Preschool Learning, Activities, and Songs – Learn at Home with Ms Rachel – Educational Videos

Learn at home with preschool learning, activities and songs with Ms Rachel and Herbie! This educational video includes a Nature Scavenger Hunt, Toy Car Wash, Sensory Bins, Sink or Float and more fun activities! Video also includes many fun, educational songs for toddlers and preschoolers!

We also have many full preschool classes available on our channel! We have preschool learning videos, toddler learning videos, preschool classes, full music classes, speech practice videos and more! Our videos are great for babies, toddlers, preschool aged children, kindergarten aged kids and through 2nd grade!

Rachel has a master’s in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher, daycare teacher and has worked at schools for children with special needs and gifted children. She believes ALL children are gifted.

Nature Scavenger Hunter
Toy Car Wash
Toys in Playdough or slime
Sink or Float
Kinetic Sand Sensory Bin
Egg Carton Caterpillar
Sorting with Tongs
Habitat Game
Coffee Filter Butterfly
Paper Plate Fish
Playdough Puffer Fish
Apple Prints
Fishing Pole with Fish
Doll Bath / Feeding Doll
Magna Tiles
Sensory Letter Match in Sensory Bin with Rice
Sensory Letter
Dot Markers
Sorting by Size
Playful Literacy with the Indie Lab

Icky Sticky Bubble Gum
Hurry, Hurry Drive the Fire Truck
Sleeping Bunnies
Mary Had A Little Lamb
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Turn Around
Hokey Pokey
Old Macdonald
5 Little Ducks
If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands
Bubble, Bubble Pop
Way Up High In The Apple Tree
Once I Caught A Fish Alive
5 Little Fishies Swimming in the Sea
Open Shut Them
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, We’re Going To The Moon
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
The More We Get Together
Counting 1-20
5 Little Monkeys
Hickory Dickory Dock
5 Little Hot Dogs
A Quiet Little Mouse
1, 2 Buckle My Shoe
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
The Ants Go Marching One by One
Wind The Bobbin’ Up
Bumpin Up and Down in my Little Red Wagon
If All The Raindrops Were Lemon Drops and Gum Drops
Rain, Rain Go Away
The Bear Went Over The Mountain
Mr Golden Sun
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Caterpillar, Caterpillar
Animal Finger Family
Patty Cake
Jump Like A Froggy

”Georgie” puppet Copyright 2016 – David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

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#preschoollearning #preschoolactivities #preschoolsongs #learnathome

Friends hi let’s go on a nature Scavenger hunt in our yard yeah let’s go On a scavenger hunt yeah yeah what’s a Scavenger hunt well We have all these items on our list and We’re going to hunt for them in our yard Or if you don’t have a yard you could go To the park when we find what we’re Looking for we’ll put a check next to it Put a check next to it yeah are you Ready Yeah let’s go yay Look Miss Rachel wow a flower it’s so Beautiful now we can check that off our List uh-huh a beautiful pink flower [Music] Oh look what we found it’s a Pine cone awesome now we can check that Off our list Look what I found there’s so many of Them here It’s a tree Tree [Music] Miss Rachel I found a spider web and a Bug Come see [Music] It’s a Stick wow I found a big stick [Music] Look what I found it’s an Acorn wow the acorn was hanging on an Oak tree yeah acorns come from oak trees

Acorns have a little cap on them this One fell off And acorn is on our list so we can check It off great job we found an acorn yay I Found this branch on the ground and Guess what there’s still an acorn Attached would you like to see what it Looks like Okay [Music] I found a rock which is on our list I Can check it off [Music] So much fun yeah we found so many great Things yeah we did great job we’re gonna Get out some pretend bubble gum okay so Get out some pretend bubble gum What color is yours Mine’s pink Put it in your mouth And we’re gonna chew it Are you chewing your gum Okay now we’re gonna blow a really big Bubble are you ready Wow Oh no our bubble popped and the sticky Bubble gum is all over our hands [Music] Stick to your head And you pull them and you pull them and You pull them away [Music] [Music] [Music]

[Music] When you pull up and you pull them away [Music] [Music] [Music] Are they on your knees and you pull them And you pull up and you pull them away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] That was so fun one more time Makes your hands stick to your yay That was so much fun Let’s fill this tub of water so we can Give the cars a bath let’s put the cars In the warm water and I put in some soap Too Putting the cars in the water in And oh they like the bath You’re right this is so much fun Now I’m gonna take a toothbrush and Clean the cars Oh that tickles I want to get you all clean so I’m Brushing you with a toothbrush so silly [Music] We’re having so much fun in the bath Oh that’s fun I better try that cool Boom Okay now it’s time to rinse you off I’m Scared I don’t want to be rinsed off oh Don’t worry it’s not scary I’m gonna put My hand right here so I don’t get any

Soap in your eyes see okay That feels good yeah That’s not scary baths are really fun The cars are having fun in the water but It’s time to get out I got a towel to dry off the cars and Then we’ll put them to bed taking the Cars out [Music] They’re all done the bath all done now It’s time for the cars to go to sleep They’re so tired good night cars I’m gonna give them a blanket Good night cars Good night cars good night cars good Night cars I hope you have a good dream Woof what’s that sound woof What animal makes that sound You’re right a dog Oh hi it’s our friend Bingo hi Bingo what’s wrong you look sad I’m sad because I forgot how to spell my Name oh We can help you do you guys at home Think you can help Bingo remember how to Spell his name can you help Yeah I better if we sing the song Bingo You’ll remember okay There was a farmer who had a dog in And mo b i n g o b i n g o b i n g o and Bingo was his name-o this time let’s Clap for the bee There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o

I-n-g-o I-n-g-o I-n-g-o and Bingo was his name-o now we Clap for the B and the I there was a Farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his Name-o NGO NGO NGO and Bingo was his name-o now for the Bin you ready There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his Name-o-g-o Geo and Bingo was his name-o now for the B-i-n-g There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o Oh When Bingo was his name-o now we’re Gonna do it for all the letters it’s Gonna be so tricky do you think you can Do it I know you can there was a farmer Who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o And Bingo was his name-o [Music] And Bingo was his name-o Yay you guys did an amazing job Thank you thank you so much do you Remember how to spell your name now I Know yay thank you thank you so much Thank you Oh no these cars have been slimed They’re covered in icky Sticky slime Can you help me get them out

Help us get out of the Slime can you Help us yeah we can help Let’s say oh and that will get them out Of the slime Wow they’re really covered in slime Covered in slime And covered in slime Say out out How Thank you so much Ah I’m so happy to be out of that slime Say out ah Out Wow thank you I’m so happy to be out of the Slime Thank you so much can you get me out of The slime Yes we can say out one two three ah Out he’s getting out of the slime Oh thank you so much you did such a good Job saying out I feel better but I think I need a bath Ew look at all this slime you saved the Cars from all this icky sticky slime Great job okay let’s get into our fire Truck are you ready Hurry Hurry Drive the fire truck Hurry Hurry Drive the fire truck Hurry Hurry Drive the fire truck ding ding ding ding Ding now it’s time to turn the corner Hurry hurry turn the corner hurry hurry Turn the corner hurry hurry turn the Corner ding ding ding ding ding now it’s Time to climb the ladder hurry hurry

