Simple Subtraction for Kids (Math Facts) | Practice Subtraction Facts for Children

#learningtimefun #kidslearningvideos #kidsmath
Learn simple subtraction for kids with our Learning Time Fun math series! Get ready to practice subtraction facts for children in a classroom setting. Prime your child or student to help them focus on single digit subtraction for kids with fun upbeat music. Math facts are part of a solid foundation for children’s mathematical exploration. We hope you enjoy learning simple subtraction math facts with us today! Happy Learning! 🙂

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Learning Time Fun creates awesome kid’s educational videos for preschool age children up to 3rd grade. We specialize in educational subjects such as sight words, the opposites, telling the time, word families, and feelings and emotions, just to name a few. Learning Time Fun was created by a former stay-at-home dad who loves education in all its forms. For more information about Learning Time Fun’s story and free educational resources for kids, check out our website at

Let’s learn subtraction math facts [Music] Ten [Music] Minus [Music] Nine Equals [Music] One ten minus nine Equals one Eight Minus [Music] Five eight minus five Equals Three [Music] Nine Minus [Music] Two nine minus Two equals Nine minus two equals seven [Music] Nine [Music] Minus Five nine minus Five equals Four nine minus five Equals four Seven [Music]

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Minus [Music] One seven minus One equals [Music] Six seven minus one Equals six Seven Minus [Music] Five seven minus five Equals Two seven minus five equals Two Nine Minus Four nine minus Four equals Five nine minus four Equals five Nine [Music] Minus One nine minus one Equals [Music] Eight nine minus one Equals eight

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.