Toddlers Learning Videos – Preschool – Songs, Letter B, No David Read Aloud, Days of the Week

Join Ms. Rachel in this fun circle time for toddlers and preschool-age children, where we do a hello song, check the weather, sing our days of the week, do an awesome read aloud ”No David” by David Shannon, learn the letter B and it’s sound, months of the year, numbers 1-10, ABCs, super fun songs and other wonderful preschool skills! Babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners will love this fun circle time that encourages speech and language, phonics, pre-literacy skills, movement, pretend play, and fun!

You can learn at home with Ms. Rachel in this fun and interactive screen time on Songs For Littles!
Rachel has a master’s in music education and has also been a toddler teacher and a preschool for children with special needs. She also has her own sweet two-year-old boy whom she does circle time with Monday through Friday at home!

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#SongsForLittles #toddlerlearningvideos

Guess what it’s time for Circle time Around and around is the name of the Game around and around and what’s your Name Hi it’s so good to see you thank you for Telling me your name i’m going to say my Friend cause you’re my friend my friend Is here today my friend is here today Everybody shout whoo Ray My friend is here today i’m so happy You’re here Around and around is the name of the Game around and around and what’s my Name my name’s miss rachel miss rachel’s Here today miss rachel’s here today Everybody shout hoo Ray Miss rachel’s here today Let’s start with our weather song What’s the weather what’s the weather What’s the weather like today is it Sunny is it cloudy what’s the weather Like today What’s the weather like where you live Wow in new york city it’s sunny Let’s see what the letter of the day is The clue is inside this pink surprise Egg Stay open and i’ll open it and we’ll see What’s inside Oh Ben good job it’s opening

Wow look what’s inside it’s a Bear Hmm That’s our clue what do you think the Bear means Could it mean the letter of the day is What letter bear starts with what letter Does bear start with Sounds like B the letter of the day is b For bear wow that was fun B is a letter b is the sound that it Makes b Is the b B for ball Let’s sing our days of the week can you Sing along with me and snap your fingers Days of the week Days of the week Days of the week days of the week days Of the week There’s sunday and there’s monday There’s tuesday and there’s wednesday There’s thursday and there’s friday and Then there’s saturday days of the week Days of the week days of the week days Of the week days of the week There’s sunday and there’s monday There’s tuesday and there’s wednesday There’s thursday and there’s friday and Then there’s saturday days of the Week Yay You did such a great job singing your

Days of the week the shape of the day is A circle Can you find something in your house That’s shaped like a circle I’m gonna go find something in my house That’s shaped like a circle i found the Bottom of a cup is shaped like a circle This is my cup and it’s shaped like a Circle on the bottom Wow what color is this cup by the way It’s pink Pink and pink can you guess what my Favorite color is Pink Next let’s do two circle time songs one Two A song i really like right now is about Bubble gum Okay so get out some pretend bubble gum What color is yours Mine’s pink Put it in your mouth And we’re gonna chew it Are you chewing your gum Okay now we’re gonna blow a really big Bubble are you ready Wow Oh no Our bubble popped and the sticky Bubblegum is all over our hands [Music] Stick to your head And you pull them And you pull them

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And you pull them away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Stick to your ears [Music] [Music] Makes your hands stick to your knees Are they underneath and you pull them And you pull them and you pull them away [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] Stick to your grown-up put them on your [Music] That was so fun One more time Yay That was so much fun the more we get Together together together the more we Get together [Music] Next is our circle time book It’s called no david by david shannon Can you say no This is how we say no we shake our head No No What’s david trying to get Some fish

Uh-oh David’s mom always said no david What’s david doing Uh oh he’s coloring on the Wall We need to color on the paper right keep The markers on the paper and the crayons On the paper No david What’s he doing now He’s trying to get the cookies [Music] No david no So dirty Is a sign for dirty Uh oh The floor got Dirty No no no Uh oh What’s david doing He’s in the Bath Bath begins with but b He’s in the bath but there’s too much Water Splashing on the floor Oh No Come back here david uh oh So silly David be Quiet What is david doing

He’s hitting a Pan and it’s too Loud Don’t play with your food We shouldn’t play with our food right we Should Eat this is the sign for eat eat our Food That’s enough david Go to your room How is david feeling Uh I think he might be feeling sad or mad Probably no more Tv he has to go to his room Settle down What is he doing now he’s jumping on the Bed Mama probably doesn’t want him to get Hurt or bump his head like the monkeys Stop that this instant Uh oh he’s putting his finger in his Nose that’s yucky put your toys away He needs to put his toys away it’s quite Messy Maybe you should sing the cleanup song Clean up clean up everybody everywhere Clean up clean up everybody do your Share Not in the house david What does his mommy mean she doesn’t Want him to do what in the house play Ball Yeah he has his bat and his ball

Oh wow there’s a vase on the table what Do you think might happen if he hits his Ball in the house I said no david oh no I think david feels Sad because he accidentally broke his Mommy’s face how did it break Yeah cause he was playing ball in the House Davey come here Yes david i love you David’s mommy loves him so Much she’s giving him a Hug Your grown-ups and your parents love you So much That was a good story what was your Favorite part My favorite part was when david’s mommy Gave him a hug Because i think hugs are so nice Let’s dance and practice our numbers One Two Three Four Five Six [Music] Seven Eight Nine [Music] Ten

Guess what i have A baby doll So cute Baby but Baby what letter does that sound like But B It sounds like b Giving the baby a hug Where where where Oh no The baby is crying What should i do I’ll give the baby a bottle here’s a Pretend bottle of milk But Bottle what letter does that sound like But It also sounds like bee Giving the baby a bottle The baby stopped crying she likes the Bottle The baby’s drinking the bottle I pretended to feed the baby and now She’s all dirty she got food all over Her Dad What should i do I should give her a Bath that’s right This is the baby’s bathtub what color is It Yeah it’s pink But but bathtub but but bath what letter