Climb the ladder hurry hurry climb the Ladder hurry hurry climb the ladder ding Ding ding ding ding get out the hose we Gonna squirt the water are you ready Hurry hurry Hurry hurry Hurry squirt the water ding ding ding Ding ding we did it we put out the fire Great job now we’re gonna go back to the Station slowly Slowly slowly back to the station slowly Slowly back to the station slowly slowly Back to the station ding ding ding ding Ding Great job firefighters high five Friends I’m so excited we are going to Do a science experiment we’re going to See what sinks and what floats I can’t Wait to try it I found some things in The yard outside and I found some things In my house inside okay let’s do the Experiment I need your help can you help Let’s start with this What is this Yeah it’s a leaf do you think it’s going To sink or float What is your prediction sink or float Hmm Let’s try it and see It’s floating [Music] Floater Next we have two rocks and two is the Number of the day one

Two I have a big rock and a small rock Do you think these rocks will sink or Float what is your prediction Okay let’s try the big rock first Ready Set Go It sunk to the bottom really fast what Do you think will happen with the Little Rock will it sink too It sunk really fast too the big and the Small rock both sunk guess what I found In my yard I’m beautiful Hello flower yeah what color is this It’s Purple do you think it’s going to sink Or float hmm What’s your prediction It’s going to float let’s try It’s floating wow wow we were right Next I found this Do you know what this is Ah it’s an acorn Let’s put it in and see if it sinks or Floats what’s your prediction what do You think is going to happen Okay let’s try it Ready Set Go Oh it’s floating I thought it was going To sink the acorn is floating Wow look what I found how many sticks do I have [Applause] One two two sticks Stick is bigger Ah this stick is bigger and this stick

Is smaller Do you think they’ll both sink or both Float hmm The big stick will sink and the little Stick will float that’s my prediction Let’s see what happens The big stick is flow ing wow The little stick is also floating I was Wrong since the number of the day is two I have two pine cones a Big Pine Cone And the little pine cone so cute is it a Little nose No so silly okay do you think these pine Cones will sink or out Okay let’s see what happens I’m gonna Put them in at the same time putting Them in the water They’re both floating wow wow now let’s Try things from inside my house are you Ready Do you know what this is Yeah it’s a block do you think it’s Going to sink or float what’s your Prediction hmm Let’s try it Ready Set Go Wow the block floats Wow that’s cool do you know what this is Made out of the block is made out of Wood Wow this penny is really small do you Think it will sink or float I don’t know Let’s try it and see Ready set go the penny sunk wow the Penny is now on the bottom of the pool

The penny must be pretty dense do you Know what this is It’s a Truck it’s green I like it do you think I’ll sink or float Hmm I don’t know Mrs dump truck let’s See what happens Put me in the water The water is cold I like it Wow I am floating look what I found a Beach ball It’s pink do you think this beach ball Will sink or float hmm let’s try it Wow it’s floating wow it’s really big But it’s floating cool it must not be That dense That was a really fun science experiment Great job [Music] Shall we wake him with a merry tune Still are they ill wake up soon Wake up little bunnies Hospital bunnies [Music] Now we’re gonna be quiet again We’ll see the funny sleeping till it’s Nearly Noob [Music] They’re so still Wake UPS Ding ding ding ding ding that’s the Alarm clock wake up little bunnies skip Little money Skip Skip Skip Skip little Bunny Skip Skip Skip Skip little bunny

[Music] Should we hop again let’s do it are you Ready Time to hop hop little bunnies [Music] Great job Okay friends for our sensory activity Today we have kinetic sand it’s gonna be So much fun to play with we’re gonna Make sand castles let’s see how many Sand castle molds we have One Two two sand castle molds and that’s the Number of the day okay So to make the sand castle we have to Put the sand in to the mold Put it in Put it in put it in put it In you’re helping by saying in put it in Put it in put it And good job thank you for helping now I’m gonna say ready set and then you say Go the magic word and we’ll see if it Made a sand castle are you ready Okay ready Set Say go go oh That works Look what we made A beautiful sand castle So fun let’s make the other one so we’re Gonna put the sand in again put it in Put it in put it in good job We’re gonna fill it up fill it up fill

It up Fill it up fill it up fill it up Okay now we gotta press down ready Set Go oh Castle It’s so nice I’m gonna trim the edges Trim trim the edges Wow this is a really cool castle now how Many sand castles do we have One two two sand castles yeah let’s put Them on the sand On the sand fix it a little bit but this One on the sand Wow have you ever made a Sand castle That’s awesome the sand is really cool You can even make it into a Ball let me show you Roll roll roll The sand roll roll The sand roll roll roll the sand we are Rolling sand Whoa the sand is now uh but ball which Starts with the letter B yeah it’s cool Right next I’d like to show you our Little ocean animals so we have an Octopus a little sea turtle A crab a seahorse a fish and a star Now look at them very closely because I’m gonna play a game with them and I’m Going to try and trick you which animal Do you think is hiding in the sand Peek-a-boo I showed you a clue Peek-a-boo

Oh it was the color red hmm do you know Which one it is Yeah it’s the Let’s take it out the crowd Crap good job I was hiding in the sand Did I trick you you didn’t trick us we Knew it was you who do you think’s Hiding in this sand ball I’ll give you a clue peekaboo What did that look like Peek-a-boo What do you think it is And Ah Octave Octopus what a silly octopus There he is you phoned me I was hiding In the sand did I trick you no you Didn’t trick us we knew it was you good Job playing the game who do you think’s Hiding in this sand ball Peekaboo Who was that Peekaboo it starts with the letter f What do you think it’s a Fish it was a fishy Swim you didn’t trick us Mrs fish we Knew it was you Bye bye hmm I wonder who’s in this sand Ball who’s hiding here’s your clue It’s yellow do you remember what one of Our ocean animals was yellow Hmm it’s the Starfish

Oh you found me I was hiding did you Know it was me when you saw the color Yellow we did you didn’t fool us Starfish he thinks hiding this ball I’ll Give you a clue it begins with the Letter t Foreign And here’s a little clue we can see him Peeking out See that Did you see that That it’s a Turtle oh no it’s stuck say out and We’ll get him out Oh Thank you so much I was stuck you’re so Nice did you know it was me a turtle We did because we saw the green and we Knew that it started with a t Turtle Hi thanks in our last ball Oh my she is peeking out hmm Well the octopus was blue but we already Found the octopus do you think it’s Another octopus What other animals did we have Hmm let’s get out a little more and see What we think Do you recognize this little animal It’s a Seahorse wow Hello I’m a seahorse did you know it was Me or did you think it was the octopus We thought it might be an octopus

