Music Class for Kids Online – Music Lessons for Kids

We hope you enjoy this music class for kids online! It’s a full kids music class and it’s great for kids, toddlers and even babies! We recommend it for ages 0-8, but the whole family (even the grown-ups!) can have fun with our music lessons for kids. We think children in preschool, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade will really enjoy this lesson. It is full of fun kids songs and kids music but it is also has songs that adults will enjoy.

”Georgie” puppet Copyright 2016 – David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

Rachel has a masters in music education and is certified to teach kindergarten through 12th grade music.

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#SongsForLittles #toddlerlearningvideos

Hi friend i’m so happy you’re here are You ready for music If you’re ready for music wave hello Wave hello Wave hello if you’re ready for music Wave hello wave hello to me hi great job Next we’re gonna clap our hands [Music] If you’re ready for music clap your Hands clap your hands clap your hands if You’re ready for music clap your hand Clap your hands with me Next we’re gonna jump If you’re ready for music jump up high Free jump up high Jump up high if Next we’re gonna wiggle and then we’re Gonna freeze okay [Music] If you’re ready for music wiggle then Freeze [Music] [Music] Stretch up high Oh stretch Up high if you’re ready for music Stretch up high like a tree stretch up High with me [Music] Now you’re gonna find someone’s tummy to Tickle If you’re ready for music tickle a tummy Tickle a tummy tickle a tummy if you’re Ready for music tickle a tummy tickle a

Tummy with me Now we’re gonna show hooray [Music] Yay Let’s go check in with jules yeah hey Does anyone here like dinosaurs Me too Do you want to play pretend with me and Pretend to be dinosaurs And we can roar All right Let’s march around in a circle and Whenever it’s time to roar i want you to Roar so loud are you ready you can Follow along with the other jewels right Here let’s go [Music] [Music] [Applause] Are the dinosaurs what do you think of That We are the dinosaurs marching marching We are the dinosaurs we make the earth Flop we make the earth flood we stop [Music] Hear us say Keep marching Cause we are the dinosaurs marching Marching we are the dinosaurs We are the dinosaurs marching marching We are the dinosaurs we make the earth We make the earth blood we stop and take A rest Over in our nest we stop and take a rest

At the end of the day we stop and take The rest over in our nest we stop and Take a rest and then you’ll hear us say Get up everyone it’s time to start Marching We are the Dinosaurs what do you think of that We are the dinosaurs marching marching [Music] Cause we are the dinosaurs Good job everyone you did so good Pretending to be dinosaurs Do you know what this is Yeah it’s a rainbow I wonder if we could make our own Rainbow today rachel oh hi georgie hi Could i help make a rainbow that would Be great oh great What do we need to make a rainbow hmm How about rain Great idea i know a song about rain Maybe you don’t sing it it will rain Good idea yeah try this Ready go And we’re doing that because we’re Pretending that it’s raining really Yummy things and we’re eating the food Oh yeah it’s gonna be so fun okay If all the raindrops were lemon drops And gum drops oh what a rain that would Be Standing outside with my mouth open wide [Music] Rachel i got an idea what’s your idea

What if it was raining candy bars and Milkshakes such a great idea we’ll do Snowflakes with that okay great yeah if All the snowflakes were candy bars and Milkshakes oh what a slow that would be [Applause] [Music] [Music] If all the snowflakes were candy bars And milkshakes oh what a snow that would Be i love your idea You know what next let’s do Bubble gum and ice cream those are two Of my favorite things okay If all the sun beams were bubbled i’m an Ice [Music] If all the snotty beans were [Music] Great job If you could choose to make it rain any Food what would you choose I would choose i think blueberries and Strawberries if all the raindrops were Blueberries and strawberries oh what a Rain that would Be i’d love to hear what you would Choose yummy I like raspberries mmm those are good Too Let’s go hear a song from our friend Jules hooray This song’s called the hokey pokey i bet You already know it

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Are you all ready Okay let’s go you can follow along with Me right here [Music] [Music] [Applause] That’s what it’s all about You put your right foot in you put your Right foot out you put your right All foot you do the hokey pokey and you Turn yourself along [Music] [Music] That’s what it’s all about What else should we put in this circle How about our elbows yeah Put your right elbow in you put your Right elbow [Music] Let’s do the left elbow ready You put your left [Music] All right let’s do our hands Ready We put our right hand in we put our Right hand out we put our right hand in And we shake it all about That’s what it’s all about You put your left hand in put your left Hand out you put your left hand in and You shake it all around you do the hook And you turn yourself around that’s what It’s [Music]

