Preschool Learning Videos – Preschool for Littles – Online Virtual Preschool Video – Learn at Home

Preschool for Littles is part of our Preschool Learning Videos series where you can learn at home. It’s an online preschool program where children on Youtube. It’s a virtual preschool and it’s free! This preschool learning video lesson includes preschool circle time, music, writing, phonics, math, science, art, social emotional learning, movement songs, dramatic play and more! It is full of ideas for a weeks worth of lessons.

In this first episode, children will learn all about apples, the letter A, the number 1, the color red, circles, phonics, how to rhyme and more!

Rachel has a masters in music education and teaches preschool music. She loves teaching preschool songs, nursery rhymes, finger plays and preschool music and movement. She worked with several educators to write this preschool YouTube lesson including an early childhood specialist. Rachel loves creating preschool learning videos.

This video is full of many different lessons and activity ideas on the subject of apples. You can spread these lessons out over a week and do them yourself as well! Feel free to pause the video and play, have a snack, or take a nap! You can also skip to parts your child enjoys!

Materials that may be helpful to do this first lesson include:
(No need to have all the materials and feel free to improvise and change activities to fit what you already have at home!)
Something to write with
An apple (or a few apples!)
Tongs/kid tweezers/grabbers (great for fine motor skills)
Puff balls
A stuffed animal
A glue stick

We also have many full preschool music classes available on our channel!

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master’s in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher and has a sweet 2-year-old boy who inspired her online baby music classes and learning videos!

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#SongsForLittles #preschool #preschoollearningvideo #onlinepreschool

”Georgie” puppet Copyright 2016 – David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

Hi Hi everybody Welcome to class i’m so happy you’re Here me too It’s circle time Let’s start with our welcome song okay Can you wave hello Hello Good job Hello how are you hello how are you Hello how are you how are you today Can you clap your hand can you clap your Hands can you clap your hands clap your Hands with me Can you touch your nose Can you Touch your nose bonk beep Can you touch your nose Touch your nose with me Can you do a dance can you do a dance Can you do a dance do a dance with me Yay Good job that was so much fun it was so Much fun next let’s check the weather What’s the weather what’s the weather What’s the weather like today Is it sunny is it cloudy what’s the Weather like today What’s the weather like where you live Can you check Wow The weather where we live is Sunny Yeah it’s sunny and really hot outside

Today Yeah it’s beautiful What are some things we could wear when It’s really hot oh Shorts Yeah Shorts a t-shirt sneakers or sandals oh Flip-flops yeah flip-flops and if we Were gonna go swimming we could wear a Two Herby that’s so silly Not a tutu oh i know i know i know what We could wear a raincoat Because we don’t want to get wet No we don’t wear a raincoat swimming Maybe our friends at home can help what Do we wear swimming uh A bathing suit that’s right Good job Is that the same as a swimsuit Yeah Next we’ll sing our days of the week do You know your days of the week i think So Okay great can you snap your fingers Let’s try Wow good job Let’s sing and snap our fingers okay Days of the week Days of the week Days of the week days of the week days Of the week There’s sunday and there’s monday There’s tuesday and there’s wednesday

There’s thursday and there’s friday and Then there’s saturday days of the week Yay You did such a great job singing your Days of the week guess what it’s time For Letter of the day yay Inside the surprise egg is a clue for What the letter of the day is wow you Say open and it will open Open it’s opening Good job The clue isn’t Alligator alligator Alligator it’s just a pretend alligator Though yeah it’s just pretend just Pretend So a Alligator what letter does that sound Like A is a letter a is the sound that it Makes a is a letter Goes the a Ah do those sound the same Yes Yeah what do you think the letter of the Day might be Yeah a is the letter of the day You said a and the a came out yeah and It’s so sparkly let’s put it on the Board Put it on put it on put it On Good job you set on

And we have two special cards that show Things that begin with a let’s see What’s this one do you know what it is It’s a fruit Yeah it’s a fruit and it’s red it’s an Apple Yeah Apple the a says a for apple it’s kind Of like you’re biting an apple [Music] Ah pull good job The other card is An alligator But it’s just pretend yeah pretend Alligator can we sing row row row your Boat and do an alligator verse yeah Can you get out your paddles and pretend You’re in a boat Yeah good job row row row your boat Gently down the stream If you see an alligator don’t forget to Scream ah Good job that was fun it scares me just A little bit You’re okay it’s just pretend yeah right Yeah pretend tell herbie it’s okay It’s okay it’s okay Let’s put the two pictures in put it in Put it in put it And Yeah Put it in put it in put it In Good job

That’s nice I’m hungry now snack time’s later herpe Oh okay i hope we have apples We will Next let’s do some circle time songs Can you get out your two hands one two Great job Open shut them open shut them give a Little clap clap clap Open shut them open shut them put them In your lap lap lap Creep them crawl them creep them crawl Them right up to your chin Open wide your little mouth But do not let them in That was so silly Next let’s get out our itsy bitsy spider The itsy bitsy spider went up the water Spout Down came the rain and washed the spider Out Out came the sun and dried up all the Rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up The spout again yay That was so much fun [Music] Today we’re going to be learning about Apples ah Apples since we’re learning about apples Today let’s sing a special apple song i Learned this from dr jean Are you ready [Music] Way up high in the tree

One red apple smiled down at me so i Shook that tree as hard as i could down Came the apple um good Great job Do you know what the shape of the day is Yeah it’s a circle a circle yeah circle Let’s put the shape of the day in If you want you can use a flashlight and Hunt around your house for things that Are shaped like a circle the color of The day is Red good job Red is a beautiful color this apple is Red let’s put the color in The rhyme of the day is cat and Hat good job Cat and hat sound the same at the end Can you hear it cat hat they sound the Same at the end Good job with the rhyme Let’s put them in Now it’s time to go to our gumball Machine So much fun Let’s see how many gumballs are in our Gumball machine Let’s count One There’s just one gumball in our gumball Machine can you show me one with your Finger let me see Good job you’re holding up one finger Wow One

One gumball here’s the number One good job Let’s put it in the gumball machine There’s one gumball we’re gonna take a Bubblegum break we’re gonna get up some Pretend bubblegum okay so get out some Pretend bubblegum What color is yours Mine’s pink Put it in your mouth And we’re gonna chew it Are you chewing your gum Okay now we’re gonna blow a really big Bubble Are you ready Wow Oh no Our bubble popped and the sticky Bubblegum is all over our hands [Music] Stick to your head And you pull them And you pull them and you pull them away [Music] Away [Music] Stick to your ears [Music] [Music] Are they on your knees and you pull them And you pull them and you pull them away [Music] [Music] Wow

