here Start at the top Draw a line down Go back to the top and draw a straight Line out to the side Go to the middle and draw a straight Line out to the side Uppercase f there you go How did you do Oh great Keep on practicing remember the more you Practice the better you get Now let’s try lowercase F i’ll erase my board and then we’ll try Lowercase f together all right now it’s Time to practice letter f the lowercase F i’m going to use a pink marker to do Lowercase f I’ll do one first you watch me first and Then we’ll do it together Okay here we go Watch me first Lowercase f going to start at the top But find the little corner right here And curve up And then draw a straight line down

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And go to the middle and draw a short Line across Look at that Let’s try it together Start at the top And go to the corner a little bit over To the side And then draw a curved line a small Curved line And now a straight line down And then go to the middle And draw a little line across a short Line it’s not long it’s short Let’s try again Start at the top Over to the corner And curve Over just a little bit Now draw a straight line down And now go to the middle and draw a Straight line across A short straight line Let’s try again Start at the top Now find a little corner Curve up And then draw a straight line down Go to the middle and draw a line across A short line Let’s do again Start at the top Curve line up just a little curved line Now draw a straight line down Go to the middle and draw a line across

A short straight line One more Start at the top Go over to the corner a little Curve up And draw a line down Go to the middle and draw a straight Line across a short straight line Whoo Lowercase F How did you do Oh you can keep on practicing keep Practicing and the more you practice the Better you will get going to practice Writing letter g i’m going to clean my Board and then meet you over there so we Can write I will use my red marker to practice Writing letter g I will practice the uppercase g first And then we’ll practice lowercase g Now i want you to watch me first so you Can see how we do letter g and then We’ll do it together Okay let me open my marker I’ll practice first one time and then You will do it together All right so for uppercase g We’re going to start at the top Over in the corner a little And we Curve all the way around And then we make a straight line in

That’s uppercase g Now we can try it with our pointer first Let me show you with this g Look at our uppercase g point your Fingers up We start over in the corner Go to the top find your little corner And you curve all the way around Stop in the middle and then draw a Straight line in In Now let’s try it on the board you get Your pencil or crayon ready here we go Let’s do it together Go to the top Find the corner Curve all the way around to the middle And then draw a straight line in That’s uppercase g let’s do it again Start at the top Over to the corner Curve all the way around to the middle And then draw a straight line in Uppercase g Let’s try it again Go to the top Start over at the corner Curve all the way around to the middle And then draw a straight line in Uppercase g two more times Go to the top Over to the corner Curve all the way around to the middle And then draw a straight line

In One more time Go to the top Over to the corner Curve all the way around to the middle And then draw a straight line in Uppercase g How did you do Oh remember the more you practice the Better you’ll get keep on practicing Now i’m going to erase my board so we Can try lowercase g you can keep Practicing Okay time for lowercase g now lowercase G is a little different so watch me First and then we’ll practice together Lowercase g let’s start in the middle Curve all the way around And then you’re going to draw a line Down Line down and curve it just a little Curve a little lowercase g let’s try it Again Go to the middle Curve all the way around Then draw a line down And curve it just a little It’s like a hook Okay Now let’s try it together first point The finger up I want to show you with this g So We start

In the middle And curve all the way around And then we draw a line down and curve It just a little Like a hook Just like that Okay let’s try together on the Board here we go Go to the middle And curve all the way around Then draw a line down Down and curve it just a little Like a hook Hook Okay let’s do it again go to the middle Curve all the way around And then draw a line Down and curve it just a little Like a hook Again Go to the middle Draw a curved line all the way around Then draw a line down And curve it just a little Like a hook One more time Go through the middle Curve all the way around and then draw a Line down And curve it just a little Like a hook Lowercase G How did you do

Oh great remember the more you practice The better you’ll get so keep on Practicing hi i’m miss monica thank you So much for watching one of my Educational videos here on youtube Adults if you feel like your children Have mastered the skills on my videos Well then guess what I’ve created preschool explorers an Online learning space for young children Ages three to five I offer virtual live and pre-recorded Programs for preschoolers and Kindergarteners You can learn more at See you in class Bye

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.