Speech Practice Video for Toddlers and Babies – Speech Delay Toddler – Learn To Talk Videos

This speech practice video for toddlers and babies encourages children to learn to talk. If your child has a speech delay, consult your pediatrician and a speech therapist. This video includes tips from Chatterbox NYC speech therapists. Ms Rachel, who is in the video, is not a speech therapist. This video is for toddlers, babies and has information for parents and caregivers. It focuses on speech and language development. Gestures and imitation are important in the development of speech and language. Pretend play and taking turns are also important. This speech video also uses simple songs to help practice gestures and imitation. In our educational videos for toddlers, gestures, speech, and creative play are practiced. You can find Chatterbox at chatterboxnyc.com They are brilliant speech language pathologists (SLPS) that offer virtual sessions.

Other tips you may find helpful:

Hold a toy that turns on, pops up, lights up etc away from the child. Say, “Ready, set…” and then if they make any sound, make the toy work. Then say, “YAY! You said “GO” If they cannot make any sounds, make the toy work when they look at you. This teaches them the power of their voice and communication. Don’t say, “No, say, Go” if they say “eh” or “ah” You want them to know that using their voice helps them get things! Any sound is celebrated!

If your child is late on the milestone of pointing, you can help shape their hand into a point and have them point at something they want. Then give them the item the want.

To teach the sign for more, you can give the child a little of their favorite food. Then say, “Do you want MORE?” and do the sign for more. Help them (hand over hand) do the sign for more. Then give them a little more of the food. Repeat many times.

You can put a toy in a clear container with a cover so they have to ask for help getting it.

You can put toys on tall shelves so they need to point and ask for the toy.

You can sing songs with gestures and dance moves and encourage them to imitate.

You can practice taking turns by doing things like stacking blocks and saying “YOUR TURN” then saying “MY TURN” and putting on a block

You can slow down and simplify your words. Talk louder.

You can also practice hand over hand with the gestures like doing the gestures of the wheels on the bus.

#speechpracticevideo #speechvideosfortoddlers #speechvideoforbabies #learntotalk #talking time

”Georgie” puppet Copyright 2016 – David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master’s in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher and has a sweet 2-year-old boy who inspired her online baby music classes and learning videos!

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Peek-a-boo peek-a-boo I see you pika Good job look what i found Bubbles yay Ready set Go beautiful Bubbles pop Ready set Go wow Bubble bubble Bubble should we do more More bubbles i think we should do More ready Set Go We ask for more like this we ask for More like this More milk more food we ask for more like This Can you do more more Milk more to eat i have two Cars i want more I have three cars i want more cars More [Music] More cars more Wow let me put them in my pocket I want more more More more cars Wow i have so many [Music] Cars [Music] Should we give elmo a cookie yeah

He’s so happy we gave him a cookie Okay let’s get into our fire truck are You ready Hurry hurry drive the fire truck hurry Hurry drive the fire truck hurry hurry Drive the fire truck ding ding ding ding Ding now it’s time to turn the corner Hurry hurry turn Now it’s time to climb the ladder hurry Hurry climb the ladder hurry hurry climb The ladder hurry hurry climb the ladder Ding ding ding ding ding Get out the hose we gotta squirt the Water are you ready Hurry hurry squirt the water hurry hurry Squirt the water hurry hurry squirt the Water ding ding ding ding ding we did it We put out the fire great job now we’re Gonna go back to the station Slowly slowly slowly Back [Music] Great job firefighters high five Can you clap clap Wow this is clapping Clap good job I’m pointing to the car i’m pointing to The car I’m pointing to the thing i want i’m Pointing to the car Can you point good job Pointing to the car i want Give me good job This is the way we say hello say hello