[Music] Stick to your Yay That was so much fun Now it’s time for our circle time book What do you think this book is about Hmm Yeah i think it might be about apples Too Let’s read the title Apple picking day By candace ransom illustrated by erica Meza In the morning we leave town Drive past woods all gold and brown They’re driving in a Car yeah Where do you think they’re going Over the hilltops big and small i see Apples hello fall Tractor takes us to the trees I spot ladders in the leaves Hmm What do you think the ladders are used For Run down this row follow me Lots of apples on that tree I pick high you pick low In our basket apples go See that apple way up there On my tiptoes i grab air She’s grabbing air because she can’t Quite reach the apple Wow what is she using the ladder for

To climb and pick the apple That’s what the ladders were for I try again down come two One for me and one for you She shared the apple with her brother That’s so nice Sharing is so nice i love sharing Tractor pulls us to the shed We sort apples green and red apple cider Apple pie Apple donuts hot and fried Fun day over we love fall Yummy apples best of all They had a nice day picking apples have You ever been apple picking Wow Today we’re learning about Apples good job Apples are a fruit do you know where Apples come from Trees that’s right they grow on trees Called apple trees and we have to pick Them Pick the apples can you pretend to pick An apple off a tree Pick the apple Pick the apples off trees good job Pretending Let’s learn more about apples from our Magic movie Here is an apple growing on a tree Wow there are many apples on this tree The man is picking apples Pick the apple

Reach for the apple tree She is reaching for the apple tree Look at all the apple trees A place with many apple trees is called An apple orchard can you say orchard Orchard The little girl is putting apples in the Bag In Some apples go to the store and we can Buy them the daddy is looking for apples With his son Apples are a fruit that we can eat yum Eating the apple We can eat apples plain they’re so yummy There’s other things we can make out of Apples too do you know any of them There’s apple What is this Apple Sauce yeah you can make applesauce you Have to smush the apples to make Applesauce and cook them too Let’s pretend we’re cooking some apples And making applesauce stir the Applesauce can you stir the applesauce Stir the applesauce good job there’s Also apple juice yeah apple juice And apple cider You can make apple doughnuts and apple Butter you can make so many things out Of apples wow Now let’s do some movement songs get up And move

Oh no I think i hear a shark Maybe we should sing baby shark Baby shark do doo doo doo baby shark doo Doo doo doo baby shark doo doo doo doo Baby shark [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Let’s go huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] So glad we’re safe [Applause] [Music] [Music] Shall we wake them with a merry tune Are they ill Wake up soon This is the loud part wake up little Bunnies Half little bunnies Stop Now we’re gonna be quiet [Music] [Music] Wake ups Ding ding ding ding ding that’s the Alarm clock wake up little bunnies

Skip little money skip skip skip skip Little bunny skip skip skip skip little Bunny skip skip skip skip skip skip Should we hop again let’s do it Are you ready Time to hop Hop little Bunnies hop hop hop little bunnies [Music] Great job hey guys jules here let’s try Head shoulders knees and toes Are you ready Let’s start at a slow tempo Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Head shoulders Knees and toes knees and Toes eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Yo we’re awesome Let’s do it again but a little bit Faster let’s try a faster tempo are you Ready Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Awesome job Okay Let’s try it really really fast are you Ready

Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes head shoulders knees and toes knees And toes eyes and ears Head shoulders knees and Toes that was fast Let’s try it as fast as we can are you Ready That was so fast but you all did so good Give yourself a high five Let’s get a steady beat going One Two Buckle my shoe three Four Shut the door five six pick up sticks Seven Eight Lay them straight nine ten Do it again Yay let’s do it again One two Buckle my shoe three Four shut the door Five Six pick up six seven eight lay them Straight Nine ten a big red hand Great job Hey does anyone here like dinosaurs Me too Do you want to play pretend with me and Pretend to be dinosaurs And we can roar All right

Let’s march around in a circle and Whenever it’s time to roar i want you to Roar so loud are you ready you can Follow along with the other jewels right Here let’s go [Music] [Music] [Applause] Are the dinosaurs what do you think of That We are the dinosaurs marching marching We are the dinosaurs we make the earth Fly we make the earth fly we stop [Music] Hear us say Keep marching Cause we are the dinosaurs marching Marching we are the dinosaurs We are the dinosaurs marching marching We are the dinosaurs we make the earth We make the earth blood we stop and take A rest Over in our nest we stop and take a rest At the end of the day we stop and take a Rest over in our nest we stop and take a Rest and then you’ll hear us say Get up everyone it’s time to start Marching We are the dinosaurs We are the dinosaurs what do you think Of that We are the dinosaurs marching marching [Music] Cause we are the dinosaurs

Good job everyone you did so good Pretending to be dinosaurs Next let’s play pretend it’s time for Dramatic play hey since we’re talking About apples why don’t we pretend to Make an apple Pie Yeah Apple pies are yummy apple pies are Yummy okay so let’s get out a pretend Bowl do you have a bowl good job and Let’s put in the apple slices And let’s put in some sugar Put in the sugar And you know it’s really yummy cinnamon Let’s put in the cinnamon did you put Yours in good job and a pinch of salt That means just a tiny bit of salt pinch Yeah good job now let’s add a cup of Flour scoop the flour and put it in now Let’s put in some butter Butter put in the butter Now we need to mix it do you know how to Mix Mix Mixing this is the way we mix the food Mix the food mix the food this is the Way we mix the food when we’re making Pie We’re done mixing so let’s put it in the Pie crust we gotta pour it in pour the Filling into the pie Did your spill oh No

Mine spilled ah Oh Can you say uh oh uh oh Just clean it up with a little cloth Tick tock tick tock i wonder if our Pie’s going to be ready soon tick tock Tick tock Listen Do you hear that ding ding ding ding the Pie’s ready Oh it’s nice and hot let’s let it cool Down now we get to eat the pie Let’s take a bite and see if it’s good Mmm It’s so yummy Eating the pie I’m gonna put some ice cream on my pie Do you like ice cream what kind of ice Cream do you like Oh i’m gonna put some vanilla ice cream On I’m gonna take a big bite Mmm so yummy thanks for making pie with Me that was really fun Now it’s time for our art lesson apple Prints So we take an apple and you have a grown Up help you cut it in half and then We’re going to make a print so we’re Going to dip it in paint Did you know some apples are yellow so i Dip this in yellow paint now i’m going To stamp it on can you say stamp Stamp let’s see how it looks i’m so

Excited oh it looks pretty i like it Maybe i should hold it down a little Longer and push Wow that looks good i even see the stem I’m gonna try another color paint What’s the color of the day do you Remember Yeah it’s red good job Next i’m gonna dip it in red paint wow i Dipped it in red paint now let’s stamp It say stamp Stamp Let’s see what happens Push oh pretty Oh my goodness i love it Do another one Oh that one has a lot of spaces but i Like how it looks Wow i’m going to mix the yellow And the red together a little bit Wow I like printing them on top of each Other it looks nice I even see the seed prints a little bit That’s so cool I really like my picture You know we learned also that apples can Be green so i’m gonna try green and see How that looks let’s see how the green Looks i dipped it in green paint Push Printing with apples whoa Whoa it’s pretty messy That’s okay i can wash my hands after

