Homeschool Preschool Lessons – Virtual Lessons with Ms. Monica – Preschool Explorers

Preschool Lessons – Virtual Lessons with Ms. Monica – Preschool Explorers

This video is sponsored by Preschool Explorers (my virtual learning space)

If you’re looking for more learning experiences for your child after you Circle Time with Ms. Monica, then you’re in the right place. I created a progressive preschool program which includes lessons in math, science, phonics, fine motor skills, art and more. There are 32 weeks of lessons (160 lessons). It’s a school year of lessons.

You don’t have to worry about anything. I created the curriculum and the lessons. Download and your materials, prepare your child and watch. Happy Learning!

Learn more about what my program offers here:

Are you teaching your preschooler at Home is it a struggle to find the Perfect curriculum the right lessons and Prepare all of the materials Well I may have an answer that will make Teaching your preschooler at home easier Hi I'm Monica J suttony I'm an early Childhood educator content creator and The founder of preschool explorers When the pandemic hit in 2020 I created A preschool education show on YouTube That reached thousands of families Globally I understood the importance of Consistency for young children and I Also knew that they needed something They can count on Monday through Friday It wasn't easy for parents and teachers To prepare lessons and all of the Materials for learning at home During this time I also realized how Many families wanted more to add on to Their children's education learning at Home and now even more families are Teaching their preschoolers at home and They're still looking for Quality Education programs to add on to what Their children are already doing Does that sound like you so in 2021 I Took an entire school year to focus on Creating basic preschool pre-recorded Lessons for families daycares and Learning pods I've curated Progressive Lessons that span over nine months from

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Science math phonics all the way to Scissor cutting art music Story Time fun And so much more I want to bring Preschool into your home and make Teaching your preschooler easier I think This program is amazing but what are Families and parents say hi my name is Althea and I am a mother of a now three And five-year-old I have to say that our Love for preschool explorers runs deep We started following miss Monica during The covid-19 pandemic when she launched Her Circle Time with Miss Monica and as A work from home parent I have to say That that Circle time Saved us we started our mornings every Day with Miss Monica and they would get So excited to learn their colors and Their shapes and Counting with Miss Monica from there we started the Preschool explorers program we started Off doing the pre-recorded lessons for Preschool explorers and my son really Enjoyed that I have to say for him Growing up from three to five in a Pandemic he really learned a lot of Essential crucial things to prepare him For kindergarten to be honest I think Preschool explorers helped over prepare Him for kindergarten he is excelling at Such an extreme rate we are so proud of Him hi my name is Alexandria and my son Andre just experienced his first week of The bear cubs and he's only three years

Old he really enjoyed it and it made me Want to sign him up for him to do more I'm excited to see how he will grow I Have my five-year-old has been in the Pro program says she was four and I've Seen her growth over the year and I'm Excited to see how Andre will grow from Just starting at three years old to Finishing at five I'm excited to see What more he will learn and how far he Will go thank you miss Monica for your Program and everything that you do See you in class registration is open Bye everyone [Music] Thank you bye [Music] You

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.