Say hello this is the way we say hello It’s nice To meet you yay Hi can you say hi Hi can you wave hello Hello good job Hi i give my friend a high five I give my friend a high five i did it Yay you did it hooray I give my friend a high five high five Yay Do the wheels on the bus can you get out Your wheels Good job the wheels on the bus go round And round Round and round round and round the Wheels on the bus go round and round [Music] The wipers on the bus go swish swish Swish Swish swish swish swish swish swish the Wipers on the bus go swish swish swish All through the town the doors on the Bus go Open and shut [Music] The babies on the bus go where where Where Where where where [Music] Shhh Say i love you i love you I love you the mommies on the bus say i Love you too

All [Music] The driver on the bus says move on back Move on back move on back the driver on The bus says Move on back all through the town The people on the bus go up and down Up and down up and down the people On the bus go up and down all Through the town let’s go back to the Wheels can you do the wheels again Great job the wheels on the bus go round And round Round and round round and round the Wheels on the bus go round and round All through the town all through the Town [Applause] Yay can you clap that was great Let’s see what this toy does turn it on Turn it on turn it On Where did it go i found you Where are you I love you Look what i found wow You say pop and we’ll see if it pops up One two three pop Whoa that was cool let’s do it Again this is the sign for again let’s Do more Again Set go That was fun ready

Set [Music] [Applause] Go Oh no the baby is crying What should we do maybe we should give The baby some Milk can you say that Milk you said milk and the milk came out Good job give baby milk Give baby bottle drinking bottle The baby is drinking a bottle Oh she’s all done all done The milk is gone all done bottle All done She’s happy now can you make one of your Stuffed animals hop Get a stuffed animal hop Hop hop good job hop Hop hop yay See the bunny sleeping till it’s nearly Noon Shall we wake them with a merry tune [Music] Wake up little bunnies [Music] Wake ups Ding ding ding ding ding that’s the Alarm clock wake up little bunnies Skip little bunny skip skip skip skip Little bunny skip skip skip Skip little bunny skip skip skip Should we hop again let’s do it are you Ready

Time to hop hop little bunnies [Music] Great job oh no The pig is going up up Up up and on top of rachel’s head That’s so silly so silly Uh Oh no the pig fell down I’m okay i like doing that the pig Likes it up up Up up up Oh no the pig is on My head so silly Ready set Go oh The pig fell down mwah give the pig a Kiss Can you blow a kiss Blow a kiss [Music] Can you make your lips look like a fishy Can you be so silly and make your lips Look like a fishy Fish loops fish loops So silly blow A kiss blow a kiss We’re gonna give this baby some broccoli So we open the broccoli open And we’re gonna pour it into our little Bowl pour This is pouring can you say pour help me Pour Pour good job Now we’re gonna add some water from her

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Bottle To her bowl so we pour some water in We have to squeeze this say squeeze Squeeze Squeeze the water squeeze Squeeze now what do we do with this Spoon We um mix We mix up her food mixing Food mixing Food mix mix mix this is the way We mix the food mix the food mix the Food this is the way we mix the food For the baby can you say eat You say eat and i’ll feed the baby eat Oh she’s eating She likes the food you say eat and i’ll Feed her more She likes it Say eat Good job baby good job Thank you for helping me feed the baby Eat [Music] That’s a big bite baby good job The baby is eating Feeding baby feeding baby food Eat Wow i think the baby is all done all Done All done broccoli all done all done All done i hear her saying all done Good job baby we say that we’re all done We say that we’re all done when our

Tummy is so full we say that we’re all Done All done ready to play All done eating ready to play Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a Pig good job pig E-i-e-i-o with an oink oink here and an Oink oink there Here an oink there and oink everywhere An oink oink old macdonald had a Pig e-i-e-i-o Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on that farm he had a what is that Doc good job e-i-e-i-o With a quack quack here and a quack Quack there here a quack there a quack Everywhere quack quack Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o Let’s see who comes out next old Macdonald had a farm E-i-e-i-o and on his farm he had a Sheep good job e-i-e-i-o With a baa baa here and a baa [Music] Now i’m going to have you fill in all The animals Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And on his farm he had a E-i-e-i-o with a neigh neigh here and a Neigh neigh E-i-e-i-o Old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o And

