Speech Learning Videos for Toddlers – Learn to Talk, Sign, and Sing – Words and Phrases for Babies

Our speech learning videos for toddlers and babies will help you learn to talk, sign and sing! They are full of language development activities and words and phrases! This is a speech practice video and it is a very educational video. I try to incorporate pretend play skills that encourage speech and language, learning basic concepts, gestures, mimicking and joy! Help your baby practice their baby first words. Also practice baby sign language and songs that promote gestures. Both first words and phrases are included in this interactive tv program. I interact with various educational toys to promote speech and language. We hope you like our educational videos for toddlers. We think you’ll have a great time singing, signing and playing with us! Please like this video. We have many more videos for toddlers on our page. Babies, toddlers and young children love our videos!

I am not a speech therapist. If you think your baby or toddler has a speech delay, please let your pediatrician know and get evaluated by a speech therapist. You can also call early intervention through your state. It is free!

I am a music teacher and I have a masters in music education. I have been a toddler teacher and I have worked at various preschools, one specifically for children with special needs.

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master’s in music education from NYU.

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#SongsForLittles #toddlerlearningvideos

Bath Bath time The baby is in the bath Bath Ba Bath Bath A hug And a kiss I love you mommy Playing with mommy The boy is playing dinosaurs With his mommy Um Mama [Music] [Applause] [Music] Again playing patty cake with daddy Can you play patty cake The girl is blowing bubbles with her Daddy Da Da Can you blow a kiss Next let’s do my favorite song It’s called open shut them for that we Need our two hands One Two are you ready [Music] [Music] Open wide your little mouth [Music]

That was so fun eat The baby is eating the food Eat Eat [Applause] The baby likes the food i think he wants More More food Um More Okay You say open and then we’ll see what’s Inside this cool toy Do you know who that is It’s big bird okay say open Open Ah it’s opening Wow I love this guy this is cookie monster It’s blue Okay say open Open It’s opening oh my goodness guess who’s Next It’s oscar the grouch he’s so grouchy Okay that’s green and that’s gray let’s Say open again and see who’s inside this One One two three Open We opened it and the last one is our Friend elmo Yay That was so fun

Open Open Open diaper The baby is getting his diaper changed Putting on a new diaper Crawl Look the baby is crawling Woof What’s that sound What animal makes that sound You’re right a dog Oh Hi it’s our friend bingo hmm Bingo What’s wrong you look sad I’m sad because i forgot how to spell my Name oh We can help you do you guys at home Think you can help bingo remember how to Spell his name can you help Yeah i bet if we sing the song bingo You’ll remember okay There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o b-i-n-g-o B-i-n-g-o Bingo was his name-o this time let’s Clap for the bee [Music] There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o I-n-g-o I-n-g-o I-n-g-o and bingo was his name-o Now he clapped for the bee and the eye

There was a farmer had a dog and bingo Was his name-o N-g-o N-g-o N-g-o and bingo was his name-o now for The b-i-n you ready There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o G-o G-o G-o and bingo was his name-o now for the B-i-n-g There was a farmer had a dog and bingo Was his name-o Oh and bingo was his name-o Now we’re gonna do it for all the Letters it’s gonna be so tricky do you Think you can do it i know you can There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o And bingo was his name-o [Music] And bingo was his name-o Yay You guys did an amazing job Thank you thank you so much do you Remember how to spell your name now i Know yay thank you Thank you so much thank you Guess what i have A baby doll So cute Baby but but baby what letter does that Sound like but

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B It sounds like b Giving the baby a hug Where where Where No The baby is crying What should i do I’ll give the baby a bottle here’s a Pretend bottle of milk But Bottle what letter does that sound like But It also sounds like b Giving the baby a bottle The baby stopped crying she likes the Bottle The baby’s drinking the bottle Brush Brushing hair The mommy is brushing the little girl’s Hair The boys are playing with blocks Sharing It’s nice to share Can you do this Up Down Up Down Wow i found a toy phone can you help me Turn it on Turn it on turn it on turn it on I guess you have to say on

