The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle 🐞 Read Aloud for Kids

The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle 🐞 Read Aloud for Kids… Is this book about BAD MANNERS? Or is it about time? Or different sizes? Or bugs? Or plant life? OR ALL OF THE ABOVE? KidTime StoryTime is on the tail of a VERY GROUCHY ladybug trying to pick a fight with everyone, no matter how ENORMOUS. But maybe, just maybe, she’s just hangry.

Written and illustrated by beloved children’s book author Eric Carle and published by our pals at HarperKids!




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0:00 The Grouchy Ladybug
0:45 Read aloud start
14:39 Closing thought


Hey Kid Did you know that if a ladybug lands 
on you it’s considered good luck? A beautiful lady is always good luck in my book. Well, Gilles, they are beautiful but 
half of them are boys…Oh! Witcheficent! What is this? The Grouchy. All right, 
I’ll allow you to read this, okay. Oh okay. No wait! It’s The Grouchy Ladybug! 
She she missed that part. I guess she she’s   Focusing on the grouchy part of The Grouchy 
Ladybug. Now let’s see what’s in store inside. Of course Witcheficent would be drawn to a book 
about somebody grouchy. Makes perfect sense now. This, though! We have to understand this before 
we get into it because otherwise nothing will   Make sense. Because it’s all about this – that 
word right there – right there right there. It is aphids – aphids. One day if you 
ever become a gardener you will understand   All about aphids, but you’re already going to 
start right now. Aphids are very small insects We call them something else.
What do you call them, Witcheficent? Appetizers! They suck the juice from leaves and 
then the leaves die. Ah that’s not good!   But ladybugs eat aphids, and that’s good for trees 
for shrubs and for other plants that have leaves. To the ladybugs I have dedicated this book. 
Three cheers for them. Hip hip hooray! And that is a message from Eric Carle,   The writer who dedicated the 
ladybug book to them. Here we go! It was night and some fireflies danced around 
the moon. At five o’clock in the morning – oh   It’s early – the sun came up. A friendly ladybug   Flew in from the left. It saw 
a leaf with many aphids on it. There they are, see? Oh 
look at that, look at that,   There they are all over that leaf! And now we know 
that if they eat that leaf, the leaf is a goner. Oh that looks delicious!
Uh can you move? Okay all right A friendly ladybug flew in from the left.   It saw a leaf with all the aphids on it 
and decided to have them for breakfast. That’s the breakfast of 
ladybug champions right there But then a grouchy ladybug flew in from the right.   It, too, saw the aphids and 
wanted them for breakfast. Well I mean it looks like it’s a pretty   Aphid-heavy leaf, so I think that 
there’s plenty for everybody. SHOWDOWN!!!!

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Good morning, said the friendly ladybug.  Go away, shouted The Grouchy 
Ladybug, I want those aphids! We can share them, suggested the friendly ladybug  That’s what I thought, but 
apparently this grouchy ladybug says No! They’re mine all mine, screamed the grouchy 
ladybug. Or do you want to fight me for them? Fight fight fight fight fight 
fight fight fight fight fight! If you insist, answered the friendly 
ladybug, sweetly. It looked the other   Bug straight in the eye. The Grouchy Ladybug 
stepped back. It looked less sure of itself. This is like a showdown at the OK Corral 
except it’s a leaf and two ladybugs Oh you’re not big enough for me to fight, it said.
Then why don’t you pick on somebody bigger? I’ll do that, screeched The 
Grouchy Ladybug. I’ll show you!   It puffed up and flew away. That was intense. Okay but a fight is definitely 
coming, right?! It better clear Oh oh oh oh! Do you see this page? I’ve never seen a book like this. 
Have you? Look at that. Look at the   Size of this page. Look at this. 
It’s so tiny! Okay, here we go… At six o’clock, it met a Yellow Jacket. Hey 
you, said The Grouchy Ladybug, wanna fight?   If you insist, said the Yellow Jacket,   Showing its stinger. Oh you’re not big 
enough, said The Grouchy Ladybug and flew off. Hmm and now look… oh look at that! 
All the times are gonna be there   Up on top. We’re gonna see the ladybug 
throughout the course of the day I can already see that. You can already see 
it. And also look at something else super cool. We can see the sun going up – high 
noon right here – and then as the   Evening draws to a close… look at 
that, this is gonna be so cool. Okay let’s keep going. Tiny, tiny page… At seven o’clock it met a stag beetle. Hey 
you, said The Grouchy Ladybug, wanna fight?   If you insist, said the stag beetle 
opening its jaws. Oh you’re not big enough,   Said The Grouchy Ladybug and flew off. Yeah that’s right! She’s just finding 
somebody who’s a worthy opponent.   That’s what’s happening. Okay… At eight o’clock it came across a Praying 
Mantis: Hey you, said The Grouchy Ladybug,   Wanna fight? If you insist, said the praying 
mantis reaching out with its long and quite   Frightening looking front legs. Oh you’re not big 
enough, said The Grouchy Ladybug and flew off. At nine o’clock it almost flew into a sparrow 
chair Hey you, said The Grouchy Ladybug,  