Old macdonald had a chicken e-i-e-i-o Great job filling in the animals i’m Proud of you Oh no the baby is crying Wait wait what should we Do let’s give the baby a pacifier She’s a little baby so she still uses a Pacifier Put it in put it in put it [Music] She stopped crying Is happy with her pacifier good job You helped the baby stop crying Stick to your head And you pull them and you pull them and You pull them away [Music] Stick to your elbows And you pull them and you [Music] To your tummy And you pull them away Stick to your ears Are they on your knees and you pull them And you pull them And you pull them away [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Put them on your grown-up and you pull Them and you pull them And you pull them away that was so Fun one more time

Yay that was so much fun look what i Found It’s a surprise egg Should we open it say open and we’ll see What’s inside Oh ben it’s opening Ah it’s a fire Truck what does a fire truck say Maybe if you do the siren the fire truck Will go really fast We try it louder and it will go even Faster Wow good job Thank you for doing the siren i can Drive really fast when you do the siren Can you get out your two hands one two Great job open shut Them open shut them give A little clap clap clap Open shut them open shut them Put them in your lap lap lap Creep them crawl them creep them crawl Them Right up to your chin Open wide your little mouth But do not let them in that was so silly Ready set [Music] Go Now let’s do it really fast ready set go Ready set go where She’s crying again hmm what should we Do let’s give her a toy Can you say toy toy

Toy where Where give baby toy oh she has the toy And she stopped crying Good job i’m so Happy because you’re here with me Singing Let’s sing if you’re happy and you know It clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it stomp Your feet If you’re happy and you know it stomp Your feet stomp stomp If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you Know it stomp your feet if you’re happy And you know It shout hooray hooray if you’re happy And you know it shout hooray All right if you’re happy and you know It and you really [Music] If you’re happy and you know [Applause] If you’re happy and you know it touch Your nose If you’re happy and you know it touch

Your nose If you’re happy and you know it and you Really want to show it if you’re happy And you know it touch your nose That was so much fun now it’s our last Time let’s clap our hands again If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If you’re happy and you know it clap Your hands If [Music] Great job what’s this It’s a comb can you help me comb the Baby’s hair Say comb say comb Calm good job We’re combing the baby’s hair we’re Combing the baby’s hair We’re making the baby look so nice we’re Combing the baby’s Hair good job Next let’s do the itsy bitsy spider i’m Going to need your help Here’s the house Now let’s get the spider the itsy bitsy Spider Went up the water spout Down came the Rain that’s right so let’s put a Cloud and what did you say Rain let’s see how much rain we have one Two three Down came the rain and

Washed the spider out out Came the sun that’s right so we take Off the rain out came the Sun and dried up all the rain That’s the sun and the itsy bitsy spider Went up the spout uh Again good job thanks for singing with Me Uh oh can you say uh oh The baby was playing in the sand and now She’s Dirty uh oh What do we need to do to clean the baby If she’s dirty We need to give her a Bath yeah the baby’s covered in dirt So we need to give her a bath Let’s go get her bath should the baby Wear her clothes in the bath No so silly we don’t wear clothes in the Bath No can you shake your head no I shake my head to say no i shake my Head to say no i shake my head No no no i shake my head to say no Good job that’s so silly Off take clothes Off off Off take off Now we need to put the baby in the bath Can you say in put her In put her in put her In oh she’s happy in her bath Now what do we need to wash the baby

It begins with the sound Water we’re gonna pour In some water you stay in and i’ll pour The water in Pour it in pour it and pour it And you said in so i’m pouring the water In She likes the water on her little Toesies She likes the water on her toes She’s laughing she likes the bath Now we have some pretend soap let’s put It On the baby put it on put it on Put it on putting the pretend soap On the baby on the baby And in the water now we take a washcloth And we wash the baby wash baby Wash baby wash baby Good job washing the baby wash baby’s Feet Wash baby’s legs Wash baby’s head wash baby’s hair Wash baby’s ears wash baby’s Arms wash baby’s hands She likes the water Now i’m gonna rinse off the baby when i Rinse off her hair I’ll put my hand here so we don’t get Any soap in her eyes I like that yeah It doesn’t hurt water feels good I like the bath oh the baby likes the Bath

