Toddler Learning Video Words, Songs and Signs! Baby’s First Words Speech and Language Development

Toddler Learning Video Words, Songs and Signs – Practice speech and language development with fun songs, games and flash cards. Practice and learn new words! Your baby can learn and your toddler can learn through songs and games. Toddler speech learning videos baby first songs Baby’s First Words for toddlers and babies. Thanks for watching our music class!

”Georgie” puppet Copyright 2016 – David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

Milk Milk This is the sign for milk can you do That Milk We ask for milk like this We ask for milk like this When we’re thirsty and need a drink we Ask for milk like this the baby is Drinking milk from a bottle Milk Bottle Cup Cup Cup Drink Drink The boy is drinking the water from the Cup Give the bunny a drink The bunny is drinking Food Food eat The girl is eating Eat Eat High chair High chair High chair The boy is eating The boy is eating in his high chair the Boy is eating in his high chair we asked To eat like this We asked to eat like this

When we’re hungry and need a snack we Asked to eat like this Eat Eat Eat Eat Give the bunny a banana Eating pretend Give the bunny a banana to eat Next let’s do my favorite song it’s Called open shut them for that we need Our two hands One Two are you ready [Music] [Music] Creep [Music] But do not let them that was so fun Stroller Stroller Stroller Stroller Go outside Go outside in the stroller We’re going outside in the stroller [Music] The water spout Down came the rain [Music] Crib Crib Crib The baby is sleeping in the crib

Let’s be quiet The baby is sleeping Sleep the girl is sleeping in the bed The girl is sleeping in the bed Sleep Sleep The baby is sitting in the crib The baby is happy Can you do the sign for more This means more The more we get together together Together the more we get together the Happier we’ll be Cause your friends are my friends and my Friends are your friends the more we get Together the happier it will be Can you try the sign for more More Good job Sit The girl is sitting in a chair Sit Sit Stand The girl is standing Stand let’s do the wheels on the bus can You get out your wheels good job the Wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round round and round the Wheels on the bus go round [Music] The horn on the bus goes beep beep All through the town the wipers on the Bus go swish swish swish swish swish

Swish swish swish swish swipers on the Bus go swish swish swish all through the Town The doors on the bus go open and shut Open and shut open and shut the doors on The bus go open and shut All through the town The babies on the bus go where where Where where where [Music] Shhh [Music] Say i love you i love you i love you the Mommies on the bus say i love you too All through the town The money on the bus goes clink clink Clink clink clink clink clink clink Clink clink clink the money on the bus Goes clink clink clink all through the Town The driver on the bus says move on back Move on back move on back the driver on The bus says move on back all through The town The people on the bus go up and [Music] Let’s go back to the wheels can you do The wheels again Great job the wheels on the bus go round And round round and round round and Round the wheels on the bus go round and Round all through the town All through the town Can you clap that was great

Teddy bear Teddy bear Bear Toys Toys Toys Toys Hey georgie hi guess what i have Two Cars cars two cars one two oh i’m gonna Say ready set and then you say go and We’ll make the cars go okay Yeah Ready Set [Applause] Go Yay Yay That’s great Ball ball Ball Ball Throw the ball The boy is throwing the ball Throw Throw Throw the ball Catch the ball Throw catch The baby found a ball Roll the ball Kick the ball Kick the ball

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Kick Kick Kick Hi Oh hi herbie hi everybody I’m playing with play-doh oh i love Play-doh for this you have to push push Push Can you say push Push Okay i’m gonna save ready set and then You’re gonna say go and we’ll see what Happens you say go too okay Ready Set Go Push push Whoa whoa that’s long and now we’re Gonna pull down pull pull pull So much fun it’s a snake Oh yeah Good job herbie high five All right Books Books Books Books Read The girl is reading a book Read Read Look what i have it’s a really cool Pig Pig

Put it in put it and put it And It made a sound let’s try again Put it in put it and put it And good job Should we do another one put it in put It in put it In i heard you good job Now let’s take the coins Out We opened it and now we take the coins Out Shoes Put on shoes Shoes Give me Can you say me give me Give Me Give Me Hat Hat Hat Hat Hat Hat Clap Can you clap Clap your hands Clap Clap Clap Clap

I’m so happy Because you’re here with me singing Let’s sing if you’re happy and you know It clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands [Music] [Music] Stomp [Music] If you’re happy [Music] [Music] If you’re happy and you know it turn Around If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it turn around If you’re happy and you know it touch Your nose If you’re happy and you know it touch Your nose If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it touch your nose That was so much fun now it’s our last Time let’s clap our hands again If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you

Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hands Yay Great job Cook The girl is cooking Cook Cook Stir the food Stir Pretend stir the tea give the bunny a Bottle of milk The bunny is drinking the bottle of milk Pretending with the bunny He likes the milk The bunny is crying Give him the milk Give the bunny the milk Now he’s sleeping Shh Good night bunny Sneeze Sneeze Sneeze turn it on turn it on turn it on Your turn Turn it on turn it on turn it Good job Rachel My potato head’s missing his face Oh no i know what is he gonna do Everybody needs a nose everybody needs Eyes Well maybe the kids at home can help us Get the face on again can you help

What does he need here That’s right eyes eyes very good let’s Put them In push Push Now he has eyes wait all right good oh But what about a nose yeah what does he Need here Uh No that’s right Let’s push it in Push wow now he has a nose right But he can’t hear anything Oh no no What do we need to hear It goes right here and here That’s right ears oh let’s put them in Okay Two ears Hmm what does he need here Hmm Nose No he already has a nose oh yeah He needs a Mouse Yeah Let’s put in the mouth okay Push push it in Yeah Now he needs these what are these called Hmm Arms that’s right How many Arms one