That one looks like a lot of colors i Like it Push again Oh it’s slippery Ah we did it we made the apple print Picture I’m proud of myself and i’m proud of you It always feels good to make something Doesn’t it you like play-doh i love Play-doh do you have play-doh at home Cool you can even make play-doh hey Since we’re learning about apples let’s Make an apple out of play-doh Open Okay we gotta take some out pull it out Oh good job I’m gonna take a lot of play-doh out Okay Now i’m gonna roll it into a ball roll Roll roll the play-doh roll roll roll The play-doh roll roll roll the play-doh We are rolling play-doh Oh it’s kind of starting to look like an Apple hooray Okay let’s see what color this is Oh i made some brown play-doh here so i Can do a stem Remember we learned about the stem Put on the stem Wow it’s starting to look like an apple That is cool Oh yay here’s some green for the leaf Sometimes a leaf comes off the tree when You pick the apple so put the leaf right

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By the stem We made an apple that was so much fun What do you like to make out of play-doh Awesome One thing i like to make out of play-doh Is a bowl i’ll show you It’s so much fun to make a bowl out of Play-doh Making a bowl Making a bowl And then i like to make little balls and Pretend that it’s cereal Cereal [Music] Making pretend cereal do you like cereal I like Cereal making a bowl out of play-doh is Fun now i’m going to make the spoon Gotta use a spoon Wow Here’s a little spoon I love playing with play-doh oh Picking up the cereal with a spoon So fun Now let’s practice our counting we’re Going to count from 1 to twenty So high One Two Three Four Five Six [Music]

Seven Eight Nine 10 [Music] 11 12 13 14 15. 16 17 18 19 20 [Music] Now i’m going to put the apples in my Refrigerator into two groups Green apples i have one green apple And red apples i have three red apples One two three good counting Do i have more green apples or more red Apples There’s more red apples More red apples Less green apples Only one green apple Three red apples wow Good job Our friend georgie’s doing an art Project with red puff balls let’s fill Up the truck and bring the puffballs to Georgie he needs red puffballs cause He’s making an apple project Should this one go in

Yeah it’s red Does this go in No We want the red puff balls does this go In Yeah This is red This is red Does this go in No it’s blue Does this go in No it’s green Ah We filled up the truck with red puff Balls yay awesome job now we can bring Them to georgie can you help me dump out The puff balls Stay out and i’ll dump them out one two Three out Yay Oh we dumped them out great job so many Puff balls for georgie’s apple project Can you look around your house for Things that are red Look what i found A red fire Truck yeah And Another red fire truck Wow So i have one Two red fire trucks One of the fire trucks is large which One’s large

This one’s large good job One of them is small which one’s small This one good job Large And small So fun Should we turn it on Use say on and i’ll turn it on and we’ll See what happens turn it on turn it on Turn it On wow it made a cool noise let’s see What the other button does turn it on Turn it on turn it On Can you make a siren [Music] Did you know that this door opens open Wow and close And there’s a hose let’s pretend we’re Spraying the hose Shh Good job Oh welcome to music class we’re so happy You’re here today we’re going to do Something really fun We are going to look around our houses And try and find things that we can use As musical instruments That’s a great idea yeah i can’t wait to See what you find me too This song’s called the hokey pokey i bet You already know it Are you all ready Okay let’s go you can follow along with

Me right [Music] Do the here pokey and you turn yourself Around that’s what it’s all about You put your right foot in you put your Right foot out you put your right foot In and you shake it all the And you way yourself along that’s what It’s all about You put your head in you put your head Out you put your head in and you shake It all about you do the honky pokey and You turn yourself around that’s what It’s all about What else should we put in this circle How about our elbows yeah Put your right elbow in you put your Right elbow out you put your right up a Win That’s what it’s all about Let’s do the left elbow ready You put your left elbow [Music] All right let’s do our hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] You put your left hand in put your left Hand out you put your left hand in and You shake it all along You turn yourself around that’s what It’s all about [Music] That’s what it’s all about

[Music] Do you remember when we tapped a steady Beat to the muffin man I don’t remember do you remember One two three four Do you know the muffin man the muffin Man Do you know the muffin man who lives on So now we’re gonna go around our houses And try and find things that we can tap Make sure to get a grown-up’s help for This project We’re back from our treasure hunt for Musical instruments and we can’t wait to Show you what we found we also can’t Wait to hear about what you found look What i found Wow hermey Oh thank you That’s awesome i love it yeah wow what Can we tap this with hmm I didn’t think that far ahead Okay um well i found a brush should we Try that Okay do you know the muffin man that Works well I also found A spoon Do you know the muffins oh wait wait Wait wait i have something too How about this carrot Wow Awesome let’s try it do you know the Muffin man wow what did you notice when

I played the carrot compared to the Spoon [Music] The carrot’s yummier The carrot is much yummier it’s also Orange [Laughter] And it’s quieter oh yeah so if we were Gonna play quiet which in music we call Piano we could use the carrot do you Know the muffin [Music] Do you know the muffin man the muffin Man the muffin man yeah we call that Forte and music Hi erin hi rachel hi friends Could you play the muffin man on the Piano while we tap our instruments we Found around the house Sure i’d be happy to Do you know [Music] [Applause] I found a box and a brush Yes i know the muffin Man the muffin Man oh and i have another box of tissues Let’s see how this sounds it’s full of Tissues and that box was empty [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow that was great I heard you like trains

I like trains too Do you want to pretend to be a train With me All right What sound does a train make That’s right chugga chugga chugga chugga Chugga chug chug So we’re going to pretend to be trains We’re going to walk in a circle with our Arms like this and whenever i say the Word stop we’re going to freeze And wait for the train to start back up Again You can just follow along right up here Are you ready All aboard [Music] Let’s go a little bit faster Singing songs Okay let’s do it a little bit faster are You ready All right we’re gonna go really really Fast this time are you ready I think we can go faster Whoa that was fun thanks for pretending To be a train with me Do you remember when we sang mr golden Sun and we used a shaker yeah Oh mr sun Sun mr golden sun please shine down on Me Oh mr sun Sun Mr golden sun

Hiding behind a tree These little children are asking you to Please come [Music] Next let’s go around our house and try And find things that we can shake are You ready Let’s go let’s go musical treasure hunt What did you find around the house to Shake kirby kale A Diaper oh And a sippy cup with rice in it That’s a great idea This one really works I love how it sounds great so what i did Is i took a plastic egg put a little Rice in it normally i’d put a spoon and Another spoon and some tape but i only Had a fork and a spoon so i just made That work it’s like a little shaker yeah How about we sing mr golden sun with Aaron and use our homemade shakers okay Great [Music] Please shine down on me [Music] These little children are asking you To please come [Music] Please shine down on me [Music] Hey everyone guess what it’s time for Word of the day