Because it was blue like the octopus but We knew it was you Thank you for finding me Oh she gave us a kiss that’s so nice Swimming away Swimming bye bye can you say bye bye Good job it’s fun to play in the sand With the cars from from Beep beep beep beep let’s fill this car With sand Put the sand in in and he dumps it out Wow that was fun let’s try it again we Put the sand in and then the truck dumps It out wow from from Beep beep beep beep I have a little stuffed animal do you Know what this is It’s a lamb Can you get a stuffed animal or an Action figure to dance with and then We’ll do a dance together Mary had a little lamb little lamb Little Mary had a little lamb whose face was White as snow That was so fun I’m so excited to make an egg carton Caterpillar with you I can’t wait let’s Get started okay first I’m going to dip My paintbrush in the green paint and Paint the egg carton green Green caterpillar What color are you going to paint yours You can do any color you want do you

See also  Magnolia Flower 💮 Classic Read Aloud for Kids

Like painting Ew I love it [Music] Now I’m going to paint the head with red Wow this is so fun wow that looks really Cool thanks for helping me Now I’m going to let it dry for a little While and then we’ll paint the face and Then put in the antennas do you remember How we learned about bowls I’m going to Make some ovals for the eyes [Music] And I’ll make a little nose huh so cute There’s a little tiny nose next I’ll put In the antennas Oh it looks so cute It’s starting to look like a caterpillar Foreign Now let’s try the inside of the eyes and He’s all done hello thank you for making Me miss Rachel I’m gonna go eat I’m so hungry you could draw him Something like hmm what’s the biggest Apple so you could draw an apple And then if your grown-up has a Hole puncher you can punch a hole in the Apple You made me an Apple thank you so much You could cut that out too with a Grown-up’s help Can you make me more food okay what else Could I make him I think I’ll do a banana Trying him a banana

Oh thank you I love fruit it’s so yummy Wow that was such a fun craft thanks for Help so you have a teddy bear Wow if you want you can get out your Teddy bear for this rhyme Teddy bear teddy bear turn around teddy Bear teddy bear touch the ground teddy Bear teddy bear reach up behind teddy Bear teddy bear touch the sky teddy bear Teddy bear bend down low teddy bear Teddy bear touch your toes teddy bear Teddy bear go to bed oh teddy bear teddy Bear rest your head teddy bear teddy Bear turn off the light click teddy bear Teddy bear say good night oh the teddy Bear’s so tired pretend to go to sleep Or put your teddy bear to bed Ding ding ding ding ding that’s our Alarm clock we have to get up and sing More songs teddy bear teddy bear find Your nose boink Teddy bear teddy bear touch your toes oh Touch your toes Teddy bear teddy bear touch your knees Are you touching your knees Teddy bear teddy bear sit down please Are you sitting down good job Our friend Georgie’s doing an art Project with red puff balls let’s fill Up the truck and bring the puffballs to Georgie he needs red puffballs because He’s making an apple project Should this one go in Yeah it’s red

Does this go in no we want the red puff Balls does this go in yeah This is red This is red Does this go in no it’s blue Does this go in no it’s green ah we Filled up the truck with red puff balls Yay awesome job now we can bring them to Georgie can you help me dump out the Puff balls ah say out and I’ll dump them Out one two three out yay Oh we dumped them out great job so many Puffballs for Georgie’s Apple project This song’s called The Hokey Pokey I bet You already know it are you all ready Okay let’s go you can follow along with Me right here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] That’s what it’s all about what else Should we put in this circle how about Our elbows yeah put your right elbow When you put your right elbow out you Put your right up a wind and you shake It all about you do the hokey pokey and You turn yourself It’s all about Let’s do the left elbow ready [Music] [Applause] That’s what it’s all about All right let’s do our hands

Ready [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Foreign [Music] Can you help these animals get back to Their homes Thank you who belongs in the ocean the Octopus or the pig Yeah the octopus let’s let the pig go Back to the farm Thank you for finding my home I swim in The ocean okay you say in and I’ll put The octopus in put it in put it in put It You said in an octopus went back in the Ocean So happy Can you help these animals find their Home Who belongs in the sand the crab or The chicken Yeah the crab the chicken should go back To the farm the chicken lives on the Farm so let’s say bye bye chicken bye Bye chicken bye bye let’s put the crab On the sand put it on put it on put it On thank you so much I love the sand can You how to help us find our homes Can you help them Awesome okay who belongs in the ocean Fish or the horse Yeah the fish let’s let the horse go

Back to the farm you belong on the farm Mr horse oh thank you bye bye say bye Bye horse bye bye Thank you so much can you put me in the Water sure put her in put her in put her In the water she’s so happy swimming Can you help us find our homes Hmm who would like to go on the sand With the crab the sea turtle Or the cow Yeah the sea turtle the cow is gonna go Back to the farm Moo moo thank you bye-bye I’m gonna put The sea turtle in the sand they also Like the water Thank you so much I love the sand Put him on put him on put him on oh he’s Already crawling around this is fun Who should we put In the water the farmer or the seahorse This one’s kind of tricky because Seahorse has the word horse in its name But a seahorse actually belongs in the Water or the ocean it swims and the Farmer belongs on the Farm okay I’m going back to the farm bye Bye good job [Music] Which is in the water on the beach ah Put her in put her in put her say in and She’ll Dive In And Yay here’s our last one who belongs on The sand are in the ocean the horse nay

Or the starfish Hello Hello the starfish the horse lives on The farm May oh bye Let’s put the starfish in the sand Ah So nice Let’s sing Old MacDonald Had a Farm old MacDonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o and on that farm he had a Horse E-i-e-i-o with a Nae Nae here and a Nae Nae there hearing a their name Everywhere Nene old MacDonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o I wonder what animal will be Next Old MacDonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o and on that farm he had a cow E-i-e-i-o with a moo moo here and a moo Moo there hear a moo there a moo Everywhere moo moo old MacDonald had a Farm E-i-e-i-o What’s next it’s a pig old MacDonald had A farm E-i-e-i-o and on that farm he had a pig E-i-e-i-o with an oink oink here and an Oink oink there you’re annoying paranoid Everywhere and oink like old MacDonald Had a farm e-i-e-i-o I hear a chicken Old MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o and On that farm he had a chicken

E-i-e-i-o with a cluck cluck here and a Cluck cluck there here clock there clock Everywhere cluck Cluck Old MacDonald had A farm E-i-e-i-o oh how cute a little sheep Old MacDonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o and on that farm he had a Sheep Old MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o What says quack Old MacDonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o and on the farm he had a duck E-i-e-i-o with a quack quack here and a Quack quack there here quack there quack Everywhere quack quack Old MacDonald Had A Farm [Music] Yay great job singing Old MacDonald Oh no this little duck can’t find its Mama maybe if we sing five little ducks The duck will hear its Mama quack can You help can you help me Help me my mama Can you help the duck let’s sing Five Little Ducks Get out your five little ducks good job Five little ducks went out one day over The hill and Far Away mother duck said Quack quack quack quack but only four Little ducks came back one two three Four four little ducks went out one day Over the hill and Far Away mother duck Said quack quack quack quack but only Three little ducks came back one two

