Counting, Colors, Numbers – Children’s Songs – Toddler Learning – Preschool Learning

Counting, Colors, Numbers – Children’s Songs – Toddler Learning – Preschool Learning

Enjoy over an hour of toddler and preschool learning with Ms. Monica. Enjoy sining, colors, numbers and counting lessons.

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Circle time makes learning fun Circle Time makes learning fun Circle time Makes learning but come sing and dance Come everyone Listen listen I think I hear a doorbell I wonder who It is who is it How are you feeling today I feel good you do duck duck feels good Oh I'm so happy to hear that duck duck Did you bring something special today I Did I did oh you sound very excited are You excited yes yes yes oh wonderful What did you bring today oh something Special something new Something new and it's special well how About we count to three and then you can Show us this special special thing is That a good idea yes great idea oh Friends will you help me count to three Great here we go one two Three whoa what's this can I take it Please Wow duck duck what is it Number one Number One can you say one one can you say one With duck duck one wow it's a number Number one thank you duck duck everyone Can you say thank you to duck duck thank You duck duck you're welcome oh we're so Happy you bought us this number one I Think we have some learning to do oh Wonderful we'll see you again soon okay

Let's say goodbye bye bye duck duck We'll see you again soon bye doctor bye Bye friends Well now we have this number one let's See what we can find Hmm this is a Number so that means we can count with Numbers How about I get my pointer first that May help us with our magic easel oh Pointer pointer where are you oh here You are here you are I see you I have my Pointer I think we're ready oh look at The magic easel look I see One cupcake do you see it How many cupcakes one one So we can sing one cupcake one cupcake One one one Again one cupcake one cupcake one one One Only one oh you see something else Oh it's a book can you say book How many books do you see one One one Book one book one one one Book one book one one one Only one book oh do you see something Else Oh I see it too One lollipop Can you say one Now say lollipop let's sing it one Lollipop one lollipop one one one again One lollipop one lollipop one one one oh Do you see something else

Oh I see it too what is it One dolphin oh look at that dolphin One dolphin can you say one Now say dolphin Here we go one dolphin one dolphin one One one again One dolphin one dolphin one one one You did it this is number one Can you say one one Great number one oh I'm going to put our Number one away in a safe safe place Thank you everyone for singing with me And Counting with me today I would like for us to end our Circle Time with a song how about two songs Today let's start with our ABCs first oh I think I'll still need my pointer ABC's first and then we'll sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Are you ready okay let's sing our ABCs Slow Here we go A b c d e f g H i j k L m n o p Q r s T u v W x Y And z Now I know my a b c's next time won't You sing with me will you sing with me Next time Wonderful thank you now let's speed it

Up one more time our ABCs that means We're going to sing a little bit faster Now here we go a b c d e f g H i j k l m n o p Q r s T u v W x Y and z now I know my a b c's next time Won't you sing with me yay clap clap Clap we did it first slow and then fast Fast fast Wonderful everyone listen Think I hear a doorbell I wonder who it Is who is it it's me duck duck oh hello Duck duck everyone can you say Hello Hello friends oh we're so happy to see You today how are you feeling today Wow that's wonderful to hear you you Feel happy oh did you bring anything Special today I did what did you bring I Bought a special number Another special number wow I wonder what Number it is oh friends I have an idea We can count to three and ducked up will You bring out the number yes okay will You help me count Great here we go one Two three Oh duck duck look at this it's another Number I'll take that Thank you you're welcome What number is it yeah two Number two can you say two Again two

Can you say two yeah wonderful number Two thank you for bringing number two to Us today My friends it's time for duck duck to go So let's sing goodbye Bye bye doctor bye bye duck duck we'll See you again soon bye friends Oh I'm so happy we have this number two Number two I'm going to look for my Pointer so we can find Some things that maybe have two maybe we Can count Are you ready okay first let me find my Pointer pointer pointer where are you Oh here you are here you are I see you Thank you okay now I'm ready friends Number two can you say two two again two Number two so we can practice counting All the way up to number two let's give It a try here we go One two Let's try again one two Let's count one more time one two you Did it number two Oh Do you see something What is it Two circles Two circles maybe we can sing it Two circles two circles two circles two Two two again two circles two circles Two two two you did it oh Do you see something else Triangles