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Rinse off the baby rinse her hair Good job baby rinse off the baby Yay the baby is getting so Clean now the baby’s all done the bath All done all done bath All done bath so we’re gonna take her Out take baby out Okay let’s get a nice Warm towel ready for the baby Oh she doesn’t want to leave the bath It’s okay You’ll have another bath tomorrow maybe She’s Cold let’s wrap her in the towel Put her in put her in put her In wrap her in the towel She feels so warm and happy now Thank you for my bath Bomb Oh she’s babbling let’s listen to what She’s trying to say [Music] Yes you’re a baby Oh you’re so cute i love you baby Give the baby a hug and a kiss so much Fun Thank you for helping me give the baby a Bath good job the baby is All clean oh clean All done bath can you get out your Paddles and pretend you’re in a boat Yeah good job row row row your boat Gently down the stream if you see an Alligator don’t forget to scream

Ah good job That was fun the more we get together Together together The more we get together the happier We’ll be cause your friends are my Friends and my friends Are your friends the more we get Together The happier we’ll be can you try the Sign for more More Good job this stuffed animal is a doggy Can you say Dog dog Dog can you say hi doggie Hi doggy what does a dog say Can you bark Now let’s give her this what is this Called Water let’s help the baby take a drink Of Water ah the baby is drinking her water The baby is drinking the baby Had some broccoli and now she’s having Some water I think we’ll have to change her diaper Soon The baby’s all done water Oh we have to change the baby’s diaper So we pull these And we change the baby’s diaper Oh she did a poo poo gotta get a nice Clean diaper for the baby Okay let’s put on the nice clean diaper

Put it on put it on put it On good job you’re helping change the Baby Hey guys jules here let’s try head Shoulders knees and toes are you ready Let’s start at a slow tempo Head shoulders knees and Toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes Knees and toes eyes and Ears and mouth and nose Head shoulders knees and toes Knees and toes we’re Awesome let’s do it again but a little Bit Faster let’s try a faster tempo Are you ready head shoulders knees and Toes Knees and toes Knees and toes knees and toes eyes and Ears and mouth and nose Head shoulders knees and toes Knees and toes awesome job Okay let’s try it really really fast Are you ready head shoulders knees and Toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and Toes Eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head shoulders knees and toes That was fast let’s try it As fast as we can are you ready That was so fast but you all did so good Give yourself a high five can you do

This We have to be quiet because the mouse Is sleeping Copy me shh The mouse is in this bag should we take It out Yeah yeah yes Okay take it out The mouse is in its bed shh we have to Be Quiet hello The mouse woke up the mouse woke Up let’s take the mouse out Can you say hi mouse wave hello Hi mouse hi friend The mouse is saying hi to you hello Can you sing my song sure let’s sing the Mouse’s song Hickory dickory dock the mouse went Up the clock the clock struck one Can you show me one with your hand one The mouse went down Hickory dickory dock tick tock Tick tock tick tock tick tock Hickory dickory dock let’s try it again But Faster hickory dickory dock the mouse Went up The clock the clock shark won the mouse Went down hickory dickory dock Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock Yay i’m tired Shh the mouse wants to go back to sleep We have to be

Quiet can you do this shh Let’s put the mouse in the bed And let’s put the mouse in the back Good job Uh oh i dropped my toy Can you say uh oh uh Oh let’s sing the o song Uh oh i dropped my toy this is the o Song i dropped my toy This is the o song Ready set go So silly ready Set [Music] Go Give the stuffed animal a hug give the Stuffed animal a kiss [Music] I want some milk we ask for milk like This We ask for milk like this when we’re Thirsty and need a drink we ask for milk Like this Good job milk [Music] Do i want this toy Yeah yes yes I want the horse yeah Yeah i nod my head to say yes I nod my head to say yes i’m on my head To tell you yeah i nod in my head to say Yes Yes yeah good job Does elmo want the horse yeah