Word of the day that’s my other favorite Part hi herbie hi rachel the word of the Day is tempo i’ll take venmo or paypal Herbie not the app venmo just kidding i Don’t have money Tempo Tempo is how fast Or slow Music is So if you were a firefighter and you had To get a fire to put it out would you go Fast or slow Fast yeah you’d want to get there fast Now after you put out the fire and Everything was good and you’re tired and You’re going back to the station would You go slow or fast I forgot i think slow because you’re Tired and the fire’s out Let’s sing a song and we’ll use both Tempos yes okay so get on your fire hat Boop And your fire coat okay And your boots oh Okay And slide down the poles [Music] Okay let’s get into our fire truck are You ready Hurry hurry drive the fire truck hurry Hurry drive the fire truck hurry hurry Drive the fire truck ding ding ding [Music] Now it’s time to climb the ladder

Hurry hurry climb the ladder hurry hurry Climb the ladder hurry hurry climb the Ladder ding ding ding ding ding Get out the hose we gotta squirt the Water are you ready [Music] We did it we put out the fire great job Now we’re gonna go back to the station Slowly Slowly slowly back to the station slowly Slowly back to the station slowly slowly Back to the station ding ding ding ding Ding Great job fire fighters high five Hey rachel guess what it’s time for what Is it time for That’s my other favorite part oh hey Herbie are you excited for the Instrument of the day so excited what is It i don’t know it’s a trombone oh a dog Bone i love those um um trombone herbie Oh a telephone iphone or android um it’s A trombone herbie oh Trombone Do you want to hear how it sounds it’s Part of the brass family wow so it has a Nice deep rich tone like this [Music] That was great now what what is this What are you moving there this is the Slide this helps change the pitch of the Song do you want to give it a try grab One Now wait where does the sound come out

Right here Okay i’ll try this slide ready Oh That was fun Let’s do it again one more time all Right [Music] That was great good job i love that That’s our instrument of the day the Trombone all right i think i’m gonna go Dream about trombones now Bye bye Bye See you later Now it’s time for our writing lesson i’m So excited i love writing we’re gonna Draw the letter a So We’re gonna start at the top Go Down stop Back to the top Down stop across the middle That was awesome My a isn’t perfect but that’s okay it Doesn’t have to be perfect it’s just Great to try your best Down stop Back to the top Down and stop across the middle yay oh Wow i think my a looks a little better When we keep practicing it gets better And better Start at the top remember

Down stop Back to the top Down and stop and across the middle i Wonder if we could sing that Down and stop and back to the top Down and stop and across the middle Down and stop and back to the top down And stop and across the middle oh we Sang it that was fun Great job drawing the letter a i’m so Proud of you we practiced so many times Next let’s work on drawing the number One One is a great number Start at the top and down to the bottom Start at the top and down to the bottom Wow Start at the top and down to the bottom We drew the number one hooray That’s not too hard at all we just start At the top and go down start at the top And go down start at the top and go down Start at the top and go down Wow so many Number ones I know what we can practice drawing next The shape of the day the shape of the Day is a circle All right i’m gonna start at the top Again and just go around oh that was fun Wow i wonder if we could just do a bunch Of circles Circle circle circle I am drawing circles circle circles

Circles hooray hooray that was fun I’m gonna try drawing a small circle hi I’m just a little baby circle Now i’m going to draw A medium circle Small medium and large Did you go on a hunt for circles around Your house What did you find Wow I found the cover of this applesauce is A Circle Also the top of this Cup is a Circle It’s so fun looking around your house For circles Great job it’s story time What do you think this book is about The title is apple farmer annie and it’s By monica wellington Is an apple farmer she has a big orchard Of apple trees In the fall she picks baskets and Baskets of round ripe Apples and he’s picking the apples What do you see in the tree Apples and there’s a little kitty cat oh And there’s a doggie on the grass She grows many kinds of apples she sorts And organizes them Annie uses some of the apples to make Sweet apple cider

She uses others to make delicious smooth Applesauce She loves baking muffins cakes and pies With her apples But she saves the most beautiful ones of All to sell fresh at the market She loads everything into her truck and Drives to the city she’s driving in her Truck with all the apples Annie the apple farmer sets up her stand In the farmer’s market Lots of customers come to annie’s stand She is busy all day long By the end of the day she has sold Everything she packs up to go home Annie is tired but happy It feels so good to have her own apple Farm The end That was a great story Hi friends Look who it is it’s Elsa Is it really elsa no so silly it’s miss Rachel dressed in an elsa costume yeah This is an elsa costume Have you ever dressed in a costume Wow who did you pretend to be Wow sometimes it’s fun to put on a Costume and to pretend to be a character It’s rachel oh hi princess julie hi hi i Learned a song from frozen oh i’d love To hear it i’m dressed as elsa i know That’s why i learned it okay

Let it grow Let it grow Julie That’s so silly it’s not let it grow Oh yeah oh i remember let it snow [Music] Julie there’s a song called let it snow But those aren’t the words in the frozen Song can we tell princess julie what the Real words are let’s tell her on the Count of three One two three Let it go Oh i know that oh he gets right okay Yeah here we go Let it go slow go Yeah it’s let it go right It go Wow i’m so glad you learned that song How long did you take to learn that song It took me only a few seconds and then Watch this i do a little hair flip Let it go Well Sometimes it’s better to take more time To really learn the song and if the Song’s long sometimes it’s good to break It up into smaller parts and learn those Do you want to try that so you could Learn the song really well yeah we try That can you help me teach princess Julie how to sing let it go Yeah can you help okay great let’s take It one step at a time okay

Let it Try that okay Let It Okay now let’s try three notes Let it go Let’s try that Let it go Let it go great job okay let’s put on Our listening ears and really focus and Listen on how it sounds okay okay okay Let it go Okay just listen this time Let it go Now your turn Let it go Wow that’s sounded great so those three Notes were all moving up let it go Now we’re gonna do two of the same note Let it try that Let it Let it go Try that Let it go Wow let’s put that all together good job Julie good job kids at home one two Let it go Let it go That sounds great do you want to try it All by yourself Yeah let’s hear you sing it okay let it Go Let it go Oh julie you forgot

You’re not singing right now that’s Whispering Can you guys show julie how to sing and Not whisper that’s whispering Let it go Let it go Okay try again Let it go let it go Julie now you’re shouting oh yeah so we Don’t want to shout when we sing okay so This is shouting let it go let it go That’s shouting it’s not singing and It’s going to hurt our voice so we don’t Want to shout like that okay Yeah we don’t want to shout so shouting Is let it go singing is let it go Okay yeah we’re going to sing Okay let it go let it go Oh good try Good try julie but that was talking Okay so Say anna and elsa are talking and anna Says Elsa do you want to play and then elsa’s A little scared of her powers so she Says go away anna that’s talking those Are lines okay yeah so if we go let it Go let it go that’s also talking we need To sing so it goes let it go Let it go Singing Okay yeah okay Okay try it again okay Let it go

