ABC Song + BINGO + Brown Bear + More Songs for Kids – Songs for Toddlers & Preschool Sing-A-Long

Circle Time with Ms. Monica Presents – Songs for Kids

Sing-A-Long with Ms. Monica with these popular children’s songs. Ms. Monica out together several of her songs from Circle Time episodes, so you can sing with her. Enjoy!

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Circle time makes learning fun Circle Time makes learning but come sing and Dance come everywhere and now it’s time For us to sing today’s song today I Would like to sing If You’re Happy and You Know It If you’re happy and you know it that’s Today’s song okay so you have to get Ready to do two oh no three things okay We’re going to sing but I want you to Clap Can you try that clap I want you to stomp your feet stomp Stomp use those feet stomp stomp good And I want you to say hooray give it a Try hooray very good just like that We’re going to sing Our Song and try Those three actions follow along with me Get Ready Get Ready Here we go If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it stomp Your feet If you’re happy and you know it stomp Your feet boom boom if you’re happy and You know it and you really want to show It if you’re happy and you know it stomp Your feet boom boom good if you’re happy

And you know it shout hooray hooray If you’re happy and you know it shout Hooray Hooray If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it shout hooray Hooray If you’re happy and you know it do all Three clap clap stomp stomp hooray If you’re happy and you know it do all Three clap clap stomp stomp hooray if You’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it do all three clap clap Stomp stomp Hooray yay You did it Clap for yourselves you did it our song Of the day is can you see that Old MacDonald had a farm that’s our song Of the day oh this is going to be a fun One I can’t wait let’s get our old McDonald’s song Ready so we’re gonna Take our fence off And we’re going to replace our fence With a barn Let’s put a barn there Let’s Twist him up a little come up Higher there we go Mr burn there we go That’s our Old MacDonald Farm We have a Red Barn this is going to be Our barn or our farm and we need some Animals right

So I found all of the animals for our Barn I’m going to put the animals on top of The barn we’re gonna stick them on after You hear them make a sound and you tell Me what animal it is you’ll hear the Sound and then you tell me what animal You hear you ready to sing let’s do it Together on the count of three one two Three old MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on his farm he had a A dog yeah yeah yeah with a woof woof Here and a wolf there hair wolf there Woof everywhere woof woof old MacDonald Had a farm e-i-e-i-o and on his farm he Had a What’s that yes a cow E-i-e-i-o with a moo moo hair and a moo Moo there here move there move Everywhere old MacDonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o and on his farm he had a What’s that Yes cat cat e-i-e-i-o with a yummy meow Meow here and a meow meow there hear me Out there meow everywhere meow meow old MacDonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o and on his farm he had a Listen A chicken E-i-e-i-o with a cluck cluck here and a Cluck cluck there here clock there clock Everywhere clock clock old MacDonald had A farm e-i-e-i-o and on his farm he had A

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A horse that’s right a horse With a Nae Nae yeah Everywhere old MacDonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o and on his farm he had a What’s that oh yeah oh I know a sheep E-i-e-i-o with a better here and a man Out there hear about their back Everywhere about that old MacDonald had A farm e-i-e-i-o and on his farm he had A [Applause] Rooster E-i-e-i-o with the cock-a-doodle-doo Here Everywhere old MacDonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o two more and on his farm he Had a That’s right a duck e-i-e-i-o When the quack quack here in a quack Quack there here quack there quack Everywhere quack quack old MacDonald had A farm one more E-i-e-i-o and on a farm he had a That’s right it’s a pig With an oink oink hair and an oink oink There hearing oink there annoying Everywhere oink oink Old MacDonald Had a Farm Oh boom boom that’s it thank you all for Singing Old MacDonald with me I found Our Circle Time songs and let’s see What’s on top can you see This is the Bingo Circle Time song Bingo And bingo is spelled

B-i-n-g-o-b-i-n-g-o and when we sing it We’re going to clap for each letter like This D i n g o b i n g o and then as we keep Singing the song we’ll stop saying each Letter one at a time but we will keep on Clapping okay All right you can follow along with me We’ll do it together Follow what I do and we’re going to keep On practicing this Bingo song during Circle time Ready get ready here we go there was a Farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his Name-o B-i-n-g-o-b-i-n-g-o-b-i-n-g-o and Bingo Was his name oh there was a farmer who Had a dog Bingo was his name-o I n g o i n g o i n g o m Bingo was his Name oh now we’re gonna add two claps For the B and the I let’s try it there Was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was His name-o NGO NGO NGO and Bingo was his name-o now we’re Going to add three claps for the b i n Let’s try it there was a farmer who had A dog and Bingo was his name-o -g-o -g-o-m Bingo as his name-o Four claps there was a farmer who had a Dog and Bingo was his name-o Oh

Oh Oh and Bingo was his name oh five claps And no spelling the name are you ready Let’s try it there was a farmer who had A dog and Bingo was his name-o Foreign You did it you did it you followed along Remember there are some actions we have To follow the wheels go round and round Round and round the horn goes Right the doors go open and shut open And shut and the people go up and down Up and down Let’s give it a try are you ready Oh wonderful okay and how about we add On one more thing the wipers go swish Swish swish Swish okay my friends Get Ready Get Ready Here we go The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round round and round the Wheels on the bus go round and round all Through the town the wipers on the bus Go swish swish swish swish swish swish Swish swish swish the wipers on the bus Go swish swish swish all through the Town the horn on the bus goes [Music] The horn on the bus goes All through the town the doors on the Bus go open and shut open and shut open And shut the doors on the bus go open And shut all through the town the people

