Learn Numbers, Colors, Counting and Shapes with Ms Rachel | Learning Videos for Toddlers in English

Have your toddler learn with a real teacher, Miss Rachel! We have the best learning videos for toddlers because Miss Rachel and her team are early childhood education experts and real teachers! In this video, Miss Rachel teaches numbers, counting, colors and shapes. Get ready for tons of fun and learning as your toddler and Miss Rachel find treasure boxes with surprises and coins inside! She also includes fun kids songs and nursery rhymes with movement and gestures, which are great for a toddler’s language development and motor skills! We know your child will love to learn with Miss Rachel. Get ready to learn colors with surprises and numbers, counting and shapes through finding exciting treasures! Your child will learn colors, numbers, counting and shapes with Ms Rachel!

”Georgie” puppet Copyright 2016 – David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

What is different about Miss Rachel’s videos? They are not passive screen time children will watch like zombies. She is constantly engaging children, asking questions and making sure that it is “active screen time” which research shows is much better for children.

Miss Rachel and her team are always researching the best ways to teach children skills they need for preschool. Not only does she teach skills to prepare children for pre-school, she models correct ways to practice the skills, such as touching each object while counting. Unlike other toddler shows, she also models language slowly and clearly so it’s easier for children to pick up correct language and grammar.

Visit our channel for more of the best learning videos for babies and toddlers! We have preschool classes (preschool for littles) toddler speech practice videos, first words videos for babies, baby sign language videos, speech delay practice videos, educational videos for kids, early intervention milestones practice videos, kids songs videos, learn English for kids videos, baby songs videos and full music classes! We have about 90 wonderful videos to support your baby, toddler and preschoolers learning development! We have the best educational videos for toddlers. We put your baby first

Make sure your child is meeting their milestones! If you think your child may have a speech delay, definitely consult your pediatrician. You can also get an evaluation from a speech therapist. (Speech language pathologist) You may be able to get free speech therapy through early intervention so google “early intervention” with the name of your state and call the number now! As a parent, you can request an evaluation. Getting help when they are as young as possible is so important.

Rachel has a master’s in music education from NYU. She has had training in early childhood development from Harvard and Bank Street College. She is also working on a second masters in Early Childhood Development. She has been a toddler teacher at a preschool for children with special needs including autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, speech delays and other developmental delays.

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Hi friends i can’t wait to learn numbers Counting Colors and shapes with you today It’s going to be so much fun [Music] Let’s pretend that we’re going on a Treasure hunt Can you walk around and look for Treasure Do you see any I see it too Wow What color do you see on the brown Treasure chest Yeah i see red What number do you see on the treasure Chest Yeah it’s a one Let’s open it To open the treasure box with red on it Should we use the key with the red Rectangle or the key with the yellow Triangle Yeah Let’s use the key with the red rectangle Say open please open please It opened wow Let’s see what’s inside How many red coins were inside Let’s count One One red coin [Music] And then a surprise it’s a telescope wow

Let’s pretend to look through the Telescope Wow What do you See i see the ocean And i see trees Yay [Music] Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven [Music] Twelve 13 14 15 16 17 18. 19 20. Okay let’s walk around and look for Another treasure Do you see any more treasure Oh well I think you found it What color do you see On the brown treasure chest

Yeah I See What number do you see on the treasure Chest Yeah It’s a two to open the treasure box with Yellow on it should we use the key with The yellow triangle or the key with the Blue square Yeah Let’s use the yellow key If we try the key with the blue It doesn’t work That’s not right We need it to match So we use the yellow key Okay Let’s put the key in And turn it Wow How many coins Let’s count One Two Two coins and what’s the surprise Wow It’s a beautiful Gem So pretty Hi everybody it’s herbie can you count With me here we go One two three pickle Pickle that sounds good

