Kids Music Class Full class for preschool toddlers babies online

We hope you enjoy our kids music class. It’s great for preschool, babies, and toddlers! It’s a full music class online. I have a masters in music education and this is what I would teach live. It’s interactive and fun! We hope you enjoy our music class for kids! It’s a baby toddler preschool music class.
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”Georgie” puppet Copyright 2016 – David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master’s in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher and has a sweet 2-year-old boy who inspired her online baby music classes and learning videos!

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Hi friend Welcome to Music let’s start With my favorite song this song we need Our two hands one two Open shut them open shut them give a Little clap clap clap open shut that Open shut them put them in your laptop Creep them crawl them creep them crawl Them right up to your chin chin chin Open wide your little mouth But do not let them in yay that was so Much fun [Music] I hear a shark [Music] Baby shark Mama shark Mommy shark Mommy shark Daddy shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo Doo doo doo doo doo doo daddy shark Grandma shark Doo doo [Music] Let’s Go Hunt Run away Run away [Music] [Music] It’s the end Oh no it’s starting to rain can you help Me sing Mr Golden Sun so the sun will Come back out If you have a Shaker at home it’s time

To get out your shaker Oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine Down on me oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun Hiding behind a tree these little Children are asking you to please come Out so we can play with you oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine down on Me Wow the sun is coming out but it’s still A little cloudy let’s sing it again and See if the sun comes out are you ready Okay get your Shaker oh Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun please shine down on me I’ll Miss your son son Mr Golden Sun hiding Behind a tree these little children are Asking you please come out so we can [Music] Please shine down on me The sun came out oh it’s so warm now Thank you so much Hey friend guess what it’s time for word Of the day hooray that’s my favorite Part hi Herbie hi hi He The word of the day is quiet ooh like an Elephant Right The sounded elephant makes this loud oh Quiet is more like the sound a mouse Makes oh It’s going oh yeah I’m a little mouse squeak squeak exactly Okay How what are we doing now

Oh can you whisper Whisper whispering Spurring oh Whispering is quiet Let’s pretend that we need to sing this Little baby to school do you think we Would need to sing loud or quiet hmm Do you know Quiet yeah we would seem quiet quiet Okay let’s sing Twinkle Twinkle quietly To the baby and see if we can put the Baby to sleep That’s a classic okay Ready herpy ready twinkle twinkle Little star how I wonder what you are up Above so high like a diamond in the sky Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder What you are Great job everyone the baby is asleep It’s asleep good job you sang nice and Quiet I’m gonna go to sleep too bye-bye I’m so happy Here singing with you are you happy If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands if you’re happy and you know It clap your hands if you’re happy and You know it and you really want to show It if you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands if you’re happy and you know It stomp your feet stomp stomp if you’re Happy and you know it stop your beat Stop stop if you’re happy and you know It and you really want to show it if You’re happy and you know it stomp your Feet

If you’re happy and you know it shout Hooray hooray you’re happy and you know It shout hooray hooray if you’re happy And you know it and you really want to Show it if you’re happy and you know it Shout hooray hooray now let’s try and do All three are you ready If you’re happy and you know it do all Three clap clap stomp stomp hooray if You’re happy and you know it 213 [Music] All right if you’re happy and you know It and you really want to show it if You’re happy and you know it do all Three clap clap stop stop Hurry That was so much fun What’s that sound woof What animal makes that sound You’re right a dog Oh hi it’s our friend Bingo hi Bingo what’s wrong you look sad I’m sad Because I forgot how to spell my name oh We can help you do you guys at home Think you can help Bingo remember how to Spell his name can you help yeah I bet If we sing the song Bingo you’ll Remember okay There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o [Music] B-i-n-g-o-b-i-n-g-o-b-i-n-g-o and Bingo Was his name-o this time let’s clap for The B

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There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o I-n-g-o I-n-g-o I-n-g-o and Bingo was his name-o now he Clap for the B and the I there was a Farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his Name-o NGO NGO NGO and Bingo was his name-o now for the B-i-n you ready There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his Nemo Geo Geo Geo and Bingo was his name-o now for the B-i-n-g There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o Oh Oh When Bingo was his name-o now we’re Gonna do it for all the letters it’s Gonna be so tricky do you think you can Do it I know you can there was a farmer Who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o And Bingo was his name-o [Music] And Bingo was his name-o Yay you guys did an amazing job Thank you thank you so much do you Remember how to spell your name now I Know Thank you thank you so much thank you