Three three little ducks went out one Day over the hill and Far Away mother Duck said quack quack quack quack but Only two little ducks came back one Two two Little ducks went out one day over the Hill and Far Away mother duck said quack Quack quack quack but only one little Duck came back can you show me one just One one finger one little duck went out One day over the hill and Far Away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But none of the five little ducks came Back mother duck is feeling very sad Sad mother duck went out one day Over the hill and Far Away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack And all of the five little ducks came Back yay The duck found its Mama thank you [Music] You You’ll not give you a kiss [Music] Hi friends it’s time for art I can’t Wait to make coffee filter butterflies With you it’s going to be so much fun Okay all you need for this are two Coffee filters some water Markers and pipe cleaners let’s get Started okay so the first thing we need To do is decorate two coffee filters all Right So that’s

Start in the middle and you can do any Designs you want work from the inside Out I think I’ll do a wavy line next Wavy line [Music] Then you can spray it with water or you Can fold it Fold It Again Fold It Again into a triangle shade And do something kind of magic with it I’ll show you So you get a little thing of water and Then you put just the tip in the water And you wait for the water to climb up Up the coffee filter to the top It takes a lot of patience to just wait For this water to come to the top [Music] Wow I weeded the whole time I’m so proud Of myself Now it’s time for the magic we’re gonna Open it and see how beautiful it is okay Let’s open the coffee filter Oh it looks really really cool I love it I used to do this all the time when I Was a little girl oh wow that looks so Pretty doesn’t it and then we let it dry Has to dry for quite a while because we Want it to be really nice and dry to Make the wings so you’re going to do That two times one two my hands are all Dirty that’s okay though I don’t mind Because I can go wash them okay the

Wings are dry and they look so nice now We’re going to fold them like a fan so You fold it can you turn it over hold it Holding it like a band Foreign [Music] S together Much oh my goodness spread out the wings And I’m going to add a pipe cleaner and It’s a beautiful Butterfly Yay it’s flying away I’m so proud of us for making a coffee Filter Butterfly with two beautiful wings Go fly away If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands if you’re happy and you know It clap your hands if you’re happy and You know it and you really want to show It if you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands if you’re happy and you know It stomp your feet if you’re happy and You know it stomp your feet if you’re Happy and you know it and you really Want to show it if you’re happy and you Know it stop your feet if you’re happy And you know it shout hooray hooray if You’re happy and you know it shout Hooray hooray if you’re happy and you Know it and you really want to show it If you’re happy and you know it jump Hooray hooray do you think we could do All three

If you’re happy and you know it do all Three Hooray if you’re happy and you know it Do all three [Music] Hooray if you’re happy and you know it And you really want to show it if you’re Happy and you know it do all three Hooray Now let’s pretend to fly like a Butterfly If you’re happy and you know it fly like A butterfly Oh It’s flying if you’re happy and you know It fly like a butterfly Oh beautiful If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it fly like a butterfly So pretty Pretty how that was so much fun Great job if you’re happy and you know It clap your hands if you’re happy and You know it clap your hands if you’re Happy and you know it and you really Want to show it if you’re happy and you Know it clap your hands Yay wow you did such a great job Let’s talk about how to do a few ocean Art projects so for this project all you Need is a paper plate some tape and some Markers or crayons so the first thing You’re going to do is cut a little slice

Out right there and get a parent’s help With scissors And then you take that part and you’re Gonna put it on here and it’s gonna Become the tail wow so you just tape the Tail And now you have a paper plate fish you Can put some fins on the top with paper Too if you want I picked a blue marker Since it’s the color of the day and I’m Going to give the fishy a little eye Great yes and I know and then you can Decorate it in any way you want For this project you draw a puffer fish Hi puffer fish and then you get out some Play-Doh Okay and then you’re gonna Flatten the Play-Doh onto the fish okay I flattened my Play-Doh onto the fish Then you take some pipe cleaners and With a grown-ups help you cut them up Into smaller pieces and then you stick Them in the puffer fish and now he has Some spikes And wow can you help say in In oh he’s getting really spiky thank You for my spikes you’re welcome and And so spiky one more Spike and we’re Done and Oh look what we made great job let’s get Out one little blue fish are you ready One little blue fish swimming in the Water one little blue fish swimming in The water one little blue fish swimming In the water bubble bubble bubble bubble

Pop that was fun let’s get out two Little red fish Two little red fish swimming in the Water two little red fish swimming in The water two little red fish swimming In the water bubble bubble bubble bubble Pop Wow Let’s Get three yellow fish Three little yellow fish swimming in the Water three little yellow fish swimming In the water three little yellow fish Swimming in the water bubble bubble Bubble bubble pop how about four green Fish I’m excited four little green fish Swimming in the water poor little green Fish swimming in the water four little Green fish swimming in the water Bubble Pop Now let’s do five rainbow fish Five little rainbow fish swimming in the Water five little rainbow fish swimming In the water five little rainbow fish Swimming in the water bubble bubble Bubble bubble pop Wow great job What color fish would you like to do You could even do something like a Spiderman fish or a Batman fish or an Elsa fish or an on a fish or a really Sparkly striped polka dot fish I’d love To hear what you chose great job So we take an apple and you have a Grown-up help you cut it in half And then we’re going to make a print so We’re going to dip it in paint did you

Know some apples are yellow so I dip This in yellow paint now I’m gonna stamp It on can you say stamp Stamp let’s see how it looks I’m so Excited oh it looks pretty I like it Maybe I should hold it down a little Longer and push wow that looks good I Even see the stem I’m gonna try another Color paint What’s the color of the day do you Remember Yeah it’s red good job next I’m gonna Dip it in red paint wow I dipped it in Red paint now let’s stamp it say stamp Stamp let’s see what happens push Pretty oh my goodness I love it do Another one Oh that one has a lot of spaces but I Like how it looks Wow I’m gonna mix the yellow And the red together a little bit Wow I like printing them on top of each Other it looks nice I even see the seed prints a little bit That’s so cool I really like my picture You know we learned also that apples can Be green so I’m gonna try green and see How that looks let’s see how the green Looks I dipped it in green paint Push Printing with apples whoa whoa it’s Pretty messy that’s okay I can wash my Hands after That one looks like a lot of colors I

