Baby’s First Words – Flashcards – Teach Baby To Talk – Baby and Toddler Learning Videos – Mama, Dada

Talking Time for Toddlers is a toddler learning video that focuses on encouraging first words, speech and language development and practice. This includes many first words like mama and dada! In our educational videos for toddlers gestures, speech, singing, and following two-step directions are practiced. Creative play and functional play are also encouraged in our toddler learning videos.

This video may be helpful to children with speech delays, but Rachel is not a speech therapist. If you think your toddler may have a speech delay talk to your pediatrician and a speech therapist (speech-language pathologist SLP)

Rachel is a music teacher with a master’s in music education. She has also been a toddler teacher at a preschool and a preschool for children with special needs including children with cerebral palsy, apraxia, and speech delays.

Learn to talk with Talking Time for Toddlers today!

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master’s in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher. She loves teaching online baby music classes and learning videos!

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Up Up The daddy is picking the baby up Ah Up Stroller The mommy is pushing the stroller Taking a walk outside Blowing a kiss The girl is blowing a kiss Can you blow a kiss I’m so happy because you’re here with me Singing Let’s sing if you’re happy and you know It clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it stomp Your feet If [Music] Stomp your feet If you’re happy and you know it shout Hooray [Music] [Music] [Applause] If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy

And you know it turn around If you’re happy and you know it touch Your nose If you’re happy and you know it touch Your nose [Music] That was so much fun Now it’s our last time let’s clap our Hands again If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hands Yay Great job milk Her Milk How many blocks do you think we can Stack let’s see One two Three Four Five Count with me Six Seven Eight Uh oh The blocks fell down I guess it’s time to clean them up do You know what this is

It’s a Train good job Uh Oh It’s broken I’m gonna have to fix it can you say uh Oh Giving the baby a kiss Blowing bubbles with mommy Um A song i really like right now is about Bubblegum Okay so get out some pretend bubblegum What color is yours Mine’s pink Put it in your mouth And we’re gonna chew it Are you chewing your gum Okay now we’re gonna blow a really big Bubble are you ready Wow Pop Oh no Our bubble popped and the sticky Bubblegum is all over our hands [Music] Stick to your head And you pull them and you pull them And you pull them away [Music] [Music] And you pull them [Music] Stick to your tummy

And you pull up And you pull up And you pull them away [Music] Stick to your ears [Music] [Music] Are they on your knees and you pull them And you pull them and you pull them away [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Stick to your grown-up put them on your Grown-up and you pull them and you pull Them And you pull them away That was so fun One more time Yay That was so much fun blowing bubbles With daddy Drinking milk The baby is drinking milk from a bottle Um Milk let’s stack some boxes Up Up Up up Wow How many boxes One Two Three

Four Five We stacked five boxes Drinking milk from a cup Milk The boy is eating his food His food E Eat Peekaboo Peekaboo i see you Peekaboo Good job Do you know what this is Yeah it’s a toy airplane i’m going to Make the airplane fly through the sky Flying through the air Now i’m going to pretend that this cup Is an airplane It’s flying through the sky I’m going to put a person in the Airplane it’s just a cup but i’m Pretending it’s an airplane And i put the person in the airplane Flying through the sky So fun flying Comb hair Combing the hair The girl is eating an apple Yummy apple E Eat Let’s do the wheels on the bus can you Get out your wheels good job the wheels

On the bus go round and round round and Round round and round the wheels on the Bus go round and round all through the Town [Music] The wipers on the bus go swish swish Swish swish swish swish swish the wipers On the bus go swish swish swish all Through the town The doors on the bus go open and shut Open and shut open and shut the doors on The bus go open and shut All through the town The babies on the bus go where where Where where where where where where the Babies on the bus go where where where All through the town Mommies on the bus go [Music] Through the shhh The daddies on the bus say i love you i Love you i love you the mommies on the Bus say i love you too All through the town The money on the bus goes clink clink Clink clink clink clink clink clink Clink clink clink the money on the bus Goes clink clink clink clink all through The town The driver on the bus says move on back The people on the bus go up and down up And down up and down the people on the Bus go up and down All through the town