Turn it on turn it on turn it Hi Let’s talk on the phone wow it worked When you said on Let’s try it again Turn it on turn it on turn it On it worked Wow and there’s a little dog let’s press A number One Two Wow that’s fine good job Ah On Let’s do the wheels on the bus can you Get out your wheels good job the wheels On the bus go round and round round and Round round and round the wheels on the Bus go round and round all through the Town the horn on the bus goes beep beep Beep beep beep [Music] The wipers on the bus go swish swish Swish swish swish swish swish swish Swish swipers on the bus go swish swish Swish All through the town The doors on the bus go open and shut Open and shut open and shut the doors on The bus go open and shut all [Music] [Music] Say i love you i love you i love you the Mommies on the bus say i love you too

All through the town The money on the bus goes clink clink Clink clink clink clink clink clink [Music] Says move on back all through the town The people on the bus go up and down up And down up and down the people on the Bus go up and down All through the town Let’s go back to the wheels can you do The wheels again Great job The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round round and round the Wheels on the bus [Music] Yay can you clap that was great gentle Being gentle with the puppy Gentle I’m petting the lamb and i’m being very Gentle Gentle [Music] Walking The baby is walking Good job baby [Music] How big is baby so big Can you do that how big is baby so big Guess what i have some pretend eggs Eggs What letter does that sound like Yeah it sounds like e E

E e for eggs let’s see what’s inside Open Wow There’s eggs inside let’s see how many There are One two Three Four Five Six Six eggs Let’s see what happens when we take off The top ah it’s green It’s Orange It’s purple Wow these eggs are colorful It’s blue A blue egg Yellow Wow And red these eggs are so beautiful E [Music] E is a letter e is the sound that it Makes e is a letter f goes the e Can you clap and then jump up and down Clap Jump up and down Awesome job Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head mama Called the doctor and the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed

How many are left one Two three Four Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor Said No more monkeys jumping on the bed how Many are left count with me one two Three Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor Said No more monkeys jumping on the bed how Many are left one two Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor Said No more monkeys jumping on the bed how Many are left just one little monkey one Little monkey jumping on the bed he fell Off and bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor Said no more monkeys jumping on the bed Great job telling me to get those Monkeys to stop jumping on the bed Saying no monkeys no Don’t jump on the bed shake your head no No no no How many trucks do i have count with me One Two

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Two trucks Which truck is bigger and which truck is Smaller This truck is bigger and this truck is Smaller They’re both white and green Running running on the beach Running fast so tired Going to sleep Good night Shh The girl is sleeping Can you pretend to sleep [Music] Pretending to sleep good night Pretending to sleep Pretending to sleep Ding ding ding ding ding Wake up that’s our alarm clock For this next song we’re going to sing Part of it quiet Music we call quiet piano The next part we’re gonna sing loud And music we call that forte And we’re gonna pretend to be bunnies It’s gonna be so much fun See the bunny sleeping till it’s nearly Noon Shall we wake them with a merry tune They’re so still are they ill Wake up soon This is the loud part wake up little Bunnies Hospital bunnies

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Ding ding ding ding ding that’s the Alarm clock wake up little bunnies Skip little bunny skip skip skip skip Little bunny skip skip skip skip little Bunnies Should we hop again let’s do it Are you ready Time to hop Hop little bunnies huh [Music] Great job Peek-a-boo Peekaboo i see you Pika Pika Boo good job Peekaboo Okay let’s get out one little blue fish Are you ready One little blue fish swimming in the Water one little blue fish swimming in The water one little blue fish swimming In the water Let’s get out to Fish Two little red fish swimming in the Water two little red fish swimming in The water two little red fish swimming In the water That was fun

Let’s do three yellow fish Three little yellow fish swimming in the Water three little yellow fish swimming In the water three little yellow [Music] Great job I pretended to feed the baby and now She’s all dirty she got food all over Her for pretend what should i do I should give her a Bath That’s right This is the baby’s bathtub what color is It Yeah it’s pink But but bathtub but but bath what letter Does that sound like Yeah it also sounds like bee I’m going to put the pretend baby doll In the bath And Now she’s in the bath Now i’m gonna pour in some water Shh Pretending to pour water on the baby shh Now i’ll put some soap on a washcloth This is the washcloth it’s also pink And i’m wearing pink and my headband’s Pink Put the soap on the washcloth bloop Bloop bloop Now i’m gonna wash the baby She likes it in the bath Wash the baby’s feet