Rachel yeah can I say something quiet Yeah definitely that was okay great on The count of three here I go One two three banana Herbie that was loud oh it was maybe the Friends at home can help us say banana But quiet okay I’m ready let’s try it Again ready One two three Oh okay I did it good job teaching Herbie how to say banana quietly thank You for this next song we’re gonna Pretend to be astronauts and when we do The countdown you can get into a little Ball and then really blast off it’s Gonna be so much fun are you ready let’s Put on our space helmet And put on our spacesuit Zoom zoom zoom we’re going to the Moon Zoom zoom zoom we’re going to the Moon If you wanna take a trip I’m aboard my Rocket ship zoom zoom zoom we’re going To the Moon Ten nine eight seven six five four three Two one Zoom zoom zoom we’re going to the Moon We’re going to the Moon if you wanna Take a trip climb aboard my rocket ship We’re going to the Moon Next let’s get out our itsy bitsy Spiders [Music] The itsy bitsy spider went up the water Spout down came the rain and washed the

Spider out out came the Sun and dried up All the rain and the itsy bitsy spider Went up the spout again yay since the Word of the day is quiet let’s do a Teeny tiny spider into it really quietly The teeny tiny spider went up the water [Music] That was so much fun I wonder what a big Big spider would sound like Um [Music] That was so silly good job being a big Big spider [Music] Okay next we’re gonna pretend our little Thumb is a mouse okay so get out your Little thumb and then you get out your Other hand and it’s gonna be the house Okay are you ready I hit little mouse Mouse and a quiet little house All was quiet Quiet in me [Music] I’ll pop tea that was so fun let’s try It again Quiet little Mouth Mouse [Music] [Music] Hey everyone guess what it’s time for Instrument of the day hooray That’s my other favorite part hi Harvey

Hi Rachel this is the instrument of the Day it’s the ukulele Harvey the ukulele the Yuka what what The ukulele let’s tell her be on the Count of three one two three Ukulele oh okay It reminds me of a guitar but it’s Smaller uh-huh yeah it has strings like A Guitar let’s see how many strings okay One one two two three seven and seven Doesn’t come after three it’s four let’s Try again one Two three Four four Yay okay yeah it’s a great first Instrument for a kid or the piano or the Recorder it’s a lot more Yeah let’s do a song with the ukulele How About You Are My Sunshine okay One two three you are my sunshine My only sunshine you make me happy when Skies are gray you’ll never know dear How much I love you and you need me so Take my sunshine away You’re My Sunshine Herbie huh You’re My Sunshine Rachel for the next song let’s Pretend to be little ants hi I’m an aunt Can you march with me to the steady beat Marching to the beat is something we Teach in music education The ants go marching one by one hurray Hurray the ants go marching one by one Hurray hurray the ants go marching one By one the little one stops to suck his

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Thumb And they all go marching down to the Ground to get out of the rain boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom the ants go Marching two by two hurray hurray the Ants go marching two by two hurray Hurray the ants go marching two by two The little one stops to tie her shoe tie Her shoe and they all go marching down To the ground to get out of the rain [Music] The ants go marching three by three Hurray hurray ants go marching three by Three hurray hurray the ants go marching Three by three the little one stops to Climb a tree And they all go marching down to the Ground to get out of the rain boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom the ants go Marching four by four hurray hurray the Ants go marching four by four hurray Hurray the ants go marching four by four The little one stops to shut the door And they all go marching down to the Ground to get out of the rain boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom yes [Music] [Music] Let’s do six the ants go marching six by Six hurray hurray the ants go marching Six by six hurray hurray the ants go Marching six by six the little one stops To pick up sticks pick up all those Sticks and they all go marching down to

The ground to get out of the rain [Music] The ants go marching seven by seven Hurray hurray the ants go marching seven By seven hurray hurray the ants go Marching seven by seven the little one Stops to eat eleven And they all go marching up to the Ground to get out of the rain Let’s go marching eight by eight hurray Hurray the ants go marching eight by Eight hurray hurray the ants go marching Eight by eight the little one stops [Music] [Music] Little one stops to say the end [Music] And they all go marching down to the Ground to get out of the rain boom boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom That was so much fun did that song sound A little different than the first few Songs we did It’s because it’s in a minor key The ants go marching one by one a minor Key and songs like if you’re happy and You know it if you’re happy and you know It clap your hands That song’s in a major key we have minor Keys and major keys that was a thought Of marching it made me tired oh are you Tired maybe we should pretend to sleep You can pretend there’s some people on Your floor and we’ll Pretend We’re