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Let’s go back to the wheels can you do The wheels again Great job The wheels on the bus go round and round And round round and round the wheels on The bus go round and round all through The town All through the town All through the town Yay Can you clap that was great this is a Microphone [Music] Can you talk in the microphone The mommy and daddy are walking with Their baby Walking outside Pushing the stroller Hug Big hug The girl and her mommy are hugging Guess what i’m pretending to cook And Egg Cooking an egg What do we play catch with a ball Or a truck We play catch with a ball good job See Catch the ball Catch the ball throw the ball catch the Ball we play catch with a ball Can you touch your head and then touch Your shoulders

Great job [Applause] Hey Let’s sing head shoulders knees and toes Are you ready Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes head shoulders knees and toes knees And toes and eyes and ears and mouth and Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Great singing Let’s do it with the potato head Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes head shoulders knees and toes knees And toes and eyes and ears and mouth and Nose head shoulders knees and toes knees And toes That was so fun Hug The sisters are hugging Big Hug I can’t get this really cool truck to Turn on can you help me Thank you you say on and we’ll see if it Works Turn it on turn it on turn it It worked Can you beep like the truck beep beep Can you pretend to eat What are you pretending to eat I’m pretending to eat strawberries Strawberries are one of my favorite

Foods Can you do this Great job can you try it backwards Wow good job we’re gonna do that in a Song are you ready [Music] Point to the ceiling point to the floor Point to the window point to the door Put your hands together one two three Put your hands upon your knees [Music] Point to the ceiling point to the floor Point to the window point to the door Put your hands together one two three Put your hands upon your knees [Music] [Applause] [Music] Great job Wow it’s a really cool mystery box what Do you think’s gonna be inside the red Door Say open and i’ll open it Open It’s an Elephant I like elephants What do you think’s behind the green Door hmm i can’t get it open you say Open and then maybe it will open Oh It’s opening And it’s an Alligator

Alligator a green alligator Open Open Open i wonder what’s behind the orange Door of our mystery box it won’t Open You say open and then it will open Open Good job It’s a Zebra Hi zebra Bye bye zebra This one has a really complicated lock Can you help Say open Open Oh It opened and inside is a Lion Hi mr lion how are you today i’m good Bye bye lion Close the door Open and close Close Open A blue ball wow oh it’s hard to get out I have to pull can you help me say pull Pull pull oh i pulled it out wow Close Open What’s inside An orange puff ball Wow

Let’s dance and practice our numbers One Two Three Four Five Six [Music] Seven Eight Nine [Music] Ten Can you clap and then jump up and down Awesome job Wow a red Bus good job i’m gonna put the bus in The box The bus is in the box Now it’s out In the box Out In Out Now it’s On the box whoa Whoa Ah Hmm On The bus is on the box Now it’s under the box On Off

On off Under This is in This is in This is out This is out put the toy in put the toy In take it out Take it out Great job [Music] A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Q r s T u v W X Y and z Now i know my abcs Next time won’t you sing with me [Music] A b c d e f g H i j k l m n o p Q r s T u v W X Y and Now i know my abc’s Next time won’t you sing with me [Music] Can you do this It’s like you’re about to say monkey but Then you don’t it’s like you’re gonna Trick me Monkey i said it i surprised you

Monkey Which one do you think is soft and which One do you think is hard Yeah I’m soft the bunny is so soft and the Block is really Hard the block is hard Can you hear that Very hard it’s made of Wood Let’s sing our days of the week can you Sing along with me and snap your fingers Days of the week Days of the week Days of the week days of the week days Of the week There’s sunday and there’s monday There’s tuesday and there’s wednesday There’s thursday and there’s friday and Then there’s saturday days of the week Days of the week Days of the week days of the week days Of the week There’s sunday and there’s monday There’s tuesday and there’s wednesday There’s thursday and there’s friday and Then there’s saturday days of the week Yay You did such a great job singing your Days of the week if you’re happy and you Know it touch your nose blink So silly If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy

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And you know it touch your head Did i trick you Good job I’m going to put people in the plane how Many people do i have count with me One In the plane Two In the plane Three this is the pilot in the plane Traveling with you with the queen wow I’m going to make the airplane fly Through the sky Flying through the sky Can you clap and then turn around Clap turn around Great job Oh no The baby has a wet diaper what do we do Yeah we have to change the diaper we Take off the diaper And then we wipe the baby All clean And then we put on A new diaper The diapers on the baby the baby isn’t Wearing any Clothes let’s put some clothes on the Baby Putting the clothes on [Music] Putting the clothes on the baby Oh she’s happy She likes her clothes

Putting the clothes on Now the baby is wearing clothes the baby Is dressed Can you turn around and then clap Awesome job you did it I have two buses One Two Which bus is bigger This one This bus is bigger and this bus is Smaller Can you do this It’s like you’re gonna say bubble but Then you don’t Bubble i tricked you i said bubble try And surprise me Bubble you surprised me How many bunnies do i have count with me One Two Two bunnies Which bunny is bigger Good job this gray bunny is bigger and This little brown bunny is smaller What do you think is inside the garage Hmm Let’s check Wow Inside the garage is a car Wow that’s a magnet so it sticks What do you think’s in the doghouse Let’s open it open oh it’s a dog there Was a dog in the doghouse

What do you think is in the bird cage Hmm It’s a bird i think this is a parrot Bye green parrot bye bye what do you Think is inside the treasure box Treasure Wow Oh wow we found treasure today What do you think’s inside the cookie Jar What could it be Open Cookies how many cookies can you count One two Three There are three cookies in the cookie Jar what do you think’s gonna be in the Red barn Let’s open and check say open Open Oh it’s a What is that Cow The cow says What do you think’s in the lunchbox say Open Open Wow I see three things I see an apple A sandwich And a drink that looks like a nice lunch Bye bye lunch close the door what do you Think’s gonna be in the oven

Say open Open Oh i think it’s dinner It’s a turkey dinner hmm Can you smell the turkey cooking Bye bye turkey clothes Next let’s do my favorite song it’s Called open shut them for that we need Our two hands One Two are you ready [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow This fire truck is really big And this fire truck Is really Small that’s right This is really big And this fire truck’s really small You say up and then i’ll put the ladder Up Up we put the ladder up wow That’s a big ladder Turn it on turn it on turn it On Wow Can you make a siren We [Music] [Applause] Down came the rain and washed the spider Out

Out came the sun and dried up all the Rain and the itsy bitsy spider went the Spout again Turn it on turn it on turn it On oh this means that the truck is Backing up Going back Going back Now let’s make it go forward Going forward Going forward Going forward and going back again oh we Gotta hit the button Turn it On Now it’s going back Back Back Bye bye truck can you say bye bye Bye bye truck See you next time Uh oh i dropped my toy this is the oh Song I dropped my toy this is the uh oh song Oh This car has three parts count with me One Two Three One Then we put this on Two we need one more part Three it has three parts should we do That again

Thank you for making my car i love my Car Wow she liked that we made her car Should we make her car again do you Remember how many parts there were One Two Three there were three parts One Oh no my car’s in three parts can you Make it sure we’ll make your car One [Music] Two Three It’s me Should we put it in Put it in put it in put it in We made the car thank you so much now i Can drive to school Oh driving to school Bye bye Jump like a froggy jump jump jump Jump like a froggy jump jump jump A little green froggy [Music] A [Music] [Music] [Music] Can you fall Asleep sleep like a baby sleep sleep Sleep Sleep like a baby sleep sleep sleep

An itty bitty baby in a crib [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m just saying any syllables that come To mind Spin like a dancer [Music] Great job Bath Bath time The baby is in the bath Bath Bath Bath Has anyone seen my green ball i want to Carry a green ball Here it is There you go Thank you Thank you so much i’m pretending the Car’s talking that’s so silly This car has purple wheels how many Wheels one Two Three Four four wheels on the car Gentle Being gentle with the puppy Gentle I’m petting the lamb and i’m being very Gentle Gentle

