Learn Word Families for Children (-IGHT WORDS, -OP WORDS, – EST WORDS, + More)

#learningtimefun #learningvideosfortoddlers #wordfamilies
Learn to read the word families for children with important word endings including -IGHT words, -OP words, -EST words, -EEP words, -ORE words, and -AIN words. This young learner educational video is great for preschoolers, kindergarten students, first graders, and second graders who need to learn popular word families in a simple and easy to understand way using phonics and images. Through phonics and easy to understand videos your child or classroom will learn 6 different important word families. We hope you enjoy learning word families with us!

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Learning Time Fun creates awesome kid’s educational videos for preschool age children up to 3rd grade. We specialize in educational subjects such as sight words, the opposites, telling the time, word families, and feelings and emotions, just to name a few. Learning Time Fun was created by a former stay-at-home dad who loves education in all its forms. For more information about Learning Time Fun’s story and free educational resources for kids, check out our website at

Let's learn word families with eye words Repeat the eight words after me Hmm I Um I Knight Sight Sight Oh I Oh I'd light Light ER I ER I Right right Tight Tight Hmm I Hmm I'd might Might Height Um I Um Night night ER All right Fur All right Right

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Oh I Oh I Flight Fur All right fur Height Right Right Great job Let's learn word families with OP words Repeat the up words after me Um Up Mop Mop up Ha Pop Up Up Top Top Ah Ah Pop Ah Ah Pop Pop Curve up Purr Ah Crap Crap

Ah Duh Up Stop Huh Der Ah drop drop Off Shop Her Ah Purr Ah Crap Crap Cha Ah Up Shop Awesome job Let's learn word families with s words Repeat the S words after me Asked but Asked Best best Asked Test Test ER Asked ER EST Rest Um Nest nest

What Asked what Asked West West Asked Vest vest Asked Asked Pest Pest S Asked Zest Zest Ja asked Je Asked Just Go Asked Ga Asked Guest Guest What Asked quote Asked Quest Quest Chat asked Chest Chest Well done Let's learn word families with Eep words Repeat the Eep words after me

Sleep Sleep Cup E Keep Death Beep Beep Eep Eep peep Ja E j E EP Jeep Sheep Sheep sweep Sweep Stuff Steep Cur E Creep Hurry Foreign Great job Let's learn word families with or words Repeat the or words after me Um Or Hmm Or more More Or

But Or or Soar Sore or Snore Snore Or Shh Or sure Or Or Chuck Or sure Sure Stuff or Stuff or Door Store scuff Or scuff or Gore Gore Oh or Lore lore Or or or Tore Tor Awesome job Let's learn word families with Ain words Repeat the aim words after me ER Aim ER Aim brain Rain Aim Kane

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Pain Aim Aim Vain Vain Aim Aim gain Game Burr Aim Burr Aim brain Brain Cha Aim sure Ain't Shane Shane Aim Aim Stain Stain Drain drain Tur ain't Turn Aim Terrain Train Aim grain grain Pull Aim pull Ain plane Plane Great job

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.