Two Triangles two let's sing two triangles Two triangles two two two again two Triangles two triangles two two two Oh You see something else Squares Two squares let's sing it two squares Two squares two two two Squares two squares two two two You did it oh I'm clapping for all of You can you clap for yourselves Wonderful oh what number did we count to Today Number two can you say it one more time Two Very good okay I'm going to put our two Down And I'm going to put this pointer down As well I would love for us to sing our Circle Time song Today Circle Time song is Head shoulders knees and toes do you Know that song Oh well today we're going to sing it Together it's an action song that means We're going to move our body yes we're Going to touch our head can you give it A try head Shoulders Knees And toes And then we have to go up to our face And touch our eyes just point eyes

Ears Mouth And nose One more time eyes Ears Mouth And nose Now we're going to put it all together You can sing along with me just follow Along and try and follow the actions Get Ready Get Ready Here we go Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes head shoulders knees and toes knees And toes eyes and ears and mouth and Nose Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Let's try it again I'm gonna go a little Bit slower Here we go Head Shoulders Knees and toes knees and toes Head Shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Eyes and ears And mouth and nose Head Shoulders knees and toes knees and toes You did it clap for yourselves listen You think I hear a doorbell I wonder who It is who is it Oh stuck hello duck duck everyone waved

To talk talk hello friends oh hello duck Duck it's so wonderful to see you today Oh duck duck how are you feeling today I Feel happy You're feeling happy I feel happy too I'm happy to be here with all of my Friends and you too duck duck oh thank You you're welcome did you bring Anything special today Yes I did What did you bring today A new number A new number oh friend I wonder what Number it is how about we count to three Together and then duckduck will you Bring out the new number yeah yes oh Wonderful okay everyone are you ready Let's count to three One two Three What number is it let's see everyone It's number Three three Three Thank you duck duck duck duck has given Us number three can you say three Three and again Three wonderful thank you duck duck I Know it's time for you to say goodbye But first everyone can you wave bye bye To doctor bye bye Bye bye we'll see you again soon bye Friends Wonderful now look at this we have

Number three How about we count to three again Together we're going to count up to Number three and then we'll stop are you Ready okay here we go One Two Three We did it Can we try it one more time Okay let's try it again let's count to Number three here we go One two three Did it again Three is our number today Look at our magic easel I see three circles Can you help me count them okay let's Count oh but I need my Heater so I can point oh pointer pointer Where are you oh Oh here you are here you are I see my Pointer okay now I'm ready to point and Count will you count with me Great here we go One two three Three Circles let's sing three circles three Circles three three three again Three circles three circles three three Three Oh The shape has changed What is that

See also  Vowel Sounds | Vowels and Consonants | ABC Phonics for kids!

Triangles how many triangles Let's count One two Three three Triangles let's sing three triangles Three triangles three three three Three triangles three triangles three Three three oh Did you did you see something change What do you see now Squares how many Let's count One two three Squares let's sing Three squares three squares three three Three Three squares three squares three three Three You did it clap for yourselves Very good Counting Do you hear that listen Listen I hear a doorbell I wonder who it is who Is it Duck duck Hello friends hello oh friends Can you give a big wave to duck duck Hello duck duck we're so happy to see You today oh duck duck how are you Feeling today I feel Good oh great we're happy you feel good Doctor did you bring anything special Today Yes yes oh what did you bring

A new number A new number I wonder what number it is How about we counted three and duck duck Will you bring out that number for us Yes oh wonderful okay friends are you Ready to count Here we go One two three Whoa look at the number it's flapping I wonder what number this is thank you That duck oh Duck duck what number is this Four Number four Four Can you say four five again four five One more time Four yes this is number four thank you Duck duck you're welcome oh wonderful oh That look we're so happy you bought us Number four today everyone let's sing Goodbye to that duck it's time for duck Duck to go Goodbye duck duck we'll see you again Soon Bye duck duck Oh now we have number four thank you to Duck duck we're learning a new number Today we're learning a new number number Four let's count all the way up to Number four today Will you give it a try with me Great oh oh I wonder first before we Count I would like to use my pointer so