Patty cake patty cake baker’s man bake Me a cake as fast as you can Pat it roll it and mark it with the bee And put it in the oven for baby and me Giving the bunny a kiss Kiss the bunny Hug the bunny Do you know what this is It’s a subway Train Wow Do i like cars Yes I like cars Yes Can you blow Blowing into the instrument Blowing into the recorder I’m gonna show you something special Today It’s a whistle what color is it Yeah it’s purple and white Okay let’s blow into it and see Why it’s so special [Music] [Applause] Wow that was so fun do you know how to Blow into an instrument [Applause] Wow look at this cool ramp i’m gonna say Ready set and you say go and then the Car will go down the ramp Ready Set

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Go wow oh he got stuck Uh oh can you say uh oh uh Oh Oh now now he’s going down wow that was Fun should we put him in Put it in put it in put it in Put them in the door Wow Take it out take it out take it out i Took him out okay let’s try it again you Say go ready Set Go the car went down Wow That was fun Put it in put it in put it in oh the Car’s going to sleep in the garage good Night car oh the car needs some gas Let’s get some gas over here glug glug Glug say glug glug glug glug glug glug Glug glug glug we’re giving the car some Gas glug glug glove now it’s ready to go Again Ready set go So fun that was fast The car went down down down down five Little hot dogs frying in a pan the Crease got hot and one went damn How many are left one two three four Four little hot dogs frying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went damn How many are left one two three Three little hot dogs frying in a pan The grease got hot and one went damn

How many left one two Two little hot dogs frying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went damn How many left just one little hot dog One little hot dog frying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went damn How many are left there’s no hot dogs Left and i’m so hungry okay so this time We’re gonna do it with the pan going bam And it’s gonna be the biggest fan yet No little hot dogs frying in a pan the Pan got hot and it went bam Great job I can say I can say da da da da da [Music] Even though i’m just a baby I [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can say lots of things Even though i’m just a baby Good job practicing your talking Guess what i have some pretend eggs eh Eh eggs What letter does that sound like Yeah it sounds like e E E e for eggs let’s see what’s inside Open Wow There’s eggs inside let’s see how many There are one two three

Four Five Six Six eggs Let’s see what happens when we take off The top ah it’s green It’s orange It’s purple Wow these eggs are colorful It’s blue A blue egg Yellow Wow And red These eggs are so beautiful E [Music] E is a letter e is the sound that it Makes e is a letter Goes the e Egg Now let’s see what happens when i take The egg out of the carton A triangle A heart A star A circle Across And a square Wow the eggs also have shapes that’s so Much fun Now this has a cross on the bottom so i Have to put it with the cross in here Oh and the egg made a little sound

Can you say peep peep like an egg They’re so cute and now i’ll put on this Hmm this one has a circle where do you Think that goes Yeah with the circle So cute Hmm this one has a square on the bottom Oh i can find the square in here That’s so cool Hmm Wow this one has a star do you see a Star anywhere Oh this has a star yay This one has a heart Do you see a heart That’s a triangle That’s a heart wow Oh they forgot their covers bye bye Little chicks This one’s green and it has a triangle Do you see a triangle Yeah it’s right there oh we did such a Good job bye-bye eggs it was so much fun Playing with you Close the carton Close it Close What’s that sound What animal makes that sound You’re right a dog Oh Hi it’s our friend bingo hmm Bingo what’s wrong you look sad I’m sad because i forgot how to spell my

Name Oh We can help you do you guys at home Think you can help bingo remember how to Spell his name can you help Yeah i bet if we sing the song bingo You’ll remember okay There was a farmer had a dog and bingo Was his name-o B-i-n-g-o b-i-n-g-o B-i-n-g-o and bingo was his name-o This time let’s clap for the bee [Music] There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o I-n-g-o I-n-g-o I-n-g-o and bingo was his name-o Now he clapped for the bee and the eye There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o Ngo Ngo Ngo and bingo was his name-o Now for the b-i-n you ready There was a farmer had a dog and bingo Was his name-o G-o G-o and bingo was his name-o Now for the b-i-n-g There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o Oh Oh

Oh and bingo was his name-o Now we’re gonna do it for all the Letters it’s gonna be so tricky do you Think you can do it i know you can There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o And bingo was his name-o [Music] And bingo was his name-o Yay You guys did an amazing job Thank you thank you so much do you Remember how to spell your name now i Know Yay thank you Thank you so much thank you Goodbye Good Bye You

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.