Wanna fight? If you insist, said the 
sparrow opening its sharp beak. Oh   You’re not big enough, said The 
Grouchy Ladybug and flew off. How much longer you’re gonna keep 
me waiting for the big fight?!  I don’t know Witcheficent. I mean, I don’t 
even know if there’s gonna BE a fight. No no, don’t even start with that. 
There’s gonna be a big fight. You’re just   Delaying my gratification as usual, 
StoryTeller, if that is your real name…. At ten o’clock, it’s a a Lobster. Hey you, said 
The Grouchy Ladybug, wanna fight? If you insist,   Said the lobster stretching its 
claws that look quite painful. Oh   You’re not big enough, said The 
Grouchy Ladybug and flew off. At 11 o’clock it bumped into a skunk oh Hey 
you, said The Grouchy Ladybug, wanna fight?   If you insist, said the skunk 
starting to lift its tail. Oh no no no no no no! Don’t do that! Oh you’re not big enough, said 
The Grouchy Ladybug and flew off. Kid, that was close. We did not want to smell 
what was going to come out from behind that tail At 12 o’clock it spotted a Boa Constrictor Hey you, said The Grouchy Ladybug, wanna fight? 
If you insist, said the snake, right after lunch. Oh you’re not big enough, said 
The Grouchy Ladybug and flew off. Oooh let’s stay here I want 
to see what happens at lunch  No I think we want to move on You never let me watch the good stuff! 
I’m gonna want to watch that happening! At one o’clock he happened upon a Hyena You know they’re well known for their incredible 
sense of humor. Hey you, said The Grouchy Ladybug,   Wanna fight? If you insist, said the hyena, 
laughing eerily and showing its teeth Oh you’re not big enough, said 
The Grouchy Ladybug and flew off. I’m starting to think that 
this is some kind of a trick  Why, Witcheficent, would I be playing 
a trick on you? It’s just a book. It’s a grouchy and then there’s gonna 
be a fight and then there was gonna be   A squirrel that was gonna be lunch and 
then you don’t let me see anything good! Just start the fight already. I’ll be right 
there, all right? Right there. Start already. Okay uh but it’s not gonna happen with the 
Hyena cause grouchy ladybug just flew off so At two o’clock it met a Gorilla.   Hey you, said The Grouchy Ladybug, wanna fight? 
If you insist, said the gorilla beating his chest Oh you’re not big enough, said 
The Grouchy Ladybug and flew off. Do you think she’s just putting it off? Do you 
think that she got scared by the other ladybug  