I can point while we count Pointer pointer where are you oh here You are here you are I see you here's my Pointer now we can count up to number Four Here we go One two three four Again One Two three four Can you say four five oh what do you see On the easel Oh apples How many apples do you see five let's Count One two three Four four apples Let's see Four apples four apples four four four Again Four apples four apples Four four four Good job oh What do you see now Oranges How many oranges do you see Let's count one two three four Four Oranges let's sing Four oranges four oranges four four four Again four oranges four oranges four Four four Oh It's another fruit what do you see

Strawberries how many let's count One two three four Four Strawberries let's sing four Strawberries four strawberries four four Four strawberries four strawberries four Four four Can you say four five again four five Great counting you did it Number four four is our number today Thank you number four okay I'm going to Put that down my friends it's time for Us almost to say goodbye but first we Have to sing a circle Time song today I Have a new song for us to sing today We're going to sing where is Thumbkin do You know that song Oh if you don't know it I would love to Teach you that song and if you do know Let's sing together we need to use our Hands for this song and our fingers can You hold up one hand And the other hand And can you wiggle your fingers wiggle Your fingers great okay put your hands Down today we're going to sing to our Fingers this is Thumbkin can you find Thumbkin find your Thumbkin Good and this is pointer can you find Pointer hello And this is tall man hello And this is Ringo hello And this is Pinky hello everyone And those are our fingers

Those are the fingers we're singing with Today are you ready we're going to use Both hands to sing just take your time And sing along with me Here we go Where is Thumbkin where is Thumbkin here I am am here I am how are you today Fred Very well I thank you Run away run away friends behind your Back run away good job where is pointer Where is pointer here I am here I am how Are you today friend very well I thank You run away Run away where is tall one where is tall One here I am hello here I am how are You today friend very well I thank you Run away run away run away Where is Ringo where is Ringo here I am Here I am how are you today friend very Well I thank you run away Run away Where is Pinky where is Pinky How are you today friend very well I Thank you run away run away where's the Whole family where's the whole family Here we are Here we are how are you today friends Very well I thank you Run away Run away and you can wave oh you both Hands use both hands to wave Wonderful Here we are Thank you for singing with me today

Oh did you hear that It sounds like a doorbell I wonder who It is who is it Everyone can you wave to that duck hello Doctor oh duck duck how are you feeling Today I feel happy Oh doctor feels happy I'm excited that You feel happy and excited that you're Here today Did you bring anything special today yes I did What did you bring A new number A new number friends I have an idea how About we count to three and then duck Duck will you bring that new number out Yes I will wonderful will you help me Count friends Great here we go one Two three whoa Whoa here it is a new number let's see What number it is Not this Can you say five five and again five Five Great thank you duck duck for bringing Us number five oh friends it's time for Duck duck to say goodbye will you sing Goodbye to duck duck with me Wonderful Goodbye Goodbye duck duck goodbye talk talk We'll see you again soon bye bye doctor Bye bye friends

Oh I'm so happy duck duck Boris number Five okay how about we count with our New number oh but first I think I need My pointer oh pointer pointer where are You Here you are here you are I see you Here's my pointer I think we're ready to Count to number five are you ready here We go one two three four five One more time one two three four five You did it oh look at that what do you See Pencils how many hi let's count One two Three Four Five Five Pencils five pencils five five sing it With me five pencils five pencils five Five five we did it oh There's something else on our magic Easel what is that Robots How many five oh let's count one Two three Four five Five Robots five robots five five five sing It with me five robots five robots five Five five we did it oh oh There's something else there now Umbrellas oh in case it rains how many Umbrellas do you see