Like it Push again Oh it’s slippery ah we did it we made The apple print picture I’m proud of Myself and I’m proud of you It always feels good to make something Are you ready [Music] The tree Tree one red Aisle down at me so we shook that tree As hard as I could down came the apple Good great job It’s time for art class Today we’re going to make a fish on a Pretend fishing pole yeah the first Thing you do is cut a fish out of paper Have a grown-up help you with the Scissors now we get to decorate the fish How would you decorate your fish I like to put a little eye And then a smile Happy Fish since the Color of the day is blue I’m going to Use a blue crayon I think I’ll color this fish with blue Triangles the shape of the day So fun I like decorating the fish Now I’m going to add some green green Stripes What are you putting on your fish Next we take a piece of string And we’re going to tape it to a popsicle Stick get out a piece of tape

This is called masking tape And I’m going to tape the string To The popsicle stick Tape it tape it on Now I’m going to put some tape on this Side and tape the fish Okay let’s put some tape on the fish Yay we put it on and now the fish is on A fishing pole We did it we made a fishing pole and a Fish Awesome One two three four five once I caught a Fish alive six seven eight nine ten then I let it go again why did you let it go Because it bit my finger so which finger Did it bite this little finger on my Right let’s sing it again let me hear You sing in your nice loud voice One two three four five once I caught a Fish alive six seven eight nine ten then I let it go again why did you let it go Because it bit my finger soap which Finger did it bite in this little finger On my right great job let’s put a Band-Aid on our finger Let’s Pretend now It feels better and you get out five Little fishies good job Five little fishy swimming in the sea Teasing Mr Sharky can’t catch me Sister Sharky quiet as can be and snap That fishy ride out of the sea how many Are left one two three four good

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Counting Four little fishy swimming in the sea Teasing Mr Sharky can’t catch me along Mr Sharky quiet as can be and snaps that Fishy right out of the sea how many are Left count with me one two three good Job Three Little Fishies swimming in the sea Teasing Mr Sharky can’t catch me Along goes Mr Sharky quiet as can be and Snow that fishy ride out of the sea good Singing how many are left one two two Little fishies swimming in the sea Teasing Mr Sharky can’t catch me along Comes Mr Sharky quiet as convenient Snaps that fishy right out of the sea How many are left just one One little fishy swimming in the sea Teasing Mr shark we can’t catch me [Music] Quiet as can be answer that’s that fishy Right out of the sea And that was so Great job friends It’s time for show and tell I would like To show Two babies let’s count them one Two two Baby dolls but but baby begins with B This baby is hungry so we’re going to Feed this baby this baby needs a bath so We’re gonna give this baby a bath are You ready Yay we’re gonna give this baby some but

Broccoli Broccoli starts with B which is our Letter of the day yeah So we open the broccoli open and we’re Gonna pour it into her little bowl pour This is pouring can you say pour help me Pour Poor good job Now we’re gonna add some water from her Bottle to her Bowl So we pour some water in and we have to Squeeze this say squeeze squeeze Squeeze the water Squeeze Squeeze Now what do we do with this spoon we Um mix We mix up her food Mixing food Mixing food mix mix mix this is the way We mix the food mix the food mix the Food this is the way we mix the food for The baby Okay baby we have your food you’re Having but broccoli which begins with B Can you say eat you say eat and I’ll Feed the baby Eat oh she’s eating She likes the food You say eat and I’ll feed her more She likes it Say eat foreign Good job baby good job thank you for Helping me feed the baby

Eat Mmm that’s a big bite baby good job the Baby is eating Feeding baby feeding baby food eat It Wow I think the baby is all done all Done all done broccoli all done All done all done I hear her saying all done good job baby Now let’s give her this what is this Called Water Let’s Help the baby take a drink Of water Ah the baby is drinking her water Baby is drinking the baby had some Broccoli and now she’s having some water I think we’ll have to change her diaper Soon The baby’s all done water Oh we have to change the baby’s diaper So we Pull these And we change the baby’s diaper Oh she did a poo poo gotta get a nice Clean diaper for the baby okay let’s put On the nice clean diaper Put it on put it on put it on good job You’re helping change the baby Oh no the baby is crying What should we do Let’s give the baby a pacifier she’s a Little baby so she still uses a pacifier Put it in put it in put it And

Where where where and She stopped crying She is happy with her pacifier good job You helped the baby stop crying She’s crying again hmm what should we do Let’s give her a toy can you say toy Toy toy Where where where Give baby toy oh she has the toy and she Stopped crying good job What’s this It’s a comb can you help me comb the Baby’s hair stay calm Stay calm Calm good job We’re combing the baby’s hair we’re Combing the baby’s hair we’re making the Baby look so nice for combing the babies Hair good job Oh no the baby is crying again uh oh can You say uh-oh uh Oh hmm how about we try a new diaper Maybe the baby needs a fresh dry diaper Put it on put it on put it on can you Say on Put it on put it on put it on Put it on put it on put it on put it on Put it on put it on put it on Good job Now the baby’s happy she’s laughing The baby’s crying again what should we Do maybe we should give the baby some Um milk can you say that milk Um milk say milk

You said milk and the milk came out good Job give baby milk Give baby bottle Drinking bottle The baby is drinking a bottle She’s all done all done the milk is gone All done bottle all done [Music] She’s happy now she has a full tummy Come on she’s laughing Uh oh can you say uh-oh uh oh the baby Was playing in the sand and now she’s Dirty Uh oh what do we need to do to clean the Baby if she’s dirty we need to give her A Bath yeah the baby’s covered in dirt so We need to give her a Bath let’s go get her bath Should the baby wear her clothes in the Bath No it’s so silly we don’t wear clothes In the bath no can you shake your head No that’s so silly Off Take clothes off Off Take off Now we need to put the baby in the bath Can you say n Put her in put her in put her In oh she’s happy in her bath Now what do we need to wash the baby it Begins with the wh sound

Water We’re gonna pour in some water you stay In and I’ll pour the water in pour it in Pour it in pour it And you said in so I’m pouring the water In She likes the water on her little Toesies She likes the water on her toes She’s laughing she likes the bath now we Have some pretend soap let’s put it on The baby put it on put it on put it On putting the pretend soap on the baby On the baby and in the water Now we take a washcloth And we wash the baby wash baby Wash baby Wash baby Good job washing the baby wash baby’s Feet Wash babies legs Wash baby’s head Wash baby’s hair watch babies ears Wash baby’s arms wash babies hands She likes the water now I’m gonna rinse Off the baby When I rinse off her hair I’ll put my Hand here so we don’t get any soap in Her eyes I like that Yeah It doesn’t hurt Water feels good Oh the baby likes the bath rinse off the