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And then was challenged to go find a bigger 
opponent but then is just not finding the courage? No that’s not it at all
Oh what do you think it is Witcheficent? Uh I think that she’s just finding uh just the 
right size uh of opponent. Will you fight somebody   Already? All right, it’s gonna be fine. Just turn 
the page. She’s about to fight any minute now. I’ll be ready right here. Do it already. Do. It. Um okay… here we go… let’s see At three o’clock it ran into a rhinoceros 
Hey you, said The Grouchy Ladybug,   Wanna fight? If you insist, said the the 
rhinoceros lowering its impressive horn. Oh you’re not big enough, said 
The Grouchy Ladybug and flew off. At four o’clock, it encountered an elephant – 
an elephant! Hey you, said The Grouchy Ladybug,   Wanna fight? If you insist, said the elephant & 
raised its trunk – whoa like a trumpet this trunk! If you insist, said the elephant raising 
its trunk and showing its big tusks Oh you’re not big enough, said 
The Grouchy Ladybug and flew off. Why wasn’t this one big enough?! Come 
on! You’ve got to do this! Look at   Me. Look at me. Eye of the tiger. Do 
this. You’ve got this. Okay, go on, Okay all right um… At five o’clock it met a Whale. 
Oh I love whale music. Hey you,   Said The Grouchy Ladybug, wanna fight? 
But the whale did not answer at all Well you’re not big enough anyway, 
said The Grouchy Ladybug and flew off The whale is, like, there’s 
the eye seeing the ladybug The whale is probably like: Are 
you kidding me right now? What?   I’m just minding my own business. 
Why is this ladybug picking on me? At 5:15, The Grouchy Ladybug said 
to one of the whales flippers:   Hey you, wanna fight? But it got no answer, so 
it flew on. Because whale flippers don’t speak At 5:30 The Grouchy Ladybug 
said to the whale’s fin:   Hey you, wanna fight? But 
again no answer, so it flew on At a quarter to six, The Grouchy 
Ladybug said to the whale’s tail:   Hey you, wanna fight? And the whale’s 
tale gave The Grouchy Ladybug such a SLAP! Oh okay check this out this is not gonna go 
the way you think it’s gonna go right now   Because this page – look what it’s 
about to do – oh there’s a slap! And it flew across the sea and across the land It is still falling At six o’clock The Grouchy Ladybug arrived 
right back where it had started from all that You know, if she was grouchy before,  

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How grouchy is she gonna be NOW because 
she’s gotta be seriously hangry. Ah here you are again, said the friendly ladybug.   You must be hungry. There are still some 
aphids left. You can have them for dinner Oh thank you, said the wet, tired and hungry   (and hangry) ladybug.
You’re welcome! Look at that. There was plenty all along! Soon all the aphids were gone WHAAAT?!?! Are you telling 
me there’s been no fight   And they didn’t leave any 
aphids left over for me?!?! Looks like no— You always read the WORST books. 
Your books make me grouchy. Oooh   Maybe that’s what they call it The Grouchy 
Ladybug – because they leave you grouchy. Ugh that makes sense, but I’m 
still angry and hangry now,   Too. all this aphid talk’s got my stomach 
rumbling. I’m gonna go have some Bat Stew. Okay. Thank you, said the leaf. Ah Witcheficent is 
angry but the leaf is happy. Do you remember why? You are welcome, answered both 
ladybugs. And they went to sleep. That means the leaf wasn’t gonna be eaten 
up by those aphids. And they went to sleep.   And the fireflies who had been sleeping 
all day came out to dance around the moon So now you know why ladybugs are good luck. And here I was thinking that ladybugs 
were good luck because they brought cheese Nope, nothing to do with cheese I thought they were good 
luck because they’re pretty  Ah they are pretty, and I guess 
if you count looking at pretty   Things as good luck you would be right, Pink Bear I think the ladybugs are the most beautiful 
and the most beloved and respected because they   Help the gardens grow beautiful, so that that way, I have beautiful flowers to 
give to all the beautiful ladies Well that’s true, too, so remember Kid 
– if you ever get lucky enough to have   A ladybug land on you – you 
know it’s gonna be a good day.

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.