That’s what it’s all about [Music] No It’s still raining because we sang the Rain song What can we sing to make it go away I know Rain rain go away come again another day Rachel wants to play rain rain go away Now let’s put your name in because it’s Still raining and we need that rain to Go away let’s try it with your name Rain rain go away come again another day Wants to play rain rain go away It worked with your name the rain went Away Great job Before we keep trying to make a rainbow We’re gonna take a bubblegum break we’re Gonna get up some pretend bubblegum okay So get out some pretend bubblegum What color is yours Mine’s pink Put it in your mouth And we’re gonna chew it Are you chewing your gum Okay now we’re gonna blow a really big Bubble Are you ready Wow Oh no Our bubble popped and the sticky Bubblegum is all over our hands [Music]

Stick to your head And you pull them And you pull them and you pull them away [Music] [Music] Stick to your elbows And you pull them and you pull them and You pull them away [Music] [Music] Away [Music] Stick to your ears [Music] [Music] Stick to your knees are they on your Knees and you pull them and you pull Them and you pull them away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Away [Music] Yay That was so much fun hey everyone guess What it’s time for Word of the day Hooray that’s my other favorite part hi Herbie hi rachel the word of the day is Dynamic oh a sandwich No herby dynamite i have mustard mustard On my sandwich

Herbie Let me say it for you one more time Maybe you guys can help say it say it Nice and loud with me One two three dynamic Oh Okay Dynamics are how quiet or loud music is Wow yeah let’s sing a song with a quiet Dynamic and then we’ll sing one with a Loud dynamic good idea Okay let’s sing row row row your boat First we’ll do it with a quiet dynamic So listen quietly [Music] Row row your boat Down this okay Remember we’re doing a quiet day all Right yeah okay very quietly like we’re In a nice calm lake Yeah One two ready go row row row your boat Gently down the stream merrily merrily Merrily merrily life is but a dream Okay that was wonderful okay now we’re Gonna change the dynamic we’re going to Make the dynamics for day Cause we’re gonna pretend we see a Crocodile Yeah a crocodile Okay one two ready go row row row your Boat gently down the stream If you see a crocodile Don’t forget to scream

Hey everyone we’re gonna do a song with Dynamics did you learn about dynamics Already So what are they That’s right Soft and loud it’s how Soft or loud music is So let’s do a song where we have to Start off really quiet and soft And get really really loud whenever you Hear the word shout so it’s gonna be Like this John Jacob jingleheimer schmidt His name is my name too Whenever [Music] His name is my name too [Music] Oh my gosh you all sound so good Can we do it again this time be really Loud in the loud parts and really quiet In the soft parts let’s try to be really Really quiet ready here we go John Jacob jingleheimer schmidt His name is my name too [Music] Good job everybody using those dynamics Now back to rachel Jump like a froggy jump jump jump Jump like a froggy [Music] [Music]

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Fly [Music] [Music] D [Music] Like a dinosaur [Music] Can you fall asleep Sleep like a baby sleep sleep sleep Sleep like a baby sleep sleep sleep An itty bitty baby in [Music] [Music] [Music] You can be anything you want to be [Music] I’m just saying any syllables that come To mind Spin like a dancer Like a dance [Music] Great job Did you know that Aaron and i wrote that song Yeah we’re composers a composer is Someone who writes songs and we wrote That song together Can you write a song i would love to Hear a song that you write what would You want to write a song about Wow great idea guess what i made A picture What is this a picture of Yeah i made a picture of the sun

Can you make a picture of the sun So we made some rain with our rain song Now we need to make some sun I have a great sun song that we can do To make the sun come out Before we sing it i’m gonna teach you Part of it it goes like this here comes The sun Can you try that and one here comes the Sun good job let’s try it again and one Here comes the sun Beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] Here comes the sun Here comes the sun and i say It’s all right [Music] Little [Music] It seems like a year since it’s been Here Here comes Here comes the sun and i say It’s all right [Music] Can you try that with me One more time [Music] You did it you made the sun come out [Music] Hey everyone guess what it’s time for Instrument of the day

My favorite part the instrument of the Day is the guitar yeah i like Twinkle twinkle little guitar herbie no That’s twinkle twinkle little star oh Right oh i got it it’s like this Let it go tar Let it go tar Right you know herby that’s let it go Let it go that’s from frozen it’s not a Lyric it’s an instrument remember Yes the instrument yeah of the day Jules is going to tell us all about the Guitar Oh I can’t wait Hey guys today’s instrument of the day Is the guitar It sounds so cool I use my fingers To change the notes That you hear [Music] And then if i press my fingers down On All of these strings i can create a Chord And play lots of notes at the same time Like this [Music] Isn’t that awesome Did you know that there are different Types of guitars Let’s see what we got This is an acoustic guitar