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Let it go Wow that was beautiful Julie kept trying and then she finally Got it sometimes we have to try Something a bunch of times but then we Figure it out first we try it And then we figure it out later yeah Yeah you have to practice that’s what It’s called it’s called practicing yeah The practice yeah we’re practicing our Singing great job but you don’t shout it You just sing it yeah oh you learned so Much today i’m so proud of you okay why Don’t we sing the whole chorus and let’s Think about How elsa is feeling So i think she’s feeling free because She says in the song later that she’s Feeling free and she’s feeling like she Can be herself and she’s feeling Confident Now before we start let’s stand up Straight Yeah And let’s take a deep breath before we Start And let’s say a few things i’m a great Singer I’m a great singer i’m confident i’m Confident i can do it i can do it all Right i can do it i’m a great kid i’m a Great kid one two Let it go Let it go

Can’t hold it back anymore Let it go Let it go Turn away and slam the door I don’t care What they’re going to say Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway And then After the cold you go Yeah we could turn away let’s try that And then i’m gonna kind of flip my um Cape yeah oh i like that that’s such a Good idea can you try that and it never Never bothered me yeah it never bothered Me yeah she’s feeling like she can be Who she is i love who i am say that i Love myself i love who i am Wow great job I’m gonna go practice and learn some More of the song okay okay all right I’ll see you soon great Friends should we sing Let it go with aaron playing the piano Do you want to sing with me with the Piano let it go Okay great let’s do it Okay let’s pretend we’re really elsa and We’re on a big mountain of snow And our ice powers coming out of our Hands do the ice power Ice power The snow glows white on the mountain Tonight not a footprint to be seen

A kingdom of isolation And it looks like i’m the queen The wind is howling like this whirling Storm inside Couldn’t keep it in heaven knows i’d Tried Don’t let them in don’t let them see Be the good girl you always have to be Concealed don’t feel don’t let them know Well now they know Let it go Let it go Can’t hold it back anymore Let it go let it go Turn away and slim the door I don’t care What they’re going to say Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway Great job pretending to be elsa you Sounded so beautiful Miss rachel miss rachel oh hi princess Julie hi i’ve heard the beginning of the Song oh wow wonderful i learned it Really well oh good job i practiced just Like we talked about oh that’s so Wonderful you want to hear Yeah What are you up Here we go Snow globe white On the mountain tonight wow that was so Wonderful So the first thing i noticed is

Sometimes it’s really good to say the Words first and make sure we have the Right word so the first line is the snow Glows white on the mountain tonight So maybe go through the whole song and Just say the words and think about what They mean the snow glows white on the Mountain tonight not a footprint to be Seen so go through the whole song and Just say it and then you’ll really know What it means and you can sing the Feeling Yeah you said the snow globe snow globes Are really nice yeah i like snow globes There you shake them and there’s snow But it’s the snow glows white on the Mountain tonight yeah the other thing i Noticed is you took a breath in the Middle of the phrase a phrase is like a Sentence so if you’re reading a book you Wouldn’t say The dog went outside You say the dog went outside The dog Went outside took your phone yeah to get A bone probably i mean Yeah perfect so we’re gonna go the snow Glows white on the mountain tonight then We get to take a breath not the snow Glows white on the mountain tonight so Let’s try and do that all in one breath Ready go the snow glows white on the Mountain tonight not a footprint to be Seen

And elsa’s a little more sad here i Think i think she’s a little worried Because she just came from that party Where her powers came out yeah she’s Crazy she feels kind of lonely that’s What isolation means a kingdom of Isolation And it looks like i’m the queen And then she says something about a Storm whirling inside her so she’s not Feeling as happy right now The wind is howling like this whirling Storm inside Couldn’t keep it in heaven knows i tried So do you guys think elsa feels Different at the beginning of the song Than how she feels at the end What do you think Different Yeah she feels different because she’s Feeling a little sad and worried at the Beginning and isolated lonely And then by the end she feels like i Don’t have to be perfect i can be myself And i can let my powers out and i can be Who i am yeah you don’t have to be Perfect no we learned that last time i Remember yeah and elsa feels like i Don’t care what anyone else thinks i’m Gonna be myself i don’t care yeah cause I’m an awesome person i’m awesome and Elsa is really cool yeah elsa is so cool She’s really cool she’s cool and she’s Cool like the temperature

Oh yeah Yeah that’s cool I said cool again Yeah cool Cool The chorus is the let it go part the Chorus is the part of the song that Repeats words and you usually learn it First because you hear it over and over Let it go Let it go Can’t hold it back Let it go Let it go Turn away and slim the door I don’t care What they’re going to Say let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway Great job pretending to be elsa you Sounded so beautiful Thank you for helping me teach princess Julie how to sing elsa I can’t wait to see you again for our Next music lesson bye See it’s really miss rachel did you know That i have dark brown hair yeah i was Wearing a wig do you want to see it This is an elsa wig this is my elsa Dress That was so fun i’ll see you later Next let’s talk about the parts of an Apple if you have a grown-up to help you You can cut open an apple i cut open

This apple This part’s the skin of the apple This part is called the flesh of the Apple This little part is called the stem The stem is where the apple was hanging From the tree Wow This part is called the core of the Apple Good listening yeah So we have the skin The flesh the white part The core The stem Sometimes there’s a leaf hanging off This apple does not have leaf hanging Off And then i almost forgot Inside the apple this is really special There’s apple seeds Wow Yeah let’s see if we can get one out Wow here’s one of the apple seeds that Was inside the apple It’s a brown tiny seed do you know what Would happen if we planted this seed in The ground and gave it sunlight and Water and soil when i was a little girl We planted an apple tree in my front Yard it was so fun Guess how many seeds were in my apple One Two

Three Four Five five seeds were in the apple how Many seeds were in your apple if you Looked inside Wow It’s so fun learning about the parts of An apple great job i’m so proud of you Let’s explore the apple with our five Senses do you have an apple at home you Can use if not you could try another Fruit or any food We can smell the apple with our nose It smells Fresh and Sweet We can feel or touch the apple with our Hands This app will feel smooth A nice smooth apple How does your apple feel Wow I can listen to the apple with my Good job ear There’s no sound but if i bite the apple It makes a sound listen Do you hear the chewing I can taste the apple with my Mouth good job Mmm The apple tastes really yummy and it’s Very juicy and sweet It was crunchy I can look at the apple with my

Eyes good job can you look at your apple My apple looks red and a little bit Brown And it looks shiny how does your apple Look It’s so fun to explore an apple with our Five senses we looked at the apple we Tasted the apple we smelled the apple we Listened to the apple and we touched the Apple wow good job High five [Music] Hi herbie Hi rachel Oh no herpe looks sad i should ask him What’s wrong Herbie what’s wrong Well i made you a picture But i messed up Herbie let me see it Wow I don’t i i don’t want you to see it i Want to rip it up Why It’s not perfect I love this beautiful picture no it Doesn’t have to be perfect it’s Wonderful because you made it It doesn’t have to be perfect It’s okay to make mistakes i really Really love this picture because it’s From your heart oh but i i still don’t Like it because see i messed up right There

