ABC Song + Circle Time Song – Ms. Monica’s ABC Name Song – Kids Songs

ABC Song – Ms. Monica’s ABC Name Song – Kids Songs

Circle Time with Ms. Monica Presents – Songs for Kids
Sing with Ms. Monica one of her favorite songs from Circle Time with Ms. Monica. Make sure the kids listen for the first letter in their name. Happy Singing!

Stream All Ms. Monica’s Music:

Spotify –
Apple Music –
Amazon Music –

*You can also find Monica Sutton Music on Tidal, Pandora and more.

Foreign [Music] Makes learning fun Circle time makes Learning fun Circle time makes learning But come sing and dance come everyone Hello to you hello to you hello to you You and you now hello to you hello to You hello [Music] Sing dance everyone now Circle time Makes learning fun come sing dance Everyone now [Music] Hi friends let’s sing clap your hands Let’s go into the school here we go If your name starts with a clap your Hands if your name starts with B clap Your hands if your name starts with C or D or e or F if your name starts with G Clap your hands if your name starts with H clap your hands if your name starts With i clap your hands if your name Starts with j or k or l or M if your Name starts within clap your hands if Your name starts with oh clap your hands If your name starts with p clap your Hands If your name starts with Q or r-s or t If your name starts with you clap your Hands if your name starts with v clap Your hands if your name starts with w Clap your hands if your name starts with X or Y or Z clap your hands clap your Hands

See also  Music Class for Kids Online - Music Lessons for Kids


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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.