One two three chicken Chicken Chicken no that’s not it that’s not it One two three banana Banana one two three chicken one two Three pickle one two three banana I’ll get it this time One two banana oh no i forgot three Let’s keep walking around the island and Looking for more treasure Walk around with me and look for Treasure Hmm Let’s keep walking Do you see it Yeah i see it too What color do you see on the brown Treasure chest Yeah It’s green Wow What number do you see Three Good job Should we open it Yes Yes please let’s do it To open the treasure with green on it Should we use the key with the purple Hexagon Or the key with the green oval The key with the green oval Say open please Open please

Wow Let’s see how many coins When we count we don’t say the next Number until we touch the coin One Two Oh don’t say three until i touch it Three Three coins the last number we say is How many coins we have three precious Coins Let’s see what the surprise is Oh how cute It’s a little green octopus He’s so Cute hi octopus can you say hi to the Octopus hi octopus Hello I’m going to swim Can you do that That’s so silly hey guys Could you help me sing a song about the Deep blue sea We’re gonna climb aboard a pirate ship Maybe we can help the captain steer the Boat Are you ready It was a sunny day when i went to play Down by the sea I climbed aboard a pirate ship in the Captain said to me we’re going this way That way forwards backwards up and down Up and down over the deep blue sea Nice job

Was a windy day when i went to play down By the sea I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the Captain said to me we’re going this way That way forwards backwards up and down Up and down over the deep blue sea It was a rainy day when i went to play Down by the sea I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the Captain said to me we’re going this way That way forwards backwards up and down Up and down over the deep blue sea It’s getting cold out here by the ocean Was a snowy day when i went to play down By the sea I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the Captain said to me we’re going this way That way forwards backwards up and down Up and down over the deep blue sea Was a stormy day when i went to play Down by the sea I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the Captain said to me we’re going this way That way forwards backwards up and down Up and down over the deep blue sea We’re going this way that way forwards Backwards up and down up and down over The deep blue sea One more time We’re going this way that way forwards Backwards up and down up and down over The deep blue sea [Music] Good job steering the pirate ship

We have to keep walking and finding more Treasure I Want a drink We’ve been working so hard finding the Treasure it’s time for a drink Let’s pretend to drink water Can you pretend to drink water Um So refreshing i was thirsty So i had some water Yay Let’s look for more treasure Hmm I can’t find any more treasure maybe we Need to Dig Pretend to dig What could we use to dig Yes you got it a shovel we can use a Shovel to dig yay I’m going to pretend i have a shovel can You pretend with me Let’s pretend to dig Digging we’re digging in the sand we’re Digging in the sand we want to find the Treasure so we’re digging in the sand Yay Look We dug in the sand and found a treasure Chest yay What color do you see on the brown Treasure chest Yeah

It’s blue And what number do you see Four Good job To open the treasure chest with the four In it should we use the key with the Blue square or the key with the yellow Triangle Yeah Let’s use the key with a blue square Let’s try it do you think it’s going to Work I do too Put the key in And turn Whoa Awesome Let’s see how many coins One Two Three Four Four blue coins let’s see what the Surprise is Oh wow it’s a really cool blue hat let’s See if it fits miss rachel is it too big Or too small for miss rachel Yeah it’s too small I’m going to sneeze ah It fell off that was silly I hope we find someone who can wear the Hat great friends i found someone who The hat fits It fits me oink oink yeah it fits this

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Little pig I’m so happy wearing my hat Bye bye pig How many ships are there Let’s count Them one Two Three Four Five Five ships Good Job can you get out five little fishies Good job Five little fishy swimming in the sea Teasing mr sharky can’t catch me Along comes mr sharky quiet as can be And snap that fishy right out of the c How many are left one Two Three Four good counting Four little fishy swimming in the sea Teasing mr shark he can’t catch me Along comes mr sharky quiet as can be And snaps that fishy right out of the Sea How many are left count with me one Two three good job Three little fishies swimming in the sea Teasing mr sharky can’t catch me Along cause mr sharky quiet as can be And snaps that fishy right out of the Sea good singing