Okay herbie what would you say to Georgie if this was georgie’s picture That georgie had made georgie’s another Friend of ours what would you say to Georgie well I would be really happy that he drew me A picture yeah And what do you like about the picture Oh i like The swirling clouds do you like those They’re beautiful they are those yeah i Like how you did two different shades of Blue in the clouds and the swirls it’s Beautiful oh thank you What else would you tell georgie i would Tell him that it’s Okay not to be perfect and it’s really Beautiful yeah you should say those Things to yourself things like you would Say to georgie okay i will okay hey Would you want to help me hang this Beautiful picture up i’m gonna hang it Up yeah let’s go hang it up yeah let’s Go great it doesn’t have to be perfect It’s wonderful because you may i made it It doesn’t have to be perfect It’s okay to make mistakes it’s okay To make some mistakes Have you ever made a mistake It’s okay Look what i have it’s applesauce For our next project we’re going to pour The applesauce into the bowl we twist Off the cover twist

Twist And now we’re going to pour the Applesauce in can you say pour Pour Good job Poor Since the color of the day is red i’m Gonna get out some red food coloring If you want to do projects remember Always to ask for a grown-up’s help Now we put a little food coloring in Let’s try one drop We’re gonna mix it can you say mix Mix Wow The applesauce is turning red It looks kind of pink i think we need More drops let’s squeeze Squeeze it Two more drops and we’ll see what color It is It’s starting to get more red This is called mixing It still looks kind of pink let’s add More drops let’s add three drops One Two Three Well We have red applesauce And the color of the day is red Yummy red applesauce good job let’s mix It a little more Mix

Mix Mix the applesauce Wow Let’s pretend to eat it Wow great job making red applesauce with Me Let’s do the wheels on the bus can you Get out your wheels good job the wheels On the bus go round and round round and Round round and round the wheels on the Bus go round and round all through the Town [Music] On the bus go swish swish swish swish Swish swish swish swish the wipers on The bus go swish swish swish All through the town The doors on the bus go open and shut Open and shut [Music] On the bus go where where where all Through the town mommies on the bus go [Music] All shhh the town The daddies on the bus say i love you i Love you i love you the mommies on the Bus say i love you too All through the town [Music] The driver on the bus says move on back Move on back move on back the driver on The bus says move on back all through The town The people on the bus go up and down up

And down up and down the people on the Bus go up and down all through the town Let’s go back to the wheels can you do The wheels again Great job The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round round and round the Wheels on the bus go round and round all Through the town All through the town All through the town Yay Can you clap that was great so i was Looking for circles around the house And i noticed that These dot markers make circles These are so fun Have you ever tried these Here’s red the color of the day Let’s see if we can make a circle Yep it made a circle it’s so cool we Could even make the letter of the day With our dots Dot Dot dot dot dot dot Dot dot dot dot dot dot dot Dot dot dot dot dot It’s an a wow Wow look what i found it’s a red Car that’s right what does a car say Beep Driving away Let’s see if this opens open Wow the door opens

That’s fun What can you find around your house That’s red can you get out a stuffed Animal it’s gonna be so much fun get out A stuffed animal and we’re gonna dry and Balance it can you put Your stuffed animal on your head So silly can you balance it And now let’s sing Rachel’s got a box on her head rachel’s Got a box on her head rachel’s got a box On her head she keeps it there all day Wow I wonder if we could balance it another Place how about my shoulder can you try Your shoulder Rachel’s got a fox on her shoulder Rachel’s got a box on her shoulder Rachel’s got a box on her shoulder she Keeps it there all day Wow Let’s try our backs could you do that Oh it’s pretty hard I’m gonna try always keep trying Yay Rachel’s got a fox on her back rachel’s Got a box on her back rachel’s got a box On her back she keeps it there all day That’s so fun Let’s have you put your subtitle on your Head and then we’ll sing about you And you can fill it in Ready and go Gotta

On the head Gotta on their head Got em on their head they keep it there All day i was singing about you and your Animal Yeah that’s so fun let’s try one more Time on our head rachel’s got a fox on Her head rachel’s got a fox on her head Rachel’s got a fox on her head she keeps It there all day Wow That was so fun Let’s give our stuffed animal a big hug And a kiss I love you Hello i heard the color of the day is Red Well i’m looking for a red ball can you Say ball and then maybe my red ball will Come back it’s missing Say ball One two three It came back Thank you so much Ball Ball Ball Oh good i’m gonna dump it out So silly now i’m going to drive away Bye bye Bye car see you later i’m driving Driving away beep beep Honk hop i found some puzzles can you Help me with them

Thank you So here’s an apple what letter does Apple start with Apple Yeah hey so let’s see if this fits It fits good job Oh my goodness this puzzle looks hard Can you help me What do you think it’s going to be Hmm Let’s see Wow i see a lot of letters Let’s sound them out and see what it Spells The t says The r says er and the e’s say er Tree I think it might be a tree Let’s see Put it in put it in put it in It’s coming together Put it in put it in put it in Wow I think we were right You got it It’s a Tree Coolt An apple tree What’s that sound What animal makes that sound You’re right a dog Oh Hi it’s our friend bingo hmm

Bingo what’s wrong you look sad I’m sad because i forgot how to spell my Name oh We can help you do you guys at home Think you can help bingo remember how to Spell his name can you help Yeah i bet if we sing the song bingo You’ll remember okay There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o B-i-n-g-o b-i-n-g-o B-i-n-g-o and bingo was his name-o This time let’s clap for the bee [Music] There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o I-n-g-o [Music] [Music] There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o [Music] Ngo and bingo was his name-o Now for the b-i-n you ready There was a farmer had a dog and bingo Was his name-o G-o G-o G-o and bingo was his name-o Now for the b-i-n-g There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o Oh Oh

Oh and bingo was his name-o Now we’re gonna do it for all the Letters it’s gonna be so tricky do you Think you can do it i know you can There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o And bingo was his name-o [Music] And bingo was his name-o Yay you guys did an amazing job Thank you thank you so much do you Remember how to spell your name now i Know Yay thank you Thank you so much Thank you Wow this bin is full of treasure To find the treasure we have to find Another capital a that matches this a a Red capital a do you think we can do Great thank you so much That’s a cat That’s not an a Hmm is this the same No Ant does start with a but it’s not a Capital a Wow attractor a tractor’s red but it’s Not an a This is red is this the same No it’s the number two Oh This is a red circle a circle is the Shape of the day and red is the color of