Baby rinse her hair Good job baby rinse off the baby yay the Baby is getting so clean now the baby’s All done the bath all done all done bath All done bath so we’re gonna take her Out take baby out okay Let’s get a nice warm towel ready for The baby Oh she doesn’t want to leave the bath It’s okay you’ll have another bath Tomorrow Maybe she’s cold let’s wrap her in the Towel Put her in put her in put her in wrap Her in the towel She feels so warm and happy now Oh she’s babbling let’s listen to what She’s trying to say Bath She said bath Dad She said dada Um She said Mama Baby yes you’re a baby Oh you’re so cute I love you baby Give the baby a hug and a kiss so much Fun thank you for helping me give the Baby a Bath good job the baby is all clean all Clean all done bath next But my favorite song It’s called open shut them [Music]

Ready [Music] [Music] Open wide your little mouth But do not let them in and that was so Fun let’s put on our space helmet And put on our spacesuit Zoom zoom zoom we’re going to the Moon Zoom zoom zoom we’re going to the Moon If you want to take a trip I’m aboard my Rocket ship zoom zoom zoom we’re going To the Moon Ten nine eight seven six five four three Two one [Music] We’re going to the Moon We’re going to the Moon if you wanna Take a trip I’m aboard my rocket ship Zoom zoom zoom we’re going to the Moon Now let’s play with some toys have you Ever played with these they’re called Magna tiles oh no the truck needs a Garage can you help me build it Great Okay Let’s use this big one as the bottom of The garage That looks Groot Now let’s put some smaller ones to make The sides of the garage I like my garage Already good we’ll keep making your Garage Put on those yeah they stick together Put on the parts of the garage okay

Should we put the roof on putting on the Roof of the garage good job my garage is Awesome I’m gonna drive in Room room Going in the garage I love it We did it ding ding ding ding ding it’s Morning the truck needs to go to work That’s my alarm clock I gotta go to work Oh I had such a nice night in my garage Bye bye You Itsy Bitsy Spider when the water Spout down came the rain and washed the Spider out out Came the Sun and dried up all the rain And the Itsy Bitsy Spider went the spout Again the more we get together together Together The more we get together the happier We’ll be cause your friends are my Friends and my friends are your friends The More We Get Together the happier We’ll be can you try the sign for more More Good job Wow this bin is full of treasure to find The treasure we have to find another Capital A that matches this a a red Capital A do you think we can do it Great thank you so much That’s a cat that’s not an a Hmm is this the same no Aunt does start With a but it’s not a capital a Wow a tractor a tractor’s red but it’s

Not an a H This is red is this the same no it’s the Number two oh this is a red circle a Circle is the shape of the day and red Is the color of the day but that doesn’t Match Huh oh wow it’s a capital letter and It’s the color red But it doesn’t match does it because It’s a c No that’s an elephant Here’s a capital letter but it’s a b and It’s yellow nope I found another capital A does it match No it doesn’t match completely because This is yellow We’re looking for another red a digging Around help me dig can you help me dig Ah you help me find another red egg did These match Well this is a capital A and this is a Lowercase a it looks different but it Has the same sound ah but It’s not exactly the same and we’re Looking for a match Help me dig dig oh a red car no that Doesn’t match help me dig really deep And maybe I could find it Dig really deep digging deeply Whoa does this match [Applause] Hey it’s a match to Capital A’s that are The same size and they’re both red

Yay we found the matching capital A and The treasure came out you helped us find The treasure great job [Music] [Music] Five six [Music] Seven Eight [Music] Nine ten [Music] Eleven Twelve thirteen Fourteen Fifteen sixteen Seventeen [Music] Eighteen Nineteen twenty [Music] Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head mama Called the doctor and the doctor said no More monkeys jumping on the bed how many Are left one two three four four little Monkeys jumping on the bed one fell off And bumped his head mama called the Doctor and the doctor said no more Monkeys jumping on the bed how many are Left count with me one two three three Little monkeys jumping on the bed one Fell off and bumped his head mama called The doctor and the doctor said no more

Monkeys jumping on the bed how many are Left one two Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head mama Called the doctor and the doctor said no More monkeys jumping on the bed how many Are left just one little monkey one Little monkey jumping on the bed he fell Off and bumped his head mama called the Doctor and the doctor said no more Monkeys jumping on the bed great job Telling me to get those monkeys to stop Jumping on the bed saying No Monkeys no Don’t jump on the bed shake your head no No no no no no Now I have a big letter A now can you Help me glue some little apples onto it Be so much fun Okay let’s get out our glue stick And we put glue on the Apple See And then we put it on a Wow that was fun Take a little apple put on the glue say On and I’ll stick it on [Music] Come on Wow this a is getting covered in Apples the glue is purple wow And then I stick I stick it on Can you help me with this one Put on the glue and then say on Wow I think the a is so happy to have All these awesome apples on it

On let’s put one in the middle can you Help you’re such a good helper I’m so Happy to be spending time with you On good job you helped me Stay on and I’ll put one right here Oh Good job See how I put the glue on Ah fill it with glue so it sticks Put it on put it on put it On Wow friends look what you helped me make I’m so proud of you we made it a with Apples stuck all over it so awesome Let’s sing Hickory Dickory Dock yay Hickory Dickory Dock the mouse went up The clock the Clock Struck One the mouse Went down Hickory Dickory Dock let’s do It again that was so much fun let me Hear you sing Hickory Dickory Dock the Mouse went up the clock the clock struck Won the mouse went down Hickory Dickory Dock great Great love now you fill in the words Hickory dickory Doc the mouse went Up the clock The Clock Struck When the mouse went Down hickory dickory Dock Wow five little Hot Dogs Frying in a pan The crease got hot and one went bam how Many are left one two three four four

Little hot dogs Ryan in a pan the grease Got hot and one went damn how many are Left one two three three little hot dogs Flying in a van the grease got hot and One went damn how many left one two two Little hot dogs crying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went bam how many Left just one little hot dog One little hot dog frying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went bam How many are left there’s no hot dogs Left and I’m so hungry okay so this time We’re gonna do it with the pan going bam And it’s gonna be the biggest and yet No little Hot Dogs Frying in a pan the Pan got hot and it went back I am Great job can you pretend your little Thumb is a mouse and then your other Hand is going to be the house What a silly mouse let’s try that again That was so silly That was so silly the little mouse Surprised us good job For circles around the house and I Noticed that These dot markers make circles These are so fun have you ever tried These here’s red the color of the day Let’s see if we can make a circle Yep it made a circle it’s so cool we Could even make the letter of the date With our dots Dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot Dot dot dot dot

Dot dot dot dot dot It’s an a Wow Let’s Get a steady beat Going One two buckle my shoe three four shut The door five six Pick Up Sticks seven Eight lay them straight nine ten do it Again yay let’s do it again One two buckle my shoe three four shut The door five six Pick up six seven eight lay them Straight nine ten a big red head S great job Let’s go see my friend Frida at playful Literacy to learn more about the letter B hi everybody Welcome to playful Literacy my name is Frida and I’m gonna Teach you the letter of the day today’s Letter is a b do you know what sound B Makes That’s right the buff sound and in my Class I like to act out my sounds do you Want to act it out with me Okay ready here we go grab your two Hands Clasp them together just like this and Now while they’re holding hands we’re Going to swing our arms around our body And make a b sound too here we go Nice job that’s how I like to act out my B sounds so that I learn it a little bit Easier now I want to show you how you Make the letter b This is how I make my letter b This is my house