I think her feet are ticklish She likes getting washed giving the baby A bath This is the way we take a bath take a Bath take a bath this is the way we take A bath it’s so much fun Now i’m gonna rinse the baby off with Some clean water because she’s all soapy She likes it Now i think i’ll take the baby out of The bath Out Now she’s out of the bath Now i’m going to wrap the baby in a nice Warm towel Wrap the baby in a towel She likes being nice and warm in the Towel thank you for helping me give the Baby a bath Let’s dance and practice our numbers One Two Three Four Five Six [Music] Seven Eight Nine [Music] Ten Now let’s see what happens when i take The egg out of the carton

A triangle A heart A star A circle A cross And a square Wow the eggs also have shapes that’s so Much fun Now this has a cross on the bottom so i Have to put it with the cross in here Oh and the egg made a little sound Can you say pete peep like an egg They’re so cute and now i’ll put on this Hmm this one has a circle where do you Think that goes Yeah with the circle So cute Hmm this one has a square on the bottom Oh i can find the square in here That’s so cool Hmm Wow this one has a star do you see a Star anywhere Oh this has a star yay This one has a heart Do you see a heart That’s a That’s a heart wow Oh they forgot their covers bye bye Little chicks This one’s green and it has a triangle Do you see a triangle Yeah it’s right there oh we did such a Good job

Bye bye eggs it was so much fun playing With you Close the carton Close it Close patty cake patty cake baker’s man Bake me a cake as fast as you can Pat it roll it and mark it with the bee And put it in the oven for baby and me Wow a fun toy train You say up and then i’ll hit the button And we’ll see what happens okay Say up Uh Up Up ah Wow a dog came up okay say up again Up oh my goodness it’s a kitty Wow Okay stay up Up wow A ducky came up Wow Should we turn it on turn it on turn it On turn it on It didn’t work i need you to stay on Turn it on turn it on turn it The train is ready to go all aboard Let’s say up again to see what happens When it’s on Say up Stay up Yay Five little hot dogs frying in a pan the Crease got hot and one went damn

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How many are left one two three four Four little hot dogs frying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went damn How many are left one two three Three little hot dogs frying in a van The grease got hot and one went damn How many left one two Two little hot dogs frying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went damn How many left just one little hot dog One little hot dog frying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went damn How many are left there’s no hot dogs Left and i’m so hungry okay so this time We’re gonna do it with the pan going bam And it’s gonna be the biggest fan yet No little hot dogs frying in a pan the Pan got hot and it went bam Great job Has anyone seen my green ball i want to Carry a green ball Here it is there you go Thank you Thank you so much i’m pretending the car Is talking that’s so silly This car has purple wheels how many Wheels one two Three Four four wheels on the car Giving the bunny a kiss Kiss the bunny Hug the Bunny Do you know what this is

It’s a subway Train Wow Do i like cars Yes I like cars Yes I’m gonna pretend it’s elmo on the phone Hello Hi elmo Wow you’re eating blueberries great i Like blueberries too Bye bye elmo Can you blow Blowing into the instrument Blowing into the recorder Can you pretend to blow a bubble Do you know what this is It’s bubbles Bubbles say open and i’ll open them Say open Great job you said open Ah Should we blow a bubble Wow Wow bubble should i pop it say pop Pop oh that was fun Bubble I caught the bubble should i pop it say Pop pop Pop Pop Should we do more bubbles or are we all Done

Let’s do more This is the sign for please More please More bubbles More or are we all done All done all done bubbles shake and stop Shake and stop Shake and stop Pull Wow let’s do that again that was fun it Just came back together Pull paul begins with p [Music] Yay I’m gonna show you something special Today It’s a whistle what color is it Yeah it’s purple and white Okay let’s blow into it and see Why it’s so special [Music] [Applause] Wow that was so fun do you know how to Blow into an instrument [Applause] Guess what i have It’s a bunny puppet This bunny’s hiding because she’s Feeling shy It’s okay to feel shy sometimes i feel Shy Maybe if we tell the bunny it’s okay to Be shy she’ll want to come out Bunny it’s okay to be shy

It’s okay Ah she’s coming out hi Hi bunny I feel shy It’s okay to feel shy sometimes i feel Shy I do like making new friends I like making new friends too Will you be my friend I’ll be your friend Thank you Do you want to play I love to play what should we play How about we play with toy animals i Love toy animals that’s a great idea Here’s a horse for you Me yeah a horse says nay and i have a Pig Let’s make the animals dance dance dance The animals are dancing dance dance the Animals are dancing That was fun I loved coming out even though i felt Shy yay It was so fun playing with you bunny Bye bye Friends Oh the bunny gave you a kiss You

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.