-EST Words for Kids | Read the -EST Words for Kindergarten (Word Family Series)

#learningtimefun #wordfamilies #learningvideosforchildren
Help your child or kindergarten and 1st grade classrooms learn to sound out and read -EST words with Learning Time Fun’s word family series! The -EST words for children learning video we have created will help your child learn to read -EST words through a combination of phonics, visual, and reading scenes. -EST words are found often in the English language and we hope your child or classroom really enjoys learning how to spell and sound out -EST words with Learning Time Fun!

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Learning Time Fun creates awesome kid’s educational videos for preschool age children up to 3rd grade. We specialize in educational subjects such as sight words, the opposites, telling the time, word families, and feelings and emotions, just to name a few. Learning Time Fun was created by a former stay-at-home dad who loves education in all its forms. For more information about Learning Time Fun’s story and free educational resources for kids, check out our website at

Let’s learn word families with s words Repeat the s words after me [Music] Est Best Best The boy did his Best The boy Did his Best Asked [Music] Test Test She takes A Test She takes a [Music] Rest Rest He likes to Rest He likes to Rest Hmm Est Est Nest Nest The bird sleeps in a Nest The bird

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Sleeps In a [Music] West West West Is [Music] [Music] Vest vest He wears a Vest He Wears a Vest Asked Asked Passed Passed The fly Is a Pest The fly is a Pest [Music] Asked Guest Guest He is a pool Guest He is a pool Guest J Est

Jest Jest She makes a Jest She makes a Jest [Music] Zest Zest Orange Zest Is healthy Orange zest Is Healthy Est Quest Quest The wizard is on A Quest The wizard Is on A Quest [Music] Chest Chest The chest Is Locked The chest Is Locked

Awesome job

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.