And my lowercase letters go inside my House Just like this And my uppercase letters they can go To the top of my house Just like this I make a line And then a bubble And then a belly I make a line And then a bubble and then a belly And if I want to add my lowercase B I Make a line and a belly I make a line And a belly I make a line And a belly One of my favorite things to do when I Have my sound of the day is to see how Many words I can come up with with that Sound Today’s sound is so let’s see if my Pictures have the sound we’re looking For Let’s start with this one Oh my gosh she’s so cute what is it That’s right guys it’s a bear Bear do you hear the bus sound that We’re looking for Me too good work let’s look at my next Picture Yummy it’s a popsicle do you hear the B Sound and popsicle it’s very close but It’s actually kind of soft at the

See also  -ORE Words for Children | Learn to Read -ORE Words (Word Families Series)

Beginning my lips come together But my voice is not on so it’s a Different sound Popsicle there’s no B in that word let’s Put it over here Now let’s look at this one what is this Everyone It’s a book For book do you hear the sound Me too nice work let’s put it over here Now we have two pictures with our sound Let’s do another one What’s this ocean animal An octopus wait a second my lips didn’t Come together for octopus actually my Mouth got really big and open octopus Not a butt that’s a different letter Let’s let’s put him over here Here come on guys what is the girl doing She’s writing her bicycle bike bike I hear the bus do you That’s right guys it’s at the beginning Of the word nicely done One of my favorite activities to do is Our sensory letters and today we’re Going to make a b out of buttons now Everybody has a bunch of buttons at Their house somewhere go and find your Buttons I found mine in my kit and I Want to open this up and show you all The things I have inside oh my gosh look At all of this A lot of things for sewing sewing is When we put clothes back together that

Have holes or where there’s zippers and Snaps have broken and here I found some Buttons Let’s use these for our sensory letter I’m going to make my letter b Here’s my big bubble And my belly Now I’m going to take my glue And make my line and trace my letter you Can get your grown-up to make you a b And you can use your glue to help trace The bubble And the belly Now I’m going to take all of my buttons And I’m going to put them Starting from the top All the way down might be I’m going to Make a button B This is so much fun look at all of my Buttons There’s so many kinds and I can put them All around my letter Wow I have big buttons And I have small buttons Look at these tiny little ones Wow we made a button B I had so much fun learning all about the Letter B with you today thanks for Coming to playful literacy bye It’s time for a super fun game Let’s Sort these Apples by size okay Does this apple go with large or small Large good job How about this one large or small

Good job Large or small Large good Large or small [Music] Uh oh I’m not sure where this goes large Or small Good job Large or small Large great work what about the last two Yeah this is large and this is small yay We did it I’m so proud of you next we’re Gonna get into our boat so we’re gonna Get out our paddles Let’s Pretend We’re In a boat did you get out your paddles And we’re gonna row so nicely and we’re In a nice calm stream what a beautiful Day Row row row your boat gently down the Stream merrily Merely merrily merrily life is but a Dream that was so nice and fun this time We’re gonna get in our boats again but We’re gonna pretend that we see A crocodile are you ready If you see a crocodile don’t forget to Scream That was so fun maybe we should do a Faster Tempo because we want to get away From that crocodile you ready one two Three four row row row your boat The next song we’re gonna sing is about A tiny little bug called an ant We’re gonna sing a song about them

Marching and we’re gonna count them as They March can you march with me let’s Go Here we go [Applause] [Music] The ants go marching one by one hurray Hurray the ants go marching one by one The little one stopped to suck his thumb And they all go marching down to the Ground to get out of the rainbow boom Boom boom boom boom boom the ants go Marching two by two hurray hurray the Ants go marching two by two hurray Hurray the ants go marching two by two The little one stop to tie his shoe and They all go marching down to the ground To get out of the rainbow boom boom boom Boom boom boom the ants go marching Three by three hurray hurray the ants go Marching three by three hurray hurray The ants go marching three by three the Little one stop to climb a tree and they All go marching down to the ground To get out of the rainbow boom boom boom Boom boom the ants go marching four by Four hurray hurray the ants go marching Four by four hurray hurray the ants go Marching four by four the little one Stop to shut the door and they all go Marching down to the ground to get out Of the rainbow boom boom boom boom Around Coast go marching five by five hurray

For all the ants go marching five by Five the little one stopped to give a High five And they all go marching down to the Ground to get out of the rainbow boom Boom boom boom boom [Music] It’s so good [Music] Wind the bobbin up and find the bobbin Up Clap clap clap wind it back again wind It back again [Music] To the ceiling point to the floor point To the window point to the door put your Hands together one two three put your Hands upon your knees [Music] Point to the Floor point to the window point to the Door put your hands together Two three put your hands upon your knees [Music] [Applause] [Music] Pull clap clap clap great job [Music] A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t U v w x y and z Now I know my ABCs next time won’t you Sing with me [Music] A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t

U v w x y and z Now I know my ABCs next time won’t you Sing with me Me Now let’s try bumping up and down in my Little red wagon let’s start with a nice Bumpy tempo Bumping up and down in the Little Red Wagon Won’t you feed my darling You want to try a little bit faster okay Bumping up and down in the Little Red Wagons Okay let’s try it really fast It’s gonna be a bumpy ride Nice job guys Everybody welcome back to playful Literacy I’m so glad you could make it Again today we’re doing the letter sound C C says let me show you what it looks Like This is my letter C and it makes this Sound When I open my mouth really big my Tongue hits the roof of my mouth Can you try Can you guys guess what we’re gonna make For our letter C today look at this Do you know what this is This Cotton and it becomes a little ball when You rub it together it feels super soft On your skin

We’re going to make cotton ball Seas Today for our letter sound And we’re going to dye them and count Them everybody ready I have my glue My colorful paper All of my dies for the food coloring And my cotton balls we have so many Things that start with our letter sound Of the day I’m going to put my dye in these plates And then I’m going to dip my cotton Balls in them to make my here we go All right everybody I’m going to make my C first all the way around with my glue And now I’m going to take A cotton ball And dip it in one of my colors I wonder What this color is going to be can you Tell me Let’s see Whoa it’s green oh my gosh my fingers Are going to get so colorful I’m going To put my green cotton ball on my letter All right now I want to do a different Color I’m going to do just white and put It on my C mic sound now I want to do a Color I’m going to do this color can you guess What that’s going to be it looks a Little orange right now but I think it’s Supposed to be yellow let’s see what Happens to it Oh my goodness it got mixed up with my Green that’s silly let’s put it here