Little bunnies let’s sing the part about The bunnies quietly with a quiet Dynamic Dynamics are how quiet or loud music is Let’s do a quiet Dynamic for the bunny’s Part and then a louder Dynamic for the Part when we hop around I can’t wait to Stay with you let’s go to sleep See the bunny sleeping till it’s near The end Shall we wake them with a merry too They’re so still are they ill wake up Soon Wake up little bunnies pop little monies [Music] Now we go back to sleep and sing quietly [Music] Wake up soon [Music] That’s our alarm clock wake up little Bunnies hop little bunnies [Music] Should we do more hopping let me see how High you can hop ready and go hop little Bunnies [Music] Yay great job being bunnies have you Ever been fishing What do we need to go fishing Ah a fishing pole And some bait and then we take the pole And we cast it into the water I made a Pretend fishing pole you can ask your Grown-up to help you make one you just Color a fish and cut it out and then put

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A little string and a popsicle stick and You can pretend to fish it’s so much fun Okay let’s sing Our Song are you ready One two three four five once I caught a Fish alive six seven eight nine ten then I let it go again why did you let it go Because it bit my fingers so which Finger did it bite this little finger on My right let’s sing it again let me hear You sing in your nice loud voice One two three four five once I caught a Fish alive six seven eight nine ten then I let it go again why did you let it go Because it bit my finger soap which Finger did it bite this little finger on My right great job let’s put a Band-Aid On our finger Let’s Pretend now it feels Better next we’re gonna work on playing An instrument to a steady beat find Anything to tap One two three four do you know the Muffin man the muffin man Do you know the muffin man Is What in your body has a steady beat Yeah your heart has a steady beat What other ways could we keep the steady Beat How about clapping One two three four Do You Know the Muffin Man The Muffin Man The Muffin Man Do you know the muffin man who lives on Drury Lane let’s try keeping a beat Another way and let’s say something

Different hmm I like strawberries so I’m Gonna say strawberry woman Let’s tap the Bean on our shoulders one Two three four do you know the Strawberry woman the strawberry woman The strawberry woman do you know the Strawberry woman who lives on Drew Really What other ways could we keep the beat And what other Foods could we put in I’d love to hear from you what food you Chose and how you kept the beat Next I’m gonna do the pizza dude cause I Love pizza And I’m going to March one two three Four do you know the pizza dude the Pizza dude the pizza dude do you know The pizza dude who lives on cheese Lane Yeah you could change the lane to Something funny great job keeping the Beat hi Rachel oh hi Georgie would you Like to play peek-a-boo with me I love Peek-a-boo peekaboo So much fun yeah that is fun hey you Know I wrote a song about peekaboo you Did yeah what does it mean if you wrote It well I made it up it came from my Heart oh I’m a composer wow that’s a big Word yeah composer is a person who Writes songs oh you can be a composer And you can be a composer too oh yeah do You want to hear the peekaboo song can I Sure [Music]

I like to play peacock Baby yeah I like to dance [Applause] [Music] [Music] Let’s play it with the scarves where is Georgie where is Georgie [Music] Hi should we put one on me yeah and then You pull it off when I say okay you can Do this at home too Where is Rachel where is Rachel you Can’t reach them [Music] I see you hello Let’s do it to our friends at home Wow they look yellow where is our friend Where is our friend where is our friend Peekaboo I see you S Is the sound that it makes s is a letter S goes the s Suck Pika pika That was so much fun yeah it was okay I’ll see you later Georgie okay bye-bye Bye bye say bye bye Georgie bye-bye see You later [Applause] C c Is a letter is the sound that it makes C Is the letter Goes the sea cars foreign [Music]

[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Shine Let It Shine Let It Shine Everywhere I go I’m gonna let it shine Everywhere I go I’m gonna let it shine Let It Shine Let It Shine Let It Shine All around the world I’m gonna let it Shine all around the world I’m gonna let It shine All around the world I’m gonna let it Shine let It Shine Let It Shine Let It Shine Yeah you can turn on one knee for the Big ending great job I love your Beautiful voice It’s Time to Say Goodbye can you wave Bye bye but we’ll see you again real Soon Bye bye friends Bye bye friends Bye bye friends we’ll see you again real Soon Bye bye thanks for singing with me you Sounded beautiful

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.