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The day but that doesn’t match Huh Oh wow it’s a capital letter and it’s The color red But it doesn’t match does it because It’s a c No that’s an elephant Here’s a capital letter But it’s a b And it’s yellow Nope I found another capital a Does it match No it doesn’t match Completely because this is yellow We’re looking for another red a digging Around Help me dig can you help me dig You help me find another red a did these Match Well this is a capital a and this is a Lowercase a it looks different but it Has the same sound ah But It’s not exactly the same and we’re Looking for a match Help me dig Dig Oh a red car No that doesn’t match Help me dig really deep and maybe i can Find it Dig really deep digging deeply Whoa does this match

Yay hooray It’s a match two capital a’s that are The same size and they’re both Red Yay we found the matching capital a and The treasure came out you helped us find The treasure Great job For this next song we’re gonna pretend To be astronauts and when we do the Countdown you can get into a little ball And then really blast off it’s gonna be So much fun are you ready Let’s put on her space helmet And put on our space suit Zoom zoom zoom we’re going to the moon Zoom We’re going to the moon If you want to take a trip i’m aboard my Rocket ship zoom zoom zoom we’re going To the [Music] Ten moon Eight Seven Six Five four Three Two One blast up Zoom zoom [Music] [Applause] [Music]

I’m aboard my rocket We’re ship to the moon Guess what i found something else red in Our classroom it’s a Red Train Yeah you can pull this train pull What does a train say Yeah choo choo chugga chugga chugga Chugga choo choo all aboard Let’s pull it while we make the sound Choo choo Chugga chugga chugga [Music] Let’s see what happens when we push the Button You stay up and i’ll push it up Ah good job it’s a dog What a nice surprise say up Ah It’s a cat so cute say up nice and loud Up It’s a little chick Ah hi little chick hi Hey I looked in my refrigerator and i found Another fruit that’s red do you know What this fruit is What is it it’s a Strawberry good job strawberries are so Yummy What other foods are red can you think Of any Five little hot dogs frying in a pan the

Crease got hot and one went damn How many are left one two three Four Four little hot dogs frying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went bam How many are left one two three Three little hot dogs frying in a pan The grease got hot and one went damn How many left one two Two little hot dogs frying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went damn How many left just one little hot dog One little hot dog frying in a pan the Grease got hot and one went How many are left there’s no hot dogs Left and i’m so hungry okay so this time We’re gonna do it with the pan going bam And it’s gonna be the biggest fan yet Little hot dogs frying in a pan the pan Got hot and it went bam Great job Wow i found another train in our Classroom Let’s see if these go together oh i Hooked it on Let’s see what happens when i press the Button Turn it on turn it on turn it on Wow it makes a train sound Let’s see if this door opens open It opens wow that’s cool Oh look who’s coming Hello i am the train conductor and i Will be driving this train

Hi train conductor Hi Would you like to ride on my train I’d love to ride on your train What a nice train conductor Hello can you take me on your train Please Sure get on Let’s put this man in the train Thank you for putting me in i have to Get to work Putting him in And shutting the door I’ll take you to work no problem [Music] A b c d e f g H i j k l m n o p Q r s t u v W X Y and z Now i know my abcs Next time won’t you sing with me [Music] A b c d e f g H i j k l m n o p Q r s T u v W X Y and z Now i know my abcs Next time won’t you sing with me Now let’s play with some toys have you

Ever played with these they’re called Magna tiles oh no the truck needs a Garage can you help me build it Great Okay Let’s use this big one as the bottom of The garage Looks great Now let’s put some smaller ones to make The sides of the garage I like my garage already good we’ll keep Making your garage Put on those yeah they stick together Put it put on the parts of the garage Okay should we put the roof on Putting on the roof of the garage good Job My garage is awesome I’m gonna drive in Vroom vroom Vroom Going in the garage i love it We did it Ding ding ding ding ding it’s morning The truck needs to go to work that’s my Alarm clock i gotta go to work oh i had Such a nice night in my garage Bye bye The next song we’re gonna sing is about A tiny little bug called an ant we’re Gonna sing a song about them marching And we’re gonna count them as they march Can you march with me let’s go Here we go

[Applause] The ants go marching one by one through The Hurrah the ants go marching one by one Hurrah hurrah the ants go marching one By one the little one stop to suck his Thumb and they all go marching down to The ground to get out of the rain boom Boom boom boom boom boom boom the ants Go marching two by two hurrah Hurrah the ants go marching two by two Hurrah The ants go marching two by two the Little one stopped to tie his shoe and They all go marching down to the ground To get out of the ring [Music] The ants go marching three by three the Little ones stop to climb a tree and They all go marching [Music] The ants go marching four by four hurrah The ants go marching four by four the Little ones stop to shut the door and They all go marching down to the ground To get out of the rainbow [Music] The ants go marching five by five the Little ones stop to give a high five And they all go marching down to the Ground to get out of the rain boom boom Boom boom boom boom [Music] Y’all did so good do you have a teddy

Bear Wow If you want you can get out your teddy Bear for this rhyme Teddy bear teddy bear turn around teddy Bear teddy bear touch the ground Teddy bear teddy bear reach up high Teddy bear teddy bear touch the sky Teddy bear teddy bear bend down low Teddy bear teddy bear touch your toes Teddy bear teddy bear Go to bed oh Teddy bear teddy bear rest your head Teddy bear teddy bear turn off the light Click Teddy bear teddy bear say Good night Oh the teddy bear so tired pretend to go To sleep or put your teddy bear to bed Ding ding ding ding That’s our alarm clock we have to get up And sing more songs Teddy bear teddy bear find your nose Boink Teddy bear teddy bear touch your toes oh Touch your toes Teddy bear teddy bear touch your knees Are you touching your knees Teddy bear teddy bear sit down please Are you sitting down Good job You’re doing such a great job in music Today and i’m so proud of you Now let’s sing our months of the year

What month were you born Wow i was born in november Let’s sing our months of the year January february march and april may and June and july August september october november December These are the months of the year All these are the months of the year Fill them with joy The months of the year [Music] Great job singing your month Guess what i found in our music bag I found a shaker That’s an apple a red apple Apples are what we’re learning about Today and it’s red And it’s musical Let’s shake it and sing a song with it Hmm remember how we were doing a beat to The muffin man let’s try that do you Know the muffin man the muffin man the Muffin man do you know the muffin man Who lives on to Reading wow an apple shaker so fun What do you think this book is about Yeah i think it’s also about apples This one’s from the hello world series And it’s called how do apples grow these Are great books this is by jill mcdonald Everyone loves to eat apples crunch But do you know how apples grow Apples start from a tiny seed if you cut