Yeah elmo wants the horse Yes this is the sign for mama Mama um Lips together [Music] Mama this is the sign for da da Da da good job [Music] Let’s sing mama mama Let’s sing dada da da [Music] Let’s sing baby baby Let’s clap those mama Da baby Yay can you say Mama mama Can you say mama’s name can you say Da da da da da Can you say daddy’s name we asked for Help like this We ask for help like this when we don’t Know what to do we ask for help like This Help help help help health This is the sign for open open Open turn it on turn it On turn it on Your turn turn it on turn it On turn it good job Get out your five little ducks good job Five little ducks went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But only four little ducks came back

One two three four Four little ducks went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But only three little ducks came back One two three Three little ducks went up one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But only two little ducks came Back one two Two little ducks went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But only one little duck came back Can you show me one just one one finger One little duck went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said quack quack quack quack But none of the five little ducks came Back Mother duck is feeling very sad Sad mother duck went Out one day Over the hill and far Away mother duck Said quack quack quack quack And all of the five little ducks came Back Yay The duck found its mama thank you So much i found my mama Yay thank you give you a kiss Around and around is the name of the

Game Around and around and what’s my name Julie julie’s here today Julie’s here today everybody shout Whoo [Music] Around and around is the name of the Game Around and around and what’s my name Georgie georgie’s here today Georgie’s here today everybody shout Hurray georgie’s here today This cow is a mama see here’s the Baby mama Baby mama Mama can you say mama put your lips Together Um [Music] Mama good job Let’s sing about mamas mama’s here Today mama’s here today Everybody shout hurray Mama’s here today Yay this horse has a baby So he’s a da da da Let’s sing about dadas dad dad’s here Too Day Day you said day you are doing Awesome gentle I’m petting the lamb and i’m being very Gentle gentle Car car

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Car wow Look the boy is driving A silver car This is the way we drive the car drive The car Drive the car this is the way we drive The car Every single day Let’s do it really fast this is the way We drive the car Drive the car drive the car this is the Way we drive the car every single day That was so fast now let’s drive the car Slow This is the way we drive the car Drive the car drive the car This is the way we drive the car Every single day That was so slow great job driving the Car with me What color is this car Green green Green the boy Is driving the white toy car Beep beep beep beep [Music] The cars are driving up up Up up Up up I see a red car I want i want car I want the car Hi yellow car Bye bye yellow car

Bye bye Bye the boy is making a track For his cars race car On a track building a car with Legos Pink car push the car The boy is pushing the car Push Push Do you want to see what’s inside this Egg do you want to pretend to hold it So you say give me Give me good job I’m giving you the egg i’m pretending to Give you the egg Should we open it let’s see what’s Inside say open Open what’s the surprise oh it’s a Yellow Ball awesome throw the ball catch the Ball Throw the ball catch the ball throw Catch Throw catch yay Can you touch your nose and then jump up And down Yay good job Do you have a teddy bear Wow if you want you can get out your Teddy bear for this Rhyme teddy bear teddy bear Turn around teddy bear teddy bear Touch the ground teddy bear teddy bear Reach up high teddy bear teddy bear

Touch the sky teddy bear teddy bear Bend down low teddy bear teddy bear Touch your toes teddy bear teddy bear Go to bed oh teddy bear teddy bear Rest your head teddy bear teddy bear Turn off the light click teddy bear Teddy bear say Good night oh the teddy bear so Tired pretend to go to sleep or put your Teddy bear to bed That’s our alarm clock we have to get up And sing more Songs teddy bear teddy bear Find your nose boink Teddy bear teddy bear touch your toes Oh touch your toes teddy bear teddy bear Touch your knees Are you touching your knees teddy bear Teddy bear Sit down please are you sitting down Good job let’s close this door Close let’s see what happens When we press this turn it on Turn it on turn it on oh did you see the Little chicks came up they want to play Peek-a-boo Pika boo So cute pika Boo can you put your lips together like This Good job Oh no the Chicken is going up Up up