How many are left one Two Two little fishy swimming in the sea Teasing mr shark he can’t catch me Along comes mr sharky quiet as can be And snaps that fishy right out of the Sea How many are left just One One little fishy swimming in the sea Teasing mr shark he can’t catch me Mr sharky quiet as can be and snaps that Fishy right out of the sea And that was so good Great job friends Okay we’re gonna get it this time One two three chicken [Music] Can you march around while we look for Treasure we’re marching all around we’re Marching all around we’re looking for a Treasure so we’re marching all around Yay I’m so proud of you do you see any more Treasure Oh well I think you found it What color do you see on the brown Treasure Chest yeah that color is purple And what number Yeah That’s five good job To open the treasure chest with purple

On it should we use the key with the Green oval Or the key with the purple hexagon Yeah the key with the purple hexagon Because the treasure chest has purple on It and a hexagon Okay get out your key say open fleas and We’ll turn the key Yay Let’s count the coins How many purple coins do you think we’re Going to find if there’s a five on the Treasure chest I think five two One Two Don’t say three yet Three Four Five We did it we counted to five That’s so awesome let’s see what the Surprise is Wow It’s a cute purple parrot Hello Thank you for finding me [Music] Oh the parrot’s giving you a kiss So sweet How many parrots are there Let’s count them One Two

Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Ten Parrots Good job Let’s pretend to be ocean animals Together it’s going to be so much fun Papa tim’s here again to help us with The guitar Hi kids first let’s pretend to be fish The fish in the sea go swim swim swim Swim swim swim swim swim swim the fish In the sea go swim swim swim All day long now we’ll be an octopus The octopus and the sea go wiggle wiggle Freeze wiggle wiggle freeze wiggle Wiggle freeze the octopus and the sea go Wiggle wiggle freeze all day long Now let’s be a lobster can you pinch Like a lobster The lobsters in the sea go pinch pinch Pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch Pinch the lobsters in the sea go pinch Pinch pinch all day long now we’re gonna Be ah a shark The sharks in the sea go chomp chomp Chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp chomp the Sharks in this eagle chomp chomp chomp

All day long Now let’s see the waves going in And out The waves in the sea go in and out in And out in and out the ways in the sea Go in and out All day long Yay it was so much fun being ocean Animals with you great job Okay we’re gonna get it this time you Help me One Two three Door oh Four Miss rachel one two three four we did it Good job It’s time for our lesson A beach is land next to a lot of water It can be sandy or rocky It can have lots of pebbles Pebbles are tiny little rocks The ocean is a big body of salt water Some animals that like to spend time on The beach are Sea turtles Birds like seagulls crabs seals And sea lions The biggest animal in the world lives in The ocean it’s the blue whale Blue wheels can be as long as two buses Some other animals that live in the Ocean are fish Sharks sea otters

And seals Going to the To the beach on a sunny day We’ve got books we can read we’ve got All that we need here to play going to The beach Going to the beach [Music] We’ll build castles and boats and we Might see some boats then we’ll splash In the sea you may we’ll have fun in the Sun [Music] We’re going to the beach [Applause] With her water and fruits and her Sunscreen and suits will feel the sand On her feet as we play in the heat we’ll Write our names in the sand on this Beautiful edge of sketch land We’re going to the beach [Music] What shape is a treasure chest I’ll give you a clue Yeah It’s a rectangle Can you help me open the treasure chest Say open Open Wow look at those beautiful jewels can We name the colors Which jewel is blue Yeah This jewel is blue

Which jewel is red This one’s red Which jewel is green Yeah that’s a green jewel Which jewel is purple Yeah it’s a purple jewel Thank you for helping me name all the Colors of the jewels Good Turn the job Betting the hatches whatever that means This is fun Row row row your boat gently down the Stream Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is But a dream Next i’d like to show you our little Ocean Animals so we have an octopus A little sea turtle A crab A sea horse A fish and a star Now look at them very closely because I’m going to play a game with them and I’m going to try and trick you Which animal do you think is hiding in The sand Picaboo I showed you a clue Peekaboo Oh it was the color red hmm do you know Which one it is