An apple open you can see the seeds Inside Wow now we can look at the parts of an Apple the stem the skin the leaf the Core and the seeds Apple seeds start to grow when they are Planted in soil and given sunlight water And fresh air The seed grows roots which reach down Into the soil And a green sprout with tiny leaves Shoots up from the ground When the seedling starts to grow bigger And stronger it becomes a sapling the Sapling grows taller and becomes a tree In spring buds on its branches open into Pink and white flowers When the flower petals fall an apple Starts to grow It takes a full summer for an apple to Be ready to eat Autumn is here Time for apple picking apples can be red Green or yellow Apples are picked packed and shipped From the orchard to grocery stores and Farmers markets Apples are delicious and knowing more About them makes them even sweeter Apples are full of vitamins to help you Grow Now you know how apples grow good things Are worth waiting for Next i think i’ll draw an apple do you

Want to draw an apple with me yay Okay here’s the apple shape oh hello Apple I’m using a red crayon I color it in Sometimes it goes outside the lines and That’s okay It doesn’t have to be perfect it’s Wonderful because i made it It doesn’t have to be perfect It’s okay to make mistakes wow look at That apple it almost looks like a heart Now i’m gonna do a stem i have a brown Marker There’s my stem color it in color it in Color it In Now for the leave I think i’ll use a green crayon Here’s the leaf And that’s my apple Maybe i’ll put it on a table Just draw a little table Yay I drew a yummy apple did you draw an Apple that was so much fun This is a large apple maybe next to it I’ll draw a small apple Oh i’m just a little tiny apple There are apples that are very small Called crab apples and a lot of people Like to use them for jelly I’m the tiniest little apple Well

Actually maybe we can make one even Smaller do you think we could do it I’m even smaller So small Teeny weeny apple Oh that’s fun Now this one’s large this one’s medium And this one’s small That was so fun thanks for drawing Apples with me i loved it Wow i have a big letter a Now can you help me glue some little Apples onto it be so much fun Okay let’s get out our glue stick We put Glue on the apple See And then we put it On the a Wow That was fun Take a little apple put on the glue say On and i’ll stick it on On [Music] Wow this a is getting covered in Apples the glue is purple Wow And then i stick it on Can you help me with this one Put on the glue and then say on On Good job Wow i think the a is so happy to have

All these awesome apples on it On Let’s put one in the middle can you help You’re such a good helper i’m so happy To be spending time with you On Good job you helped me Stay on and i’ll put one right here On Good job See how i put the glue on yeah fill it With glue so it sticks Put it on put it on put it On [Music] Wow friends Look what you helped me make i’m so Proud of you we made it a With apples stuck all over it so awesome I have something special to show you It’s in this little bag Let’s open it can you say open Open Open the bag and see what’s inside [Music] It’s a Mouse Oh shh the mouse is sleeping but it’s Time for the most to wake up let’s say Wake up mouse one two three wake up Mouse oh good morning hi I’m a little mouse I want to climb up the clock can you Sing hickory dickory dock

Sure we can sing that Hickory dickory dock the mouse went up The clock the clock struck one the mouse Went down hickory dickory dock Tick tock tick tock tick tock hickory Dickory dock That was so much fun thank you for Singing my song i’m gonna go back to Sleep now good night oh shh the mouse Wants to go back to sleep let’s whisper Okay let’s put the mouse back In the little bag good night mel say Goodnight mouse I want to show you another song i know About a quiet mouse can you pretend your Little thumb is a mouse And then your other hand’s gonna be the House A quiet little mouse And a quiet little house When all was quiet as quiet What a silly mouse let’s try that again That was so silly A quiet little mouse In a quiet little house That was so silly The little mouse surprised us good job It’s time for a super fun Game Let’s sort these apples by size Okay Does this apple go with large or small Large good job How about this one large or small

Small Good job Large or small Large good Large or small Small Uh oh i’m not sure where this goes large Or small Small Good job Large or small Large great work What about the last two Yeah this is large and this is small Yay we did it i’m so proud of you Okay let’s get out one little blue fish Are you ready [Music] One little blue [Music] Let’s get out too red fish Two little red fish swimming in the Water two little red fish swimming in The water two little red fish swimming In the water That was fun Let’s do three yellow fish Three little yellow fish swimming in the Water three little yellow fish [Music] Great job [Music] Wind the bobbin [Music]

Point to the ceiling point to the floor Point to the window point to the door Put your hands together one two three Put your hands upon your knees [Music] Point to the ceiling point to the floor Point to the window point to the door Put your hands together one two three Put your hands upon your knees [Music] [Applause] [Music] Drops and gum drops oh what a rain that Would be Standing outside with my mouth open wide If all the raindrops were lemon drops And gum drops [Music] Rachel i got an idea what’s your idea What if it was raining candy bars and Milkshakes such a great idea we’ll do Snowflakes with that okay ready great Yeah If all the snowflakes were candy bars And milkshakes oh what a slow that would Be Standing outside with my mouth open [Music] I love your idea You know what next let’s do Bubble gum and ice cream those are two Of my favorite things okay If all the sun beams were bubbled i’m an Ice cream

Standing outside with my mouth open wide [Music] If all the snotty beans were doubled up In ice cream oh what a slime that [Music] Great job If you could choose to make it rain any Food what would you choose I would choose i think blueberries and Strawberries if all the raindrops were Blueberries and strawberries oh what Rain that would be I’d love to hear what you would choose Yummy I like raspberries Those are good too do you know how to Skip Show me Lulu’s gift to my lu lulu skip to my lou Lou lou skip to my lou skip to my lou my Darlin Great job I have a little stuffed animal Do you know what this is [Music] It’s a lamb Can you get a stuffed animal or an Action figure to dance with and then We’ll do a dance together Mary had a little [Music] [Applause] [Music] That was so fun

You know we can change the lyrics Lyrics are the words of the song So If your name is michael you could say Michael had a little and then you could Fill in whatever pet you want Let’s try it with my name Rachel had a little cat a little cat a Little cat rachel had a little cat whose Fur was yellow as corn I would love to hear What pet you chose And what you said for the fur what color Is it can you jump when i sing pop One two three pop Good jumping One two three pop Okay now i’ll sing and when you hear pop You jump okay All around the cobblers bench the monkey Chased the weasel the monkey thought it Was all in fun Pop goes the weasel yay did you jump When i said pop Good job Jump like a froggy jump jump jump Jump like a froggy jump jump jump A little green froggy [Music] A little blue Birdie in the sky Fly like a birdie black fly fly You could be anything you want to be Da da

[Music] [Music] Can you fall asleep Sleep like a baby sleep sleep sleep Sleep like a baby sleep sleep sleep An itty bitty baby in a crib [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m just saying any syllables that come To mind Spin like a dancer Dancer on the stage [Music] Great job Did you know that aaron and i wrote that Song Yeah we’re composers a composer is Someone who writes songs and we wrote That song together Can you write a song i would love to Hear a song that you write what would You want to write a song about great job In class today i learned so much See you next time bye-bye I think i’ll go get a snack now Okay Okay It was so fun learning with you today Great job learning all about apples i’m So proud of you always remember You Are wonderful

You Are valuable You’re Important You’re an Amazing kid You

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.