Letters, Numbers & Counting – Children’s Songs – Toddler Learning – Preschool Learning

Letters, Numbers & Counting – Children’s Songs – Toddler Learning – Preschool Learning

Skill Building Activities

Enjoy toddler and preschool learning with Ms. Monica. Enjoy letters, numbers and counting lessons.

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Let's go into the school here we go Hello everyone welcome to my classroom My name is Miss Monica what's your name [Music] Oh well I'm so happy you came to the Classroom today today we're going to Have some fun counting saying our ABCs And even practicing some letter sounds I Put together some skill building Activities for all of you are you ready Yes let's have fun and learn here we go [Music] Hello friends Our ABCs get ready get ready here we go Hey B D e f G [Music] H I j K L m In O P Q R S t U V W [Music] X

Y Z Now we know our ABCs good job Let's sing it a little bit faster A little bit faster Get ready Get ready Here we go A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z now we know our ABCs Good job One more time A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z now we know our ABCs Laughs Good job Now let's practice some letter sounds in The kitchen Get ready get ready here we go See See says B b says [Music] P t says Plate F f Says pork S s says sandwich [Music] H Says hamburger J J Says juice M m

Says milk W w says water [Music] D D says Donut We did it Thank you for helping me with letter Sounds Good job Let's say our ABCs one more time get Ready get ready here we go A b C D E F G H I j K L M in Oh P Q r S T U V w X X y Z Now we know our ABCs we did it

Goodbye friends [Music] Time for missing letters Get ready Get ready here we go Hey C c Uh oh what letter is missing [Music] Let's keep going E f g h i j o what letter is missing Okay Let's keep going [Music] What letter is missing [Music] Oh [Music] Let's keep going P Q R S T Uh-oh what letter is missing [Music] Let's keep going W x y z we did it we found the missing Letters now let's say the entire Alphabet one more time let's make sure The letters are here [Music] A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t U v w x y z we did it [Music] Friends today we're counting from 1 Through 20. let's try the single clap Count that means every time we say a Number we clap one time

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Are you ready Great get ready get ready Here we go One two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine ten eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty You did it great Counting Let's keep going let's count some more Let's do the single clap count again This time I'm going to use my bells if You have an instrument at home you can Use it to clap too if you don't you can Just clap with your hands are you ready Remember say the number first then clap Get ready Get ready Here we go one Two Three Four Five

Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventy Eighteen Nineteen Twenty You did it Great Counting Now count a little bit faster Get ready friends we're counting a Little faster We'll still use our single clap when Counting so say the number then clap Get ready Get ready Here we go one two three four five six Seven eight nine ten eleven twelve Thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty you Did it great Counting Now it's time for missing numbers we'll Count from one through ten And then some numbers will disappear Will you help me find them Great Get ready

Get ready Here we go One [Music] Two Three four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Oh look They are missing numbers Count again and maybe we'll find those Missing numbers Are you ready Great Here we go One Two Uh-oh there's a missing number what Number is missing Three number three was missing let's Keep going Four Five oh What number is missing Six number six is missing [Music] Let's keep going Seven Eight Oh

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No what number is missing Nine number nine is missing Let's keep going Ten We did it let's make sure we still have 10 numbers let's count again Here we go One [Music] Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight nine 10. we did it thank you for playing Missing numbers with me Let's play missing numbers one more time This time let's count from 10 through 20. Are you ready Here we go 10 11 12. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. Okay friend get ready some of those Numbers are going to go missing [Music] Let's count 10 11. Uh oh there's a number missing what Number is missing 12 12

Was missing Let's keep going 13 14 uh oh there's another number Missing What number is missing Teen 15 was missing Let's keep going 16 17 18 19. oh What number's missing [Music] Twenty Twenty was missing We did it Now let's count rocket ships will you Help me Great Get ready Get ready Here we go Wow How many rocket ships do you see Let's count One two [Music] Three Rocket ships Foreign [Music] Rocket ships do you see Let's count [Music] One

Two three Four [Music] Five Five rocket ships [Music] Wow how many rocket ships do you see Let's count One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight eight Rocket ships Oh we did it Thank you for helping me count friends For such great counters Now our numbers video has come to an end I hope you had fun If you really enjoyed it guess what you Can do it again just start the video Over from the beginning And we'll count again See you soon friends Bye [Music] It's time to count Time to count the animals are you ready Great when we count make sure you use Your pointer finger to point to the Animals here we go

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How many cows can you count Let's count together One Two Three [Music] Let's count one more time One Two Three How many cows did you count Three cows Here Come the Ducks How many ducks can you count Don't forget the point One Two Three Four Five Let's count again One [Music] Two Three Four Five How many ducks did you count Five ducks Great I see pigs how many pigs can you count Don't forget to point One Two

Three Four Five Six Let's count again One Two Three Four Five Six How many pins did you count Six pigs great Counting Oh I see some sheep coming in How many sheep can you count don't Forget to point What Two Three Four Five six Seven Eight Let's count again One [Music] Two Three Four Five [Music] Six Seven Eight

How many sheep did you count Eight sheep oh wonderful oh Oh I think it's time to count the dogs Here they are Don't forget point and count Here we go One two three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine 10. How many dogs did you count You did let's count one more time here We go One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten There are ten dogs Great Counting Everyone did you have fun I hope you did don't worry there's more Skill building activities where that Came from but I'll see you back in the Classroom really soon bye for now

[Music] Circle time makes learning fun Circle Time makes learning but come sing and Dance come everyone

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.