Yeah It’s the Let’s take it out the crown Good job I was hiding in the sand Did i trick you You didn’t trick us we knew it was you Who do you think’s hiding in this sand Ball I’ll give you a clue Peekaboo What did that look like Pika Boo What do you think it is And What a silly octopus There He is you found me I was hiding in the sand did i trick you No you didn’t trick us We knew it was you good job playing the Game who do you think’s hiding in this Sandball Peek-a-boo Who was that Peekaboo It starts with the letter f What do you think It’s a Fish it was a fishy Did i trick you Swim swim swim you didn’t trick us mrs Fish

We knew it was you Thanks for playing swim swim swim bye Bye I’m in a very bad mood I’m feeling like a crab A crabby crab I’m in a terrible nude I don’t know what to do I’m such a crab A crabby crab So i’ll put one hand back One leg back Do it again now i’m walking like a Crabby crab one hand back One leg back Do it again now i’m walking like the Crabby crabs do In my crabby crab mode I have to walk it through And breathe And i Know i’ll feel better soon Pretending i’m a crab In the ocean blue Yes i’ll put one hand back One leg back Do it again now i’m walking like a Crabby crab one hand back One leg back Do it again now i’m walking like the Crabby crabs do Wow i feel so much better Let’s keep walking One hand back

One leg back Do it again now we’re walking like the Crabby crabs one hand back One leg back Do it again now we’re walking like the Crabby crabs do Walking like crabby crab stew I feel so much better hmm i wonder who’s In this sand ball Who’s hiding here’s your clue Boop it’s yellow do you remember what One of our ocean animals was yellow Hmm It’s the S Starfish Oh You found me I was hiding did you know it was me when You saw the color yellow We did you didn’t fool a starfish he Thinks hiding this ball i’ll give you a Clue it begins with the letter t And here’s a little clue we can see him Peeking out Did you see that Did you see that It’s a Turtle oh no it’s stuck Say out and we’ll get him out Out Oh Thank you so much i was stuck you’re so Nice did you know it was me a turtle we

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Did because we saw the green and we knew That it started with a t Turtle who do you think’s in our last Ball Oh my she is peeking out Hmm Well the octopus was blue but we already Found the octopus do you think it’s Another octopus What other animals did we have Hmm Let’s get out a little more and see what We think Out out out Do you recognize this little animal It’s a Sea horse wow hello I’m a seahorse did you know it was me or Did you think it was the octopus We thought it might be an octopus Because it was blue like the octopus but We knew it was you thank you for finding Me Oh she gave us a kiss that’s so nice Swimming away Swimming Bye bye can you say bye bye good job Look A treasure map Pointing to the treasure map [Music] We found the treasure yay Should we go Down the slide

Yeah Let’s do it Ready Set Go you said go good job Now you come down Ready Set Go [Music] Where did i go Peekaboo I was inside here i was in here Wow A big Red Slide Do you see it A big Red slide Let’s go Down the slide come on Ready Set Go [Music] Let’s play a game i spy I spy With my little eye Something red Do you see anything red Good job it was the red slide i spy with My little eye Something

Yellow You did it it was the yellow slide I spy with my little eye something Orange Yeah it was the orange fish can you make A fish face So silly Can you kiss like a fish Good job Great job playing i spy Now which jewel is in the shape of a Circle Yeah that one that’s a circle Good job Now we’re ready to sing down by the bay With the piano and guitar Down by the bay Where the watermelons [Music] Did you ever see a goose kissing a moose Down by the bay down by the fence Where the watermelons grow Back to my home I dare [Music] Did you ever see a whale with a polka Dot tail down by the bay [Music] [Music] Where the watermelons grow [Music] Did you ever see a bear combing his hair Down by the bay down by the bay Where the watermelons grow

Back to my home I dare not go Did you ever see llamas eating their Pajamas down by the bay down by the [Music] [Music] My mother will say Did you ever have a time where you Couldn’t make a rhyme down by the bay [Music] Yay That was so much fun What’s the difference between a fish and A piano You can’t tune a fish Tuna fish Guess what it’s time for Our magic movie What do you see I see children running through the ocean Splashing in the waves that looks like Fun This family looks happy They’re running on the beach together This family is playing with a ball on The beach Ooh What do you see I see sand castles it’s fun to build Sand castles Oh One little girl is patting the sand pat Pat pat Now we’re under water