Does that sound like Yeah it also sounds like b i’m going to Put the pretend baby doll in the bath And Now she’s in the bath Now i’m going to pour in some water Shh [Applause] Pretending to pour water on the baby Now i’ll put some soap on a washcloth This is the washcloth it’s also pink And i’m wearing pink and my headband’s Pink Put the soap on the washcloth Now i’m gonna wash the baby She likes it in the bath Wash the baby’s feet I think her feet are ticklish She likes getting washed giving the baby A bath This is the way we take a bath take a Bath take a bath this is the way we take A bath it’s so much fun Now i’m going to rinse the baby off with Some clean water because she’s all soapy She likes it Now i think i’ll take the baby out of The Bath out Now she’s out of the bath Now i’m going to wrap the baby in a nice Warm towel Wrap the baby in a towel She likes being nice and warm in the

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Towel thank you for helping me give the Baby a bath [Music] Jump like a froggy jump jump jump Jump like a froggy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Stop like a dinosaur stop stop stop good Job stop like a dinosaur stop stop stop A big green dinosaur on the ground stomp Like [Music] Can you fall asleep Sleep like a baby sleep sleep sleep Sleep like a [Music] [Music] Swim like a fishy Like a fishy [Music] That’s scanning i’m just saying any Syllables that come to mind Spin like a dancer Can you be a dancer spin like a dancer [Music] Jump like a froggy [Music] Great job What do we play catch with a ball Or a truck We play catch with a ball good job see Catch the ball

Catch the ball throw the ball catch the Ball we play catch with a ball Let’s sing our months of the year January february march and april May and june and july August september october november December These are the months of the year oh These are the months of the year Fill them with [Applause] [Music] This car has three parts count with me One Two Three One Then we put this on Two We need one more part three it has three Parts should we do that again Thank you for making my car i love my Car Wow She liked that we made her car should we Make her car again do you remember how Many parts there were One Two Three there were three parts One Oh no my car’s in three parts can you Make it sure we’ll make your car One

[Music] Two Three It’s me Should we put it in Put it in put it in put it in we made The car thank you so much now i can Drive to school Oh driving to school Bye bye Can you do this Great job can you try it backwards Wow good job we’re gonna do that in a Song are you ready [Music] Point to the ceiling point to the floor Point to the window point to the door Put your hands together one two three Put your hands upon your knees [Music] Clap clap Point to the ceiling point to the floor Point to the window point to the door Put your hands together one two three Put [Music] [Applause] [Music] Great job How many bunnies do i have count with me One Two Two bunnies Which bunny is bigger

Good job this gray bunny is bigger and This little brown bunny is smaller How many babies do i have count with me One Two Two babies One of the babies is bigger Which one is bigger This one is bigger and this one is Smaller [Music] A b c d e f g H i j k l m n o p q r s T u v W X Y and z Now i know my abcs Next time won’t you sing with me [Music] A b c d e f g H i j k l m n o p Q r s T u v W X Y and z Now i know my abcs Time won’t you sing with me What do you think is inside the garage Hmm let’s check Wow Inside the garage is a car Wow that’s a magnet so it sticks

What do you think’s in the doghouse Let’s open it open oh it’s a dog there Was a dog in the doghouse What do you think is in the bird cage Hmm It’s a bird i think this is a parrot Bye green parrot bye bye what do you Think is inside the treasure box Treasure Wow Oh wow we found treasure today What do you think’s inside the cookie Jar What could it be Open Cookies how many cookies can you count One Two Three There are three cookies in the cookie Jar what do you think’s gonna be in the Red barn Let’s open and check say open Open Oh it’s a What is that Cow The cow says Moo Moo Moo What do you think’s in the lunchbox say Open Open

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Wow I see three things I see an apple A sandwich And a drink that looks like a nice lunch Bye bye lunch close the door what do you Think’s gonna be in the oven Say open Open Oh i think it’s dinner it’s a turkey Dinner hmm Can you smell the turkey cooking Bye bye turkey clothes Old mcdonald’s had a farm e e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a Pig good job Pig E-i-e-i-o with an oink oink here and an Oink oink there here an oink there an Oink everywhere an oink oink old Macdonald had a Pig e-i-e-i-o Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a What is that Doc good job e-i-e-i-o With a quack quack here and a quack Quack there here a quack Let’s see who comes out next Old macdonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o And on his farm he had a Sheep good job E-i-e-i-o

With a baa baa here and a baa baa there Here a baa there a baa everywhere [Music] Now i’m going to have you fill in all The animals Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on his farm he had a E-i-e-i-o with a neigh neigh here and a Neigh neigh there here a neigh there in A everywhere Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a Great job filling in the animals i’m Proud of you how many blocks do you Think we can stack let’s see One Two Three Four Five Count with me Six Seven Eight uh oh The blocks fell down I guess it’s time to clean them up clean Up clean up everybody everywhere clean Up clean up everybody do your Good job you said share do your share Yeah i’m so happy because you’re here With me singing Let’s sing if you’re happy and you know It clap your hands if you’re happy and You know it clap your hands

If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it stomp Your feet stomp strong if you’re happy And you know it stomp your feet stomp Stomp if you’re happy and you know it And you really want to show [Music] [Music] Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it shout hooray hooray if You’re happy and you know it do all Three not clap stop stop hooray if You’re happy and you know it do all Three [Music] If you’re happy and you know it turn Around If you’re happy and you know it turn Around If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it turn around If you’re happy and you know it touch Your nose If you’re happy and you know it touch Your nose If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it touch your nose That was so much fun now it’s our last

Time let’s clap our hands again If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hands Yay Great job You

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.