Kids Music Class- Jammin’ with Jules

Jammin’ With Jules is a super fun kids music class! It’s great for preschoolers, kids, toddlers and babies! You will love this kids music class with Jules!

Songs for Littles also has many full music classes for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners and kids! We also have toddler learning videos with learning songs, flashcards, and encourage speech through games and toys! Great for preschoolers, kindergarteners, babies, toddlers, 1st graders, 2nd graders and kids of all ages. Even adults will love Jules’ awesome song choices!

Songs for Littles is developed by music educators to help children become tiny musicians! This isn’t just any baby music class —tiny musicians will learn dynamics, tempo, music notation, steady beat/rhythm, solfege and more! We’ll sing a variety of musical styles while exploring instruments and moving to music. Baby sign language is included throughout! Get ready for bubbles, puppets, scarfs and SO MUCH FUN!

Jules is a New York City-based singer songwriter who has worked in many musical genres – indie rock, pop and country among them. Jules co-wrote the theme song for the feature film Rock Dog; was a Great American Songwriter finalist for ”Hey There Anne’’; and with their band Boketto the Wolf has toured, opened for major acts and performed at the SXSW music festival. Jules’ passion for songwriting extends to teaching at a local private school and mentoring each Summer at the Berklee Songwriting Workshop.

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Hey everybody Today on janna with jules we’re going to Be playing some of your favorite songs Are you ready Let’s go Let’s try Head shoulders knees and toes Are you ready Let’s start at a slow tempo Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Eyes and Ears and mouth and nose Head Shoulders knees and toes knees and toes We’re awesome Let’s do it again but a little bit Faster let’s try a faster tempo are you Ready Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes awesome job Okay Let’s try it really really fast are you Ready Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head Shoulders knees and toes knees and toes That was fast Let’s try it as fast as we can are you Ready That was so fast but y’all did so good Give yourself a high five Hey everyone we’re gonna do a song with Dynamics did you learn about dynamics Already So what are they That’s right Soft and loud it’s how Soft or loud music is So let’s do a song where we have to Start off really quiet and soft And get really really loud whenever you Hear the word shout so it’s gonna be Like this John Jacob jingleheimer schmidt his name is My name too Whenever we go out the people always Shout there goes john jacob jingle Irishman John jacob Irishman His name is my name too Whenever we go out the people always Shout john jacob jingleheimer Oh my gosh y’all sound so good Can we do it again this time be really Loud in the loud parts and really quiet In the soft parts let’s try to be really

Really quiet ready here we go John Jay Schmidt His name is my name too Whenever we go out the people always Shout there goes Good job everybody using those dynamics Now let’s try bumping up and down in my Little red wagon Let’s start with a nice Bumpy Tempo [Music] Won’t you be my Darling you only tried a little bit Faster Okay [Music] Okay let’s try it really Fast here we go The next song we’re gonna sing is about A tiny little bug called an ant We’re gonna sing a song about them Marching and we’re gonna count them as They march Can you march with me let’s go Here we go [Applause] The ants go marching one by one through The Hurrah the ants go marching one by one Hurrah [Music]

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The ants go marching one by one the Little one stopped to suck his thumb and They all go marching down to the ground To get out of the rainbow [Music] [Applause] The ants go marching two by two the Little ones stop to tie his shoe and They all go [Music] The ants go marching three by three Hurrah hurrah the ants go marching three By three the little ones stop to climb a Tree and they all go marching down to The ground to get out of the rainbow [Music] The ants go marching four by four the Little ones stop to shut the door and They all go [Music] The ants go marching five by five [Music] The ants go marching five by five the Little ones stop to give a high five And they all go marching down to the Ground to [Music] Hey everyone i kind of wanted to show Off my cool hat Do you know what that is on my hat That’s right it’s pizza and i love pizza So i wrote a song about it do you want To hear it All right here it

Have a goes Party I wanna have a pizza party i wanna have A pizza party with my friends [Music] I wanna have a pizza party i wanna have A pizza party i wanna have a pizza party With my friends [Music] I said who likes pepperoni me Who likes anchovies i do Who likes mushrooms bell peppers onions Or just cheese That’s me I wanna have a pizza I wanna have a pizza party I wanna have a pizza party with my Friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Me Who likes mushrooms bell peppers onions Or just cheese That’s me I wanna have a pizza party I wanna have a pizza party I wanna have a pizza party with my Friends I wanna have a pizza party I wanna have a pizza party I wanna have a pizza party with my

Friends i want my pizza party never ends Pizza Do you know how to count backwards Should we give it a try Let’s start at five and we’re gonna Count backwards to one ready Five Four Three Two One Today’s song we’re gonna count backwards We’re gonna start with five green and Speckled frogs and go all the way down To one Or none Are you ready One two three four five green and Speckled On a speckled log eating some most Delicious bugs yum yum One jumped into the pool where it was Nice and cool now there are four green Speckled frogs Four green and speckled frogs sat on a Sparkle Eating some most delicious bugs yum yum [Music] Three green and speckled frogs [Applause] [Music] Now there are two green speckled frogs [Music] [Applause]

[Music] [Music] Eating some most delicious bugs yum yum One jumped into the pool where it was Nice and cool now there are no green Speckled Frogs next we’re gonna sing the bear Went over the mountain The bear went over the mountain the bear Went Over the mountain To see what he could see To see what he could see To see what he could see [Music] Over the mountain To see what he could see And all that he could see All that he could see was the other side Of the mountain [Music] Good job everyone hey guys sometimes i Get really worried Whenever i don’t know what’s going on i Start to worry and get scared and i put On music to help me calm down I’m gonna play you a song that i love That helps me not worry so much We’re gonna sing the chorus which is the Part of the song that happens more than One time It happens One two three or even four times That’s a lot of times and that’s how i