Oh Let's count One two three Four Five Five Umbrellas five Umbrellas five five sing it with me five Umbrellas five umbrellas five five We did it everyone What's our number today bye bye What's our number today bye bye that's Right oh well before we go friends I Would like to sing a circle Time song How about today we sing the five little Ducks will you sing with me Thank you all right everyone look at our Magic easel get ready get ready here we Go Five little ducks went up one day But only four little ducks came back one Two Three Four little ducks went up one day over The hill and Far Away another Ducks Came back one two Three three Little ducks went out one day over the Hill and Far Away mother ducks Came back one Two two Little ducks went out one day over the Hill and Far Away Mother duck Shake quack quack quack but

None of the five little ducks came back Oh did you hear that I said I think I hear a doorbell I Wonder who it is Who is it It's me Hello duck duck oh everyone say hello Can you give a big wave to duck duck Hello hello friend and oh we're so happy You're here today how do you feel today Duck duck I feel good wow doctor feels Good That's wonderful did you bring anything Special today Yes I did what did you bring A learning box yeah We love the learning box we do what's Inside today It's a special color oh a special color Oh well how about we count to three and Then when we do will you bring out the Learning box Yes I will why wonderful friends will You help me count Great here we go one two three Thank you Oh thank you it's heavy oh wonderful Well duck duck we are so happy you Bought a learning box today and you said There's a new color inside yes there is Oh everyone can you say thank you duck Duck thank you duck duck quack quack You're welcome Oh duck duck we'll see you again soon

Bye bye duck bye bye Bye bye we'll see you again soon bye Oh I'm so happy duck duck for our Learning box now it's time for us to Open the box and see what's inside are You ready Great let's count to three and on three I will open the box here we go one Two three Wow my friends everything inside is Think can you say pink Again pink Oh the color pink let's see what I what I can find It's a pink piece of paper Pink paper pink paper pink pink pink It's a pink piece of paper Wow Let's see What else is inside oh look at these They're so cute didn't can you see Pink pom-poms pink pom-poms pink pom Poms pink pink oh I'm putting them back Inside there they go and one fell down Oh look at this A little toy a toy Pig It's a pink pig oink oink oink oink oink Oink oink A pink pig oh there's more there's more Oh yummy yummy it's another toy but it Looks delicious a pink donut pink donut With sprinkles Oh look at this squish squish squish Squish squish squish squish squish Squish pink play foam pink playful Squish squish squish

See also  Free Online Toddler Frozen Music Class

Oh my friends one more thing Oh it's pink tape pink tape pink Can you say pink One more time pink wonderful how about We sing Our pink color song will you Help me sing Great I will need my Pointer while we Sing the song pointer pointer where are You where's my pointer oh here you are I See you here's my pointer I think we're Ready to sing are you ready Oh look at that everything is pink it's A milkshake something we can we can Drink pink milkshake pink milkshake pink Pink pink pink Again pink milkshake pink milkshake pink Pink pink pink pink oh It looks like something we can use for Art we can paint it's pink paint pink Pink pink pink pink pink pink pink pink Pink pink Again pink pink pink Paint pink pink pink pink Oh look at that pink flowers Pink flowers pink flowers pink pink pink Pink pink Flowers pink flowers pink pink pink oh Look at what that person's wearing a Pink shirt Pink shirt pink shirt pink pink pink Pink pink pink Shirt pink shirt pink pink pink pink We did it oh thank you for singing with Me clap for yourselves clap clap clap

Clap clap you did it wonderful today's Color is pink can you say did you hear That listen I think I hear a doorbell I wonder who It is Who is it Hey duck duck hello duck duck oh Everyone give duck a big wave hello duck Duck hello Oh we are so happy you're here today how Are you feeling today I feel good oh you do well we're happy To hear that did you bring any surprises I did I bought a learning box A learning box we love the learning box I wonder what's inside Oh so exciting maybe you can bring the Learning box out after we count to three Will you help me count Thank you everyone here we go one Two Three oh boy wow duck duck it feels a Little heavy today oh thank you for Helping you're welcome what's inside Duck duck a new color Oh well thank you duck duck everyone say Thank you that duck thank you and let's Say goodbye bye bye duck duck we'll see You again soon bye bye everyone bye Bye bye Okay friends it's time for us to open The learning box can you say open Again open One more time open oh let's see what's