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Two Whoa Two arms yeah now we’re gonna put Something on the top of his head what’s That called A hat that’s right okay Should we do a blue hat That’s very nice Or a green hat hmm I like green okay he’s gonna have a Green hat Eyes eyes nose nose mouth Mouth feet Feet he’s all set that’s great but He doesn’t have very good vision oh Hmm Maybe he needs These yeah glasses glasses Let’s put them on Ah Yay very nice thanks so much for your Help you did great thanks for helping Pants Pants Pants Pants Socks Put on socks Socks Socks Shirt Shirt Shirt Hey

Let’s sing head shoulders knees and toes Are you ready Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes head shoulders knees and toes knees And toes and eyes and ears and mouth and Nose head shoulders knees and toes knees And toes Great singing Let’s do it with the potato head Shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes and eyes and ears and mouth and Nose head shoulders knees and toes knees And toes That was so fun next let’s get into our Boats Get out your paddles Row row row your boat gently down the Stream Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is But a dream That was so much fun This time let’s pretend we see a Crocodile Are you ready here we go Row row row your boat gently down the Stream If you see a crocodile don’t forget to Scream [Music] Diaper Diaper Diaper Diaper we asked to have a change we

Asked to have a change when our diaper Is so full we asked to have a change Pacifier Passy Biggie Pacifier Pacifier The boy likes his Pacifier pacifier oh he spit it out Bowl Bowl Bowl Bowl Plate Plate plate Plate Spoon Spoon Spoon Fork Fork Bowl spoon and fork Look what i have it’s a fire Truck a fire truck I’m gonna say turn it on turn it on turn It and then you say on and i’ll press The button and we’ll see what happens Turn it on turn it on turn it Good job Wow Turn it on turn it on turn it On A siren Wow

[Music] Good job Bath Bath Bath tub Taking a bath is fun Bath Bath Towel Pajamas Pajamas Pajamas Pajamas Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles Blow bubbles Ready Set Wow beautiful bubbles pop pop Ready set Go Pop Pop Pop I’m gonna try and pop some Pop Pop that’s fun Oh no georgie oh no This hedgehog is missing its spikes oh No can you help me yeah what can i do You say in and then i’ll put them back

In okay that’s the magic word i want to Help okay in Good In In Good job In In it’s helping it is yeah great job Hooray In put it in put it in put it in good Job Let’s sing that song again it’s really Helping yeah Put it in put it and put it in Good job put it and put it and put it in Good singing thank you he’s almost back To himself oh good put it in put it and Put it In Good job two more okay put it in He’s got all his spikes again hooray i Was so worried you did it good job Thanks Thanks for the hug Mama Mama Dada Dada Can you say mama [Music] Can you say my name Or you can fill in danda Can you say da Da da da

Can you say my name Microphone Can you talk in the microphone [Music] Your turn I’ll say ready set and you say go Like this Ready Set Go Now it’s your turn Ready Set Oh Good job Ready Set [Music] Go The car went down down Down down Ready Set [Applause] Down down down Yay Clap turn it on turn it on turn it On Yay Your turn Turn it on turn it on turn it Good job Put it in put it in put it in Put it in put it in put it

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In Put it in put it in put it In And put it in put it and put it In Put it in put it in put it In Good job Put it in put it and put it In All right Okay let’s get out one little blue fish Are you ready One little blue fish swimming in the Water one little blue fish swimming [Music] Two little red fish swimming in the Water two little red fish swimming in The water two little red fish swimming In the water Bubble pop That was fun Let’s do three yellow fish Three little yellow fish swimming in the Water three little yellow fish swimming In the water three little yellow fish [Music] Great job I’m a little teapot short and stout Here is my handle here is my spout When i get all steamed up hear me Tip Me over and pour me out Now let’s do it with a toy teapot i’m a

Little teapot short and stout Here is my handle and here is my spout When i get all steamed up hear me shout Tick me over and pour me out [Music] You want to see the magic It’s magic tea For this next song we’re going to sing Part of it quiet [Music] Music we call quiet piano The next part we’re going to sing loud And music we call that forte And we’re gonna pretend to be bunnies It’s gonna be so much fun [Music] Part wake up little bunnies Hospital bunnies [Music] Hop hop hop hop little bunnies Now [Music] [Music] [Music] That’s the alarm clock wake up little Bunnies Skip little [Music] Should we hop again let’s do it Are you ready [Music] [Music] Yay Great job

Old macdonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a Pig good job Pig E-i-e-i-o with an oink oink here and an Oink oink there here an oink there and Oink everywhere an oink oink old Macdonald had a Pig e-i-e-i-o Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a What is that Doc good job e-i-e-i-o With a quack quack here and a quack Quack there here a quack there a quack Everywhere quack quack old macdonald had A farm e-i-e-i-o Let’s you comes out next Old macdonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o And on his farm he had a Sheep good job E-i-e-i-o With a baa baa here and a baa baa there Here a baa there a baa everywhere a baa Baa old macdonald had a [Music] E-i-e-i-o now i’m gonna have you fill in All the animals Old macdonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o And on his farm he had a [Music]

Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a E-i-e-i-o with a black box here and a Block there here a block there buck Everywhere Old macdonald had a chicken E-i-e-i-o Great job filling in the animals i’m Proud of you Next let’s do the itsy-bitsy spider i’m Gonna need your help Here’s the House Now let’s get the spider the itsy bitsy Spider went up the water spout Down came the Rain that’s right so let’s put a Cloud And what did you say Rain Let’s see how much rain we have one Two Three Down came the rain and washed the spider Out Out came the Sun that’s right so we take off the rain Out came the Sun and dried up all the rain That’s the sun And the itsy bitsy spider Went up the spout uh Again good job thanks for singing with Me

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.