It looks kind of like my other one huh And this guitar Is an electric guitar Which means that it has to be plugged in To produce sound Right here All the way down To this Ant That looks like this All right How about we turn it on and see what Happens Oh did you hear that It’s on and we’re ready to rock [Music] Rock and roll Such a different sound than the acoustic Guitar do you all remember what the Acoustic guitar sounded like [Music] So different Well i hope you enjoyed the instrument Of the day And we’ll see you next week Bye Now all we have to do is sing a rainbow Song and the rainbow will come out so I’m going to teach you part of the song So stand up nice and straight we need Good posture And then we’re going to take a deep Breath and sing this I can sing a rainbow

Okay let’s try it together ready go i Can sing a rainbow That was beautiful Now you’re gonna get out Maybe a dish towel or a scarf Or Um a little blanket and we’re gonna Dance and the rainbow’s gonna come out Okay Red and yellow and pink and green purple And orange and blue I can sing a rainbow Sing a rainbow Sing a rainbow too Listen with your eyes listen with your Eyes and sing everything you see I can sing a rainbow Missing a rainbow Sing along with me Red and yellow and pink and green Purple and orange and blue I can sing a [Music] The rainbow came out and it’s so Beautiful Let’s do one two three and throw up the Scarves One two three Oh it’s so pretty Thank you for making a rainbow with me [Music] Again find [Music] Put your hands together

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One two three Put your hands upon your knees [Music] Point to the ceiling point to the floor Point to the window point to the door Put your hands together one two three Put your hands upon your knees [Music] [Applause] [Music] Great Job Hi herbie Hi rachel Oh no herpe looks sad i should ask him What’s wrong Herbie what’s wrong Well i made you a picture But i messed up The green Herbie let me see it Wow I don’t i i don’t want you to see it i Want to rip it up Why It’s not perfect I love this beautiful picture no it Doesn’t have to be perfect it’s Wonderful because you made it It doesn’t have to be Perfect it’s okay to make mistakes I really really love this picture Because it’s from your heart oh but i i Still don’t like it because see i messed

Up right there Okay herbie what would you say to Georgie if this was georgie’s picture That georgie had made georgie’s another Friend of ours what would you say to Georgie well I would be really happy that he drew me A picture yeah And what do you like about the picture Oh i like The swirling clouds do you like those They’re beautiful Yeah I like how you did two different shades Of blue and the clouds and the swirls It’s beautiful oh thank you What else would you tell georgie i would Tell him that it’s Okay not to be perfect and it’s really Beautiful Yeah you should say those things to Yourself things like you would say to Georgie okay i will okay hey would you Want to help me hang this beautiful Picture up i’m gonna hang it up yeah Let’s go hang it up yeah let’s go great It doesn’t have to be perfect it’s Wonderful because you may i made it It doesn’t have to be perfect It’s okay to make mistakes it’s okay To make some mistakes Have you ever made a mistake It’s okay Hey everyone i kind of wanted to show

Off my cool hat Do you know what that is on my hat That’s right it’s pizza and i love pizza So i wrote a song about it do you want To hear it All right here it [Music] Wanna have goes pizza party I wanna have a pizza party with my Friends [Music] I wanna have a pizza party I wanna have a pizza party i wanna have A pizza party with my friends [Music] I said who likes pepperoni me Who likes anchovies i do Who likes mushrooms bell peppers onions Or just cheese That’s me I wanna have a pizza party I wanna have a pizza party I wanna have a pizza party with my Friends [Music] I wanna have a pizza party I wanna have a pizza party I wanna have a pizza party with my Friends I said who likes pepperoni i do who Likes anchovies me Who likes mushrooms bell peppers onions Or just Cheese that’s me

I wanna have a pizza party I wanna have a pizza party I wanna have a pizza party with my Friends Never ends Now let’s do a quiet dynamic and then We’ll get louder when you get louder in Music that’s called this is a really big Word a crescendo Oh can you say that one two three Just try your best okay okay one two Three crescendo How was that that was really good Yeah as long as we try we just try our Best okay let’s try it with a crescendo So we start we’re gonna start quietly And then we’re gonna get louder nintendo Nintendo is a game from like the 80s So not nintendo okay but crescendo okay Okay Um Okay ready go row row If you row a crocodile don’t forget to Scream [Music] Do you know the song somewhere over the Rainbow That song starts with a big leap let me See you do a leak That’s a leap let’s do a leap again one Two three leap yeah it starts with a big Leap listen Somewhere Over the rainbow did you hear the leap

Some Where That’s a leap in music let’s try the Leap while we sing Song Where Good job We did a leap just like the music does a Leap [Music] [Music] Somewhere [Music] And the Dreams that you dare to dream really do Come True That was beautiful great job Huh

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.