Learn to read with SIGHT WORDS | kids learning videos | abc phonics | LOTTY LEARNS

Let’s learn to read! Reading is fun when you learn with sight word apps. Join Lotty as she plays different sight words learning apps on her tablet. This fun kids learning video is perfect for learning sight words (popcorn words) and abc’s. This reading lesson even includes the full abc phonics, along with the Itsy Bitsy Spider and the abc song! Learn all of the letter sounds and sing along with Lotty and friends.

Lottylearns.com sight words one Hello friend i’m lottie and these are my Friends fuzz chuck and chip Today we’re going to learn some new Words all you have to do is remember how These words look and how they sound say Them with me this first word is and A N D And [Music] This word is we W e we [Music] This is the word the T H E The This word is u Y O u [Music] It’s time to review is there anything in My backpack that can help us Hmm What should we use Awesome pick let’s play a lottie learns App Which word says You [Music] Yep

How about and [Music] Can you find we [Music] Great Which word says am [Music] And how about the Amazing Nice job you just won a sticker We had such a fun time with you if you Forget any of these words just watch the Video again to practice See you soon Lottylearns.com Sight words 2 Hi there friend i’m chuck and this is Chip hi there today we’re going to learn A few new words It’s easy all you have to do is remember How these words look and how they sound Here we go This first word is [Music] This is the word Not N [Music] This word is With w I t H with And the last word is She

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S h e Gold star [Music] It’s time to review is there anything in My backpack that can help us Hmm What should we use Awesome pic Let’s play a game Which word says R [Music] Yup How about She [Music] Can you find Not [Music] Great Which word says See And how about with [Music] Amazing Nice job you just won a sticker We had such a fun time with you if you Forget any of these words just watch the Video again to practice See you soon Lottylearns.com Sight words three Hello friend i’m lottie and today we’re Going to learn a few new words

All you have to do is remember how these Words look and how they sound Say them with me Here we go This first word is can c A n Care This word is said S A I D Said This is the word me [Music] And the last word is in I n [Music] It’s time to review is there anything in My backpack that can help us [Music] What should we use Awesome pic let’s play a lottie learns App Which word says got [Music] Yep How about me [Music] Can you find in [Music] Great Which word says can [Music]

And how about said Amazing Nice job you just won a sticker We had such a fun time with you If you need more practice go to our Website or check out our free apps in The link below Lottylearns.com Sight words four Hello friend i’m lottie and i’m chuck And today we’re going to learn a few new Words All you have to do is remember how these Words look and how they sound Say them with me Here we go This first word is two T O Two this is the word is I S Is This word is but B U t But This word is get g e t Get And the last word is Has H a S Has

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Gold star It’s time to review is there anything in My backpack that can help us Hmm What should we use Awesome pick let’s play a game Which word says is [Music] Yup How about has [Music] Can you find two [Music] Great Which word says but [Music] And how about get Amazing Nice job you just won a sticker We had such a fun time with you If you need more practice go to our Website or check out our free apps in The link below Lottylearns.com Sight words five Hello friend i’m lottie and these are my Friends fuzz chuck and chip hello today We’re going to learn some new words all You have to do is remember how these Words look and how they sound say them With me This first word is at A T

At This word is Did D I d Did This is the word my M Y My This word is For F O R [Music] It’s time to review is there anything in My backpack that can help us Hmm What should we use Awesome pick Let’s play a game Which word says Did Great How about four [Music] Yep can you find at Nice job Which word says My Yep and how about up Nice job you just won a sticker We had such a fun time with you if you

Forget any of these words just watch the Video again to practice See you Soon lottylearns.com [Music] Went up the water [Music] Baby brother spider [Music] Up [Music] Lottylearns.com [Music] Uppercase A b c d e f g H i j k l m n o p Q r s T u v W X Y and z Now i know my abcs Next time won’t you sing with me Lowercase A b c d e f g H i j k l m n o p Q r s T u v W X Y and z Now i know my abcs Next time won’t you sing with me Gold star

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That was all of the upper and lower case Letters great job if you ever forget What the letters look like just watch This video again thanks for learning With us we had such a fun time with you Hope you visit us again soon [Music] Apple A is for Apple B [Music] Bear B is for Bear [Music] C Cake [Music] C is for cake [Music] Dog D is for [Music] Elephant [Music] F Frog F is for Frog [Music] H [Music] House

[Music] H is for House [Music] I i Iguana [Music] Is for Iguana [Music] Jay [Music] Jellyfish [Music] J is for Jellyfish Okay [Music] O [Music] L is for Lion M M Monster M is for Monster [Music] N Nose [Music] N is for Nose [Music]

O Ah Octopus [Music] O is for Octopus [Music] P Pizza [Music] Q is for Queen R Robot [Music] Rs4 Robot [Music] S Spider [Music] S is for Spider T [Music] Turtle T is for Turtle [Music] Umbrella [Music] Vegetables These for Vegetables

W [Music] Wizard W is for Wizard [Music] X Why [Music] Yellow [Music] Y is for Yellow [Music] Zebra [Music] Z is for Zebra Abc phonics Visit lottylearns.com for more free Videos apps games and more [Music] Click here to watch the next video And don’t forget to subscribe to our Channel [Music]

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.