I see a fish do you see one It looks kind of like nemo And the other fish in the back looks Kind of like dory oh wow I see many fish There are lots of fish swimming together That’s called a school of fish Oh wow Do you see the seahorses What’s that It’s a Starfish Wow Do you know what kind of bird that is Yeah it’s a Seagull running so fast What is that little animal running so Fast It’s a crab Oh this crab’s walking kind of slow Aww i see a little baby Turtle so cute do you see the turtle Wow there’s a lot of pebbles on that Beach remember pebbles are little rocks Wow that was such a good magic movie About the beach in the ocean Hi friends Look it’s pop-up pirate let’s play Together Let’s take turns you can go first Put the sword Say Good job now it’s My turn

Put the sword in Now it’s Your turn say in put it In you did it Now it’s My turn Put it In [Music] It didn’t pop yet Put it and Oh You got it you popped the pirate good Job I didn’t win this time but that’s okay It’s just fun to play and it’s no big Deal Miss rachel miss rachel yeah i found a Triangle Where It’s that sailboat see look at the sails It looks like a triangle it does great Job i also found a triangle where It’s that umbrella Oh it’s in the umbrella it has triangles On it Good triangle looking can you find any Triangles at your house I Am a squiggly wiggly octopus i have Eight legs to swim A squiggly wiggly octopus i have eight Legs to swim Stop

Let’s count them One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Eight legs I am a starfish floating through the sea I have five legs to swim A starfish floating through the sea i Have five legs to swim Stop Let’s count them One Two Three Four Five Five legs I Am a sea turtle swimming free i have Four legs to swim a sea turtle swimming Three i have four legs to swim [Music] Stop Let’s count them One Two Three Four Four legs

I Am a seahorse slowly galloping i have One leg to swim A seahorse slowly galloping i have one Leg to swim stop Let’s count it One Y’all did such a good job counting some Of the legs of my favorite sea creatures Bye-bye Can you help these animals get back to Their homes Thank you Who belongs in the ocean the octopus or The pig Yeah the octopus Let’s let the pig go back to the farm Thank you for finding my home i swim in The ocean Okay you say in and i’ll put the octopus In Put it in put it in put it You said in and the octopus went back in The ocean I’m so happy in the ocean Can you help these animals find their Home who belongs in the sand the crab or The chicken Yeah the crab the chicken should go back To the farm The chicken lives on the farm so let’s Say bye bye chicken bye bye chicken Bye bye Let’s put the crab on the sand

Put it on put it on put it On Thank you so much i love the sand can You help us find our homes Can you help them Awesome Okay Who belongs in the ocean The fish Or the horse Yeah the fish Let’s let the horse go back to the farm You belong on the farm mr horse oh thank You bye bye Say bye bye horse bye bye Thank you so much can you put me in the Water sure Put her in put her in put her In the water she’s so happy swimming Can you help us find our homes Sure Hmm Who would like to go on the sand with The crab the sea turtle Or the cow Yeah the sea turtle the cow is gonna go Back to the farm Boy And we’ll put the sea turtle in the sand They also like the water Thank you so much i love the sand Put him on put him on put him on Oh he’s already crawling around this is Fun

Who should we put In the water The farmer Or the seahorse This one’s kind of tricky because Seahorse has the word horse in its name But a seahorse actually belongs in the Water or the ocean it swims and the Farmer belongs on the Farm okay i’m going back to the farm bye Bye Good job Thank you so much you helped me find my Home which is in the water on the beach Put her in put her in put her say in and She’ll dive in And Yay Here’s our last one Who belongs on the sand or in the ocean The horse nay Or the starfish Hello The starfish The horse lives on the farm May oh bye Let’s put the starfish in the sand Thank you so much i love the sand ah I love that it’s so nice [Music] Wow i found a really shiny Rock have you ever looked for rocks and Shells at the beach it’s so much fun It’s like hunting for treasure