Now I’m going to do another white one so I have a green white Orange white I’m going to pick a Different color now let’s make this one Oh it’s red everyone a dark red now I’m Going to put white So I do color white Color white color white let’s keep going Let’s do this one Wow what color is that You’re right it’s blue and now I’m going To do a white one We’re halfway there let’s keep going dip Dip place And then a white one Dip dip place And then a white one Dip dip place And then the white one Dip dip place And then a white one more dip dip place And then a white one Look at how fluffy and colorful Arc is That is so much fun can you show me what Colors you made Do you all remember my notebook this is My house letter paper and where I Learned how to write my letters my Letter C is going to go inside my living Room I start at the top of my living Room and I go around just like that Let’s make another one I start at the Top and I go around I start at the top and I go around

I start at the top and I go around all Right guys we’re going to do a Rebus Story and that’s when you hear our Letter sound of the day And then you do something I want you to Clap because that also has our sound in It you could do other things like you Could kick you could kiss you could Crawl try to think of something else you Could do with that sound Let’s find words that start with our Sound of the day Whoa look at all of my animals I see one right away do you know what This is That’s a Pow does that have our k sound at the Beginning Yes you’re right so let’s clap let’s Look for other animals I see a pig hmm Does that have Mica Um I see a chicken wait a second that’s a Sneaky Chicken It’s in the middle of my word sneaky What about this one A duck Do you hear it’s at the end of my word Let’s keep going Look at this I see a new animal here and Here which one has my k sound Is it horse Or is it cat

Which one starts with Horse Or cat It’s cat everybody give me a big clap Let’s try this page and see if we find Any new animals I see a turkey Wait a second Is Mike sneaking in again turkey It’s in the middle of my word give me a Big clap You guys found so many words in my Around the farm book nice job guys I had So much fun making cotton balls with you And learning all about the sound today Remember C is for K and now you can clap Every time you hear it see you guys next Time thanks for coming to place the Literacy bye If All The Raindrops Were Lemon drops and gum drops oh what a rain Back would be Standing outside with my mouth open wide If All The Raindrops Were lemon drops And gum drops oh what a rainbow I got an idea what’s your idea what if It was raining candy bars and milkshakes Such a great idea we’ll do snowflakes With that okay ready great yeah if all The snowflakes were candy bars and Milkshake oh what a soul that would be Standing outside with my mouth open wide [Music] All the snowflakes were candy bars and Milkshakes I love your idea

[Music] Those are two of my favorite things okay [Music] Standing outside with my mouth open wide [Music] Oh what a song that would be great job If you could choose to make it rain any Food what would you choose I would choose I think blueberries and Strawberries If All The Raindrops Were Blueberries and strawberries oh what a Rain that would be I’d love to hear what You would choose yummy I like Raspberries mmm those are good too no It’s still raining because we sang The Rain Song hmm what can we sing to make It go away I know Rain rain go away come again another day Rachel wants to play Rain Rain Go Away Now let’s put your name in because it’s Still raining and we need that rain to Go away let’s try it with your name Rain rain go away come again another day Who wants to play rain rain go away so We’re gonna sing The Bear Went Over the Mountain [Music] To see what he could see to see what he Could see Oh The Bear Went Over the Mountain The Bear Went Over the Mountain The Bear Went Over the Mountain To see what he could see He could see

All that he could see was [Music] [Applause] The mountain was all Could see No it’s starting to rain can you help me Sing Mr Golden Sun so the sun will come Back out If you have a Shaker at home it’s time To get out your shakers Oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine Down on me oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun Hiding behind a tree these little Children are asking you to please come Out so we can play with you oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine down on Me Wow the sun is coming out but it’s still A little cloudy let’s sing it again and See if the sun comes out are you ready Okay get your Shaker oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine down on me I’ll Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun hiding behind The trees these little children are Asking you to please come out so we can Play [Music] Mr Golden Sun please shine down on me The sun came out oh it’s so warm now Thank you so much hey everyone we’re Gonna do a song with Dynamics did you Learn about Dynamics already So what are they That’s right soft and loud it’s how soft

Or loud music is so let’s do a song Where we have to start off really quiet And soft and get really really loud Whenever you hear the word shout so it’s Gonna be like this John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt his name Is my name too Whenever we go out the people always Shout there goes John Jake The Jingleheimer Schmidt his name is my Name too Whenever we go out the people always Shout there goes Oh my gosh y’all sounds so good can we Do it again this time be really loud on The loud parts Quiet in the soft parts let’s try to be Really really quiet All right here we go John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt his name is my name Too Whenever we go out the people always Shop there goes Good job everybody using those Dynamics Now back to Rachel the next song I’m Going to dance around with these pieces Of fabric you could get out some scarves Or some little dish towels or anything You have old Fabric and let’s dance Around it’s gonna be so much fun Foreign Caterpillar caterpillar moving oh so Slow Mo

Caterpillar caterpillar munching as you Go Whoa Won’t say that you’re you’re problem Some people might call you strange But caterpillar hang in there cause Things aren’t Gonna Change [Music] Caterpillar caterpillar climbing up your Plant Whoa quiet little caterpillar never Saying can’t Oh Every day you’re growing bigger you once Were a little guy And caterpillar caterpillar soon You’re Gonna Fly Where you’ll go [Music] I don’t know [Music] Caterpillar caterpillar wrapped in your Cocoon Fuzzy cozy caterpillar you’ll come out Real soon [Music] I wish you could stay with me forever But it doesn’t work that way So caterpillar butterfly It’s time to fly Away [Music]

Bye bye Let’s sing about animals and insects we See outside Are you ready Here we go Caterpillar caterpillar where are you Here I am here I am how do you do Butterfly butterfly where are you And here I am how do you do jumping Froggy jumping froggy where are you here I am here I am how do you do sleeping I Will sleeping hour where are you here I Am here I am how do you do that was so Much fun what do you think this is It’s A bird little bird little bird where are You here I am here I am how do you do That was that was so much fun great job Pretending to be animals and insects That we see outside Patty cake patty cake baker’s man bake Me a cake as fast as you can Pat it roll It and Mark it with the B and put it in The oven for baby and me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] A big green diamond On the ground Stuck a diner dinosaur stomp stomp stomp Now we’re gonna sleep like a baby can You fall asleep Sleep like a baby sleep sleep sleep Sleep

Like a baby sleep sleep sleep And itty bitty baby in our crib sleep Like a baby sleep sleep Swim like a fishy swim swim let me see You swim swim like a fishy swim swim Swim A slippery fishy [Music] Swim [Music] Swimming I’m just saying any syllables That come to mind spin like a dancer Can you be a dancer spit like a dancer Jump [Music] Great job Did you know that Aaron and I wrote that Song yeah we’re composers a composer is Someone who writes songs and we wrote That song together Can you write a song I would love to Hear a song that you write what would You want to write a song about It was so fun learning with you today Always remember You are wonderful You are valuable You’re Important You’re an amazing kid it’s time for Songs Explore Littles

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.