Inside One two Three whoa Wow look at what's inside I see Orange everything is orange can you say Orange Again orange I see an orange can Orange Oh I see orange yarn Orange oh I see look at this squash Squash squash squash squish squish I see Orange play foam Orange oh I see An orange cup hello cubot it's like a Robot orange orange Can you say orange Oh I see one more thing look at this An orange marker orange maybe I can draw An orange picture Yay for orange okay my friends oh now That I found everything inside Let me close my box and about we sing Our orange color song will you help me Great oh first I need my pointer Pointer pointer where are you oh oh here You are here you are I see you hello Pointer all right I think we're ready Will you help me sing okay let's get Ready let's look at our magic easel Look at that those are mandarins we can Eat those Orange mandarins orange mandarins orange Orange orange

Again orange mandarins orange mandarins Orange orange orange Pumpkin Orange pumpkin orange pumpkin orange Orange orange Orange pumpkin orange pumpkin orange Orange orange That looks like soap Soap we can wash and clean with Orange Soap Orange Soap orange orange Orange Again Orange Soap Orange Soap orange Orange orange Oh something else we can eat Carrots orange orange carrots orange Carrots orange orange Carrots orange carrots orange orange You did it Clap for yourselves I'm clapping for all Of you wonderful singing today my Friends oh guess what it is time almost Time for us to say goodbye but first I Would love to sing a song today's song Is the wheels on the bus Will you sing with me Great okay friends Four Wheels On The Bus song we're going to do three actions Let me show you we're going to go like This with our hand and say Just like a horn so the bus's horn says Beep beep can you try that beep beep one More time Good that's the horn and the wheels on The bus go

Round and round can you do that Round and round give it a try Round and round that's right and we're Going to try the doors the doors go open And shut open and shut give it a try Open and shut open it and shut you did It let's try those three actions today Okay All right follow along with me here we Go get ready get ready here we go The wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town the horn on the bus Goes On the bus Let's try one more the people on the bus Go up and down up and down up and down The people on the bus go up and down oh Through the town you did it clap clap Clap Clap for yourself I wonder who it is who is it oh it's me Duck duck hello duck duck oh friends can You give a big wave to duck duck hello Duck duck Hello friends hello duck duck We're happy you came today hello Everyone oh duck duck how do you feel Today I feel happy oh happy we're happy you Feel that way oh did you bring any Surprises today Yes I did oh what did you bring a Learning box oh our favorite thing a Learning box Will you bring the learning box out yes

Okay everyone how about we count to Three and then duck duck will show us The learning box today here we go One Two Three Oh my goodness wow thank you it's Our learning box I wonder what's inside Today any clues duck duck Oh it's another color oh so exciting Thank you for delivering today's Learning box oh duck duck we'll see you Again soon yes I'll see you again bye Bye bye bye duck duck we'll see you Again soon bye-bye friends Bye bye duck duck okay everyone it's Time for us to see what's inside our Learning box Maybe we can Open it can you say that word open Can you say it say it again Open one more time Oh Ben good job if you help me count to Three I will open our learning box are You ready Here we go One Two Three oh Wow oh my friends guess what everything Inside is Green look at this I see a green turtle Hello little turtle green turtle green Can you say green

Again Green good Oh look at this a green bow Green green oh look at this friends the Letter i it's green Green eye Oh I caught it it's a green ball Green What color Green oh I see something else It's a green car a toy car green can you Say green Green very good now let's sing our green Color song will you sing with me Wonderful oh before I sing I need to Find my pointer pointer pointer where Are you Oh here you are here you are I see you Here's my pointer okay friends let's get Ready to sing our green color song oh Look at that green frog green frog green Green green One more time green frog green frog Green green Green Oh That's a pier lots of peers green pears Green Piers green green Green Again green Piers green Piers green Green Green Oh Look at that Green plants here we go green plants Green plants green green Green Again green plants green plants green Green Green Oh