[Music] Look what i found Wow Herpe found a seashell Awesome herbie let’s play with it [Music] Wow i found some really cool little Pebbles and rocks on the beach it’s like Treasure yeah It was so fun searching for them next It’s time for our rhyme of the day Rhymes are words that sound the same at The end yeah Lip and do those sound the same at The end yeah they do yeah you know what Else rhymes what herbie and berbee That’s so silly except burby’s not Really a word So That’s so funny and rachel and rachel Rachel Okay do you know where your lip is we Have two lips Lip and then there’s ship a ship is Really really really big it’s bigger Than a boat whoa yeah Ships go in the ocean now let’s pretend We’re on a Big ship That’s a big boat And we have to turn the ship oh And we have to turn the other way We’re on a big ship Wow

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This is the way we sear the ship Steer the ship Steer the ship This is the way we steer the ship we’re Steering a big ship So Big I’m so excited i’m gonna go play in the Water now Wait herbie You need an adult to go with you i’ll go With you wait for me Okay Okay friends for our sensory activity Today we have kinetic sand it’s gonna be So much fun to play with we’re gonna Make sand castles let’s see how many Sand castle molds we have One Two Two sand castle molds and that’s the Number of the day Okay So to make the sand castle we have to Put the sand into the mold Put it in Put it in put it in put it In You’re helping by saying in Put it in put it in put it And good job Thank you for helping Now I’m gonna say ready set and then you say

Go the magic word and we’ll see if it Made a sand castle are you ready Yay Ready Set say go go Oh it works Look what we made A beautiful sand castle So fun Let’s make the other one so we’re gonna Put the sand in again Put it in put it in put it In good job We’re gonna fill it up fill it up fill It Up Fill it up fill it up fill it up Okay now we’re gonna press down ready Set Go Oh another castle It’s so nice i’m gonna trim the edges Trim trim the edges Wow this is a really cool castle now how Many sand castles do we have One Two two sand castles yeah Let’s put them on the sand On the sand Fix it a little bit put this one On the sand Wow Have you ever made a sand castle That’s awesome

This sand is really cool you can even Make it into a Ball let me show you Roll roll Roll the sand Roll roll Roll the sand roll Roll roll the sand we are rolling sand Whoa The sand is now a Ball which starts with the letter b Yeah that’s cool right for our next Circle time song Let’s do row row row your boat okay and Pretend we’re in the ocean yeah okay Let’s get in the boat okay now let’s get Out our paddles do you have your paddles I got my paddles good Okay ready go row row row your boat Gently down the stream Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is But a dream This time let’s pretend we’re in the Ocean and we see a great white shark Row row row your boat gently down the Ocean If you see a great white shark don’t Forget to scream [Music] How many beach balls do we have let’s Count one Two Two beach balls Two beach balls

One Two One of the beach balls is bigger Which beach ball is bigger Yeah This beach ball is bigger And this beach ball is smaller Good job What did the beach say to the shore Nothing it just waved It’s time for art class Today we’re going to make a fish On a pretend fishing pole Yeah The first thing you do is cut a fish out Of paper have a grown up help you with The scissors now we get to decorate the Fish How would you decorate your fish I like to put a little eye And then a smile Happy fish I think i’ll color this fish with blue Triangles from the shape of the day So fun [Music] I like decorating the fish Now i’m going to add some green Green stripes What are you putting on your fish Next we take a piece of string And we’re going to tape it To a popsicle stick Get out a piece of tape

This is called masking tape And i’m going to tape the string To The popsicle stick Tape it Tape it on [Music] Now i’m going to put some tape On this side and tape the fish Okay let’s put some tape on the fish Yay we put it on and now the fish Is on a fishing pole We did it we made a fishing pole and a Fish Let’s get out one little blue fish are You ready One little blue fish swimming in the Water one little blue fish swimming in The water one little blue fish swimming In the water bubble bubble bubble bubble Pop that was fun let’s get out two Little red fish Two little red fish swimming in the Water two little red fish swimming in The water two little red fish swimming In the water bubble bubble bubble bubble Pop wow let’s get three yellow fish Three little yellow fish swimming in the Water three little yellow fish swimming In the water three little yellow fish Swimming in the water bumble bubble Bubble bubble pop how about four green Fish i’m excited Four little green fish swimming in the