Up the barn uh oh The chicken’s going inside are you Okay uh oh i’m Okay i just wanted to fly up the barn Oh okay up Up up up Up so high the chicken is On top of the barn Whoa can you help me Yeah we can help let’s get the chicken Down can you say down Down we got the chicken down You saved the chicken good job Turn it on turn it on turn it On good job You say on and the chicken will press The button Turn it on turn it on turn it Off And she takes a little rest oh it said The mama has a little nest where she can Rest so let’s put her in You say n put her in put her in Put her in Good job she’s in her nest yay Put it in put it in put it In good job Look what i found since we’ve been Talking about Farm animals let’s see what this toy Does Hmm [Music] Can you do that how can we get

This to work we have to turn it On turn it on turn it on Turn it ah [Music] Hi let’s go on a farm adventure [Music] It’s playing music you say in And i’ll push the ball in In wow And [Applause] [Music] So fun do you know what this Is it’s a Train look at my mouth Choo choo chugga chugga chugga chugga Choo choo Let’s say the train sound and maybe the Train will start Running [Music] It worked now let’s stay up and we’ll See what surprises are in the train Can you say up you say Up up Good job i’m proud of you say up Up good job it’s a puppy So cute say up Up it’s a kitty wow Say up up it’s a Ducky hooray they all came to say hi to You Hi can you wave to them can you say Ball put your lips together

Ball you said ball and two balls came Out You say go and i’ll throw them in the Air ready Set go go That was fun you say elmo and let’s see If elmo comes out Elmo [Music] Elmo came out yay Almost here today elmo’s here today Everybody shout hooray elmo’s here today Great job let’s do elmo again and you Fill in day elmo’s here Too elmo’s here too Everybody shout hoo ray Almost here to Day you did it Good job the elmo doll is proud of you And happy let’s sing about you You’re my friend my friend is here today My friend is here today everybody shout Hooray My friend is here today you’re my Friend let’s make elmo play peek-a-boo Pika say boo Boo he came out Peek up you say boo Boo he came out He likes to play with you pika put your Lips together It’s elmo elmo’s clapping for you You did a great job this is the sign for No

And we shake our head no no no No no no no this is the sign for yes Yes and we nod our head Yes yes Yes or we can say yeah Yeah okay you say dell And fill it in the song the farmer and The dell here we go The farmer and the the farmer and the Hi-ho the derry-o the farmer and the Dell Good job what’s that sound What animal makes that sound You’re right a dog oh Hi it’s our friend bingo hmm Bingo what’s wrong you look sad I’m sad because i forgot how to spell my Name Oh we can help you Do you guys at home think you can help Bingo remember how to spell his name Can you help yeah i bet if we sing the Song bingo you’ll remember Okay There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o B-i-n-g-o b-i-n-g-o Bingo was his name-o this time let’s Clap for the bee [Music] There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o i-n-g-o I-n-g-o i-n-g-o And bingo was his name-o now he clap for

The bee And the eye there was a farmer had a dog And bingo Was his name-o n-g-o N-g-o n-g-o and bingo was His name-o now for the b-i-n You ready there was a farmer who had a Dog and bingo was his name-o G-o g-o G-o and bingo was his name-o Now for the b-i-n-g There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o Oh and bingo was his name-o Now we’re gonna do it for all the Letters it’s gonna be so tricky Do you think you can do it i know you Can There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o And bingo was his name-o And bingo was his name-o Yay you guys did an amazing job Thank you thank you so much do you Remember how to spell your name now i Know yay Thank you thank you so much Thank you oh no I think i hear a shark Maybe we should sing baby shark [Music] [Music] Daddy [Music]

[Applause] Let’s go [Music] So glad we’re safe [Music] You

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About the Author: Irene Jones

I was a teacher in the Philadelphia Public School System for over 20 years. I love teaching preschoolers and watching them progress from wide eyed blank slates to being able to read and write. The pride they enjoy from advancing their abilities and seeing their imagination grow is the greatest reward a teacher can receive.