See also  Old MacDonald Had A Farm + other Animal Songs Learning Songs for Toddlers Preschoolers Old McDonald

On the bus go up and down up and down up And down the people on the bus go up and Down all through the towns the wheels The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round round and round the Wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town you did it clap for Yourselves Brown bear brown bear what do you see do You like brown bear Great and if you’ve never heard brown Bear then you’ll hear it now we’re going To read brown bear and sing a little Song along with it and I even have my Brown bear puppets my little stick Puppets will use those too are you ready You can help me match the animals to the Animals in the book let’s do it together Brown bear brown bear what do you see Brown bear brown bear what do you see by Bill Martin Jr and pictures by Eric Carl Let’s sing it Here’s my brown bear Brown bear brown bear what do you see I See ya Let’s see what he sees I see a red bird looking at me Red bird red bird what do you see I see Ya oh what did he see A yellow duck looking at me Yellow duck yellow duck what do you see Oh I see ya Let’s see what yellow duck Sees oh a blue horse looking at me Blue Horse Blue Horse what do you see oh I See ya oh let’s see what he sees

A green frog looking at me green frog Green frog what do you see I see ya What do you see A purple cat looking at me purple cat Purple cat what do you see I see ya What do you see A white dog looking at me White dog white dog what do you see I See a Black Sheep looking at me Black Sheep Black Sheep what do you see I see ya Goldfish looking at me goldfish goldfish What do you see I see a Teacher looking at me teacher teacher What do you see I see the Children Looking at me I see the children all of You looking at me Children children what do you see we see The brown bear Red bird Yellow duck Blue horse Green frog Purple cat White dog Black Sheep Goldfish and the teacher that’s what we See The end Thank you everyone for reading with me And singing that song with me I would love for us to sing our Circle Time song Today Circle Time song is

Head shoulders knees and toes do you Know that song Oh well today we’re going to sing it Together it’s an action song that means We’re going to move our body yes we’re Going to touch our head can you give it A try head Shoulders Knees And toes And then we have to go up to our face And touch our eyes just point eyes Ears Mouth And nose One more time eyes Ears Mouth And nose Now we’re going to put it all together You can sing along with me just follow Along and try and follow the actions Get Ready Get Ready Here we go Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes head shoulders knees and toes knees And toes eyes and ears and mouth and Nose Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Let’s try it again I’m gonna go a little Bit slower Here we go Head

Shoulders Knees and toes knees and toes Head Shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Eyes and ears And mouth and nose Head Shoulders knees and toes knees and toes You did it clap for yourselves Me today’s song is the ABCs the alphabet Song will you sing with me Wonderful let’s sing it slow the first Time and then the second time we can Sing it faster faster and faster are you Ready great actually I think I’ll need My pointer again Here we go A b c d e f g H i j k L m n o P q r s T u v W x Y and z Now I know my ABC’s next time won’t you sing with me Will you sing with me again Great Let’s sing it a little bit faster now Here we go A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Q r s t u v w x y and z now I know my ABCs next time won’t you sing with me You will wonderful well thank you for

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Singing with me today I had a wonderful Time with all of you here today we’re Going to sing the alphabet song a little Bit different than before we’re going to Sing it faster and we’re also going to Add a clap in there that’s two claps Like this So I’ll say a b c d e f g then you clap Two times Okay and then when you get it you can Start singing and clapping with me so Let’s try it like this first first I’ll Say the letters then you clap Two times let’s try it slow first Okay I’ll say the letters Here we go get ready get ready here we Go a b c d e f g clap two times Great let’s try that part one more time I’m going to say those letters and then You clap Two times here we go A b c d e f g Great now let’s do the entire thing Follow me as I say the letters and I’ll Tell you when to clap Are you ready get ready here we go A b c d e f g Great H I J K L M N O P clap clap Great QRS clap clap T-u-v clap clap W x clap clap Y and z Now I know my ABC’s clock

Next time won’t you sing with me clap Clap Yes we’ll sing again next time together All right let’s try it again this time I Won’t say clap clap we’re just going to Do it okay are you ready get ready here We go A b c d e f g H i j k l m n o p Q r s t u v W x Y and z now I know my ABCs next time Won’t you sing with me You did it we did it together that’s Great that’s great now let’s sing it one More time but this time a little bit Faster this is how we really sing it and It’s okay if you don’t get it the first Time we’re going to keep practicing this Song okay all right let’s try it Together ready get ready here we go a b C d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v W x y and z now I know my ABCs next time Won’t you sing with me We did it we did it we did it we did it We should sing our Rainbow song will you Sing the Rainbow song with me how about This I will sing the song first so you Can hear it and then we can sing it Together are you ready okay let’s start With the rainbow song Red and orange green and blue shiny Yellow purple too all the colors that we Know live up in the rainbow

Red and orange green and blue shiny Yellow purple too that’s all rainbow Song really really simple do you think You can try and sing it with me this Time okay let’s do it together and we’ll Keep doing it all week until you learn It you ready let’s do it Red and orange green and blue shiny Yellow purple too all the colors that we Know live up in the rainbow red and Orange green and blue shiny yellow Purple two thank you for singing The Rainbow Song with me now let’s slow it Down slow it down and we’re going to Sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Remember Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Are you ready get ready Here we go Twinkle Twinkle Little Star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high like a Diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle Little star How I wonder what you are Great singing everyone Thank you for singing with me [Music] Circle time makes learning but come sing And dance come everyone

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.