Look at this I see green grass can you say green Grass Yes Green grass green grass green green Green Again green grass green grass green Green You did it clap for yourselves clap clap Clap good job just like this clap You did it I'm so proud of all of you oh My friends I'm going to put my pointer Down And now it's time for us to sing today's Song today I would like to sing If You're Happy and You Know It If you're happy and you know it that's Today's song okay so you have to get Ready to do two oh no no three things Okay we're going to sing but I want you To clap Can you try that clap I want you to stomp your feet stomp Stomp use those feet stomp stomp good And I want you to say hooray give it a Try hooray very good just like that We're going to sing Our Song and try Those three actions follow along with me Get Ready Get Ready here we go If you're happy and you know it clap Your hands If you're happy and you know it clap Your hands If you're happy and you know it and you

See also  Five Little Monkeys Swinging in a Tree

Really want to show it if you're happy And you know it clap your hands But if you're happy and you know it Stomp your feet If you're happy and you know it stomp Your feet boom boom if you're happy and You know it and you really want to show It if you're happy and you know it stomp Your feet boom boom good if you're happy And you know it shout hooray hooray If you're happy and you know it shout Hooray Hooray If you're happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you're happy And you know it shout hooray hooray If you're happy and you know it do all Three clap clap stomp stomp hooray If you're happy and you know it do all Three clap clap stomp stomp hooray if You're happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you're happy And you know it do all three clap clap Stomp stomp Hooray yay You did it Clap for yourself Did you hear that Did you hear that You're a doorbell who is it Stuck Hello Oh let's wave to duck duck everyone a Big wave hello

How are you today oh I feel good Thank you for coming today you're Welcome oh this was a big surprise we Heard the doorbell and it's duck duck It's you doctor did you bring something Special today Oh yes I did what did you bring I have The burning box yay Yay the learning box oh I'm excited Friends are you excited Wonderful we would love to see what's Inside oh but first will you bring the Learning box out yes I will oh wonderful Okay on the count of three everyone talk Talk will bring out the learning box is That a good idea duck duck yes okay Let's count to three here we go what Two Whoa don't don't let me help you thank You it's so heavy oh you're so strong Thank you talk talk what's inside oh It's a surprise oh so we have to open it Yes open oh can you say that again open Friends can you say the word open Oh Ben good job open will you help us oh I have to go home now but you have fun Oh okay duck duck well thank you for Bringing the learning box we'll see you Again soon everyone let's say bye bye Duck duck bye bye duck duck we'll see You again soon bye bye -bye bye duck duck we'll see you again Soon okay now we can open our learning Box everyone are you ready okay on the

Count of three I'm going to open the Learning box will you count with me here We go one Shoe two three wow Wow It looks like everything inside is Blue Can you say blue Everything is the color blue let me show You A blue ball blue A blue fish Blue A blue Shaker shake shake shake shake Shake shake shake shake shake it's blue Blue blue blue Oh look at this a blue number Two Blue oh my friends It's the letter e what color is it Blue that's right oh oh I love this Squish squish squish squish squish Squish squish squish squish Blue play foam blue Blue everything inside is the color blue Today's learning box is all about the Color blue will you sing the color blue Song with me You will thank you oh Oh I need to find my pointer This is the learning box but I need a Pointer how about I count to three and now maybe we can Find the pointer here we go one two Three here it is I have my pointer okay