Water four little green fish swimming in The water four little green fish Swimming in the water bubble bubble Bubble bubble Now let’s do five rainbow fish Five little rainbow fish swimming in the Water five little rainbow fish swimming In the water five little rainbow fish Swimming in the water Bubble bubble bubble bubble pop Let’s go see my friends theresa and Rowan They’re going to help us count some Seashells One two three seashells four Five six sea shells seven eight Nine seashells now we’ve got it ten Our next calling echo song is a really Fun game oh great yeah it’s like tucked Up goose oh i love that duck goose duck Duck goose uh-huh and then we run yeah You’re gonna run after me oh okay okay So repeat after me You repeat after me too okay Okay Charlie over the ocean charlie over the Ocean charlie over the sea Charlie over the sea Charlie caught a big fish charlie caught A big fish can’t catch me you can’t Catch me Now it’s your turn in herpes turn okay I’ll try okay Charlie over the ocean charlie over the

Ocean charlie over the sea Charlie over the sea charlie caught a Big fish charlie caught a big fish Stranded can’t catch me Good job can’t catch me tag I couldn’t catch you you were too fast And i couldn’t catch harvey time for a Magic movie Let’s learn about halloween Halloween is a fun holiday it’s Celebrated every year on october 31st On halloween we can dress in fun Costumes I see a hot dog A princess and a swimmer Even the dog is dressed up like a Bumblebee Now i see a witch a fairy another witch And an astronaut Some people paint their faces on Halloween with face paint what’s your Halloween costume going to be Some years we can go trick-or-treating First we walk down the street with a Grown-up we knock on the door knock Knock knock Then we say trick-or-treat and we get a Treat Can you say that trick-or-treat Good job We can do fun halloween art projects Like painting pumpkins using glue to Paste pumpkins on paper and drawing Pumpkins

Halloween is a fun holiday [Music] What should we pack for the beach can You think of anything Great ideas one of the most important Things is sunscreen yeah we don’t want To get a sunburn we have to wear lots of Sunscreening do you know what this is Yeah It’s a bathing suit it’s good to wear a Swim shirt with long sleeves so you Don’t get burned by the sun Yeah this is a little Bathing suit Another great thing to bring to the Beach is uh What’s this Yeah It’s a hat Put the hat on Rachel is wearing the hat I like wearing my beach hat Do you know what this is You might use this when you get out of The bath Yeah it’s a towel it’s good to bring Towels to the beach so you can dry off Do you know what these are Sun [Music] Glasses yeah It’s nice to wear sunglasses at the Beach because the sun is so Bright but but bright the sun is so

Bright i like bringing snacks to the Beach Guess what i packed for the beach Strawberries And Blueberries Wow do you know what this is It’s Water yeah This is another one of the most Important things to bring to the beach Some water so you don’t get dehydrated Yeah you drink a lot of water at the Beach water’s so good for you Maybe you should bring a phone to the Beach This is a toy phone turn it on turn it On turn it On Hi is elmo there Hi elmo What are you doing you’re at the beach Wow Do you know what this is It’s a Bucket what letter do you think bucket Starts with but it The letter b Yeah Wow You can make sand castles with buckets Some other fun things to bring to the Beach are sand toys like shovels and Rakes yeah it’s fun to dig in the sand

Dig dig dig it’s fun to bring a beach Ball to the beach to throw and catch and Play games with Can you think of anything else we might Want to bring to the beach let me know [Music] We did it Can you say i did it i did it i found All the treasure on the island yay And we learned so many awesome things Learning is so fun I Love to learn i’m so Smart yeah You’re so smart too [Music]

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.