Preschool Videos – Circle Time, Songs, Reading, Movement and More – Learning Video
Our preschool videos include circle time, songs, reading, movement and more! In our learning video, “Preschool for Littles” you’ll learn all about the letter C and discover how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly! Our videos are packed with a…

Sink or Float for Kids and More Preschool Songs, Learning and Movement – Science Experiment for Kids
A Sink or Float for kids lesson and more preschool songs, learning and movement! This is a great science experiment to do with kids! You can learn at home with Ms Rachel and friends in our educational preschool videos. Rachel…

Learning Videos for Toddlers – Speech and Songs – Learn To Talk and Meet Milestones
Our learning videos for toddlers help toddlers with speech, songs and meeting milestones. Songs are great for helping babies learn to talk. This is a mix of speech practice and kids songs for kids to enjoy and learn gestures, language…

Videos for Toddlers – Songs, Speech and Learning – Baby or Toddler Speech Delay – First Words
Our videos for toddlers with songs, speech, and learning encourage first words. If your child has a speech delay, consult your pediatrician and a speech therapist. This video includes tips from Chatterbox NYC speech therapists. Rachel is not a speech…

Speech Videos for Toddlers and Babies – Early Intervention Activities and Baby Milestones Video
Our Speech Videos for Toddlers and Babies, “Talking Time” encourage speech and show early intervention activities. All babies and toddlers benefit from singing songs and nursery rhymes, rich pretend play, modeling language and interactions and floor time. It also lists…

Preschool for Littles by Songs for Littles – Letter B Part 2 – Ms Rachel Visits the Beach
This fun, educational video for kids with “Preschool for Littles” includes phonics, songs, reading, math, movement and more! Join us for a fun field trip to the beach! We know you will love this educational video for kids where Ms…

Preschool Learning Videos – Preschool for Littles – Circle Time, Songs, Movement – Preschool Prep
Our preschool learning videos include preschool prep, circle time, songs, movement, reading, numbers, ABC, and more! They are full of preschool lessons that are great for 2-year-olds, 3-year-olds, and 5-year-olds! It probably contains a week’s worth of lessons, activities, and…

Speech Practice Video for Toddlers and Babies – Speech Delay Toddler – Learn To Talk Videos
This speech practice video for toddlers and babies encourages children to learn to talk. If your child has a speech delay, consult your pediatrician and a speech therapist. This video includes tips from Chatterbox NYC speech therapists. Ms Rachel, who…

Baby Sign Language Basics and Baby First Words – The Best Baby Signs, Songs and Flashcards
This video includes sign language basics and baby first words, songs, and flashcards. It’s full of useful baby signs and gestures that help develop language. The video can be watched by babies, babies and adults or even just adults to…

5 Little Ducks and More Learning Songs for Toddlers in English – Best Songs for Kids
5 Little Ducks is one of the best songs for kids, toddlers, babies and preschool age children! This video includes one hour of learning songs for toddlers in English. Having a person instead of a cartoon doing movement songs is…