We can put the learning box down now And now we can sing our color blue so Wrong here we go oh what do you see The blue sky Blue sky blue sky blue blue blue One more time blue sky blue sky blue Blue blue blue oh Blue flower here we go blue flower blue Flower blue blue blue Again blue flower blue flower blue blue Blue blue Oh blue jeans Blue jeans blue jeans blue blue blue and Again blue jeans blue jeans blue blue Blue Yummy Blueberries blue blueberries here we go Blue blueberries blue blueberries blue Blue blue one more time boo blueberries Blue blueberries blue blue blue oh There's a blue bird Blue bird blue bird blue blue blue one More time blue bird blue bird blue blue Blue You did it thank you for singing with me Oh my friends before we go I would love For us to see our ABCs will you sing With me Wonderful Get Ready Get Ready Here we go A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s T u v W x

Y and z Now you know your a b c's next time Won't you sing with me will you sing With me again Okay how about a little bit Faster now here we go a b c d e f g h i J k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and z Now I know my ABC's next time won't you Sing with me You did it clap for yourselves oh a big Clap big clap and a round and round and Round and round and round and round you Did it Did you hear that I think Think I hear something do you hear that It sounds like a doorbell Someone's ringing our doorbell Let's see who it is Oh look it's doctor hello duck duck Hello oh friends this is duck duck and Duck duck is a puppet so I can help duck Duck Speak oh just like this hello hello Everyone This is our puppet duck duck can you Give a big big wave to duck duck oh Hello oh that's so nice of you and Doctor can you give a big big way to all Of our friends at home in school I'm so happy you came today we were just Singing songs and we heard a doorbell Ring did you ring the doorbell yes I did Oh That duck Let's see how many special for us today

Yes yes yes oh this is so exciting duck Duck loves to bring gifts what did you Bring today oh something very special I Bought our Foreign That was Heavy oh thank you what is this This is called a learning box our Learning box just for us Yes yes yes oh what should we do with it Oh Oh the Bennett oh what's that word Open oh can you say that again open oh Friends can you say that word open Again open We should open the learning box oh will You help duck duck yes yes yes okay Let's open the learning box all right Duck duck help me open it Will you show everyone Cool come on out duck duck okay everyone Do you want to see what's inside okay You have to say come out the duck Again come out talk okay Wow duck duck what's that These are called ribbons Ribbons oh my goodness sometimes I put Ribbon in my hair Oh sometimes I use ribbons for gifts yes Yes yes oh But these ribbons are a special color What color are they Red Can you say red Again

Red The ribbons are red thank you duck duck For showing us these red ribbons oh I Have a great idea since duck duck bought Red ribbons inside of our learning box How about we look at some other things That are red Will you help oh wonderful okay Doctor Let's look at our magic easel I'm ready Oh me too are you ready friends Wonderful what do you see A red apple sing along with me red apple Red apple red red red red again red Apple red apple red red red red oh look At that red bird Red bird red bird red red red red red Red red Bird red bird red red red red oh What do you see Red car red car red car red red red sing Along red car red car red red red Oh duck duck what's this Red sock Red Sun red sock red red red sing along Red Socks red sock red red red oh It changed again duck duck what's this Red cup Red cup red cup red red red red one more Time red cup red cup red red red We did it yeah Oh duck duck thank you for your help Today we learned so much about the color Red thank you oh duck will you come Again and visit us yes yes yes yes

Wonderful oh will you leave that ribbon Here too okay Thank you that's that red ribbon okay Everyone let's say bye bye to duck duck Big waves big waves everyone bye bye Duck duck bye bye duck duck bye bye duck Duck we'll see you again soon I'm so happy Douglas came to visit us Today oh we learned so much it's the Color red and we got to see so many Things that are red okay friends it's Time for a song it's music time today's Song is the ABCs or the alphabet song Will you sing with me Wonderful let's sing our ABCs together The first time we can sing it a little Slow Get Ready Get Ready Here we go A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Q r s T u v w x Y n z now you know your ABCs next time won't you sing with me Will you sing with me again Wonderful this time a little bit faster Now here we go a b c d e f g h i j k l m N o p q r s t u v w x y and z now you Know your ABCs next time won't you sing With me You will wonderful thank you for singing With me today it's time for us to say Goodbye but friends I will see you again Soon

Goodbye everyone Goodbye everyone Goodbye everyone I'll see you again soon Bye friends Oh

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.