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Know it’s the chorus Are you ready we’re gonna sing a song About not worry Don’t worry Every little thing is gonna be all right Sing and don’t worry About a thing Cause every little thing Is gonna be all right Do you think you could sing with me now I wanna hear your voices Don’t worry About a thing Cause every little thing is gonna be all Right Sing and don’t worry About a thing Cause every little thing is Don’t worry About a thing Cause every little thing Is gonna be all right Do you want to pretend to be a train With me All right What sound does a train make That’s right chuck So we’re gonna pretend to be trains We’re gonna walk in a circle with our Arms like this and whenever i say the Word stop we’re gonna freeze And wait for the train to start back up Again you can just follow along right up Here are you ready

All aboard [Music] Train [Music] Salon Let’s go a little bit faster [Music] Drink chug Okay let’s do it a little bit faster are You ready [Music] All right we’re gonna go really really Fast this time are you ready I think we can go faster Whoo that was fun thanks for pretending To be a train with me Now we’re gonna do a song about one of My favorite whales named baby beluga do You know him too All right let’s sing Baby beluga in the deep blue sea you Swim so wild and you swim so free Heaven A little [Music] Is [Music] [Music] The waves See the water squirting out your [Music] Spouts sing your little song Sing for all your friends we like to Hear

You When it’s dark and your home is Good night [Applause] [Music] Has begun [Applause] [Music] You’re just a [Music] Good singing everybody Y’all sound so good singing And i can see some dancing Are y’all ready to sing some more All right let’s do it this song’s called The hokey pokey i bet you already know It Are you all ready Okay let’s go you can follow along with Me right here [Music] You shake it all about you do the hockey Pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what it’s all about You put your right foot in you put your Right foot out you put your right foot In and you shake it all about you do the Hokey pokey and you turn yourself along That’s what it’s all [Music] [Music] What else should we put in this circle How about our elbows yeah Put your right elbow in you put your

Right elbow out you put your right up a Win and you shake it all about [Music] [Music] All right let’s do our hands [Music] You put your left hand in put your left Hand [Music] That’s what it’s all about [Music] Hey guys i need your help I thought i had three guitars but i Can’t remember how to count them can you Help me count to three and make sure That i have three guitars Thank you okay Here’s one This is an electric guitar Here’s two This is a small acoustic guitar And here’s Three That means i have three guitars All right let’s sing a song About my three guitars Are you all ready we’re gonna count to Three and i want you to dance if you Feel like it One two three One two three rocking guitars One two three rocking guitars Play all day play all night rock my way To a lullaby

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One two three rocking guitars One more time One two three rocking guitars One two three rocking guitars [Applause] Thanks for helping me count my guitars And singing with me Hey does anyone here like dinosaurs Me too Do you know why i like them Because they Roar And i get to be really really loud when I’m roaring Do you want to play pretend with me and Pretend to be dinosaurs And we can roar All right Let’s march around in a circle and Whenever it’s time to roar i want you to Roar so loud are you ready you can Follow along with the other jewels right Here Let’s go [Music] [Music] [Applause] We are the dinosaurs We are the dinosaurs we make the earth Fly we make the earth fly we stop and Eat our food when we’re in the mood we Stop and need our food at the end of the Day we stop and eat our food when we’re In the mood we stop and eat our food and

Then you’ll hear us say Keep marching Cause we are the dinosaurs marching Marching we are the dinosaurs what do You think about We are the dinosaurs marching marching We are the dinosaurs we make the earth We make the earth blood we stop and take A rest Over in our nest we stop and take a rest At the end of the day we stop and take The rest Over in our nest we stop and take a rest And then you’ll hear us say Get up everyone it’s time to start Marching We are the Are the dinosaurs What do you think of that We are the dinosaurs marching marching We are the dinosaurs [Music] [Music] Hey everyone the next song we’re gonna Do is by feist she went on sesame street And wrote a song about counting monsters So we’re gonna play it right now One two three four monsters walking Across the floor i love counting Counting to the number four oh you’re Counting [Music] [Applause] Counting to four

One two three four penguins that went by The door i love counting counting [Music] Oh [Music] I love counting counting to the number Four oh Oh We’re counting to four Oh Oh oh let’s count some more One two three four chickens back from The shore one two three four penguins That went by the door one two three four Monsters walking across the floor [Music] Oh Let’s count some more [Music] Boom [Music] Great singing everybody say bye to the Monsters bye little monsters [Music] One two three four [Music] I’m gonna play pretend i’m gonna stomp Stomp stomp like an elephant I’m gonna make believe [Music] I’m gonna play pretend i’m gonna shake Shake shake like a rattle snake I’m gonna make believe that i’m a dragon Protecting my dragon baby yeah

I’m gonna [Applause] [Music] Ocean [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can do it [Applause] [Music] Three Two One [Music] [Music] By saving all the trees [Music] [Applause] [Music] I hope you had so much fun singing and Dancing with me But we’re gonna have to say goodbye Does anyone know how to say goodbye in Spanish That’s right adios We’re gonna sing a goodbye song in Spanish Here we go Audio so me goes goodbye my friends Us all away go until we meet again [Music] Until we meet again Adios [Music]

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.